' ' ' Hud Th? Htrafcl . And Suy At Horn* VOL. 2C NO. 22 Condensed In State And. .Ni * ' ?maw nwr?? Wadesboro, June 4.?A email air I plane. piloted by J tannic Kogers. Hying instructor at the loc-il field, with O. K. Koss. Jr., Insurance man here, as passenger, crashed earl) the morning in the back yard of a ?MRWW' Wadesboro. Both men were discharged frocn the botg>ital here after examination and treatment of minor Injuries. The machine, owned by Muri Cherwnlng. local man, was not badly wrecked. ,Mt. Airy. June 4.?Officers hunted over a wide area today for Howard H. Tuckett, 38, a chair company em; plcyee, charged with fatally shootin Oscar Underwood, ral hundred people visited the lo- L tal airport which was recently open ^ d by Mr- Hunnlcutt. (l ' ' B d die World : S. COB8 * ... r r - - ... - , H ' -. - 1, [pert Sources I b . COBB tl with the old Yankee Robertson c arrot. The parrot's perch swung h there the bird would sit just above . , L -gKt IT" T*sy o K - " V * which he oonataatly chanted as the h t twice on each week day of the ukce end apis before the evening a ly. "Don't crowd! Take year time. g p u She evea learned to mimic her Imonitioa ?w a favorite part of over he went away forgetting to ? ha returned a tittle later hie pet ' ? a search party te ted the tenant jj r lot. to a field, they food Polly, iractlcally feathericaa. Aboat her g r^Affto * beaatifaMadtatioa of iriek oat: m I! Take year time! Give everybody N 'mem iM,y ( ommm. mar ? < \V"V ^ . KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Next Governor of N. C. _ Ion. J. M. Broughton of Raleigt who will be the next Governor as i esult of W. P. Horton'a decialor lot to ask for a second primary. Proclamation To the Citizens 01 Kings Motiu uiu, Greetings: WHEREAS, in these days ' o vona-wiae turmoil, w.rh subversivt orcee uud influences ' striving t< iscrcdit and destroy tile ideals am nstitutions symbolized b> our Cout ryis Flag, all loyal American) hould answer this challenge by dis ilaylng tribute to that Flag as Ibt mblem of our rights and liberties; nd. WHEREAS. With this end in viev he period June 8th to 14th hat teen designated as Flag Week oj The United States Flag Association leaded by the President of the Uui ed Slates as liouarary Preslden ieneral, during which time patriotii zeroises and other appropriatt unctions are to be held in town: nd cities throughout all the L.S93 NOW, THEREFORE, as Mayor o Cings Mountain, I do proclaim Junt th to 14th as FLiAO WEEK and di ect that during this period the Fiat if thfc United States be displayed 01 ill municipal buildings and vehicles Furthermore, 1 do inuitA- the peoplt it Itinera Vf nnntoln 1a Wienln? him, "Herbert, who created all the** trow and flowara and all thia rrasa that wa aaa whan wa look oat this bir window!" *1 aunno," Mjn the Ud. I reckon ho wa# aoro bacaooo tho teacher talked ae aweat." Mr goodaaaa. Heatort, dent you, know thatf Oliifi, tall no who mode all thaoo tree# and flowera and ail the piu and lovely ^Owirwo wa# a reel little Ud, mi ho apofio ri|M of end told. tVe teacher theoght that would flume . ha# Hoed bare all hlo Ufa, and he ought ho know. What da Ilmew ahoot who aide tkla hate a9ghborhood, whan I joat mooed hero . last week?" l?rt? Hewe?WWwa.Ue. itain I THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1M& . Ministers' Assn. Plans Union Service I'nioti evening services. will be - hi#' In five King* Mountain chur chen ibi! last Sunday in July and throughout tin- month of August, according to plane worked out at the meeting of (lie King* Mountain Mit< Eoyce Memorial A. It. P. Church Tuesday afternoon. The Hchedule Of these services is as follows: July, 2(. ttr.ton service at Itoyee Memorial A R 1*. Church, with Re* P. 1>. Patrick as preacher. August 4. uulott .service .tt Central Methodist Church, with Rev. It. N". Ralrd as preacher. , | August 11. uttion service at First (f Presbyterian Churcht with Rev. I. 0. llamtn -,?a preacher. August 18; union service at First Paptjst Church, with Rev 11. C. Sprinkle. Jr.. as preacher. August 25. union service at St Matthew's Lutheran Church, with Rev. A. O. Sargeant as preacher. All these services will be held at | the evening hour, and the .- entire community is urged to support and a^lend thctai. > At the regular monthly nfeetine I of the preachers reports from n i number of pastors indicated that the j ? plan (or having simultaneous daily - vacation RiblC schools June 10-21 j will he followed In most of tta'e 'dhupehes. represented. 'Rev. J. V. Frederick was appointed to hold -a service at the County Home on the first Sunday in July, and Rev. H. C. 1 ''nrinkle reviewed the book by Dan' let H. Marsh. "The American Canotv * at this meeting. 