l* *: '' S V v .* ; v ." " ' "> %v-' v'V - ' Senior Play Friday Evening ? ' Contncius say, "ueuor lute than *< v?v." Win n uie buna went to Floi vu. '('ijtiia hoy, was postponed. Ui-vutoi'v the tu gruel t't s uuil more . practice. The tlmo is t-TiUai, May v: , ' 4>n at 8:.00. , Rvfcry <n< will be interested in siring bow Mr. i'aiKt'i- (U. ! '. llortl, a" i principal of. Hie litgii s'lioot, uiiei Vu- Hirker (Mary Juiitt l'ullock) once their ' cn.dreli. Ill 11 tlieii . 1 i-tlpesi anil Seliliv. * Verts' Sat .riv>. lJob tl'.illy Ruddock) ami -ii In M'.ie (Glollu Coin Willi. till? cilbot's children ate always .uti I. toot Kevjy I lit'\u seems to !>' .o.nnig fairly smoothly. until Mark / ilis i|,udil Itatfirirk, Jr.t a young 1 lOHopher from China makes tils appearance'' (ieorge (.lames/ Kdward ,yI, 11 Vi isi ii I'n-yhi iU''i-L 1 Moss) in.a wealthy miss who i;iv?.s Selma quite a bil of I rouble, k.! iirv (KtiKfli! Keeter). till.- Parker's ii...t'l of all work. fixes up every* 'I ik with concoction sip- buy# at 'i.i tin-dicine show. liven Confucius, himself, caul ? sc.ilhc a heller Ionic tor spring r than seeing "China I toy.'' 'The Diamond Shoppc Opens rhe'.-ihamonil SHoppe is Ho c Ppr'lj i he 'Vlonk-Huker .Building on Kmki i* ynta'ii s|rt irt opposite the1 Kings' ',/i /uiiiain llurtdlllg and I?oau Assot.on. A complete Hue ci( qualHv > Irj and meal's clothilis; will he otT? red on easy convenient payment. " ac ordltii; to Mr. It. C. Tahkors1e>. v. hi j lias had several years .expert ?'.ce in the credit selling biislnes.t. A watch and Jewelry repair liel^itlnieiu will he maintained under tt.e direction of Mr. Laician Garner.} *i.r expert jeweler who is' capable of repairing all makes of watches. . , Mrs. Tankersley will assist ?tl the operation of the business. Mr. and \tYs. Tankersley have alTi.nly mo vied to Kings Moiitiiiaiii from Shelby and have an apartment on West Mountain street... Both Mr. and Mrs. Tankersley extend an - Invitation to everyone to visit thoir new business. IMPERIAf Phone 134 TODAY?THURSDAY By Special Request, Repeat Showing .' ' V ' " ' ' ' "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" Comedy ? News ? Serial Everybody 10c FRIDAY and SATURDAY Double Feature Shows George O'Brien in !r "Bullet Code" Hugh Herbert in "LaConga Nights" Cartoon ? Serial MONDAY and TUESDAY Another Big Hit "One Million B. C." Cbmedy ? News ? Cartoon ?Coming Soon? "REBECCA" Thursda I "FRONTIER Randolph Scott Friday and Satun MURDER 11 Ronald Reaga "RANCHO ("'.one Autry?J Monday an TORR James CagneyWednesday - Bargain ] "PIONEERS OF The Three I "TEAR GAS Dennis Morgan I di: . ^ ' l"'ll'l|Py|ipPj||iF'lppPl^lPI>fUf? 111 i "11!'l V** 'I m Drinking Pedestrian A Highway Menace R'ALEUQil.?The drinking driver has loug be?*n a major cause of coi< tern to Ronald llocutt, Director of the Highway Safety Division, but hi recent months the dnlnking pedesiriun has given the safety director a few headaches. "It is difficult to know just what to do about- the individual ?vho taU es on a few snorts and theft' Roes tucking down the street or high way. viidaructTtig Hot 'oftly ills own life lint uNu st ran Re to say. jeop ardi/.lnc the safety of Other people," Hoeutt said. "'Kvi-iyotie knows that the drink inn driver n a menace not only to himself hut to everyone else on the road, hut it is , generally . 