?COUT COURT OF HONOR HSLO The Court of itouor of the Boy Scout? held their final session be lone the Summer tiuupU:* season Thursday evening. May 17th, In the fionrt Room of the City Hall. Court Chairman Rev. P. D. Patrick* waT* n**a9T8e. Newly elected assistant Bcout Bxeeutlve WarllcV of the Piedmont Council presented Ae Scouts for advancement; The following advancements were tmj&e: Tenderfoot: Jerry Hord. 3. John Qladden 8. ?rd Foster 7: Jack Rradherry, 7. Astronomy: Buclr Huffstlckder 8. Athletics: William Mndlin. 2: Ruck ft ntisi Inkier. 8, Charles Wll son. 4. ' Electricity: Roy Smith 4: Wilson tiedford 4; Ray Bridges 4. Farm Home: Rhy Bridges 4; WW son Ledford. 4; Roy Snvilh 4. Fireman-ship: Orady Watterson 3 Hiking: Roy Smith. 4; Charles WHson 4. Hog and Pork Products: Ray Brld ges, 4! Wilson Ledtord. 4; Roy Smith. 4. Painting: Rob*. Dettmar, Z. Pathflnding: buck Huftstlckler 8 Personal Health: Charles Little joliu 5; b. T. Wright, Jr., 6. . Public Health: Charles Little }ohn,. 6; E T. Wright. Jr., G. Safely: Joe Hardin, 7; John Har din. 7; H. JJ. Wilson. 7. Scholarship. Orady Wattevson 3; Arthur Lee Jackson, 7. Wootjcarvlr.-g: .Ray Bridges 4: Buck IlufCsUttkler, 8; "Charles Wilson 4; Rby Smith. 4; Wilson Ledford, 4; O. D. McDanlel. 4. Star Rank: Harvey Laughter. 4; (Riarles. Littlejohn, 6; -William- Medtin, 2. Life Rank: Arthur Lee Jackson 7. 100 percent Boy's. Lite Banner a-weirded to troops No. 1 and 6. Announcements were made concerning the registration for camp -at Lake Lenler near Tryon. All ImperIal * Mima 19i , TODAY?THUR8DAY John Wayne In "The Star Packer" Victor Jory. in Zane Grey's "Rangle River" Serial - "Terry and the Pirates' Everybody 10c FRIDAY and 8ATURDAY Tex Ritter in "The Cowboy from Sundown" Boris Kartoff?Bela Lugosi 1n "Black Friday" Serial?Cartoon MONDAY and TUESDAY ?Another Big HitAnna Neagle?Ray Milland 1n "IRENE" News ? Cartoon ?Coming Soon? "ONE MILLION B. C." I ~ ;if-' - | ' 'ii. | ' - - I Thursday '*20 MTJL Wallace Beery Saturday?D "TWO FISTI Charlei "ALL WOMEN B Joseph Allen., Jr Monday a GONE WIJl I Clark Gable Shows at 10:00 A. MH Admission ? Matin Wedi "THESE GLA . Lew Ay res ? . "CROOK ^? ? Edmund Lowe ffifi ' 1 troops are making plane to attend. An effort la being made to make It povstble for all Scouts to have this opportunity. The Piedmont Oouootl Caiup hits the reputation of being the finest bo ye' camp In the South Svout Coltlmlssioner Aubrey Muuney announced plans Tor a Scout Jamboree Brent to bo held Saturday afternoon. June 1st. on the School Recreation Grounds at the corner of York Road and King Street. Competition will be entered by patrols and each will compete a gainst standards for the awards which will be made. Each project will be pure Scouting and will require proficiency In many activities. Picture Entailed Million Man-Hours Human Labor One million man-hours Is the approximate amount of human labor Involved in the Te<S?nicolor production of "Gone with the Wind" fllmlzntlon of the celebrated novel Monday at the Dixie Theatre. Manpower, of course, Isn't metered out like mechanical hortepower, and the estimate of a million man hours doesn't mean that a million man ? and women ?' coi:' I have made the picture in an hour. Nor aoes it aiguify that Producer David O. Svlzuick. working ulout 1-lglu liouts a day. Sly days u year, couid have made* the picture in 40t> years. But it does given an idea of the magnitude of what Is, in many respects, the most tremendous single pioduct.ou task ever attempted .it the motion picture Industry. ' 'i lie figure of a million mun-hours Wus reached b>' adding togeluei' the total thne for all pecsous employed on the picture, tuvludiug tile stars. Clark Gable. Vivien Leigh, * Leslie Howard and Olivia de llavlland; the director. Victor Fleming, and nearly 5000 other 'persons who huve worked since the picture began. Lengthy Preparation.