. r ? A a. im* A' rif mi# lit I i i Bflii " WVW1,V Ml * ' H 1 9 >9 ''48 I 1^ ndl 1>99 \: flWB^SI I PRISONER AT hwunent Citizens In Marder Trial Drama A ?Wu of a condemned man for j jjiim il>al tun thrilled thousands : 1* Phne"l34 mow PLAYING - THURSDAY Boris Krloft In 'The Fatal Hour" Buck Jones in ' "California Frontier' Also Starting New Serial, "TERRY and PIRATeS" 10c FRIDAY and SATURDAY Jean Hersholt in "Courageous Dr. Christian" Jack Randall In "'Pioneer Day" Flash Gordon No. 5 ? Cartoon 10c and 15c MONDAY and TUESDAY * Walter Warn ft ^ pr.t.nl. MOOR JOAN At* BENNETT The HOUSE ACROSS the RAT un wi MAuwiem I maWALTS* HMEON M M Wm0 Thursday a "THREE CHEER Priscilla Lane ? On The Stage Kings Mountain own CI Southernaires,, at 9 P. IV Saturday ? D 'TAMING ( ' Bill "AND ONE WA! I Lorain Day? I Monday an? "FORTY Little I Eddie i I Wednesday - Bargain "THE MAN WIT Boris Karloff "IT COULD RA , ^BB|iBiS^uar^ErwinI Coming M "GONE WIT1 i pi: ' . * ' er At riHf pgy . B H ' I I _ ltd Friday S FOR THE IRISH" Thomas Mitchell Friday Night yde Greene and "The I I. and 12:00 Midnight. ouble Feature I of the WEST" I Elliott S BEAUTIFUL" Robert Young 1 Tuesday > MOTHERS" Cantor 1 Day Double Feature H NINE LIVES" - Jo Ann Sayers ppeai m yrtu" ?Gloria Stuart j ay 27 - 28 fl 1 THE WIND" KIE I v - fcroughout the United Stutes will j to delivered bf Geore Young Ham.T-uad of Hollywood. California. hen he appears in bis famous true 'ite court draine, '^PRISONER 'JCT TJGr! RAlt." at the Central Metho4.st Church of Ktugs Mountain on Thnrsdaj night, May 16th at 8:00 Vciock This famous drama is being t(??sor(>d by churches of Kings t *',iut?in and nearby towns. The trial deals with a man, llalph Jens*. who is charged with the murder of his wife while under the inof liquor. The State -harges fScit the crime was committed '* In llMPF.RIAI \ w ' THE BAR the presence of the defendant's little six-year-old daughter, whl ts call ed to testify against him. The defendant charging others In the court room with the murder ? the battle between , the opposing attorney* over the use of the chi'd as a witness ? the commotion In court when the defendant makes a break to stop his little daugher from -testifying. These are some of the gripping scenes in this powerful drama from real ife. The Methodist Board of Temperuncc has secured the personal appearance of the author. George Young Hammond or Hollywood, for the production of this dratna throughout the country. Supporting Mr. Hammond, , who will appear In the Title role as "Prisoner,." will foie Hay ward ItJohnson of Portland. Oregon. and the following cast of local citizens:1 Judge. J. Proctor Thompson; Defense Attorney. J. R. Davis; Prisoners* Little Daughter Alda Jeaia Davis; Police Officer, Chief of Police. J. it. Burns; Finger-Prlnt Expert. Rev. H. C. Sprinkle. Jr.; Clerk. Rev. W. S. Johnson; Star .Witness for State. Mrs. J. E Mannev and Bailiff. Supt. B. N. Barnes. Summon ed for Jury duty arc- B. S. Nelll, Haywood E. Lynch. B. S. Peeler. H. C. Wilson. R. L. Lynn. W. O. Morris 55. F. Cranford. W. M. Gaiitt. J. B Mauney, H T. Fulton. Dr. J. E. Anthony and Dr. S. M Raker. The Methodist Hoard of T em prance is presenting this modern drama of liquor without admission charge, as part of ts nation-wide pro L'ram of education. An offer'ng will l.e taken. J | t ' 1 ' '% C. S. Simmons of Polllcksvllle. Jones County, has a demonstration poultry flock of 14 hens that returned him a net profit of $43.1? In March, reports Assistant Farm Agent Jack Kelly. F5SS Raits in THE LEGS And Other Functional Symptoms of KIDNEY WEAKNESSES Taha DDAMB now end taHtn auBartae ead dlatawdnrta at laekaeka ead Lag Mai ftaeiaat. Iiaili aad twain Paaaaga PMtatttcaJ^Odoc?Lot* at Eaacgy?Hw4 " ffi'SlJSS?Whan Bdaw and*BUdI dar naad kale?whan functiaaal kidaar diaordaca panalt poiaonoua waataa aad acida ta laamia in tha blood. KaUaf aftan eom?a with tha tnt tmataaant. la a faw dar*. tha anutma ahtald aatirair dtaagaaar. Thar I" KWHr MM HOC BfttiCt Taka K1DAN8 in thaa. raaaUaaat kldaar KIUAtfS MU lS3f ar tha tdal ta fraa. MONEY BACK BUARAMTEE1 Dae oak tl.M with rear dinaakK fbr twa baaaa of K [DANS. Uaa aea baa. If eat aetiiata wl?v HK30LTS. rataaa athar i KIDAM8 Kidna, >-V ? aaM kg KINGS MOUNTAIN OAUG CO. ' .V." ' \ ' ' ' ni mccw MOUNTAIN RHULD' Mountaineers From Bessem Band At West Palm Beach I ''1 V (Cont'd from front page) ' ior meals for those people those K days; a medical kit. In case some- 8 one got sKk; arrangement for nlno ' I- a- a ^ ^ ?' ?:? ? * ? itA i} unuatuast* at Jacksonville both 0 going and coming; two air condition ?.d cars, on the back end of the train v transportation of band and inatru e aieuts to Charlotte; and meals on 1 the train. which were packed for V them and picked up at Jacksonville 1 Captain Onnand accompanied the band from Jacksonville on to West ' The oand will return Sunday night t a. 8:30. leaving th? train at Ctiar- I lotte and coming from - there to ' Kings Mountain by auto. t Central High School Band. ot ? Charlotte, and Harding High orches ? tra went on the same train with the Kings Mountain Band. , The contest begins Thursday and . ends Saturday. v Kings Mountain was a hot-bed of j excitement and preparations from j Saturday through Tuesday, with v mothers and musicians making ready for the trip on short otice, , Stores were humming with activity all clay Monday as mothers bought ' daughters new dresses and sons i now pants. The students themselves were busier than anyone else, with practice sessions at six o'clock in' ( the moinlug and late tn the evening Seventy-five band hat l%td to be , carefully packed, and as many uni- s forms cleaned and pressed, for this. Kings Mountain's Band's largest ( venture. . The business suction was us a dead place after 4:30 Tuesday after noon, after the band bad left. | One citizen of Kings ^Mountain ( was heard to have remarked that tho meeting Saturday night was "ah solutely the most public spirited meeting that I have ever attended, liaising $2200 dollars In less thau two hfilira tra (u>nt! tho hfltiH to Wpflt* ? ! Palm Beach, after it had seemed for two weeks that the.v could not make the trip, proves that the pec- j pie of the town are proud of their band, and are still backing it." Should the band receive the vovet ed rating of I. for which they have worked so long, the "Herald", which has followed their exploits during , he period since Its organisation, will have an exti-a edition on the street as ,soon as possible after notification. One of the recognltons of the fine civic spirit Shown here in raising the money for the trip on such short notice, comes from James C. Harper | director of Lenoir's fine Class "A" band, and a member of" the American Bandmaster's Association. to ] T.add W. Hamrick. president of the Band Parents Association: The letter follows- I Dear Mr. Hamrick:?- .j May we in Lenoir offbr out con- , gratulattons both to the Kings j Mountain High School band to your Band Parents' Association on the fine way in which you raised the 1 funds to send your baud to the West ' Palm Beach contest. It will be an , inspiration to the whole state and will be widely quoted as an example of fine citizenship and loyalty. - No ' wonder your band does the fine ' work It does with that kind of backing. Our own band will also be In the West Palm Beach contest and ' we 1 will look forward to seeing Mr. Paul Hendricks and the Kings Mountain , boys and girls there. ( Cordially yours. 1 James C. Harper. i I. B. Qoforth, member of the Par- j enta' Association, was 1n charge of c seeing ?hat the members were alt j on the train when It left Charlotte. The parents will meet them at the train Sunday nltfht. r Although Mrs. I.. T>. Shuford was ?] elected official chaperone, all mesn bers of the Band Parents Association who accompanied the chape- ^ rOne were also considered chape- . rones. Only seven of these, were to be accommodated at the special ^ band rates at the Contest. Others went at their own expense. ' ( PRESCRIPTION I SERVICE We Fill any Doctors' > Prescription promptly and accurately at rea- J sonable prices with the t confidence of your phy- [ gkdan. b KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG 00. ( THI RCXALL STORK 1 Ws Call Per And Deliver Phones 41?#1 : ' ? GIFT SUGGESTIONS \ ' . - , " ' * < > ^ pv ^ M y jM/f Br!