Legion Jun Regular P CaMh Troy Troyana, the former' l*soir-Khyne athlete who has been j Sjod to coach the American Legion Junior team, told the Herald last otsht I have not pieked any mem-1 >er of inv team, definitely, but l' a. p-aotlce nam(> lined up for the lo-! *ah? * ifliin the next couple weeks "The K?me. however, will not be played in Kings Mountain." tie said., Troy a no ha* seen the local High ] '. School t? ;?in In nctlon. und was e- , *r?. "I can't soy. tho. that these/ 'hoys will' alt make the team, he.-anise it's too early too predict 'any-' attnr-' .Appealing to every youth who Is, j within the ape limit, and has any ' possibility of playing baseball to ( oosrie out and try for the team. I Troys no said: "We already have, n good number of hoys out. bijt wo I c.an use. and need many more. We want every hoy who plans to try Tor the team to he at practice Saturday when regular practice starts.' Troyano will have the team doing I .routiirtp diill work after Ha t.i|rday", | ww that the High School seison 1a; praotfrally over. their last game I tomfng tomorrow. Firth certificates have to ho check | e?l and iti before .lutre 5. according to manager J: IV KectlrV. allelic- : officer of the local Post. Manager j Koeter. Assistant Coach Shorf.v Edens. and Trovano have lieen bnsv Tor the past weeks. buying equipment and getting birth certificates ef the boys who have shown up for practice. - , ; Lions To Fete Zone Officials The Kings Mountain I .Ions Club, corording to an announcement by' J. W. Milam, will play host at thetr i rqguiar meeting next week, to the! officials of 7.one 4. District' 31-A. ! composed of Forest City, Shelby. Mt | " Tlofty. Oastonia. Cherry ville. Besse- j nier City. Charlotte and Kings Mountain lite-time of the meeting has been r)iai1ged m Tu^sdsiy night*. to I iMPm^ Phone 134 TODAY ? THURSDAY George O'Brien in "Cowboy Millionaire" James Newell in "'Danger Ahead* Mrv 2 "" ioc FRIDAY and SATURDAY Richard Oix in "Marines Fly High" Smith Ballew in "Western Gold* Serial ? Cartoon 10c and 15c MONDAY and TUE8DAY Carol Lombard in "Vigil in the Night" March of Time ? News COMING SOON "Irene* Thursday ai "HIS GIRL ^ n A. fi ? h <^ary uram?1\ Saturday?E "COVERED W The Three "PAROLE ^^WiMiamHe^ I Monday and "THE GRAPES Henry FondaWednesday - Bargain "BUFFAI "BIONDIE Ol , Penny Singleton I Coining Mi ''GONE WITI I ?/; /;v. ^ "; V :* ./" . * ' . . ^ K, f. v , * ' / f -'. : \iors Begin ractice Monday uight at 7:00 o'clock and the meeting place from the Mountain 6Vlew House to the Woman a Club building, to make it more convenient for the offlt-laln. tmier speaxer or me occasion -will be .Dan Stewart, District Governor of this district. The meeting will be presided over by Win. Plonk, Zone Chairman. MORE ABOUT LIONS MINSTREL (Cont'd from front page) dano'i'ig. and vocalizing on the latest popular tunes. '"Viisi ffom a Iiients of merit, namely, winning the acclaim W judge*. and the champion ship at Clip Observer contest In Char lotte. and u public appearance here recently. nLaklug a big hit with the public., ate the Southernatre*. with Kings Mountain's own Clvd? Green, and Hob Allen, Who dominoses his own songs. Allen has been a big hit wUh bis latest. "1 Satd A Prayer last Night." a rib local fane are in for a lot of real entertainment where these are concerned Von can't, miss, no matter what your taste be. in going Co the big Minstrel tomorrow nlglit at Central ltidltorlum. He sure to got there before' eight, so that you can get ft good seat. Admission' is fifteen and twenty-five cents. Rev. J. R. Cantrell To Speak At First Baptist Rev. J. It. Cantrell. President of Coiling Springs Junior College a ling with twenty or thirty .voices of the 'College Chorus, will address the congregation of the First Baptist Church, Sunday morning. May 11Mb. al the 11:00 o'clock hour. This . is the fiirst time President CaiUrell haa addressed any congregation In Kings Mountain. Since his eyimibig ! ? Belling Springs Junior College ten month; ago. he' has '.done much to improve it. Three of the buildings are in the process of reconstruction, a new col lege campus has been laid. shrubbery has been planted,, the grounds beautified and the whole life of the College given a new atmosphere. Camp Beauregard, 1*8.. Mav 13. ? Maj.