1 DELEGATE TO NATIONAL : ASSOCIATION > J,; Mr. Aubrey Mauney was elected ' i as one of the twenty delegates from t the North Carolina Synod to attend j! the national meeting of L'. L. C. A . to he held in Omaha, Neb., in Octo? Iter. Mr. Mauney Is State President i ot the N. C. Lutheran Brotherhood. Rev. L. B. Hamni was also elected j as one of the aJternates. The meet* nf Qvnnd wan holH In lUnlrnri' I LJ '"O ? - ^WW / , last week. WINS FREE TRIP TO WORLD'8 FAIR W. U. Craig. Jr., of the Life Insurance Company of Virginia left Tues day morning for New York on a free trip given for excellence In production of new business during the year 1939. He will, all end a convention of ' company agenta to be held In New 1 York on Thursday and after visiting J the fair, will return next Sunday. Will Rogers' Humorous Story ir will soona gOMPTDBBI nmdtr ** W*1? trt5hT^*erwitta? Mad* If KT=Sii-55=(? EKJFsSSe kot ?2y wWa tETSJlSS AVIV AAMV am EMikWss llVa J..a ad ha wu Just at tfea a?s *fc?rt he wanted te show folks that ha didn't much approve of tho way thinrs waa bain* dona. Ha surely didn't want to go to Sunday School, but his folks mads him go. r?ai Vary tost day. tha teacher naked -A .....r-u ??*W UUVM tu W m' itars and Stripes at their homes laces of business and other suits ile locations as well as on theii ars, and to hold patriotic exerclsfs ilan Flag parades and do other suit ble things as a public expression o ur love of on Country, our allegi nee to its Oloi.jas Banner and oui ellef in the institutions of Ameri an Democracy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hav? ereunto set my hand and caused he seal of the Town of Kings Mour sin to be affixed this 29th day ot (ay In the year of our L?ord Nine een Hundred and Forty. J. B. Thoanaseon, Mayor of the Town of Kings Vacation Bible School The Vacation Bible school at the u the ran Church will begin Monday Corning Jons 10th, at 9:00 and last >r two weeks. The Pa*tor. Rev. L. loyd Hamm, will serve aa director nd will be assisted by a corps of Bachera. There will be classes for ges from three years through high ohool age. A special class will be lught for high school pupils. Miss :oae Hamm, who has been directig public school music tor many sars, will have charge et the mue5. All Children not attending a Bite school elsewhere are cordially ivlted to attend. TTie school will enter Its entire work around Bible istruotion. sundry Changes Hands The Kings Mountain L.aundry hlch has been under the direction t Mr. and Mrs. Harr^ Roberts has een purchased by Mr. Howard H. iughes of Hamlet, N. C.. who has ad 38 years experience in the latinry business. Mr. Hughes te adding tachinery and making other chanes to Increase the efficiency of the lant. The change In ownership took UM/v Usnilo.. if. ?J a* wo muuw/ ?uu nr. auu rarv. [ughes have already moved to Lings Mountain and are now In solve charge of the buBlneaa. EV. HAMM ADDRESSES ,ion? mkbtino Rev. L. B. Hamna -was the mala peaker for the annual Ladles Nght program of the Hickory Lions lub. Hie banqusd was held In Hosi Hickory. lerald uarbage Schedule L nnnounced * )n order to have a cleaner Town J1 .Mayor J. I>. Thomusson announces a | regular scueuule ior tile collection 1 'ol ganage 1 iie ,t|ueJC*"*rtR lie on ? certain streets each Uuv >u- the iieek, and housewives aiv asked n VV-opcrate. b> bavuig their garbage .eau> when the truck mils. The jj. Olliplctc sciitcule with ei .? Street ,.u Ktugs .Mountain listed w til 0* |u ouud elsewhere .? this issue ot Tlid ^ . ^ * j. ? M?cjk.- once a week, this move is lakeU b> | saune *to be a step in the right dt- gl root Ion. Mr. Thontassou suggests |)( tliut the schedule be clipped from ((j your Herald and posted so as to ( keep the da>s and streets in miiiu.' Methodist Has Bible School i Pile \ i;. .1 Church .School of Kj Ci^mal MUihodisl Chuifli will bt> io git at h:OU o'clock Moiida), June 10. St and will' be held at that hour each ar tia.v Uom Monday through Friday for two weeks. boys attd girls lroui or 4 to 14 years of age are cordially in- Si | viled to attend Mrs. fci. W. Griffin , who will act as superintendent ol ^ the school, announces the following faculty: . ' " " J Intermediate Class. Mrs. >V. 11. t; .Craig, assisted by Mrs. Hunter kj Ware;. Junior Class. Miss Dorothy t'| "Patterson, assisted by Mrs. H. C.