_ % . mid The MdriK And . . < ; I Buy At Hama VOL. 2ft NO. 2*. . ' ; Condensed In State And Ns ?State New*? , Oaatonla, June 11.?William Winter. of Charlotte, newa commentator , I liae1 been exonerated of any crtm* | i . Inal blame In the death of Paul ' Kwtc. 32. Oaaton county truck drlv i wr, coroner C. C. Wallace announc- ? if- t told a coroner's Jury at a hearing at the Gaston county court house that un accident May 19 In which Mr. I Winter*# car struck and fatally In- I Jured the ftaston county man was I uwarently unavollable on the part I of Mr. Winter. They said Swing, apparently falling to see Mr. Winter's t oncoming car, stepped into Its path. < t-affney. S. C? June 11.?Funeral 1 services for Albert Sidney I)pchurch < 65, and his wife, Mrs. Kflle Wright t (Tipchurch, 49. who died within two hours time Saturday afternoon were ' conducted Monday afternoon . ?? at. o'clock at the * Sardts Mtehodist church. ' , - 1 Raleigh. June 11.?Principal > towns and cities of North Carolina 1 are for the first time' cooperating 1 with the dairy Industry and merchants in an effort to boost milk f ' consumption. Miss Isabelle Moseley. ' dairy marketing specialist of the state department of agriculture, said today.' > , ' 1 Washington. June 11.?The house 1 appropriations comjmlttee recomen- 1 ded an Additional $1,706,053,908 out 1 lay for national defense today to prepare this dountry for what the army chief pf staff called "all man- i ner of possibilities In the western , hemisphere." i Charles Pilling Named County Auditor " I Charles O. Ditllng. who lius served as city clerk and treasurer of Kings Mountain for the past seven teen years has been elected County ' Auditor and Tax Supervisor by the 1 Hoard of County Commissioners. 1 Mr. Diiling will begin his new 1 -work in Shelby July first. Mr. Dilllng succeeds Ray Brown. 1 who recently' resigned to accept the I position of Superintendent of the Shelby Hospital. * Mr. Dilllng's county-wide position is a distinct promoton. The salary is $2,000 per year. The new auditor will maintain his , residence In Kings Mountain for a ' while at least and commute dally to Shelby. Mif. JMUIng, knofwn as 'ICbarlls" to his many friends, it a member of the Methodist Church, aod has been < a member of the Kings Mountain < Volunteer Fire Department since Us j organisation. t The former clerk, in discussing ] his new posltea said: T want to f thank the citissns of Kings Mono- i tain for the many kindnesses they have shown n? during my work hero and I knew they will co-oper- t ate with me in my new office." < No announcement has been made i by Town Officials as to who will i snoosed Mr. DHllng. 1 | Laughing Arouti | WkhlRVIN ft?.'.'; \ ' ' ?' . A Defect Com] By DtVlN & TN A certain Eastern state a Gram having been charged by the pres Its duties, its members retired from the and aMDribs to the ancient custom, jail and than to meat upon the day 1 The next morn ins, itsmerftetely a Ii arose and spoke as follows: "Mr. fWaMB, before me take U| matter ef grass importance to bring you all know, me marched sear to th ft Wei!, that part was all rMit. The < floaty of OmP and water and.dlsiafach knew ms muse ?b? and got the place i "But-l obeerred something that r night T got thinking about It and I brag it te your attentioa dw first thi " bo dona about it and that thing U jus 'man fa that jafl omWoetV S&vauEr7 w lebedj seemed te notice, and lest eaak&f sleet, eM I derided rd todaysethet somethhir eeald t thtev-de mm ri Are there aint '< Jt ' -L; i'v.'* 4 '/?*->t 'A***- -jeJfccVi A -.. . ? .. " v "*. " J Moun ' i KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. TH Schedule For Legion Team Announced- The first home game of the elimination aeries will get under way here this afternoon in the local bail park when the local Juniors will 1 meet the Legion team from Shelby. Considerable interest has been work 1 ; mit tidinSWT UM i mis an extra large crowd is expected to'1 be on hand. Klnits Mountain played Cherryville Monday iu the first gajite. Four teams make up Group- one. { oi the Western Section, which are: | i Shelby. Cherry ville, Forest City ano j i Kings Mountain. . . i The complete schedule follows: , June 13: Shelby at Kings Msun Kings i Brief Form itional News ?National New*? 8hu Francisco. June It.?Joan Itlondell. the motion picture actress, rested in a hospital today front iter roua and physical exhaustion which LO^-ccd postponement ot her achedtied opening here last night' in a Lies i jfriiii hue <i inl I n <l iMiiym i n Manila. Jtate II.?Fifteen itavy lattol Uoiubcrs tugged at Mauila day moorings today after a - trans Pacific flight which began at Pearl I'larbor. Hawaii last Tuesday. The planes, from Squadron VP-20 irrived yesterday afternoon under .