SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of INTE PHON . ENTERTAIN AT EVENING PARTY. > / Mrs. Claude Hambrlght and Mtsa f Bra Plonk 'were hostesses at bridge , 1 entertaining at the home of the t(p<\ vjppr on last mriaay evening. Spring flower* were arranged in the living room, library and dining room. Mrs. Robrt Miller scored high and reiving attractive trophies. Mr*. Myron Rhyne. a recent bride was presented a set of Maderia nap kins. A tetnptUut^aalad and sweet course wtnr-fiflrved after the game. Guests included Mesdames Proctor Thompson. Harry Page. Jacob Cooper, Billy Mnuney, Fred Plonk. Myronr IJ.b>ne. John MoGlll, Harry Warren. Karl McGlll. Harold Hunni cutt. Howard Jackson, Robert MI1F or, Joe Thomson, Hugh Ormand, T.ogan Stowe. Misses Sara Kate Qrmand. Helen .Hay, Mildred Moss, Margaret Sjnlth Fanny Carpenter, Martha Frances McGlll, Nina Jackson. Elizabeth Ware. Dorothy Patter son and Helen Rldenhour. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY AbthUyERSARY Miss Al'Ja Jean Davis celebrated / her tenth birthday anniversary by' f entertaining a number of her young V friends at her home on East Moun \^jtfin street Friday afternoon. On arrival the guests were serv , , ed lemonade and cookies. Games wqre played on the lawn : after w ntch the youngsters engaged in an Interesting contest with Miss i Lou Ann Hemdon as prize winner. - The hostess was presented a has ket of lovely gifts from her kuests. , The basket was later filled wth faW fSPEED WINS IN A RACE, Buf\ 1 SLOW BUMMING WINS MY VOTE IN A CIGARETTE. I SMOKE CAMELS. CAMELS ARE EXTRA MILD, EXTRA COOL. AND THEIR SLOWER BURNING \ GIVES ME EXTRA SMOKING 1 \\ JIMMIE KELLY, Daring Speed Ace of Mo tor-Cycle Racing In recent laboratory tettt, CAMELS burned 25% slower than the average of the 15 other of the largest-selling brands tested ? slower than my of them. That meant, on the at> crate, a tmolring pint equal to SMOKES 'i i .1 i .I Ml EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVORCamels Msw-liriRg Csttfsr Te>e?m MICKEY AND HIS issgsslsg; * *Xr A AOMttK* IN CKrWUtfrt AU lAwowa/ rn trw cih/ you ha RISE i ' . "... V V ' %;>y* V. ' . * " V - ' III I ??? . HAPPENINGS REST to V ES 10-R AND 88 MRS- A org tor the youngsters. .. . Dixie ?1 ?~nr~ sprv ed. Mrs. .Davis was assisted by Mrs. F. E. Finger in entertaining and serving. Guests included Misses Hetty and Jean Cash. Dorothy Fulton, Margie l*?u and Nancy Dickey. Betsy. Btoue Mildred Mae Goforth. Lou Ann Hern don, Joe and Sara Catherine Fails. Lynch. Jean Webb, Lenora PlonkJ' Dorcas Carpenter, Frances ard Mar ; aaret Williams and Peggy ParrislJ.! ' . \i' *" * BRIDGE HOSTESS Mrs. i muae tiamorignt ana .Miss ; , Bva Plonk wore hostesses'at a most | dellijritful bridge party entertaining I at the home of rhe former, on Thurs < duy afternoon. The rooms were J j tastefully arranged with a profus-| ion of spring flowers. . Mrs. O. W. Myers received i score prize and Mrs. C. D. Blantok i consolation. Mrs. Myron Rhyne. aX^ recent bride, was presented an honor gift. j j A delicious salad course with ac- , cesRorles and a sweet course was served. Guests included Mesdarnes P. G. 1 Padgett* B. S. Nelll. O. W. Myers. , \V. J. Fulkerscn. W. T. Weir. Joh.i Gamble, Arnold Kiser. Fred Pionk. I.add Ilamriek. Charles Williams. II. B. Rlackroer. C. I). Blant'on. N. F. i i Mi-Gill. Ms A. Ware. .1. K. Willis. Bill Howard, Carl Mauney, I B. Goforth. J. B. Keeter. Harold Craw- i ford. Carl Davidson. Aubrey Maun- j _ .. ' /"? n . Td. n a n?