Church N Lutheran Church U Boyd Hknvm. PMtor tadar school 10:00, D. C. Mauney Otaoosal Superintendent. ItnkM for tbe firm Sunday altm Trinity. Mooning 11:00, sermon: The Bet Om Car the Worse. 8:00 Hi?h School Audi' JMtea, Commencement. Ulk?r L?ea?ues Sunday Evelus '1T"* Ssr th'oilTff Monday 7:30. 4Kr) Scouts Thursday afternoon >> ? #)uedU'ul Convention begins Wil ansday 29th. 10 30 in Hickory. MA1XT CUKES: ? lb* Servtoe and sermon 9:00. flftlr school 10:00, James lackey. -a IX-J-. Ventral Methodist ? Church FT. C. Sprinkle, Jr., Pastor *'!? A M. Church School. B. S. Reefer. General Superintendent: 71:00 A. M. Mominy Worship, 'aenroon: "Enduring Koundalions,* isy the pastor. IfvenitvK services will not be held tista In lh<> ' nnitt titrmxaittiknl TMv\oi-Uin Mt 11/ HIT k.\/illllK ?f Che liiftTi school. "Monday 3:fl0 p. in. Woman's So **tj meeting. Wednesday 7:?0 P. M. Prayer ttrerlac. Presbyterian Church Rev. P I). Patrick Pastoi A M. Sunday School,, Mr. C. F. Tlionifta-sop. Supt. Don't Fail To See Anna Neagle in 'IRENE" * i. \ , v.'- ... '\ Imperial - Mon. - Tues. VOTE FOR W. Erskine Smith . i ' ' - " \ ?For? LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Stair Senator Four Terms President Fro Tent of 1939 Senate I K WorM War Veteran ' "Ask Those Who Know Him" I -.s^H ? NO OtfE likes to lie awal toss and tumble, count cause they can't get to dull, logy, hcndachey and irt Has this ever happened don't you do as many othe threaten to spoil their rest, i temper ?try . | Dr. Miles Effcrvcsc Dr. Miles Effervescent N< . Von of mild sedatives proves M in quieting jumpy, over ^ EflwewmSt'lleevIn ;'J Irafli ^S^^hPPBBHBHH^bbmKMOT |fe, . '^'y; J':'*: :".' :\ ffijjffi&rf :v; - ' " V *'0.? Wednesday Evening Prayer meeting 7:00. , Saturdav evening we will have a song and praise service with a short sermon to follow on the subject of j Holiness. You are invited to attend all of these services. I ' I -' Second Baptist Church Rev C C. Parker, Pastor Sunday School 9:43 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. each Sunda \ THE CHURCH OF GOO Roy L. Davis. Pastor Sunday School 10:00 A. M. V! C rn 1 n (r Qnreion 11 i\A ? t< mitfc, OCJ ? l\;r H . UV A. Ji. Y. P. E. 6:00 P. M Evening Service 7:3u P M. l^ark-Grace Bible Church John L. Gregory, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. 7:00 P. M. Evening Services. Each Saturday 7:00 P. M. Evange llstlc service. Wesleyan Methodist M. R. Harvey, .Pastor Sunday School 9:46. IV r ce; yet every night thousands t sheep, worry and fret, be> sleep. Next day many (eel Itable. to you? When it does, why r people do when Nerves work, enjoyment, and good > f ' ;*. M ' * * . ' - * J? . %v ? ent Nervine Tablets srvine Tablets are a combinei useful for generations as an -strained nerves. rill be dad to sail you Dr. Idas e Tablets in convenient snail or clragao Why not get a peoirage Mb over-taxed ntrw* threaten to ' gv.. .. ?.jv. o-iJk?rt*ra*f3.M tl mm mornmua puixh Rr i [, 1 RKV. T. C. HAftVEV . of Central, ft. C., who will conduct a scries of Evangelistic services at the Wesleyan Methodist Church, beginning Sunday, May 26. Revival At Wesleyan Church BeKinuiiiK Sunday. May 20. a'. 11:00 o'clock. at the Wesleyan Methodist Church of which Rev. M. R. Harvey is pastor, there will be evangelistic services conducted until June hth. Rev. T. C. Harvey, brother of the pastor, of Wesleyan Methodist ' College. Cmitral. S. C.. has been secured as evangelist. He is an outstaud: ing minister of wide experience in pastoral aud evangelistic labors. He served lu the capacity of President j at the East Tennessee Wesleyan Conference for seven years. His (messages are iliieighted Avjth deep truths of the Bible, Whibh grip the hearts of his audience. The Rev. and Mrs. Brenard Greene, pastor of Hie Wesleyan Methodist Caurch of Thornton. Ind:, will have charge of the singing. Their solos and duets, as wen as their congregational conducting of song, will be -very Interesting. The pastor met these young people in La Payette. Indrr?samc^ years ago. and det-lare them to be excellent lead ors of song services. Haar them once, then you will conie hack. .Sendees at 11:00 and 7:30 on Sun days, and 7:30 each night in the week. J>ay services announced later. The Sunrise Prayer Band will meet at our Church at 6:00 o'clock Sunday morning for special prayer fo' the revival. Meel with its and help pray down a revival. 