-omniaud of Lit. Com. S. It. Ingersolt fhcy will relieve a similar squadron which has been on neutrality patrol lutv In the Philippines for nine months. .' Columbia. S. C., June 11.?A desperate escape attempt by four Nesro convicts during a religious service at the ltichla\l County chain tang camp left one of the' prisoners ind a 72 year old minister who waff onductlng the services, dead In its wake today. ? Two of the three convicts who ;alned their liberty were recaptured tulckly. Portlaud, ore. June 11.?Police e? imiued the battleship Oiegou toda> .u learn U saooieurs or juvenile via itois opened the seacock mat lei >uu tous of water into the snip al it* uuchoruge here. Quito, Ecuador; June 11.?The lewspuper til Comercio, in a dispatch, from Pablo, Colombia, said today the Nazi "fifth columnists" wore beiug expelled from the cohnry or were fleeing Colombia. Several Germans had crossed the frontier into Ecuador, the dlspatct^ said. Among them, it declared, was Armand Kuil. who was accused of having photographs and maps of the Panama Canal Zone. Special agents - were posted on the Ecuador frontier to check arriving aliens. Farmlngdale, N. J., June 11.? The engineer and fireman of a Pennsylvania Railroad train were killed and it least 25 passengers were injured ast night when a washout near here derailed the train as It sped !ram Trenton today toward Long Urunch in a driving thunderstorm. Washington, June 11.?The State [Vopartment announced today that Alfred Paul Ritter. 8. an American boy. was killed in an air bombing it tack at KUngenstein near Ulm, Set-many, shortly after midnight on Tune 4. , Washington. June 11.?Solicitor 3eneral Francis Blddle disclosed to lay a proposal to co-ordinate the itolice work of the Customs Patrol, he Coast Guard, and National Park Hangers with the bonder patrol to leal (he nation's borders against ua wanted aliens. Ottawa. June 11.?Canada, In asloclatlon with the British and Frett:b Governments, will begin con* >tVnctton Immediately on two nan* bttlong plants costing approximately 120.000.000. ' d the World S. COBB , * . tnon to Jails r*\mm j Jury had been impaneled and, tditg? justice as to the nature ai i courtroom, selected their officers, >; I adjourned to taapetf tin eonaty Mleohf, Ptar roll call, one at the naaVm ,bs^a2fbod?'T!IItwi5!ew e county jail and leaked through Ad Jefl ?sud to be dean anoajcfc. arte had been need. The prisoners nAI lnnk la- V . ll ' tain; Forest City at Cherryville. June 15: Kings Mountain at " For at City; Cherryville at Shelby. i June 18: Cherryville at King* Mountain; Shelby at Forest City. .June 20: Foreat City at Kings | Mountain; Shelby at Cfierryvlllo. June 22: Kings Mountain at Sliel- , by; Cherryville at Forest City. . i June ?6: Kings Mountain at Cherryville; Forest City at Shelby June 27: -Shelby at King* Mountain; Forest City at Cherryville.' June 29: Foreat City at Kings Moun tain; Shelby at Cherryville. July 2: Cherryville at Kings Mountain. July . 4: Cherryville at Kings Mountain; Shelby at Forest. City. New Post Office Is Nearing Completion ^'^Khtgs Mountain's hew handsome $70,000 Post Office is nearing comt pietion and will soon be ready for the dedication, which is scheduled for June 28th. according to Postmaster W. E. - Blaltely/SWor&men are putting the finishing touches to the tratldtag Which wttFWftmiptete in every respect. Contractor Gallimore has done an excellent Job, and the building is oue of Which all of Kings MmintKin mnv ho Inatlv ? ??#??v r,vMUBoxes in the new Post Office are now for rem, and patrons may secure same by applying to Postmaster Blakely. The rates are the same as In the old 'v' ldlng with the exception of an addition of a large box group. The prices which are tased on the receipts of the Post Office will be 60c, 75c. $1.00 and $1.50. The boxes are equipped with keys Instead of the old style comb'- 1 nations. 1 Postmaster Blakely stated that moving would begin Friday and they would start uncrating and placing furniture today. The new building will be opened for business Jnne 80th. which Is the end of the quarter and slab the end of the fiscal year. Complete details of the dedication I program which- will be held Friday June 28th. will be published In a < later laaue of Hm Herald. Tonsil CKnic _ * t The County Health Department It making plana to hold a tonail and adenoid clinic sometime in July. This clinic for the removal of diseased tonsils and adenoids Is design ed to make this service available to those parents who are not financially able to provide for such operations for their children at standard prices. . , .. The plan is to set up cots and hos pltal equipment necessary for such u clinic in one of the school buildings at 8helby, etc. The operating will he done by Dr. Tom Gold of Shelby, who is a well known and capable specialist. The cost for the operation; everything included,, will be the small nomiuat sum of $7:50. Those interested