f RAMBLING gKETCHgg OF OAK GROVE NEWS (By Mrs. William Wright) Sunday school Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock. Preaching Immediate' 1 j after by the pastor. Rev. W. L Hawkins ef Oaatoola. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Champion and obildrftn, Sarah and Howard, Mr. J. H. Champion and Miss Coleen Ellis spont the week-end In Ocata, Fla., vit-oliig in the homes o( Mr. aud Mrs. J. D. Champion and Mr. and ' Mrs. Robert Ware. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Lovelace ol I'aUereon Grove were tbe guests ot Mr and Mrs. Ebun McSwatu over the week-end. Announcements have been received announcing the birth ot a daughter. Wauda Ruth, to Mr. and Mrs.., ft inam uwr grs*u)attous BUI ^nd Sarah. Mr. ard Mrs. F. C Ware and daughter, Anuette. Mr. and Mrs. Jatn?s S. Ware visited them recently. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lovelace and daughters visited Sunday with Mr. . and Mrs. John Hamrick ot Rolling Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Wood row Ware of QUICK RK8ULTS ? LOW COOT HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS 2e a word for first Insertion; half price for subsequent Inter-| lion*. Minimum charge 2Ec.<- ( Do not ask for Information regarding "keyed" ada, aa they are atrlctly confidential. If error la made, The Herald 13 reaponaible for only one incorrect insertion. The cuatomer i* responsible for aubaequent inaertiona. The advertiaer ahould netify Immediately of any correctiona needWant ads are always caah In advance except to buafneaa men or concerna having account* with this newapaper. HEAR A. J. MAXWELL ? CANDI date for governor, speak over .Radio Stutiou WSOC, Charlotte, from 7:30 to 7V45 Thursday nigh*, Mr.y 9. WANTED TO RENT FIVE ROOM HOUSE F. C. HUMPHRIES 308 WACO KO,U> It FOR SALE: Caihliage and Tomato ..Plantar Popular varieties. PayKnur's Tourist Camp. Phono 236M "-'.REMEMBER ? On Saturday you get one of our delicious Banana Splits for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. SHOE SHINES Sc. Kiugs Mouutaifi bpoe snop. we call ror and dellv er. 1-18-tf. FQR SALE CHEAP ?' Good 1100 pound mule. See P. C. Humphries XiS Waco Road, or call 224-X. WEEK-END I BANANAS ? 5 Pounds PKEM ? 12 Oz. MOTHER'S DAY CAKI SHREDDED WHEAT JTELLO ? (Any Flavor Blalock and M Mountain Street. 1 THE CLA v ? / Jy Wtsh/^/ti^mS^L 'v, "i -. v . ,* eV ' ' ?..>. '> v -'u . , - > ... * n Vsle wore Sunday visitors la the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bell. There will he a birthday dinner at Mr. Lee Blantoa's Sunday. The dinner la being given In honor et Mrs. Jim Lovolaoe who la celebrating her TIM; birthday anniversary, live public Is Invited to come and bring well filled baskets. Mr. and Mts. J. S. Ware has as their Sunday dinner guoets Mr. and Mrs. Sylvauus Greene and daughter Elizabeth, of Shelby. Prof. O. W. and Mrs. Morris and daughter, Rebecca of Beth-Ware, Mr T. E. Thornton, Assistant Farm Agent, of Shelby, MUs Daisy Hawkins of Gastonla. Misses Pauline and Virginia Ware, were recent din ner guests of the writer and family. Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Ledford and family of Vale, N. C., were visitors Id the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lovelace during the week-end. ? Aiders* was the dinner guest of Misses Pau line and Virginia Ware 8uuday. House Cleaning Hints Given By Home Agent Spring housecleaning is a duty facing homemakcrs' at lW> time of (he year, and Miss Ruth Current. State home demonstration agent of the .Agricultural Extension Service has several suggestions to make the job easier. In the first place, she'says housecleaning should be organized. Just