'nought that the drinking pedestrian end an reis mi one's life hilt his own Thar iit:t> be true iii most,' case*. tmi torisi siuiy. s to avoid striking tin inisteady- nedestrtan and kills o? Injuries: hlin*elf?*or someone else "\pi<ioxiii?;M?|\ tn percent of onr traffic fat '.Hi! .? are pcrtes'rtaai\ and a good many of 'he pedestrians kill ?t have had a few drink* under their holts. "The Highway Safety Division." llo'-utt added, cautions pcapie who drink not to walk- on the streets and highways. particularly at night, and wo also urge alf motorists to tic on the watch for. unexpected inurements of drinking pedes'l-ians. i nere is a wen-Known slogan id uie effect thai 'It you drink don't drivo,' \W minld add 'if you drink. don't walk in traffic.-" Juniors Lose Opener . Kings Mountain's American. Legion Juniors, opening thcli:- season here last Monday, with a practice tilt with Rutherford Count.Cs Jun hire, lost the first attempt. to 7 I ia I lard had jcliarge of mound duly for the locals, with Oates handling Forest City's, with ilullard giving up eleven. and Oates keeping the locals to eight. Kttors, local cen ter fielder, led the hitting with a decide and a triple, along with e single, for three for five. Coach Troyano released 'lie following schedule for the coming week. Thursday. Cherry ville, at Cherry ville; Friday. Forest City.there: Monday, Cherryviile. here. The home tilt will begin at .1:30. It was learned by the Herald yesterday that Cohhi who had beer, scheduled to handle a lot of the mound duty for the local team had been declared -ineligible because of no available birth certificate. FK KIDNEY IIICAITNCOO Monty Back if LA Ml LOO IF IT FAILS Also for Functional Symptom* of BLADDER TROUBLES! Tako KIDANS now and rtUm nlwisg and discomiarts oi Backache and Leg Palo* ?Freguent. Scanty and Burning Passage? Unnatural Odor?Loan at Bnargy?Headaches. Oiatnann. Nervousness?caused by fcrnctienol Sidney and Bladder Disorder*. KIDANS In n safe remedy. Activate* healthy function In* ?f kidneys and bladder. Work speedily. Taken aa directed, swift results will follow. Tear money hack if SI DANS foil to bring relief. Take KIDANS new. Believe present discomforts and disorders and avoid serious eemplientioo* whish stay follow. Thousands report pleaaiag rmults. Bo should yon or the trial aeetn nothing. MONEY BACK OUARANTEE! . Deposit tlAfl with year druggist for tens has*. Of KfDANS. Us* on* hex. If net omtire'v tells fled with BBSULT8. return Other IV u tho same druggist and year see W|'' he refunded. Atari KIDANS Sidirc. uetm today. KIDANS is e*M by Ad* KIN08 MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. K y Only I MARSHALL" ? Nancy Kelly lay?Double Feature Nf THE AIR" n ? John Litel GRANDE" smiley Burnett id Tuesday ID ZONE" -Ann Sheridan Day - Double Feature i rrtvvv* ttmnrnu l tlCi WM1 Mesquiteers 5 SQUAD** I - Gloria Dickson vie m .. ... . ' . \\ , ; .... . HS KINGS MOUNTAIN HVRAIX ???. ???? ? ? Awards And Medals Given On Tuesday nigtu, at (jrununai .school graduation exercises, aiut on Wodnesuay morning. uie following ueuuls 'and uwams were presentee ..u outstanding siudeuts of both grammar and High school. (Other awards presented at finals last .light): . Grammar School '. I'. li.tker Iteudng, Mcdul. Ha rah Butties. Hast ijihool. iH-rs. ("'. K. N'eisler iWhnmtlau Medal James llerndon, Central School. Hast I*. T. A. Dec iainal to.) Mcdui Clinton Wood. Ku'-l P. T. A. Ki ail.tiv Mejtla| > r,Saiali Startles. Qratiuuar School Field Day Trc pip given to Central