SOCIAL AND PERSONAL o/INTE PHON HOSTESS AT BRIDGE AND v HOOK PARTY \ Mm. Arnold KUer and Miss Oznll f MICKEY AND HIS w*vrwo..4| wisMfc m 1 iw? OM? i M I CMfiRKtn uwoMt/r-H m PKW I WHITE8T0 BIRTH8TOI "WEDDING M OPAL8 S Each ring p tarnlah, lota elated. Each tw mountln I BRINGS | (X>UPO> DO NOT CO , . J . . ' \ j, KfcKT vvi'ip hoslfanoB n>aoin- of the I lowliest parties of the season When they entertained at bridge au:l rooty at the Womaiis Club on Friday af/ moon. '/ Fifteen tables of bridge and three tables of rook were in play hi the club banquet room which was mad ' unusually Inviting with decorations rases and floor baskets. Mrs. P Q. Padgett won prise for- high score and Mrs. George Moss, for second high in bridge. Mrs. L. p. 1 laker and lire. A. H. Patterson scored high in rook, each receiving attractive trophies. Mrs. Myron Hhyne, nee Miss Para Ham'brigtH. was honored with a lovely gift. A delicious salad course with accessories was served. (MEETING OF EVENING CIRCLE. ,/ Mrs. L. M. Logan and Miss Helen / IiOgun were hostesses to the Vera Sergeant Circle of the First Baptist Church entertaining at their home Monday evening. Mrs. W. I). Baker conducted the devotional alter which an Interesting and helpfu-l program was rend-/ etVd, the topic being "Youth Stead/ Cast for Christ." The program we.s\ given in the form of a playlet with Wh e il I ,k. ? ^ tv" 1.1 1 lull*** iu|ivwiii)i i> ui iu< Miss Helen Logan; Girl. Julia Hern don; Crime. Miss Fanny Carpenter; Liquor. Miss Mitchell Williams; War, Mrs. W. W. Souther; -Infidelity, Mrs. Bryan Hord; Angel of Light Mrs. A. G. Sargeant; Christian Schools. Mrs. Farthing; Missions, Miss Sara Hem-don; Camp. Mrs. Wray Kirby; Mistonaries. Mrs. J. M. Rhea During the social hour tempting refreshments wer<? served. COMPLETE8 NURSING COURSE FYiends of Miss Kathleen Gaffney daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Gaff may of this place will be nterested to know -that she recently graduated In Nursing at West General Hospital. Baltimore, Md., where she has been in training. fa fa fa malaria DQD " if Salve-Noaedrops colds Liquid-Tablets symptoms first day Try "Rub-My-Tism" ? a Wonderful Liniment J . HAPPENINGS REST to V ES 10-R AND 88 MRS* A KENNEDV-BLANTON Mr. and Mrs. C. \V. Kennedy of IK inns Mountain an aounce the marIiiuKe of their daughter, l-uilie Kaye, 'to Jaek I! hill ten of KinUK Mountain The marriage took plase in York. S. | C.i on Saturday. April 13; 1940. Thbride. was attired in a lovely' blue crepe costume with white accessories. "Her corsage consisted of sweetheart roses and fern Mi's. Bill llerndon. sister of the M.r. Bill Bl&uton.' brother ot . tlie groom, acted as best man. Mrs Itlanton received her educa tiou in the Kings Mountain .school. Mr. Dluntoil received his education in the Charlotte schools. He holds a position in the Noisier Mills. Among those attending the wedtlicg were Miss Sue Mull, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thrift, all Of Shelby. Miss Sue Wright of Bessemer City. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Herndon. Miss Claudia V. >Vare, Miss Naomi Edens Mr Bill Blanton and Mr.. Harry Wilson of Kings Mountain. Tlie newlyweds are now making tlieir home on East Gold street. LECTON AUXILIARY MEETS / M'.rs. A,, G. Sargeant entertained 'members of the American Legion Auxiliary at her home on Gaston street on Tuesday afternoon. The Httpie ot' tlie program was ? Moth/ ,-rs and Memorial Hay. Mrs. J. E!i Mauuey read a poem. Mothers." and Sirs. Paul Mauuey read, on article j Mothers and Memorial D-ty. by Mrs , Corwit.h-, National President, Mrs, Charles Thomasson gave an interesting account of the' recent trip of the school band to Florida. During the business session plans were made for the observance ot "Poppy Day" on Saturday. May 25 The Auxiliary also made plan's tc send a girl to 'Girls State." Greensboro. in June.. Delicious refreshments were served during the social hour. WOMANS CLUB TO MEET The Senior Woman's Club