one room at a time and the Job well done is her advice. Titan she offers the following hints: Window cleaning may be wel! done by using paper instead of a cloth.. Choose soft paper that does not lint. Various cleaning preparations ntay be used with either paper or cloth. Clear water with a few' drops of ammonia, or clear water > with about one tablespoon of washing soda dissolved in the pall make' efficient cleaners. On -.very cold days the cloth tuay be moistened with alcohol or good kerosene. Win dows should be cleaned when the sun s not shining on them directly, ns it causes uneven evaporation of the cleanser and gives a streaked surface, . For cleaning of varnished or oiled woodwork, the following mixture is good: One quart of hot water, 3 tablespoons of boiled linseed oil. and one tablespoon of turpentine. Wash tlie woodwork with a boft cloth wrung out in this mixture, kept warm by setting oyer hot water. Do not heat directly on the stove because the turpentine is Inflammable. Polish the #woodwork dry with a second cloth. Discard the mixture as it becomes soiled and mix a fresh supply. Give upholstered furniture a good sun bath at least twice a, year. This will prevent moths, especially if the npsolstery is kept free of udst or frequent brushing Four-H Club boys of Sampson County are being taught to make such useful articles as anvils, terra ring (1. gs. tables, etc. Where lie applied Bordeaux and cuprocide sprays on his strawberry plants, an outstanding difference for the better can he observed, says M. B. Bauier, of Chinquapin, a Duplin. County grower. ' . i i ,i - i ? . SPECIALS 25c : k 30c 3S 39c to 50c ' toe :< ) ' 5c Grocery [arket Phone 58 ' ' I. I > ' ' . . ; - '< a KPW MOUNTAIN HKRALD THiS 'N THAT 87 Alio* Burton Patterson Grove Section iluy 6.?Fitter son Orove Bchoo closed Friday with exercises by th< pupils and others Thursday' nigh A large number were present ant all seats were filled and sevral bat 10 stand. The Southernaires (they once cal ed themselves the Mountaineers), t string band composed Clyd< Greene, Buddy Raymond and Char lie Dover, all youug men 01' Ktngi Mountain, (began the eiursxtautnent ly pla> lug a couple of selections They also played' between acts o the plays and other features of tht progism, which a as presented ii by the girls. ?..tl ?> is wYi' * friiopitje* Mlt'i?4 brief talk and presented the meda to Melba Ruth Costner. The graduating class was ther called to the stage and Mr. Morrli railed their names and Mrs. CrooV presented Certificates to: Nunc) IMouk, Ruth Capps. Melba Rutt vosmer. t-ervis seism ana rai ru: nam. The I.ions Ciub quurtet theii saiu this order: The Land O'Slowpokes. a three act play, by the first and second grades. A Sour, by a number, ot schoo l>o> s. 'How Bobby Put It Over, u-two-act play by the fourth and fifth grades Sonx. My Orandj'ath"r's ('loch, by a group of school girls. What's In A Name?. a 'wo-acl play by the t>th and 7th grades. A S.'lig. Spring!\ne Peek-A-Boo several selections and ?- it was al over. We enjoyed it all very much, Th< music, tin* singing *and the playt were all good. The pupils all did their parts well and the costume! and stage furnishings were perfec for each sccite. So we congratulate all who tool part in the enter.talnmept for tlieli good performance and the teacher! for having the patience to tea'cl and direct the pupils in their parts The Patterson Grove Home Be tnonstration club visited Mrs. Lloyd Phlfer recently to .see the improve meats made In her kitchen. One' Ini provement made' was an Old Iinol cum imp that Mrs Pliiffr lmd nntnt od and waxed and made to look lik? new. