??IMI>MIIMII??MMM? SOCIALAND* PERSONAL of INTE PHON ? ?>*? * ? < HOYLE-MOSS WEDDING SOLEMNIZED' SATURDAY I EVENING in a ceremony of beauty anil dig- j ait.v, Miss Mildred Moss became Uio] - uride of George Lewis Hoyle, Jr., at the Presbyterian Church oil Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, with the . Hi-. P. i>. Patrick, pastor of U)e "^brlde, otllciattug. ' ., Evergreens and palms were arn. i Wtol.WUfHli 'MlWuffllfJtlf Mfml>I" factlve background - for tbe baskets! of double fever few and Madouua lilies. Cathedral tapers in aovenbranched candelabra completed a " beautiul setting for tbe impressive ceremony. A program of nuptial- music Was] rendered by William Lee Macllwlneii of Fayettevllle, organist, and Mrs. Paul M. Neisler, of Kings Mountain, slater of the bride, soloist. Mrs. Neisler was gowned in nile greyn chiffon and wore a corsage of pink roaes. She saug "Still Wle Die Watch," by Carl Bohm, and at the conclusion of the ceremony, she aang as an impressive benediction, ''O Perfect Love," by Mendelssohn. Mr. Macllwlnen played "Agnus Die.' by George Bizet and "Estrelllta, by M. M. Ponce. The traditional Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin, by Wagner, was used as a processional and the Wed ding March from Mendelssohn's "Midsummer Night Dream, was play ed as a recessional. jDuring the cere mony, Mr. Macilwlnen played soft ly. "First Movement," from A. Rubenstein's ''Kairherlo Ostrow. The ushers were George Moss, brother of the bride, Paul Neisler, Jr., aetphew of the bride, both of Kings Mountain; Charles Wells, Jr. of Shelby, cousin of tbe bridegroom, and J. L.. Suttle, Jr., also of Shelby, Bridesmaids were Miss Helen Hay of Kings Mountain and Miss Marietta Hoyle of Shelby, sister of the bride-groom. They wore pink silk net, over satin, appliqued In blue rib bon and carried fan-shaped arm bou quels of blue delphinium, tied with pink net. Mrs. E. A. Smith, Jr., sister of the bride, suatron-of-honor, was gowned in canary yellow silk net, appliqued with -blue ribbon. She carried a fan-shaped bouquet of blue delphinium and snapdragons tied with yellow net. Miss Sara Kate Ormand, cousin of the bride, was maid-of-honor. She wore blue net appliqued with pink ribbon and carried a fan-shaped arm bouquet of pink carnations and blue delphiniums. The dreaaea of the brides maids, matron-ofhonov and maid-of-honor were fashioned similarly with quaint full skirt and short puffed sleeves. Tbe bride entered with her brother, Nicholas Moss, who gave her in marriage. She was exquisitely lovely in her wedding gown of white net with trimming of narrow lace end posed over taffeta. The gown was fashioned with sweetheart neck line /"""'"a kRlA r^666 Have Your Eyee Examined, Ola?ee Pitted ?y DR. D. M. MORRISON Optemetrlet . Bye Specialist Will he In Kinga Mountain Office . on Every Tuesday end Friday afternoons Hours 1 P. M. to P. M. Beauty-wise shopp choose CARA NO) Beauty Creations For twenty years, America's set women have depended on Nome Beauty Creations to them attain and h?p youthful lines*. Cam Nome creams, lo 1 .u. J ?? t? truerf eeei??re mi la quality ul ?*ci?nt in U fWiaf pom. Baffin using todayf ? 11 l - 1 ? Kings Mountain Di Plwni 41 and HAPPENINGS REST to V ES 10-R AND 88 MRS* J > ? * + +++ >*+ and puffed sleeve, with gauntlets ex tending to thu waist. The fitted bodice had back, closing with tiny satin covered buttons. The full skirl ended in a graceful traliu The veil ol bridal illusion was bordered with lirusvls twee and fell the full length of train. It was worn with coronet covered with seed pearls and I tiny orange blossoms. Her flowers i were bi idal mxes. sho'vejed y < ?? " Wf-;'ffr;?. "*11' The bridegtoom had us his best inau, his brother, John llo>le, of i Shelby. T1j?? mother of the bride, Mrs. II. X. Moss, wore black silk iiiarquiM tlc?, appliqued in black taffeta and a shoulder corsage of white rose buds. Mrs. Fratik. Hoyle. Sr.. mother of the bridegroom was "gowned in Alice blue lace with shoulder corsage of talisman roses. RECEPTION immediately following the wedding a reception was held ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neisler, on Gaston street. The house was decorated with a profusion of garden flowers, roses predominating. Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Northcutt. the.* latter a sister of the brio*; greeted the guests at the entrdnde. Mr. and Mrs. Hay he Blaekmer fereived in the hall and introduced /to the receiving line composed of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neisler, Mr*. Henry Moss, Mrs. Prauk Hoyle, sr., this, bride and bride groom, Mrs. >E. A. 1 Smith, Jr., Miss Sara Kate Ounand. Miss Helen Hay, Miss Martha Hoyle Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Neisler directled guests to the morning room on the second floor, where the gifts Were displayed. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh | ormuud and Mr. and Mrs. George l^attlmore presided in the gift room. Mr. and Mrs. .Halbert Webb directed guests to the dining room, where the bridal colors white and green were used. The taible was laid with a cloth of Italian cutwork and centered with a large crystal bowl of 1111.... * a*.?? ' ? * 1 mien, icver lew, ruies nuu uauy s breath. At the ends were cut glass vases tilled with the same flowers. On the mantel white flowers were arranged in cut glass cornucopias. Bridal ices and cakes decorated with valley lilies were served. Mints decorated with orange blossoms, were passed. Those assisting in sert ving were Mrs. Harry Warren, Mr^ Bill Thomson, Mrs. Caswell Tayloa; Misses Sara Lee Harrill, Mary Mitchell, Sara Allison, and Margaret Smith,. ' L- ' . ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Neisler directed guests to the library, where Miss ituby Kalis and Miss Jett Hlouk pre sided at the bride's register. Goodbyes yere spoken by Mr. and Mrs. George Moss, at the east door Mrs. Hoyle is the youngest dau gbter of Mrs. Henry Nicholas Moss and the late Mr. Moss. She attended Kings Mountain High School and Greensboro College for Women, Greensboro, N. C. For several years she has been a member of the Park Grace School faculty. She is a young woman of charm and has a wide clr cle of friends. Since the announcenient of her engagement, she has been extensively entertained. The bridegroom It a son if Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Hoyla, Sr., of Shelby He was educated at the Shelby High School and North Carolina State Col lege, where be was a member of the Slgiha PI Spsllon fraternity. He now holds a position with tha Ffrst Federal 8avings and Loan Association of Burlington. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle will be at home in Burlington. Mrs. Hoyle wore for traveling smart sheer crepe ensemble, In neutral shade with trimming bands *n^ blouse In eharteute and soft glrdn In geranium red. Her corsage was di geranium red roses. > Job Printing ? Phone 167 frUtr rug Co. ^ , - ; , . . , i TUB KINGS MOUNTAIN BftRAL VOMEN i. H. PATTERSON, . REHEARSAL PARTY AND CAKE CUTTING j -Members of the Hoyle-Moss bridal party were entertained ut a icheari ! sal party ami cake 'cutting tit tli?J I llume of. the" bride'* pio>thcr, .Mr.*. H. . N. Moss" on Friday evening. laivvly par den flowers were arranged tbioughout the ItOuse and iii the uttilnp room, the bridal motif The ring. thimble, dime and oth r wedding symbols attached to nut' .