are requested, to get in touch with the Health Department at once for the details. Methodist Vacation School Program A ptiDiiG fixnion ana program oy the Vacation Church 8chool of Central Methodist Church will be given on Wednesday evening. June IS. at 8 o'clock. All parents and friends Interested in the school are cordially Invited to attend. Aocording to plans announced by Mrs. B. W. Grit fin, superintendent of the school, a picnic for the members of the school will be enjoyed on Friday. June 21. . at the close of the morning .iession of the school. y . y ? . itain F URSDAY. JUNE 13, 1t40 Terminal Serv Opens- Tomori K)g.? Mountar.n's newest service station and bus terminal will be uixMit-d to the public tomorrow. Kri-day, June 14th. according to Mr. Karle Thuntasson, manager. The L-ouvhinutiou service and bua atalion roiner at the junction of highways i'.t and 74 The modern station has bren especially designed to serve both travelers by privute car and bus. The bus station will serve passen Iters for both the Atlantic Greyhound Line* und Queen City Coach L'o.. which have a total of ^4 buses daily in and out of Kings Mountain. The new building lias waiting rooms for both white and colored patrons. A complete line of Pure Oil Products will be carried at all times. and a most modem washing and greastig department will be maintained, according to Mr ThomaR'Bon. Tlu newly constructed station, which Is one of thp most attractive in this section, is modern In every respect and Mr. Thomasson extends a ver* cordial invitation to everyone to visit the new business. Favors will be given away tomorrow. Mr. Thomasson. brother of Mayor .1. B. Thomasson and Charles F. Thomasson. has had ten years experience in the oil business, aud Is thoroughly trained to render a real service to the motoring public. The nerw citizen is a member of the American l.eglon and a formei resident of Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Thomnason have already "moved to Kings Mountain from Gaston'.a and are living on NEW LION PRESIDENT I * _.-** H. Tom Pulton who will bo Inotolled io President of the Lione Club next Tuesday evening at the Annual Ladies Night Program. JUDGE HAROING DIES Charlotte, Jun< 11.?Judge William K. Hardin*, dean of the western dlrlsloa at the North Carolina Superior court bench, died In his hotel (8e?wyn) apartment here today after a long period of 111 health. He was 72 years old. TOnRogear 1 Humorous Story I 1 ?-* By WILL BOGBB8 T WONDER how the yirU are oomln* out that studied how to cook la school. There has always been Jokes about brides sad the way they can't cook, although I never could understand why belnp a bride would make anybody cook wrong. Anyhow, there was one bride that never took cooking at school. 8he served lamb chops and her husband acted awful funny about eating them. "Well, they Just taste funny." he said. "I'd like to eat them, but you know that taste Is Just a little wnvr. iow wan un dome aomatfciag to thorn lamb chop*, because m lamb ?vwr taatod Hko that *o it* own hook." "Why. Jotm." oho aaya, "I cooked thorn lamb ehopo awful cartful. I wnni them a tttla bit here tad there, but I nnmbwj what tho radio woman aaid about what to do fair burn*, and I put a little ooda aad witch hasot ufcere??r I'd buraad 'am. They ought to be good." Anwt ' ' * v lerald ice Station ow ? New Resident A , m wL I I M BL ' Mr. Earle Thomasion, brother of Mayor J. B. and Charlea F. Thomaason who U the manager of newlv constructed Terminal Service Station. which, will open tomorrow at the corner of Railroad Avenua and King Street. Cleveland Avenue. The Thom.ts>ojn ure now members of* the t-'ir*i Pres. byterian Church " Mrs. Thomasso'n I will assist in the direction of the business. " ' 1 iii 4 ii - > Lions Ladies Night Next Tuesday Rev. Excell Rozelle. Pastor of the First Methodist Church of Oaslonia, will be the main speaker on the pro gram of the Lion8 Cub Ladies Night next Tuesday evening In the Womans Club Building at 8:00 o'clock. Rev. Rozelle is a very gifjed spe&kei and a real treat Is in store tor both members of the club.and lnvi ted guests. , * Fred Stallworth: Program Chair- ; man has been very busy lately getting everything ready for the gala event. .j H. Tom Fulton will be installed as President succeeding J W. Milam. Other officers will also be installed. The Lions Citizenship Cup which is presented annually {o the citizen who has contributed most to the welfare of Kings Mountain will be presented. Safety Council To Meet Here - The Blue Ridge Safety Council sponsored by the N. C. Industrial Commission will bold a meeting here at t'ue High School building Kri lay. June 14. at 8 p. m. The main speaker of the occasion will be Mr. O. M. Mull of Shelby. This Council stresses safety In schools. homes and on the highway, as well as in industrial plants. A large representation of the public is urged attend this meeting. Presbyterian Bible School A splendid Bible School with an enrollment of 126 is in progress at the First Presbyterian Church. The school begins each morning at 8:26 and closes at 11:15. The school will continue through June 21st. On Bunday evening. June 23rd, a special program will be given emphasizing the Bible training tho young people have received. The school ia under the direction of Mr. H. K. Iverson. Associated with him is a splendid .. Aitn w# <tn nnKIn taooVioru nth A arh HI vup Ul ta)'aui(i iru? ut i o n UV? W making the school a moat happy and enjoyable oije. County Tennis ^ Tournament i . 