7 Counties in Eastern Area Have New Jails RALEIGH. ' Seven- counties of the mid-coastal section of . North Carolina have rbceutly remodeled rebuilt new jail facilities on accord with more modern practices of social welfare, W. C. Kzell, director of 'the division ot institutions and corrections ot the State welfare department, said recently. Yenoir, Jones, Craven, Greene and Hyde are now sporting new buildings, and Beaufort and Carteret have remodeled their old, existing phsnts into modern structures. With the exception ot Pamlico the seven counties form a solid block of territory from Hatteras to Bogue Inlet on the Atlantic and running back to Wilson county In the . to_ bacoo area. I think the Craven county commissioners should be especially com mended tor the good Isolation quarters they have Incorporated In the new Jail at New Bern and the separate space for drunks also provided. The Craven Jail Is practically complete and will be turned over shortly, Eaell said. Morning Service 11:00. W. Y. P. S. or Class meeting 6:15, Evening Service 7:00. Prayer Service Wednesday 7:00. The G. S. Department of Agricul ture estimates that one-fifth of alt factory workers remeployed since 1932 have gone heck to work because of increased purchases of farm families. i'uix/hasos of Argentine flaxseed by American crushers will probably come to a bait as the result of the elimination of Holland and Belgium as an export market tor linseed dake made In this country. .. I FEEL PEFPYlT Jm /RELIEVE TUT JHVFH Ubackache out TO TATIOUf AND tXSOSOM Pool Ilk* Bt?rfln| Mt ???ln by roliovtas tbot UUkKtoKb* ( id campaigning every county in the st?te . this week and announced tie coottdeoce in his election In the 1 primary Saturday. ' He said, "There has at o time ' been a denial from the present Com 1 mission er of the harges 1 have nude concerning the way he has used hU office for persoual gain." The Bertie Senator stated that In every speech of his campaign ? . he gave figures to prove that Scott was trying to get re-elected by using the state's money to campaign with. This, he said was done by seedmeo and inspectors who traveled the state and campaigned for Scott at the expense of the tax payer. mi st-i there haw never been any coopera tftou -between- the extension coMes an the state and the Department of Agriculture. Title lack of cooperation has caused a duplication of work and a waste of money that must be stopped." he said. Sprulll Is a life long farmer and merchant who has served in the General Assembly since 1933. He Is a Mason, Shriner. member of the Junior Order and Baptist. ASTHMA Why Gasp For Breath? TRY Breatheasy ' FOR RELIEF Mrs. H. A. Corriher Hendereonvdlle. North Carolina Representative wanted GoodNevtJl {essc ^as rrrt. M tttrs now wn. "JHR *cA*?fl5y*4 fl STANDARD OIL COMP In Golden Guernsey Milk The Quality Yon Can See The Appetb fiOI DKN ( Order Yo iMr ' ' ?*.. ' '* . . * /; ArrU^I (Formerly Ma Phone * , - 1. . .< ' j ?s " " -\ " A ' Wadesfcero.. May Sl.-Otom nettle 1 -?t tS, ? fluair ?al terday br lightning . while .standing under a tree on hie farm near L'lee vllle CARD OF THANKS* We wish to expreae our thaate sod appreciation for. the kindness end sympathy shown us during out recent sorrow, the death of our husband and father. Mrs. C. F. Stowe and Family. rp^n'SS |?l8ji I MuostMmrsuuM I I SIMPLE EDGE BLADE I I I LwwJ ? * * 1 - 1 1 1 1 ? ?THE HERALD $1.50 A YEAR? [ravelsFast \) GtiBS\ ANY OF NEW JERSEY * ,* * You Can Taste r Flavor i rinsr Color V I DIM Vl/ / / i urs Today ' "* ; xf I i V te Dairy rgrace Dairy) ,2405 I ' ' . V. * ""n-' \ . ' ' ';f< Saturday Your vote should be cast for the best interest of v your Farmers and Farm Bureaus in North Carolina. Elect C. Wayland Sprafll For Your Next Commissioner of Agriculture 'Sfi,T- /_SIfHb ' m "?BM k*. t. /' K IB Bl C. Way land Spruill Fanner, merchant, and a member of the General Assembly of North Carolina since 1933. A ntau who has devoted his lite to the interest of agriculture development. He Is the best qualified man to hold this position In North Carolina today. Mr. Spniill Is a Mason and Shrin er, also a member of the Jr. O. U. A. M. He served as County Road Commissioner and member of the School Board before going to the Legislature. Service? Mr. Spruill has served the best interest of hjs county and state sis officer and representative of the people tor 30 years. At all times he supported the tamer and the laborer. EfficientHis record ot Introducing and sponsoring measures that have been passed by his fellow legislators is ample proof of the faith the people with whom he served have in him. Worker-Mr. sprultl fought for lovear taxes on farms and homes. He Intro duoed the bill that took the 18? levy off State land tax In 1938. At all times he supported aid for more vocational and agriculture HWUiUg DUUWIO. In hia campaign Mr. SpruUI time and tlma again charged Kerr Scott with non-oooperatton with tha State ' Extenaion forma. Ha alwaya pointed out that there waa a duplication af work and a waate of money be cauoe of- thle lack of aoopenation. , . 'a,. ;>.