. IMIIIIIMIIMIIIMIIMMM* SOCIAL AND PERSONAL I of INTEI PHONE HOYLE-MOS8 WEDOING a &OLEMNIZED SATURDAY >. EVENING lie ? -lu u ceremony of beauty aiid dig- o uty, Miss Mildred Mosm became tho ' or.de of George bewU Hoyle, , Jr.. 0 At the I'realiylerian OburcU on Sat- II urday evening at 8 o'clock, with the U Rev. P. D. Patrick, pastor u( tbe grille, officiating ^ ? iri*i'i4iV?jlfH a'nu palms were ur- i ranged in the a liar forming uh <-i feetive background for the baskets of double' fever few and Madouua lilies. Cathedral tampers in seven S branched candelabra completed a " beautiul setting for the impressive M ceremony. i fc? U A program of nuptial music was .jj rendered by William L.ee Macllwincu of Kayetteville. organist, aud Mrs. Paul M. Nelaler, of Kings Mountain, 11 slater of the bride, soloist. Mrs. A Neisler was gowned in nile gre^n Si chiffon and wore a corsage of pink roaes. She sang "Still Wie Die Watch," by Carl Bohm, and at the (|| conclusion of the ceremony, she j1( sang as au impressive benediction, ul <'0 Perfect Love," by Mendelssohn, j, Mr. Macllwincn played "AgnUs Die.' j, by George Bizet and "Bsti'ellila, by ill. M. Ponce. . tt The traditional Bridal Chorus g, from- Lohengrin, by Wagner, was y used as a processional and the Wed vt ding March from Mendelssohn's "Midsummer Night Dream, was play ul ed as a recessional During the cere y TOony. Mr. Macllwlnen played soft ly "First Movement." from A. Rub- g| enatein's ''Kamerlo Ostrow. M The ushers were George Moss. y ?# ,V.? KrlJ. D-..I cbool and North Carolina Stat? Col ] IK?, wher? be ?M a member * Of i be 8tgma Pi Spailon fraternity. He ow bold a a poaition with tb? Ffrst 'ederal Savings and Loan AeaoclaIon of Burlington. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. foyte will he at home In Burlington. Mrs. Hoyi? wore for traveling a / mart sheer crep? ensemble, In neoy ral shade with trimming bands and ilons? in ehartense and soft girdle a geranium red. Her corsage was of :e ran I urn red roses. \ Fob Printing ? Phone 167 ~l ' I I I?? ; *'''* " '.* ' * ?- * *. - .'' ."#-*- ,* ' .*? : *-. ' * : ' V - '' V? ' '- t, *.' , J r ' >' x,' '- * ?- .v . ^ iMvsssva -va Ii?c u? >u?, I out ncivici, Jr., aephew of the bride, both of Kings Mountain; Charlea Wells, Jr. w of Shelby, cousin of the bridegroom, ^ and J. Lt Suttle. Jr., also of Shelby. ^ Bridesmaids were Miss Helen Hay ' of Kings Mountain and Miss Marl- * etta Hoyle or Shelby, sister of the ^ bride-groom. They wore pink silk net, over satin, appliqued in blue rib bon and carried fan-shaped arm bou quels of blue delpbiDium. tied with pink net. Mrs. E. A. Smith, Jr., sister. of the bride, matron-of-honor, was ' gowned in canary yellow silk net, wppliqued with blue ribbon. She carried a fan-shaped bouquet of blue delphinium and snapdragons tied wltji yellow net. . ' Miss Sara Kate Orraand, cousin v of the bride, was maid-of-honor. She ^ wore blue net appliqued with pink " ribbon and carried a fan-shaped arm ' bouquet of pink carnations and blue ^ delphiniums.' The dresses of the " brides maids, matron-ofbonor and maid-of-honor were fashioned siinl- g larly with quaint full skirt and short t< puffed sleeves. si The bride entered with hsr brother, Nicholas Moss, who gave her in w marriage. She was exquisitely lovely in her wedding gown of white net g with trimming of narrow lace and ai posed over taffeta. The gown waa e< fashioned with sweetheart neck line a G si TO CHSCK a A I A 0 ws&gj fl .. 1< ??????n t Hava Your Eyaa Examinad, n Ola?a Fitted ' t! ?By? DR. D. M. MORRISON * Optomotrlat . Eya Spaolallat s Will ba In King* Mountain Off lea 1 on Evary Yuaaday and Friday j aftarnoona Houra 1 F. M. to ? F. M. ?I J Benuty-wise shoppe choose CARA NOK Beauty Creations For twanty yaara, Amarica'a ami aot woman km dapaadad on C No? Boaoty Craatfona to fa thom attain and tap youthful la linaaa. Oam No? craoau, loth mako-up aida and bath aecaaaoi ?ana for ovary aoad?ara aopai In quality and a?tent In baav giving yowor. Bagin using tk today! I ' . - a Kings Mountain Dm rtboaes 41 and 8: IAPPENINGS *EST to \* S 10-R AND 88 MRS- A. utl puffed il??ve, with gauntlets ex,f udiug lo ll(<t Witini. The lilted bud- C .j hud buck closing with tiny satin j i/?ur?