-Gen. Walter C. Short, today called the American Army, with perhapa only one excepton. ' the toughest apd best eondttcfltcd In the world. He sa/id he believed Its future training depended 011 European events and what President Roosevelt "has to say. F5R Pains in THE LEGS MS And Other Functional Symptoms of KIDNEY WEAKNESSES Tab* KIOAMB bow and ratio** aufUrine and Binatirti ol Bacbotha gad tog Mm ?Troquoot. SMatr and Burning Pom**? Unnatural Odor?Loos oi Energy?Hoodaoho*. DinluM. Moroousaoao?causod br function*1 Kidney end Bladder DUordocs. Toko KIDAN8 whan Kidney* and Btaddar nerd help?whan fonatloaal kidney disorder* permit polaonaoa waatea and acida to ran In In tka blood. Ballad often eomaa with the Brat treatment. In a few day*, th* aymptoma ahoald aatiraiy diaappoar. They w? make yon feel bettor had took batter. Thke K1DAN8 In Urn*.Faaetfcmal kidney KLDAN8 moat aarUrfy W iS* tru'bltaSk MONEY SACK GUARANTEE! Dapoait Sl.M with your di?stot far two homo oi KIDANA U*e one bo*. If not aUrati wHk Rrstri,T8, retarn othei -i*t and yoor none, t KtDANfl Kidn<-> 1., ,.,d ta aoM by KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. HmoonowwMOMmoMMMmMMmoHHWmommmamotmr nd Friday 1 FRIDAY** ;osalind Russell oublc Feature \GON DAYS** tesquiteers FIXER** -Virginia Dale 1 Tuesday OF WRATH" ?Jane Darwell Day - Double Feature JO BILL" itogers ST A BUDGET ?Arthur Blake ' ay 27 - 28 I THE WIND" K1E I ,. * * . * * % . " s .' * 4 v\ ..t- '?? ,y? THM KXNOB MOUNTAIN HERALD Kings Mountain ) School Band Gets I Rating (Cont'd from front page) tempo (186) and retain it throughout their marahing time. I would' not - have believed it had anyone told me. bin how that I've seen it myself. I'm amazed. This requires super!. directing and training." Director Sides, of ?be .Charlotte. Cesttral High Band described the Kings Mountain band as "the most spootar ular band on the field.' One of the greatest compliments to the appearance of. the bar.d. came frotn MaJ. Bd. Obenette. who in-1 speeted the bands. After looking ov hv Ibe Kings Mountain band. he ,'iH;4 Atih'fr . are beautiful. They rate 100 pet* cent." Those compliments, comtng from men who have made band directing tliolr life's work, are a tribute to fhe efforts of Kings Motwvtaln Hand official*, to the mus'oV'ns tthemael ves. and especially to director Paul K. Hendricks. Judge McAllister, who judges In each of the Regions of the lTnlted States, told the sever nl thousand assembled to see the bands march, that maneuvering at the Palm Peach meet was far bet tor than that in any of the" other reirlens. so anv hand rating a 1 there, Is classed among the best In j the nation. j Kings Mountain band officials re turned from West Palm Beaoh wttih praise for the work of the local band and for evervene who was connected with the event In West Palm Beaoh. Saul Air. Badd W. Iluinrivk, preat dent of the Band Parents Association: "livery thing at West Palm Beach was on the up and up. The contest was run on a strictly business basis. We got what we deserved, and this much can be said: It really; means something, because the highest class marching im the country was done at West Palm Beaah." Director Paul K. Hendricks, in his statement to the Herald, . said. 'I'm Just pretty glad about the Whole thing. 