-w white satin ribbons, were hidlucti m the bell-shaped wedding cake liecorailoti* of white sweet peat* and fever few and a iniiUature' bride and groom approaching a gate which stood ajar, completed the table appointments. Sandwiches, tea and cake was served. Those present other than the bri dal party, were Mr." ahd Mrs. Kalph Northcuit of Dalton, Ga., Mrs. Lec v 11 f n-.il. ? ? j ??i " ?? ?? ? - ? <iiiiauii runs auu .mibs kud)' rails or Chieopee, Ga., house guests of the hostess. BRIDGE PARTY FOR BRIDE^ ' Mrs. John Gamble was hostess at three tables of bridge at her home on West Mountain street. The party was given as a compliment to Miss Elizabeth Ware, brideelect. Mrs. T. W. Grayson, nee Miss Maxine Hoggs, bride of last Saturday, shared honors'with Miss Ware. ^"Miss Faye Mauiiey was pfesenteiV prize for high score. Miss - Miss Elizabeth Ware, Mrs. T. W. Grayson Miss Louise Anthony of Lincolnton and Mrs. Lawrence Lohr of Raleigh were each presented gifts. During the afternoon refreshing punch was served and at the coselusion of the game ice cream add cake was served. \ Guests included Miss Elizabeth Ware, Mrs. Grayson, Miss Louise Anthony, of Lincolnton. Mrs. Lawrence Lohr of Raleigh; Misses Octavia Crawford, Ava Ware, Mitchell Williams, Maude Williams. Frances Hordy Faye Mauney Dorothy Patterson and Mrs. John McGiil. amOE-ELECT HONORED 7 Miss Mitchell Williams was hos! tess at seven tables of bridge and additional tea guests at the Womans Club on Monday afternoon, the party given as a compliment to Miss Elizabeth Ware, whose marriage toboa nlacA trtrfav *?*_JThe club lounge "was decorateu with summer flowers. The honoree was presented an attractive gift and Mrs. John McOUl was presented prize for high score. A tempting salad course with accessories was served to the following guests: Misses Elisabeth Ware, Annie Mae Ware, Ava Ware, Mary Prances Hord, Dorothy Patterson,, Martha Prances McOill Faye Mauney, Penny Carpenter, Eva Plonk, Eva Mae 8uber, Prances Plonk, Mary Sue McGinn Is, Octavla Crawford, Nina Jackson, Gusste Huffstetler, Maude Williams and Helen Williams; Mesdames John McGiU, John Gamble, B. N. Bames.Fred Stallworth, Holland Dixon, Paul Hendricks, W. R. Craig, Aubrey Clay, Ovid Morris Claude Hambright, Hugh Ormand, L P. Stowe, Arnold Riser, C. P. Elatn, Luther Ware and W. A. Williams, Out-of-town guests included Miss Louise Anthony of Llncolnton, Miss es Nancy Brwin and Elizabeth Elliott of Charlotte. ^MCiTESS TO STUDY CLUB / Mrs. P. O. Hatterree was hostess to members of the study Club and i Invjlued guests entertaining at her ' home nn Osld street Tuesday after s, noon. The house was arranged wltt "lovely mixed flowers.. 1 r Mrs. W. K. Crook had charge ol the {urogram which was a part of s course of study on Famous Women Mrs. B. N. Barnes told of the <<Ora clous Lady," Sara Delano Roose velt, and Mrs. Charles Campbell talk ed on the life of Mrs. Eleanor Roose velt as given In "This Is My Story.1 written by the first lady. The pro gram was concluded with the song, Ood Bless America. The hostess assisted by Mrs Bright Ratterree served delicious re freshmen ts. Invited guests included Mesdamei E. L Campbell, J. M. Patterson, J O. Plonk, N. F. Watterson, Lona Mc GUI, Bright Ratterree, Fleming,Ran seur and Miss Willie Ellerbe. ?WTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob 0oo| or, Tuesday, Jane It. a daughter Mrs. Cooper sad baby are in a Oban lotto Hospital. D THURflpAT, JUNE 20. 1040 BRIDE-ELECT HONORED AT- SHOWER \ /iMrs. N. K. McOlU entertained at a ' parly and shower on Monday evening honoring Mlsa Elisabeth Ware, ^dtrlde of the week. . *' ^tluests Included members of tSe choir of Hovce Memorial A. R. P. Church and a few additional guests Miss Ware was presented a show er of attractive and useful gifts. Tempting refreshments were see v? d. BtmAM RANDLE WEDDING. f A wedding of cordial interest t< i their friends throughout the counf t 'i?