School n?r one NlMdlAINlAMUM4MsMaMnlAiMAMMA?MMSi i Mrs. Frank Stimttters gave four, lain pen to William Bagwell ' tltti aradel ui)d also gave-fountain pen' to Joe McDail'.el (7th grade) fot most ltlf|lrovein^:l Itr writing do iitg the vear. ( High School Activities Mary Jiiliu Pollock Art ? Vivian Prince. Pots' Athletics ?? .lames Oiltsor and Charles Ballard. Girls' Athletics Wanda Moloney Debating: 1. Dorothy Mayes; 2. Tttanifa "McSwaln; ". Martha McChtin 4, Clnt:a Plonk. Dramatics D. F. Hord. Jr. Journalism ? Carolyn Prince. Band % ? I). F llord, Jr. Pthno Bnchnol McCtaln. Civic Improvement Award ? Mrs Ftilkersou's Home Boom. DanfbtlUv Foundation Award Wvj en to latdd Hamrick. Jr.. and Mary Julia Pollock. National Band Festival - Bassoon Solo Medal for Honor. Bating of I? Finest Mauncy. National Band Festival-Alto 'Clarinet Solo Modal for Honor Bating of 1 ?D. P. Hord. Jr. Southern To Put On Modern Coaches iilu.D.) f.. * ??0 ??> ? rviimiui, V??.. .UU? -fl.?'IO IIU'N1$'<1 maximum coiu fort for day coach passenger*1, -fourteen modern ne\? chair car coaches with reclining Seats will be placed In service oti Southern Hallway trains Noa. .29-31' and 35-3<>. between Atlanta. Charlotte and Washington, and on the Ifinnlin {htvm .Special. i|?Uween. Birmingham. Chattanooga. Knoxville and Washington. about June 1st. Frank L. Jenkins, passenger traffic manager. Washington. P. annouu cod recently. According to Mr. Jenkins. these new coaches incorporate all the latest features, .including air-condition ing. comfortable chair seats, indivld ual seat lights which can he doused or dimmed to a restful shade of blue for sleeping purposes, commodious rest rooms and anti-rattling devices for the absorption of noise. The exterior of the cars lias been finished in sylvan green, with an aluminum band along the window section, while the Interior is decorated in paswel shades harmonizing with seat ujpholstedy, window curtain? atnd floor covering. The new coaches will be operated In units consisting of one partitioned coach and one straight or full coach, two units being required for each train. ATTENDS GROUP CONFERENCE Mra. P. G. Ratterree went to Spar ranburg Saturday to attend the group conference Red Cross instate torn. The conference was under the direction of representatives of the National Nursing Service of the Red Cross. Friends of Mrs. Ratterree will be Interested to know that she la an authorized Red Cross instrue tor. Washington, May 28.?The Government-flxed prevailing minimum wage rates for the Iron and steel Industry. which aurylved a long court battle ov.er their validity, were In effect today for all future -bldderB on Government steel contracts. The rates, ranging from 82 1-2 cents an hour In the big Pittsburg steel market to 45 cents in the Sou Jth. will not apply to bids already so liclted by Federal agencies. PRESCRIPTION SERVICE We Fill any Doctors' Prescription promptly and accurately at rea? a a . a . a I sonabie prices with the ,confidence of your physician. KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. THE RKXALL STORE W# Call Per And Deliver Phonea 41??1 . ijiwwmmm******. TjnJHRDAY, HAY 30. 1M?. Attend Centennial Meet , in Shelby Several Kings Mountain Civic leader* and bu&iueas men ' attended a meeting in the Court house In Shelby Tuesday night, for the purpose of incorporating plans for the Centennial Celebration of the Found .ng of Cleveland County. Among those attending the meet.nit from Kings Mountain were J. it ThomaHson. 