^ Of this time, accordiug to Rayinoud A. Klune. production manager, L'50,000 man-hours -were . accounted as preparation, and 750.000 is actual production. These United States fought - eight j ears to toss off the tyruunny of a British king, and' the Civil War it^eft, some e voting scenes ^t'orrt which are seen in "Gone with the Wiiu'd", lasted more titan four years, with three million engaged and 600, 000 killed. Such historic eventB as these occupied the attention of millions of men fof billions of hours. Vet if sta tlsltes of the Selznick masterpiece are translated into "fan-hours" ? the number of persona who will see the picture multiplied by time if will take them ? the figures assume, if ttot those' astronomical pro portions, at least geographical mag-, nltude.. Rfli KIDNEY WEAKNESS ImtfaiiS Abo for Functional Symptoms of BLADDER TROUBLES ! Tabs KIPKWB now aad roHoro ?uSoring and dloconrioHs oi Backache and Log Pains ?Frequent. Scanty and Burning Pawago? Unnatural Odor?Loan oi JEnorgy?Headaches. Dixrinese. Nervousness?earned by hinrllnaal fHaox and Btaddor Disorders. KID AH 8 is a ult remedy. Activates healthy fanotlonlng of kldooyi and Moddor. Work steadily. Tokm as directed, swift roonlta wfll follow. Toor money back If KIDANB foil to brtas relief. Toko KIDANB now. Believe 1 resent diecomfertn nnjl Alauarlaga nnJ a anlj aaalaua anoonMrd aug wni PonvaB wmpiitu* tioou whisk may follow. Thnoooode irgort SJw'SSuTS&g m*~u MONET BACK OUARANTEE! Dopoolt MM wMh yowr drwggbt for tww boxes of KIDANB. Uoo one box. If net not I re'" wnlsfled with RBBULTS, I limn attoi - to tb? eon# d mow fat sad yonr Bun- -funded. Start KIDAKB Edne. tfai.n .-ley. KIDANB l? sold by Ado. KINOS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. and Friday E TEAM** r?Leo Carrfllo ouble Feature I ID RANGERS*' 3 Starrett [AVE SECRETS" v?Virginia Dale nd Tuesday H THE WIND" rVivien Leigh -2:00 P. M.?7:00 P. M. ee 75c; Night $1.10 I lesday MOUR GIRLS" - Lana Turner ED ROADS" I ?Irene Hervey X7E ? | ** '' " \ ' \ . * ' ' '? *! - 'f.'t - ' ?. < I ' / ' ram kdkm mountain wtitji Local Legion Junior Team. Looking Good * / Junior baseball in Kings Mountain, it seems, Is really going, to bj something this year. Troyano, who Allows a good bit about the game, is keeping his mouth clumped Ugh: ly as to what he thinks, but the material doesn't look ao terribly .ad. A couple oi boy a wo were hot on the High team look pretty good, In (act. And aeverul of .the lada who ilmost won the Western Conference should make it a well-rounded out team. Anyway, we hope ao. About the flneat thing about the team, tbo, la the way Troyano gets along with the boya. The boys decided quite awhile back that he's a swell fellow, aud they're working is pleasing. r - uiu BIIU "an a VUBI IDI uiciu'/ri ui Camp Creak Church. Funeral services were In dharge of the pastor. Rev. Kalpih Melton and assisted by Rev. John Moss and C. C. Parker of Kings Mountain. Mr. Holler Is survived by his widow. Mrs. Mary Holler, t*o sons. George Holler, three daughters, Mrs Lizzie Clemmons, of Union Mills. Mm nefcttha Clemmons of Ruifyerford, Mrs. Pearl Stewart of Spindele and two sisters. .Mrs. Annie I Bull of Conover and Mrs. Callie Ful ton of Spindale. K . . *. 