>k place in Shelby Friday evt enlng hi R o'clock when Mlsi Velina Sai.lu I Putnam became- lie bride of .Iclii. Puller Randl'V jTlle mnrriiige took pliicc. at the homo t?f the-Rev. j .i Hu >i r? j an .Maunuy. w'.in ihe Hpv Mr. M annoy |>< - rf >rnri iik the 'Mil,, ">i IU fH. fl'.T.'lt the immediate families i\itnesscil the service. The bride wore a modish frock of navy hlue lace with white accessories and a corsage of pittk rose buds and valley lilies. ' Mrs. T(andl>i an attractive .-and popular girl, is a daughter of Mr. and Mm \V. Hill Putnam of Kings Mountain, and a sister-of Miss Ruth Putnam oi Shelby. She is a graduate of Kings Mountain high schooV and has been working in the office ot Dr. W. L. Ratnseur in Kings Mountain. The bridegroom, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Randle of Kings Mountain. is a graduate of the Grover h.igh school, and also of a mechanical school in Memphis. Tenn. He Is s now working at the Nelsler Mills fn ^<ings Mountain. , Mr. and Mrs. Randle left after the peremonv for a wedding trip through the mountains. They will make (their home with Mr.' and Mrs. J. A. fRandlo of Kings Mountain. Mrs. Ralph Northcutt and childI ren of Daltonv Ga., are vl siting relatives in Kings Mountain. BRIDE HONORED / t" ^ i?i vr>uuiur9 lUUIIUll >V U |X', JOIII1 Gamble and Grady Patterson were hostesses at three tables of bridge entertaining at the home of the for mer on Fridey evening. The party was given in honor of Miss Elizabeth Ware, bride of this week. Bowls Of mixed flowers were ai ranged in the living room and dining room. The honoree was presented a gift (Cont'd on back page) ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? .t t..? J ?. ?. t * ? ?. ? t j. .t. TVVVvTVTTTVTVTVTTTTTTTVTTVV I B I JUNE of ot * > < i V . ? i; * group i Our Reg. 69c K 2 and 3 thread 45 'I First Qualit; ;; . . 69c p 2 Pairs For $1 4 ? ' Thursday and Frid i 11 . t .. < :: group hi i i j ' * , n Our Famous $ 51-Gauge Silk 1 ;; Three Colo] r : I 2 and 3 Thre 97c p Three Pairs for Thursday and Fridi 1 * < All these groups ai \ ^ Sale Thursday and i 1 < * '? . I Belk's E ( > ' ' , ;: REMEMBl < r < ? ' -. FOR JOB PRINTING ?:? PHONE 167 ) * Holp your tooth shino liko the stars J a me vaiox Tooth Powdov # ?************************ ft~~ Many of Hvlhauod'i hriglitrM Mara uae Caloa to li?*l|> bring SB out thr natural lutlrr of ihrir troth?and you run rrly <xi KSllul CaU>* too. I'urr. ahalnonr. |>lru*ant-taMiiifU n|iproved b? Good lloox W? i ifiiiL Bureau. Fivr levied ineredirntv, Llriidcf II fC??M t II -j -- - aicording to tire formula of u fmriiioM denial au'F "tit*, If A. 'biiO.ii. make Caltii an er'onumiral tootlt |i?kdn lli.it tun'l l<?.n [I _ tooth tnumet. Grl Galoa today at your drug tlorr. Five , MRnH tiitt*. from log to 1) ?>. fo|-r. ttttt M.Kiuoi. A ItiiUims t;*.' i i a n n I O'' I H" W/HY deny yourself the luxury, roominess, pride H ** and economy of a.big Dodge Luxury Liner, H when it costs &o little more than a smaller car ? The 1940 Dodge is the greatest car Dodge ever I built ?and the biggest value - package in town. I New beauty, new luxury, more new ideas than any previous Dodge, yet it still sells for only a few dollars mort than smaller, low - priced cars. H * And mp. This is Detroit delivered price end includee ail H Federei teeee end ell etenderd equipment. Transportation, H etete end Iceel teaee\ifeny), eetre. WARE & FALLS MOTOR CO 24 North Railroad Avenue ELK'S~ I ; HOSE SALE tr Better Hose \ I ' I GROUP II 4 | lose Reigning Beauty 2 n Tk?.J - * "UlllgC AIUW JL1I1VOU iivo^ , , ( - From our Reg. 79c Stock ~~ ' <; Five Colors . .~i JI *V 68c pr. 19 Three Pairs For $1.89 . ay Only Thursday and Friday Only 1 ? ? GROUP IV Jj i \ 115 Hill Crest ? j.'i &\ ' First Quality . ^ Three Thread ; ;i; r. 7Sc pr. 1 $2.85 Thrw> Pairo fnr CO 1A X ay Only Tttursday and Friday Only re from our regular fctock and will be on 31 Friday only. < i department Store | BR ? You Always Save At BEIJCS i ,1 j I I | ' ''-V " ; ' ;

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