| le: Sprinkle; Primary Class. Mrs. W. M m Gantt, assisted by Miss Carolyn Prince; beginuer Class. Miss fcillza betta Neill, assisted by Miss Doro- aa thy Plonk. Mrs. L. X). Shuford will be. in charge of the opening period u' each day. and Mrs. W. H. Kowaril ,w and Mrs. Y. P. Throneburg , will be 1,1 pianist for that period. Rev. H. C Sprinkle will conduct the devotional s* period at the assembly, and Miss- pi es Maude and Dorothy Plonk will be lja in charge of the music during this 8C period. - ?5 at Announcement will be made by the teachers on Sunday at the church school hour concerning the materials which the pupils will be ask- in ?d to bring. . .gi The program of recreation will be a vital part of the1 activities of the ^ school, and the school will be dividCP ed into two groups for directed . rec m reation under the supervision of members of the faculty. There will _ be an exhibit of the work of the *1 ink sir. I .. H .. r,. Knln. mslla XI oviiuui, puu ^iu 11 n ai c i/ruif. Iiiuuv g i for a picnic or other outing for the PUPil9' " - J Lions Elect Officers d? he Lions In their regular meeting in Tuesday evening in the Mountain -*< Vew House elected officers for the ^ coming year. The newly elected offt cers will be Installed at the next ci meeting which will he Annual Ladles Night. V th Chainnan of the Attendance Com- c. mittee. Tom FXilton. prese nted 29 p members with 100 percent attend* th ance buttons. m Fred Stall worth, Chairman of the tn Ladies Night Program, made the k report for his committee. wl (The Club members voted to have co one meeting each month for July, th August, and September, with neighboring communities near Kings Mountain. President J. W. Milam, reported thai District Governor Dan Stewart of Ashevtlle stated the local club was far above the average for not only attendance and projects but al so for increase In membership. Kenneth Crook reported that the four Lion's Club Highway Signs had (c arrived and would he erected short ly. Charles Thomasson presented the \y need for a high school and munici- w] pal stadium iu a natural setting near fr( the Duke Power Sub Station which sj, is also near Central School. With the aid of other civic organizations, I m, the construction of this needed sta- pv dium can be accomplished, stated he Mr. Thomasson. Hi ! : tr; ICE CREAM 8UPPER ha *?* ? ati An ice cream supper will be given te on the lawn of Central Methodist er Church Saturday evening. June 8, an beginning at 8 pm., by the mem- th bers of Miss Dorothy Patterson's class of senior girlls. This class he plans to send representatives to the pr summer conference at lake Junalus ka this summer, and the proceeds |et of this supper will be used for drat go purpose. The public is Invited to , ar come to the lawn party. * Witoh Label On Your hp?r AN Don't Lot Your Subscription Expire! FIVE CENT8 PER COPY uwanis Honor ligh School taseball Team 111* Aubrey Muuitey) The Kings Mountain High bchool tseball 1 eojn and Coaches were v guest* oi the KiHau.b Club at Vl> -egular \yoekly meeting Thur* i> e*cuing at the Woman s Club i? aw so..AartEru* ^.i?r-**aa?*.?j*.wfrwX>i hool priucipal, was in charge &C .e plug ruin. The greetings tu lean* id coilClUv* were 01 ought by .lot* fo Woodward. lit* congratulated a* team on Utt* record they had ado atiu w.ahud theui c.oatluuod itfjess. Clarence H}?nk. Jr.. exeased the appreciation of the urn lor the encouragement and ipport of the Klwanls club in the hit tic program of the school As guests of the occasioiv- Mr. nidges presented Miss Oru Muggs. >uch of girl's bdskne iDeForeat Heald. professor of , ( ddern languages and tsue arts ac euolr-Ithyne College. Hickory. He ill tell of hia traveling expetteo s in the countries now In the idst of war. ' . isurance Men Enjoy lanquet Representatives of the Durham fe Insurance Company's staff# un>r the Shelby and Oastonla officers >ld a banquet last Thursday eveng at the Mountain Vies- House Ith their wives a# guests. This inquel was given in honor of both aff# qualifying for the President's lib this year. The company is represented is. e Kings Mountain territory by B. Robinson. T. W. Grayson and J. Pollock. Mr. Robinson reports at the company has made approxl ntely 300 percent Increase in bueess here since June. 1937. and that Ings Mountain has held first plana lib the' entire company on ddbit edition for the paat three con sac a re yean. pinions Expressed in Thle Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) A tremendous Issue is arising in ashington to concern Americana iu waui w piuioti i ucu uvuuu/ any aggressor. It Is this: Who all guide America's rearmament? Everyone agrees that the nation ust build up Its defense*. Nearly eryone agrees that nobody Is In a tter position than the Army and tvy to determine what the counir needs. These military experts ,ve closely studied developments road. They certainly are In a betr position than politician* or avage laymen to decide what guns d shells and arplanes and ships e country, should have.! The big. unanswered question, twever. Is who shall direct the odoctlon of all this equipment. Present plans apparently are to ave control of this in the hands of >vernment officials. These officials e to be "advised' by experts in (Cont'd on Editorial page)