1 greatly appreciate the support given the band by the people of the town. The fact that we came through makes all of us very proud. It was the best contest, as to management, that 1 have ever seen. ' Jones Fortune. high stepping' drum major, remarked that. "It was the finest spirit ever shown, and the members of the band realize it. We're striving to do our best to bo a credit to Kings Mountain, The, Best Town in the State, in return for all they've done for us." 1). M. Bridges, principal of Central school, who accompanied Uio hand on the trip, was commended highly by everyone who made the trip for his tireless efforts to make the trip more enjoyable for everyone. Captain Ft. M. Oruiand, who went ahead of the band to Jacksonville, and made arrangements for breakfast there, was delighted with the trip, and with the results there. Said Captain Ormsjnd: 'it has been a real pleasure, being with the band in their triumph, and being permitted to have a part in assisting them. I enjoyed everything as thoroughly as the boys and girls in the bend." Captain O'Farrell laughingly remarked, alter he had got back to Kings Mountain: "I would like to tee a single boy or girl who made the trip that had a better time than I had." 1 Back In Kings Mountain, the hoys and girls who made the trip to Flor Ida were presented with copies of the "Herald" Extra, which came out 1 Saturday interning. The Extra was put out by the Herald, gratis, copiea being given to persons who wanted it. The Herald also donated the coat of printing, with no paid ads running in the extra. The extra provided one of the greatest souvenirs of the trip, and was eagerly sought after by musicians upon' their return. / " Thienos Aires. Mav 13.?TMnloma tic circles were stirred today by the proposal of an Argentine Government offlcrtal that the American nations scrap their policy of strict neutrality for a "nonbelligerent" at tftudn toward the European war. PRESCRIPTION I SERVICE We Fill any Doctors*! Prescription promptly I and accurately at rea-1 sonable prices with the I confidence of your phy-1 skian. KINGS MOUNTAIN nmir. no [THE REX ALL STORE W? Call For And Deliver ( . Phones 41?SI ^ : . ' ' ' , ' V .. : *- '"~fl ? . . . . ' ; ./ , THURSDAY, MAY U. 1M*. " 1 1 1 . I National Col I Call For Cotton \ m NEW SHJ H ^ es. Guarantee* lT?fS3a/^r xwESSl J^flEiu ^ co*?r? am In woven Madras and printed materials. I good quality. For National Cotton Week, I 11 l-lc yd. I. E" s?? In the new Flaek ? Dot I I; Voiles and Dimities ?I SHEETIN( I 22c yd. I 5c yd I Keeter's Depai I VALUE FOR VALUE NE1 I ?nly\\ j Children's # j \| dress: M 11 80 Square Prii 1a ^ a Dresses. Speci 79c Ei HAPPY HOME SHEERS Beautiful Colors and styles. Just Recei 97c each MIENS DRESS SHIRTS With the non-wilt collars. Guaranteed not 68c each MATCHED SUITS Men's vat-dyed, sanforized Pants and Sh match. Colors: Tan, Blue and Green? p PANTS $1.29?SHIRTS 97c i - COMPLETE SUIT $1.94 MEN'S COTTON UNDERWEAR Buy several pairs now. Shirts or Sho 15c each I New Shipment TRUVAL DRESS SHIRTS Nationally Known and Advertised for Q $135 6sch y .; Or Three for $8.50 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Guaranteed 100 percent combed yarns. A stripes.? 29c each Printed BATISTE All new Spring Patterns and Color; 12 l'2c yd. ONE TABLE COTTON SH1RTINC ttonWeek I Vhen You Buy I EERS COTTON SHEETS I on Dress SUe 81x90. Slightly ir I fast col reguUnmnf real quality Sheets. CH 58c Each k Child- BLOSSOM |>HEET3 Size 72x90. First qual- M i styles, ton Week? . 48c Each & Cases to match 10c ea. I Group Cannon Cotton ome TOWELS ES Good quality.. . Plaids. I Prints Assorted colors. Nat- fl n Week ional Cotton Week ? 10c Each ch $1.00 a Dozen ck Mill's Best Quality Wash SHEETS I nts Sizes 81x99? ich Cases to match 19c ea. . 'hKjP * . . ' I I rV; v> C#m HH H iff /IH^BHrflf S MBMHBB1HV ^L?G| IK I yi^? i jMfl Jf ... ; : ' " V V-tment Store I TER UNDERSOLD K>; .