*d button*'.' The full skin end* [ 1 I in a uiu*. i ii Ira lu. Tltt yet) oi J *. r-dal illusion was bordered with ti nr->s<d? la'ctt and fell the full lens- > i of train It wu* worn with coiu 1 covered with ? ed pearls uud ' J.miv.1,1 . JIII i n 1. re bi.dal. roses showeied with ' Bile)' Ul.es. The bridegioont hud as his la st | i.iu. ins mother, John Hoyle. of helby. 1 u The mother of the bride. Mr*. I V Mpss, wore blitik silk niaVquI 'tie, appliqued- in blink taffeta ami a shoulder corsage of white rose >' iidtt. t Mrs. Krauk lloyle. Sr.. mother of te bridegroom' was gowned in s lice blue lace with shoulder corige of talisman roses. d RECEPTION ? Immediately following the wed- ^ ing a reception was held at - the ' nine of Mr. and Mrs. Faul Neisler, '' n Gaston street. The house was licorated with a profusion of gar- ? an flowers, roses predominating. ? Mr. and Mrs. italph Nortbcutly ^ it- latter a sister Of the brldrff ( reeted the guests at the entrance. (J ir. and Mrs. J-iayne Blackmer relived iu the hall and introduced/to (l le receiving jlue composed of Mr. e nd Mrs. Paul Neisler. Mrs. Henf.v j loss. Mrs. Frank lioyle, sr., tn*. ,1 ride and bride groom, Mrs. E. A niith. Jr., Miss Earh Kate Onnand. p [iss Helen Hay, Miss Marti* Hoyle { r. and Mrs. Hunter Neisler <li:ec?- y 1 guests to the morn in ij room on a te second floor, where the gifts v ere displayed. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh rniaud and Mr', and Mrs. George attitnore presided In the gift rooni. i [r. and Mrs. Halbert Webb direct- e 1 guests to the dining room, where c te bridal colors white and green ere used. The taible was laid with \ Af Italian ffiiiwni-V - ?'' aam- " red with a large crystal bowl ot lies, fever few, roses and baby's reath. At the ends were cut glass ises filled with the same flowers, n the mantel white flowers were (-ranged In cut glass cornucopias, ridal Ices and cakes decorated lth valley lilies were served. Mints jcorated with orange blossoms, r ere passed. Those assisting in sen/ ing were ^Jrs. Harry Warren, Mr/ ill Thomsou, Mrs. Caswell Taylon; [isses Sara L?ee Harrill, Mary Miliiell, Sara Allison, and Margaret mltb. \ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Neisler directed uesls to the library, where Miss uby Kalis and Miss Jett i'louk pre. ided at the bride's register. Goodbyes yere spoken by Mr. and Irs. George Most, at the east door Mrs. Hoyle is (he youngest dau bier of Mrs. Henry Nicholas Moss nd the late Mr. Moss. She attendd Kings Mountain High 8chool nd Greensboro College for Women, reensboro, N. C. For several years tie has been a member of the Park race School faculty. She is a young rotnan of charm and haa a wide cir le of friends. Since the announcetent ot her engagement, she has een extensively entertained, 'he bridegroom is a son If Mr. and Irs. Frank L. Hoyls, 8r., of Shelby re was educated at the Shelby High TUB KINDS MOUNTAIN BKMAL1 ? "... . . . f fOMEN H. PATTERSON, * vtHEARSAL PARTYAND . AKE CUTTING4*""l-"','?l , Members of tht* Hoyle-Moss bridal Kilty were enlcrtufiied at a reheard .(1 party uiitl cuke cutting nt th?^ om? of the bride's mother, Mrs. H ?. Moss on Krlduy evening, lanely garden flowers' were ar iiiiK'U thioughqut tin* 'nouse and " IJ i hlii- isih] art'dii was emphasized, Tht> ring thimble, dime -and othr wedding symbols attached to nn:* ow white 'satin ribbons, were liltled in the bell-shaped wedding cake let orations of White sweet. peas U . : J * *. - ' . - . t 4' . - iiu rever lew and unlli^uUire bride ad groom approaching a gale' ihlch hlood ajar. completed the able appointments. Sandwiches, tea and take was erved. Those present other than the bri. al party, were Mr. and Mrs. Kalph iorthcutt of Dalton, Ga., Mrs. Lec illison Palls and Miss Ruby Palls of 'hleopee, Ga., house guests of the ostess. IRIDGE PARTY FOR BRIDE^b CT t Mrs. John Gamble was hostess at hree tables of bridge at her home iii West Mountain street. The party was given as a'compll nent to Miss Elizabeth Ware, brldelect. Mrs. T. W. Graysou. nee Miss Jnxine Hoggs, bride of last Saturlay, shared honors with Miss Ware. "Miss Faye Mauney was presented^ rize for high score. Miss Miss Elizabeth .Ware, Mrs. T. W.. Grayson liss Ixruise Anthony of Lincolnton nd Mrs. Lawrence Lobr of Raleigh rere each presented gifts. During the afternoon refreshing iunch was served and at the collusion of the game ice cream