1 FLYING INSTRUCTOR TO BE HERE Mr. Harold Hunnkcutt, local aviation enthusiast, who has just completed an airport on the old Orover road, announced last night that a licensed instructor would be at the airport today, tomorrow, and Satur day. The Instructor, who has had fourteen years flying experience has instructed flyers at Rock Hill, Chester,, and Charlotte for the past two year*. The public is cordially invited to visit the airport and take lessons on the above dates. ... v too Dtiu aoout me Mountaineers losing that'final tilt Friday aftwrnoou, especially when it meant so much to them. Hut one redeeming fact about the game was the infield work. The boys were clicking perfectly. "China Boy" To Be Presented May 31. "China Boy," a three act comedy is to be presented Friday night, May 111, by the Senior Class. It'lells' of the sometimes hilarious and always entertaining adventures a missionary's "al-nost perfect" son encounters In America when hemakes up his mind to be "bad.' The cast of characters is: I .add Ham rick. Jr..?Mark Willis. I). F. Hord, Jr.?Mr. Parker Mary Julia. Pollock?Mrs. Purker." Vera Sargoant?Selma Parker. Gloria Cortrwell ? f.ula Mae Rob insOn. "Ren Bridges ? Hill Parker, Marie Moss' ? Charlotte Mack. James Edward Amos?George Rob Inson. Billy Ruddcxlt?Bob Trtoirnnan. Tickets will bo on tale May 24th and can be obtained from any senior. Blanton Heads W. N. C. Letter Carriers Assn. J. W. Jllaivton, local well-known and popular mall carrier, attended the meeting of the Western- District of North Carolina Letter Carriers Association at t^ie Hotel Huffr.v In Hickory Saturday night, serving as Master of Ceremonies for the occas I ion. At the business session of the meeting. Mr. Blanton, known to every person on his route as simply "Wiley." was elected president in charge of the District meetings for the coming year. He was one of the ni"trtini7i>re c\f f)iu /Put ? !/? ??? ?? lxi. | pwacwivi w? I IIC MiOll IV'l e? VMl, l/? Hides serving as toastmaster. Other officer^ elected for the dis triet were: Garland H. ISollck. of Hickory, vice-president; and J. F. Drown, president of the North Carolina Letter-Cnrrieis Association. Hecrotary. (The Monday afternoon edition of the Hickory Dally Record carried a picture of leaders of the meeting and district, among them that 'of Mr. Blanton. / | Father of Local Man Dies Funeral services tor C. C. Holler^ who died Friday morning at 9:20 in the Charlotte Hospital were held Sunday morning in Camp Creek Bap Mat Church. Mr. Holler had been sick tor about four weeks and had made his home with his son. Rev. Floyd Holler here for the paet several years. Mr. Holler was 72 years THURSDAY. MAY U. WO Meeting Of Third i>istriet I. D. (J. The tuinual meeting ot the Third District, Noitn Carolina . Division, Uulted Daughter# ol the Confederacy, was held at Central Methodist Church, with the local chapter, as nostess. The church hud been decorated for the occasion with lovely flowers iu colors, red and white. Ilev. L. Doyd Hurnin gave tho Invocation. . : Mrs. Frank Summers, president ol the local chapter, gave the uddrest ot welcome and Mrs. Paul Nelslei representing the J). A. R. Chapter and Mrs. Pride Ratterree, the Amet lean Legion Auxiliary, brought greetings in Denan 01 tnese organ! /.ations. Mm. Basil W. Uoyd of Char lotto, responded. Mrs. L. B. Ftshor of Ashevtile, Di vision President, made the principal address of tiio day. Muse was furnished by the Glee msgJbft>-W*s 'm , School. Duniheon was served by one ol the church circles in the dining ,00001 of the church. _ Personals (Cont'd from Society pun?) Mary Aline. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thorn iissou anil son. Billy, and Miss Lain Thomnsson, all of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomassor are expected to leave this morning for Oak Ridge, to attend the Com' niencemeni exercises qf O. M. R. I. where their son. Charles, 'r.. is a member of the graduating class. ?o? Dr. and Mrs. 11. C. Sprinke. Mr and Mrs. I. B. Oofortli Attended the dedication and homecoming servl res at Belmont Methodist church Sunday. Dr. Sprinkle, a former pas tor of the church, was speaker ai the afternoon service. Mr. D. F. Hord was the dhmei guest of his sister, Mrs. Frank Well in Gastonia. Monday evening for hli 60th ibin^hday. Tiie Herald Joini with the many friends of Mr. Hort in wishing him many more happ: birthdays. Mr. Pride Ratterree and son Pride. Jr., .and Mr. Bright Ratterre' attended in Greensboro Sunday tb< musical reclta) of W. C. U. N. C Miss Margaret Ratterree. daughte of Bright Ratterree, participated ft the recital. Mrs. Edward Lovell and ainal daughter, M4""*01* Jane, spent seve al days in Kings Mountain rc-centl; visiting Mrs. Uovell's father, R. C Baker and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. B# leer. While here Mrs. Lovell celebri teel her birthday anniversary. ?0? Mrs. L. V. .Gaffney left yesterda for Baltimore, Md, where' she wil cttenil the graduating exercises o tiie West (iencral Hospital nurses 'Mrs, Gaffney's daughter. Miss Katli leen Gaffney is graduating witi highest honors. Mi. nnrl M.-u l.' A T." I't I UIIM Hi I O. Mlllilil, U I and Miss Margaret Smith returnee Sunday from a visit to Washington D. C.. and the New York World'i Fair. While 1n Washington. the; visited Mrs. 'Malcolm Heavner, for merty Miss Jane Smith of Kingi Mountain. i s /^Mr. and Mrs. Milliard Black, Mr and Mrs. James Ctonlger, Mrs. J. D Self, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Black Alleen. Houston. Jimmy, Charlei and Bill Black attended a birthda: dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs Jesse Black near Filbert. S. C. Sun ONE STEP WONT GET YOU THERE And Om AO Won't Bring Success-You Must Keep On Advertising PRESCRIPTION SERVICE We Fill any Doctors' Prescription promptly and accurately at reasonable prices with the confidence of your physician. KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. THK REXALL STORE We Call Par Aim! Deliver Phone* 41?81 I I .9 -. J| FLASH! j ONLY 50 1 P ' ' : . Men's $15.00 AH Wool Tropical Suite. Single and ~.-W Double Breasted, Plain and Belted Backs. eg oe t j This Is A Special Buy. Save $5.00 on a Suit Now. < : Myers' Department Store 1 i Kings Mountain, N. C. H ^sS kkfciSi i^u6Ex^9B ' B^Adftar) BQk~ \ LiAl 111 ^BWcffyA -B J ^s" \ > jMfM MTS The WGP0P?E luxury liner J V\ 7HER6 else will low .^^^^^^^"""""""""'"'^N. I W price give you such a \ ' . big, luxurious car? Dodge |f/f*' \ also gives you the advan- ? AtfO J tage of Dodge engineering / ^ J W M/^^ur I that means lower upkeep, ? longer car life and real econ- X Jf omy on gas and oil. See the a ipM 1940 Dodge Luxury Liner. M ' JH ^^TyU* ^ X >' Learn why 4,061 engineers I te 1 boughtDodgeinl2months!* I ?i? ^T^oivutt f * October. 1938, through September, \ 1939. Latest figures available > P0D8E ENGINEERING COSISYWNOTHING EXTRA 'Ware and Falls Motor Co. 9 24 N. Railroad Avenue * ' -' ' - ' .- * '. ; ' . . . "' >"' ' V V " * ' . :..- ' .'1 -. .'' ;* ' . : To The Voters Of ; Cleveland County: *.' r. .'./.' ,N' . I am taking- this means of asking the voters of Cleveland County to support me in my candidacy for re-election as County Commissioner. I and 1 ask this support cm my conduct in that office during the past two years. I have at all times done what I believed to he for the best in* II terest of the County and its citizens, and if re* I elected, will follow that policy in the future. I II have attempted to carry out the duties of this I office without fear or favor of or to any person 11 or group of persons and with the sole purpose of 11 providing Cleveland County, with a safe, sane, II and economical administration, and I pledge myself to continue the same policy if re-elected. J Your support and votes will be appreciated. || II I.M.ALLEN |

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