11. Tom Fulton. has. I-'. Thomas soli, laidd W. Ham: tck. Arnold Kiser. Glee A. Hrilges, and \V. K.- Mauney. "George" Whit-" tinglon. Kings MoutUaiu. JLerald?tte-. I?>rier also attended the meeting. Personals (Cont'd from Society, pa-oj In June. ? o- - _ M!\ali<l Mrs* it.'*^1' n[f-'lnieiso'li of Anderson. S. C, were guests of Mr. .ltd Mrs. J. It Davis Sunday. The uii|ile were en-route to Charlotte to ti< ml the funeral services for Mr Kllis Henderson, biother of the former and were accompanied l*> Mrs. Davis. . ?o? l-'loyd Collev. second lieutenant' of lie 1'. 8 Army Air Corps. spent he week-end with Mr. and Mrs. 'Vtiton V tit num. Mr. Colley. nephew if lien ton and \V. 11. Putnam ol Kings Mountain, was enroule from Texas to Charleston. 8. C.. from 1 WORK-IT'S^Y ^^RVES AGAIN wyou EVER HAD^I r A DAY when you felt tense, * jumpy, irritable? A NIGHT when you were wakeful and reetless? Over-taxed nerves are likely to cause loss of friends, loss of sleep, loeS of pleasure, time missed from work, family quarrels, physical and mental suffering. The next time you feel nervous, try the soothing effect of one or two Dr. Miles Effervescent Nervine Tablets. Try Dr. Miles Effervescent Nervine Tablets for Sleeplessness due to Nervousness, Nervous Irritability, Nervous Headache, Excitability and RestlL-iuess. Your ? money bock If you are not entirely satisfied. At ran Dm 8tara Small Packs*! SS# Larse Packs** T(g BtaiaWr to ask far OH. MILES ?&****<**# ' EH NOW < The I Quality Jev On l Enjoy Your Jei Located Opposite You are cordially Ir Expert Wat We will maintain at all ment. AU Workmanship TheC BP . ivited to visit us where yoi ch and Jewelr tiroes a com plete and up? Guaranteed and Prices ai diamond S C. TANKERSLEY, Manage ~ jt '* .. < " a- - or* nu J With 1AN1 < Wear suit* styled for Olympic champs .. best for com fort, free motion, and good looks. Swell fitting with built-in support. Fine two-way stretch lastex trunks with built-in support. Wool gabardine and silk swim shorts in blue, teal, grey, tan, ebony. All sizes. COMPLETE SIZE RANGE $1.00 - $1 Belk'sDepa REMEMBER ? You A i ' ^s???????a?iwaa???? II. 3PEN FOR BL Kamond I With A Complete Line of relry and Me Those Convenient, Easy Paj ivelry And Clothes Kings Mountain Building I T "^ . IM P i i Ml 7WffHil I ill J^" ^ Why Gasp For Breath? TRY Breatheasy ; FOR RELIEF ? Mrs. H. A. Corriher' HendentonvUle, North Carolina 1 Kepiv.ieiitulive wanted Ifl it J iBxt^awnii illm'immiti n>,?ini?ni ?<? ??? | /f /s Time to DIVE | IN! fk i i .* "- . ' '.** ' . '*- * .. H?1 r^r nm^r* WPPfPPWPPlKWIVIilllRI^ Jllil | which place he left Monday enroute I to the Hawaiian Islands where he la to be stationed. Mis. L. V. Qaffney returned San day from Baltimore, Md., where ?h? attended rhe comineneemeiit e.-Ar ciaes of the West Baltimore Oener al Hospital, Inc., Training School foi Nurses. Miss Kathleen Oaffney ant M-lss Doris Plyler. both of Kin^t Mountain graduated with liiKh lion ors and have accepted work wit I the City Hospital, Baltimore. At Las 1 ourriir 1 li> 1 LiEi i ZEN Trunks >. : i, f *:>: l.^^8 rtment Store Llways Save At BELK'S JSINESS Shoppe i n's Clothing nments While You Pay :; . .' v " . t ivoan Association u will SAVE Money. ^ I y Repairing I to-date Repair Depart e Most Reasonable. hoDDe I ir -: - . :. , .;". ' _ ( * : : _?

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