/1 tf.,. At'nllo **>. * . r. i iiuina^puu anu .rma v/imic j Klser. 'T j ? 4 ^rtJNlOR 'WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS\, Thb Junior Woman's Club met on^ Monday evening. May 6th. at the j home of Mrs. Paul McGinnis, withy Mrs. McGinnis and Mrs. John C^yrt -?M*y as hostesses. -?' |i After .the business was attended * to. Mrs. Charles Gates, the president! told the cluib of her trip to Greens-' boro to attend the Convention of l The North Carolina Pedera.ion of f Women's Clubs and discussed with j the club some new- ideas which she/ had brought back from the OonvenJ tion. # I ( A social hour, during which, thi } hostesses served a salad and sweer> course was then enjoyed. The following names were added ( to the club roll as new members: Mesdames Elmo Bridges, and Grady MeCarter, and Misses Martha Prances McUiil, Margaret Corhwell, Mary Sue McGinnis. and Lucille Mc- ^ Glnnis. NATION HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTS NEW MEMBERS Seven members, three from the ] Senior Class and. four from . the Junior, were nduoted at the recent induction exercises of the National Honor Society. Mothers of those Inducted had been secretly invited for the impressive ceremon/, a\d wrre on hand to witness It. New members j are not Informed of their selection unui tfiey are caueo irom xo? auaience to take the oath. Fifteen percent of the class can he members at the local Kings Mountain high school chapter of the organisation. There were already 9 members in the organization. Those Inducted recently were: Rachel Mo Clain, Billy Tferomeburg, Betty Lee Neisler and Doris White, of the Junior Class; and Agnes Aberaathy . Eollne Keeter and F&ye Moss, of the Senior Class. This is the highest scholastic hon or which can be bestowed upon a student in Kings Mountain Hi^h School. MA I [Ujl?n i^| ACHER SEZb lve In clean, airy barns and Teen pastures sweat with tWn nd clover, and right there, .ve the secret" of the delicious and creamy goodness of SUN iDAIRY MII>K. BB9 [snssss) JJ \ OtirVIBfO TO / \toutooo* / TM? PMM MOCTWAW HMilP /OMEN H. PATTERSON, Editor Personals .? Miss Kuby Kalis of- G&stonin spent the week-end In Kings Mountain. .Mrs. O. C. O'Karrell spent Tueailay In UaStonia. Herbert Plonk of Raleigh spent Mr. iwttl Mrs. Krelano Tidwcll, Mrs. Nina Wolf and Miss Kthel Hob erts spent Sunday In AshevlUe. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davis spent tile week-end in Gastonla with her Hunt, Mrs. D. S. Rhyne, ?o? Mr. Mrs. J. L Settlemyre spent Sunday with her sister. Mrs. DC~-f5^ Ithyne in Gustonia. Edward Long of Council, N. C., spent ye weekend with relatives'" it Kings Mountain. ??? Mrs. D. Goforth is a patient in Duke Hospital. .Durham, where she underwent an operation last week. Mr. Tommle Trott of Kaunapolis was a Kings Mountain visitor Sunlay. . ' 1 ..." -O ? Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Goodman of Hickory were guests of relatives Sunday. ' .. ??o? Miss Helen Stewart. Mr. George kVare and Mr. Otto Williams of this Mace, and ' Miss Janet.. Walker of Jastonla spent Sunday' at I'ngelnnd, Mr. and Mrs. H. I). High of Ashe^ llle" will spend Mother's Day Sunlay .with Mrs. High's mother. Mrg^l K E. McLaughen. Miss M?lva Settlemyre attended he Boiling Springs College banquet it the Charles Hotel in Shelby Sat u-uay nignt. ?o? The many friend's of Mrs. R. "W. 