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carroll havi announced tlie birth of a son. Davit Kusene. Sunday April 28th. Th< Carroll's live in Klnt;s Mountain but have several relatives In thli section who w-111 be interested It the -announcement. Sunday school will be next Sun dav at 10:00 o'clock; The offerint will so to the Baptist Hospital 'it Winston-Salem. I. * I If1*! j||| W/ STAR WMUtS lAMttTSBlMt SMWiDUBlAfii Ifil RE9 That was enough to squelct THURSDAY, l&AY ?. 1H4 ' "Fresh Fields" To Be Presented By Plonk School of Creative Arts , , "FRESH FIELDS", a comedy in 1 three acts, by Ivor Novcllo. will be & presented by the Plonk School o( t Creative Arts of Ashevllle at the i liiith School Auditorium In Shelbv * . ? ? . - ~~ " I on Monday evening. May 13th.. at K-.'oo o'clock. The play la sponsored I by tin- Shelby Lions Club. 1 The Plonk School Is directed by 9 l.uiir.i and Lillian Plonk, nutlves of w Kings Mountain. The fact that It Is 1 presented under their direction as1 aures au evening of excellent en^ teriainment. The play was t'rst pre ' son ted by the School In Ashovllle 5 and was repeated later finder the 1 sponsorship of the Association of t' tjjyi'.rslty^ Women XbA r cast includes Lucy Oaston. c-f Ashe1 vJlle. Ka'Jtcnlne Phillips at Savannah Mary Helen Hambright of 1 Kngs Mountain. Sarah Cecil and 1 Plorenco Andrews of AshevIUe. HIi Uan Alderman of Miami. J. D Miar on ol Yomaesee. S.C.. and Rush 1 Wrnv who also assists In the proL duct Ion of the play. . Miss Florence Lutz luid charge of production. This play was presented on Rroad I way for several months. Several per sons who saw the play in New' York I and - who saw the performance of the students of the' Plonk School said the latter performance computed favorably with the play as pre r sen ted in New York. Tlte students of the School will "also., give a nible Program at the First Baptist (Jlnfrch in AdhovUlc. on Sunday evening. May 11th af I S'On o'dlock. * * > I I r - i I I rnrsrsT 1 I || ' 9 mmm I wi I WHY ^^suusiy _ H I^^^MSnMVilx^UAJft . ?. .. .- - . . Mrftfu- - _ wmmmmm li//J J?{tJ f CLEVEL Phone 49 i mm. Tim Mi t. i rouo you once oce W{ WOUUONCVeRipeAK- JO YOU tm WHAT'S MOtffi VOU'RG A U Wf AND IF IHAOSUCH AFUHNY Ft ga covefteo with FReoccerAi YZ Pus nose l^r s* . y *OUU> N'T J ( -0 J TOrro rT^ b ^ I - >V . \" S'V? ' V A> - ^ ' . ' ?? > ^Vrv K^ v3 pp^^^ Tour dollar* that are saved o W arc loaned to your ncighboi remodel or refmanct their Home*, means more job* for local peopfc Keep your money at Home a local business and help you. ( loan here. This association is o Jttd financed entirely by home 3 HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATIC A. H. Patterson, Sec'y-' A LOCAL. IMBTITUTIOH rOl J ISubscribe to Th. |Y PAY MOREl The Style Hit of the Yw I Apoond Only on Chevrolet and on Higher-Prired Cert T* Supreme on I^tnd, See and-in the Air magmmmmmmmmmmmwmmummummmmmmmmmmmm H ir Automatic Only Driver ^ I Smoother. Steadier. Saier I The Uxt Word In Safety or Smoother. More Reliable Operation * *! Di La*? ? 4 u - _ -'- ?* Um Mm *j?r tnm^ortc ^ iUne "fa* OBrf //, f/J immii rouu cpN-600PAfr?^N i? twti itrr -1r *"* ~ ? c invested with i to build, buy, More building l>;. iiete it will aid 3et your home managed, folk*. A LOAN )N IYeas. e Herald ' ^b?v* H ^Kf : H;>, r ^k ? X \ >" ^I ^ By i lr"^ ^KP No other car, regardless of price, I coriImmi all these I Chevrolet quality features No other car, I regardless of price, I can match Chev- I 11 rolet an public I danand S xv I Bui| It! I i priced at Ffini, Midi. ? rtion bated on rod ratet, local taxm (if any), Kfmpment and occetto3. Priam mtbfect to Ihoet notice. >R CO. ;s Mountain, N. C. CROSBY me *?*>cr*rcft ?*IU>K*T?, * '* * .