^ *I F f^y]j|pP^I jT -XjB' ^F Ky)P^ ' ' " ^ '" ^ C. - '' 'I mcaaaiT, hit ?. w In Close Win er City Kings Mountain's near-chow pious ' rlountaineers went to town, so to < peak, against Bessemer City here ruesday afternoon, marking up J heir seventh straight conference < ictory. and staying out in the lead ' n the conference by at least two " ;ames hy a score of 1140. Official ! tandlngs have not bceu posted for \ he past two weoks by Cassell, head < i the Western Confimrce. * ~ Ballard, clasay pitcher,, bore the ' re I ght of the victory on his should- 1 rs atone, after both Golns and Cobb iad been battered all over the lot. le marked up the victory In the \ ust three, Innings of the ball game. ; Without the service of Smith, lashy first sacker, the Mountaineer 1 rriVr* tlttmnHiriE.1 ' en errcrs, putting the hall game In ! mil ccbdltlon. Ooius, who slanted. ' rtired In the fifth. Cobb lasted on- j 11 the early part of the seveath, j uid turned over an already bad dea* ri o Ballard, who struck out eleven 2 ind wou the ball game. j Ballard also did a good Job at hat * mocking a home inn in the flrat J ind winning the game in the ninth i yith a double., when the score was J ,0 to 9 against him. His hit brought J n two Kings Mountain runs and 4 von the game. |j Friday t%e team meet* SheVby i ere. and fans are praying for a win. \ I The Southemaires At " [)ixie Theatre 2 The Southertiaires. Kings Moun- ? ain"s own strng band will appear ' in the Stage at the Dixie Theatre < Friday night at 9 p. m. This quartet < was declared winners of the North \ ind South Carolina String Band con < est last week in Charlotte. The 1 local boys are considered to be un- ] usually good ^nd are making prep-. < nations to appear on Major Bowes ] Original Amateur Hour in New York < City. ' ! The Stage appearance Is an added \ feature as the complete picture pro-' < gram will be presented, and Mana- \ ger C. E. Cash says he will like to see a large audience hear the 8outhernaires. Small Fire Monday Firemen were called Monday at 2:11 P. M. to the residence of A. B. Putnam on Church Street when a pile of lumber in the back yard i-aught on fire. The lumber was destroyed. but firemen kept the fire Irom spreading to the nearbv house. A car-driver was arrested going lo (he fire for being to close to tbe trucks, which (s a violation of the law., and other motorists are warnpd to stay a reasonable distance behind the truck when going to a fire. Mrs. D. A. Bell Dies Mrs. JD. A. Bell. 61. died at her tome In the Oak Grove community near Kings Mountain Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock, after a llngerng Illness. Mrs. Hell was the daughter of he late Thomas E. Ijovelace and lulia Ann Hamrtck Lovelace. She a survived by her husband, D. A. Bell; two daughters, Mrs. Everett ford and Mss Etta Bell; five sons, Charles S. of Gostoala, Claude, Edtar and William, of Oak Grove, and Monroe J. of Charlotte, and Kings Mountain; one sister, Mrs. T. M. Ware; 20 grandchildren and one treat-grandchild. Funeral services will be held this norning at 11 o'clock at the Oak Trove Baptist church of which Mrs Bell had been a member since she >vas 14 years of age. The pastor, lev. Luther Hawkins, will officiate md burial will be in the family dot In Oak Grove cemetery. ? , rennis Players To Go \ r*o Shelby Saturday ^ j i^Klngs Mountain High School Ten- 1 its players will go to Shelby Satur- J lav to eoniDete in the Western Ton 4 erenoe Not meet there. Tills will >e the third net meet for the MqjiB/ J atneers this season. , , 4 They have defeated Bessemer City j mce and lost to Shelby. Miss Vera j saraearV was d increase being shown in the j is* of lime and phosphate. j >asses Million I -e f ??KAYSER HOSE | t The Perfect Gift - I ! 97c or. 1 m ~ * - . 1 * ?% +*** ^9, .rS**-*,******* *#/V AWtfV4#tA< DRESSES .' '' ? < Nice assortment of regular, large, and halfnsize Dresses in Cottons, Sheers, Wash Silks, Spun i | Rayons, Figured Crepes? 97c to $5.95 slips :: Four-Gore, Bias, Strait Satins. Sizes 32 to 44 ? 97c FITTED JERSEY SLIPS J 5 The kind especially suited to the larger woman ; 97c PANTIES > In all sizes up to extra large *; 48c bags > :: : White, Navy, Black and Colors 97c each Others $1.94 . gloves j :: . White, Black and Colors 59c, 75c, 97c & $1.94 ; | ... ^hais '-' . :: | New-Hats especially for Mother \ 97c to $1.94 Myers' Dress Shoppe ij [ ?SECOND FLOOR? Hot Specials | HOT WEATHER SPECIALS Men's Slack Suits. Natural, Tan, Green and blue. $1.79 to $4.85 | ; ... ' ' ' * " < ? "WING" SHIRTS In Mesh Cloth. Cool and Comfortable I $1.45 each t - *!.' ' > t p Soft Straw and Fancy * : ^ FELT HATS w I 97c . ! I I Myers9 Dept. Store ; i ' 1 ' , .... ' 'flS V * : ^ I si ? 4