'I* . ' - The Shelby Junior Chamber of Commerce la sponsoring a couifty wide tennis tournament. All persona either high school age. or older, see L. P. Stowe at water plant here for Information and application blanks. Already several have entered from Kings Mountain. There will be prob ably about 50 or 60 entrlea in both Junior and adult classes. . t ' Wstoh Labsl On Ysur Pipw An* Oont Lot Your Subscription IxplMt ' . - ' ' . r , FIVE CENTS PER COPY Professor Heald Heard At Kiwanis Meeting I'rofessor Kugene dc Koresi Hnald I (if the Modern Language department, of l.euolr-Rhyue CoUej^, at Hiokory N. C, w as the speaker, at last week's Kiwanis meeting He' discussed 'WifuTR&H' (A'"life 'liatiouH engage^"in' war. I'n.tensoi HeaUl has spent much of his life traveling and has a keen knowledge of the'chief characteristics of the different nationalities He spoke of heiog in Germany last summer and of being convinced then that Germany was in ;to position to make war. ' "I did not find good food in ait) part ot Germany. Most of -their food was synthetic," ' he said. According to Mr. Heald tho German people were very courteous and kind to traders, while the Italian people wore just the opposite. The Dictators of Russia. Germany and Italy were characterized by Mr. ileg.ld as "cold, brutal. madmen. and vulture-like,'. respectively. Roy Scouting is one .of Mr. Ilcald's first loves "You can- jiidge ? nation 'by its ' attitude tow'ard th? Roy Scout Movement" he declared. and remarked. "Japan. Russia. Germany and Italy, will have no Seoul morsment. The speaker revealed the fine char acier and spirit that he has when lie-said that he was "contemplating cancelling his trip to South America this summer because he did not feel 1%:p spending money on his own per* sonai pleasure when there whs such dire need among the sufferers in war-torn countries. "We should glad ly accept our taxation, aud even as increase In taxes if they are wisely expended" said Mr. Heald. He also expressed the need of ttue- loyalty nnd unity among our citizens. Kiwnnians were enthusiastic In their appreciation of the address and I many remained for discussions with the speaker. Juniors Lose To Cherryville The tflierr.vville Legion Baseball Team defeated the local Juniors to the tune of 7 to 3 in, the opening game of the Elimination Series in Cherryville Tuesday afternoon. Ballard pitched for the locals, tanning 11 and walking 9. Cherryville fanned' 7 and walked 8. The game was marred by errors on both sides. Cherryville received four hits and Kings Mountain boys made six. The locale made 4 errors while Cherryville made only 2. ' ' A large number of Kings Mountain fans and supporters of the .Tnninr* mAtAro/l f/* ?K? .uv?wa V?l IV I 11(7 11 c m U1/UI town tor the game. Tuesday afternoon being the half-holiday In King* Mountain swelled the attendance, one spectator stated that as tnaof Kllgs Mountain fans saw the gam* as Cherryvllle folks. The big game will get under war here this afternoon when the local meet Shelby who were defeated hf .Forest City Tuesday, and an unusnally large, crowd la expected to h* ou hand. t *y JahkS Prcstom_ / Hninlnna Rvnrataait Tki* ? \ WimilN Are Not Necessarily the View* of This Newspaper.) In the months ahead, the American people apparently will expect every man to do his hit 90 the land of the free may resist any foreign oppressor. That expectation already la leading Washington thinking. Newspaper readers throughout tho country might think the nation'* rapitol is a hedge podge of confusion. There is confusion. But amid the hurty burly, many people have time to watch for significant devel0 patents. Numerous legislators. therefore., were interested in reactions to the President's declaration that there would be no new 'war millionaires'* and that every group, including iabor. would be expected to cooperate. 1 One of the first reactions was a statement by the Natioual Association of Manufacturers, whose mem I bershto will oroduee national da tense material, pledging "continued opfK>?li 'on of lnduatry- to profiteering" and adding: "No man or grouy 1 Cont'd on Editorial page)

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