'oster will be glad to learn that die is recovering nicely from a maiOj__operation in the Shelby hospital^ ?o ? t Miss Dorothy Plonk, student of ireensboro College, spent the pastveek-end with her parents, Mr. and i virs. John Plonk. Miss Mary Blakely of the School faculty at Blacksburg was the week end guest of her brother, W. E. Rlakely, and family. ?o? C. E. Neisler has returned from a business trip to New York City. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Wm P. Brewer of Norfolk, Va., nee Miss Pauline Neisler of this place. Mrs. Fred Sftallwoi^h returned home yesterday afternoon from Oar rison Hospital in Oastonla where she has been a patient for over a week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Logan Meadows and children of Union 8. C., were recent guetts of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Plonk. L' (ration carries LaFay- ,j KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. PhonM 41-41 ' "* * - .*. '\- ; * .'. .' % ' '. . 4* - V i^: ' - - " : . ' -, '-/ ' .fi^'i W. B. PAYSEUR Landscape Gardner Shrubbery of all Kinds Lincolnton, N. C. Box 365 ' ? ^ ^+++++++j-+++++++++ ++++ MD I And Belk's has the loveli< I Charming and new ? an | ?Dresses and Hats :j v*-shps ? ?Hose ? ? I ?Bags ' '-it ;; ?Gowns ? ][ ?Pajamas | f Nh ? I | We< j Belk's ftRMRIW i < / -1 > . .i N J ' ? / THURSDAY, MAY #, 1IM i ' -if .11 ??i m i i Mn. K??4o*? and MM. Plonk in sinters. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Crook were called to Rock Hill, 8. C. on account ot the death of Mr. Crook's sister, which occurred Wednesday. Kuuer al and burial will take place this (Thursday) afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Loftln of this plaoe and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ratchford of Dallas, parents of Mrs Loftln, spent several days In Wash, Irurton. D C... where, they .were called on account of the death of a kinsman.* , Attorney Joe Guyton and Mrs. Guyton of Kosiesko, Miss., stopped over to visit their cousins, Mrs. Mhnms and Miss Agnes Morris while en route to Charkwte to at^f*' > Miss Eleanor Quyton at Queens Col liege; Utie small .'{rain crop in Staly Cotjntv apparently han recovered completely from the damage done by the cold at Easter, says J E. Wtl son. farm agent of the State College Extension Service. 1 1 ) ,0 * -*". .-* NEXT SUNDAY IS MOTHER'S DAY It's funny about these mothers, The thing? they cherish so, ' I , t" ' ' ' ' M Our locks of hair, our little shoes, We wore so long ago. To you who still have mothers, _ Let them know you think they're grand, And this Mother's Day, let's not forget One Mother in this land, \ " Remember her withflowers , Walters Flowers . Phone 95 ?IV 7.". ' W ^ ' * 1 \ , Inesday, May 15th ' *' < > . i Dept. Store 1ER?You Always Save At BELK'S \ . . -? .* . V < . - . MM : -A*d rnlliimMiBitrfi'- * * .. ? .. . iA^ sunday, may 12th Mother's Day and ? .. vera's beauty shoppe is equipped and ready to enhance the Beauty of ail Mothers, so call for an appointment. ?Don't Forget Our Tuesday Specials We now have a supply of IMRA, a real Cosmetic Depilatory. Vera's Beauty Shoppe 88-R #r xaf MNAnal cr\fta in fnwn fnr Hav I AH # |?V?0Va??Ni ^ U M? WVTT ? * v? 4'?wv??v? *-? 'W/ , p id especially priced! *'..'. .- ' 1 ' r- ' 1 f ' ' i > ?House Coats ?Cosmetics . ? ( . r ?Novelties ?Handkerchiefs -. < ' ?Dress Lengths, Special Mother's < ' Patterns ' . '/IS ?Costume Jewelry ! . 9 SOP BELK'S I or Me New ? TOTV HfiSFl i