will meet in the clu1> lounee on Friday afternoon May 17. at 3-30. Ihoports from delegates to the State Convention will be eiaen and plans made for work for the coming year. A full attendance is urged. CIRCLE MEETS Mrs. C. A. Ontes and Mrs. C. C. Oates were hostesses to members tf the Lula Herndon circle of the First Haptlsl ihurch. entertaining at their home on Monday afternoon. Colorful flowers were arranged in MA sW'twaiaf ./VI' Luac OSOMaCl ACHER SSZ> ywa live in clean, airy barns and am green pastures sweet with ilm hy and clover, and right there, u have the secret of the delicious ivor and creamy goodness of SUN 9E DAIRY MILK. [sssr) \ OCUVfRfD TO / \T0UHDO0B / CLIP THIS COUPON icial Sale PINBST HEAjtT NECKLACE8, CROi (ETS, PINS, SIGNET RINGS, BRACE! ALSO CAROLINA GEMS WES ONYX NE8 DINNER RINGS BANDS CAMBO BLUE ZIRCONI srfact In aet and oolor. Unlimited guara of atone, or brilliancy. Muat be aean 1 ring atanda acid, fire or water teata. V g to chooae from. ES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILD! THIS I AND 4 MAKE YOUR SELECTION EARLY I E BARGAIN ST KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. NFUSE THIS WITH ANY * . . ' v - -. TUB KINGS MOUNT AM RURAL*) /OMEN . H. PATTERSON, Editor the living ro-to. Their were fifteen present Including the \V. M. U. president, Mr*. .Manly Morchcad Tins topic o( study wan -? Youth Of Today. A templing siiUtd and sweet course was served. The next regular meeting will b" held at the home ot Mrs. \V." J. CrawfWd. I'lK'le. Sitiniber One of ('finti/l^ Methodist Church tnet at the hnuitf or Mrs. Krecf Wright 011 Monday afj t? moon. Instead of the r eg ilia i program, the u>?inbers spent an hour visiting members who were unitble to attend the meeting and then reaSspm hied at the home of the hostess where refreshments were served. LUNCHEON GUESTS Mrs. Lester Hoke and Mrs. N. P. Walterson had as luncheon guest? last Thursday. Mrs. A. J. Hagood. Mrs. Bell, Miss Stevenson and Mrs. .lesso Kiser -of Charlotte. Mrs. A. J. McOill and Mrs. A. H. Patterson of t\ings Mouniam ^ Personals n ' Miss Pat Matthews of l.ewisbure West. Virginia. Is a guest <>f Mrs. Ar thur Hay. Mrs. Otis Kalis. Mrs. Page l^aw it .a and Mrs. dean Keller visited 1st Charlotte Tuesday. Misses Tltelnta and N'elline Sipe were dinner guests of Mr. and MrB.. Otis Falls Sunday . ?o? Mr. a*nd Mrs. Y. K. Throne-berg were guests of Mrs. Tlirnneberg,^ parents at Maiden Sunday. Miss Matty Mitchell spent. (the week-end at her home at Oennettsville. S. C. Rev. C. B- Murray of Concord | was a guest of bis sister. Mrs. Y. F. I Throneberg last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Crook and Mr and Mrs. Troy Carpenter were visltoss at Clemson College Sunday. Dr. E. C. Cooper and Mrs. Cooper of Columbia yere visitors In Kings Mountain on Mothers Day. Mr. George Mauney of DenolfRTtyne .college spent the week -end with home folks. ?o? Mr. BUI Jackson of Cramertou wa9 the guest of his mother, Mrs. W. T. Jackson for the week-end. /''mts. Paul McGlnnls and children^ spent the week-end with Mrs. Mc*j G)naff* mother near Blaeksburg. J Mrs. W. I*. Johnson of Swansea. S. O.. was a guest of her sisters. Mrs. Eugene Mafhis, and Miss Pearl Kerr, during the week-end. Miss Dorothy Hoke, student at W. ,C. U. N. C. Greensboro, was a recent guest at her home In Kings Mountain. Mrs. B. F. McCarter and two child j ren of Clover, 8. C., visited her siei tor. Mrs. Otis Falls over the week end. - , i^r1, and MtB^ Hayne BLaCkmeat Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neialer and sons Charles and Henry, spent the week end at Myrtle Beach. ?o? Mr. J. T. Davidson who has been critically 111 for over a week is showing seme improvement hie Friday ftp Saturday V ONLYI A I 18E8 J&J -ET8, H ntee against x> the aonre vbiu op yelIEN! l 49c I ORE ^ J OTHER SALE HB|I ? " " * ' " ; '' v ' - ' TlUTRSnAT, MAT 1?. 1940. ????????^ I I I I . many (Hands will be glad to learn. Mrs. M. K. Ramsey of Washington D. >C.. Is rteittng her slater, Mrs. Vance Wright and her son, Willie Ramsey? ??? ? -?o ? Miss Nancy Kirkpatrick of Charlotte and New York, arrived Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cooper. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Neal attended May loth Memorial sendees at Sulpher Springs Methodist church near Patterson Springs. .Vli> (iilht-'rt Hold Misses i'iuil In' Wa(*e. Fannie .Carpenter. Elln Harmon and Daisy Lovelace were visitors in charlotte last Saturday, v ^ /j|?. i.ioyd Wolfe of Hickory Mm dime* George Wolfe and 'Inrence Tuinfr of Shelby vmited Ml!is KHet Harmon Frldaw S. ' Mr. and Mrs. A H. Patterson. Misses Dorothy and Fairy Grace Patterson were truests of Mr. and Mrs. .1 C. Smothers , in Charlotte Sunday. _ ? ?o? Miss. Id la Wobbe.r. of Charlotte vis ited Mr.'and Mrs. Purgfn Delllpper of the Oora Mill Saturday and also Mr. and Mrs. IVxrc Ream of Kings Mountain ?0? Friends of Mr. and Mrs. George Day is of- Charlotte, nee Jennie Lee Kerr, will regret to learn of Mr Davis' illness and operation in Charlotte Satiitoriuui. TU<' friends of Mrs. R. W. Foster will be glad to learn that she re. urned home yesterday from *he 5"ihelby Hospital where she has been patient for the past two weehs. Mr. Herald Lackey of Taylorsvllle school facuto? tfpcnt the VseeW-totid Willi,Mr. and Mrs Will Logan and was aeeompttnled home by his wife and son. , . ?o? Miss Fontvie Hittlejol^n, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Llttlejohn, of West Hold street, sufferede a hemorrhoage in her foot when she turned her ankle Monday. Charles F. Thotnaason, who has been confined to his bed yiih a cold for the past few days, was feeling much bettter yesterday afternoon, and said that he expected to be up (Cont'd on Editorial page) Graduation GIFTS / * " * r FOR BOTH BOYS AND GIRLS Will be found in large numbers here. ?Scheaffer and Parker Fountain Pens ?Hollingsworth Candy ?Yardley and Cara Nome Cosmetics ?Electric Razors BE ORIGINAL Give him or her a Soda Fountain Certificate so they may refresh themselves when they like. Kings Mountain Drug Co. The Rexall Store V v v . , I SAI nf cofi pi ^ We're cooperating with i (+ the country in bringing yc t# - lort You'll find new summer si | frocks, as well 3s dozens of special low prices for this 'f for cottons. + | MEN'S SLAC | $1.94 X lite newest, coolest, most *1* mnnf im ovibmam * ??. hi. duiivci rs|#vi i"ncrti, ? , _ I mg* I Sport S Made of Kool Weave Shi A really cool summer Shir ed with short sleeves* colla ? open or closed and large p * Blue, Green and Tan. + v.. j 48c and | BOYS' KN I Sport S 19c e i I We are offering special f WEEK on Sheets. Pillow t r X Cotton Sheer Goods and C | MYERS' DEI ' AT MYERS' DRESS SH( 4 ? Kayser's :: ho^ i| at$1.15 ! Re among the first to wej Hose. You'll marvel at the Du Pont's new process. S< < > < We're Celebrating Nation fering you a large new * Sheers in ?DOTTED SWISS ?POWDER PUFF MUSI ; -CREASE-RESISTANT ;: -SHEER SPUN RAYOIS ?BEMBERG SHEERS ? ;; In Sizes 11 | 97c to 0 , , CHILDREN'S PR "Freckles" and "Jun? 1 10 pet. n Myers' Dre I Seooni \ . v1 *' " v' . 'i (. ' .* ?' v.; ?! '4;; ' MM LE | v." ' X ons: .' ' .. 4 4 ner chants throughout * hi outstanding Values ? >Ia> >ortswear and wai>b + staple cotton items at J . big event. Shop NOW J 4 K SUITS : J suit | comfortable develop- X made of matched suit X hirts i eer Scrim Shirting? 2 t. Sporty looking, styl? + ir that can be worn * lockets. Fast colors: * t . ;'M ;; #; * 98c ea. ! ITTED 1 hirts i iach I prices for COTTON + Cases, Towels, Prints^ J otton Dresses. * 1 t. store! i s * >PPE YOU'LL FIND t nylon | ;E J . nd$1.35 I ir these sheer, lovely! t loveliness produced by i * them! Wear them! r - . . ' ~i * al Cotton Week by of- \; selection of beautiful < I i k t ' 'i \ i .t i J lin ; y ): *>% voiles 1 !:: is i i ; r';; ' i to 44 $5.95 INT DRESSES Preston' Dresses iduction \ 4 * cc (knnnA Id L/UU|l|lt I > FLOOR I r f . . , "/'Stf/SE

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