at^d ake was served. A .Guests included Miss Elizabeth Vare, Mrs. Grayson, Miss Louise tnthony. of Lincolnton. Mrs. Lawence Lohr of Raleigh; Misses Ocavia Crawford, Ava Ware. Mitchell yilllams, Maude Williams. Prances iord, Paye Mauney Dorothy Patteron and Mrs. John McGill. t ' ? - . ^R+OE-ELECT HONORED Miss Mitchell Williams whs hosess at seven tables of bridge and idditlonal tea guests at the Womans 'lub on Monday afternoon, the pary given as a compliment to Miss Slizabeth Ware, whose marriage akes place today. _The club lounge was decorated vlth summer flowers. The honoree was presented an atractive gift and Mrs, John McGil! vas presented prize for high score. A tempting salad course with accessories was served to the followng guests: Misses Elisabeth Ware. Lnnie Mae Ware, Ava Ware, Mary Prances Hord, Dorothy Patterson,, Slartha Prances McGtll Faye Maunsy, fanny Carpenter, Eva Plonk, Eva Mae Sober, Prances Plonk, kiary Sue McQinn is, Oct a via* CrawFord, Nina Jackson, Gussle Huffstetler, Maude Williams and Helen Williams; Mesdames John McGllI. John Gamble, B. N. Barnes,_ Fred Stallnorth, Holland Dixon, Paul Hen1 ridks, w. R. Craig, Aubrey Clay, Ovid Morris Claude Hsmbright, Hugh Ormand. L. P. 8towe, Arnold Riser, C. P. Elam, Luther Ware and W. A. Williams. Out-of-town guests Included Miss Louise Anthony of Llncolnton, Miss es Nancy Brwin and Elizabeth Elliott of Charlotte. H$8TEftB TO STUDY CLUB Mrs. P. O. Ratterree was hostesu to members of the Study Club and InvjltAd guests entertaining at her home on Gold street Tuesday after noon. The house was arranged with lovely mixed flowers.. Mrs. W. K. Crook had charge ol the program which was a part of a course of study on Famous Women Mrs. B. N. Barnes told of ths ?Ora cious Lady," 8ara Delano Roose velt, and Mrs. Cbarlss Campbell talk ed an the life of Mrs. Eleanor Room velt as given in "This Is My Story.1 written by ths first lady. Hie pro gram was concluded with the song, Ood Bless America. The hostess assisted by Mrs Bright Ratterree served delicious re freshments. inviuea gueeis inciuaea M?uunw E. L. Campbell, J. M. Pattereon, J O. Plonk, N. P. Wattereon, Lona Mc 0111, Bright Ratterree. Fleming .Ran ear and Mlaa Willie Kllerbe. BlfVTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. and Mra. Jacob Ooo) r, Tneaday, June It, a daughter Mra. Cooler and baby are In a Cha< lotte Hoapltal. D THTJRapAT, JUNE 20, 1*40 BRIDE-ELECT HONORED AT^SKOWCR , \ /Mr*. N. F. McUlU entertained at a party and shower on Monday evening honoring Miss Elisabeth Ware, ^bride of the week. > ^fluests included members of tEe choir of Boyce Memorial A- R- PChurch ?ml a few additional guests Miss Ware was presented a show er of attractive and useful gifts. Tempting refreshments were sen ved_ , BL'TNAV, MMSLE WEDDING f A wedding of cordial interest tc their, friends throughout the eouni 'unk place Iu Shelby Kridavi-evening; at 9 o'clock when Mis,# Velma I I 'tit tut in became lie bride of John Hut lei* Handle. jTlie marriage touk place at the home of the He v. itrt "iiifiii fflyrtaVrftrtr;.i ?:,% Rev Mr. Miiliney tiertorinltig * the ceremony Only a few mejnbors of the iitunediate families witnessed i iiti M"i * i\zr. Tlu: bride wore a modish frock of navy bine lace with white accessories and a corsage of pink rose liuds and valley lUios, i Mrs. Raudb<| an attractive and popular girl, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hill Putnam of Kings Mountain, and a. sister of Miss Ruth Putnam of Shelby. She is a graduate of Kings Mountain hjgh school and has been working in the office ot Dr. W. L. Rainseur in Kings Mountain. The bridegroom, a son of Mr. and Mrs. .T. A. Randle of Kings Mountain. is a graduate of the Grover high school, and also of a mechanical school in Memphis, Tenn. He is Vow working at the Neisler Mills in ^1'ines Mountain. j Mr. and Mrs Randle loft after the leremony for a wedding tHp through the mountains. They will make itheir home with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. rRandle of Kings Mountain. Mrs. Ralph Northcutt and children of balton. Ga.. are vi siting relatives in Kings Mountain. BRIDE HONORED / MeVdames Moffatt Ware. John Gamble and Grady Patterson were hostesses at- three tables of bridge entertaining at the hofne of the for nter on Fridey everting. The party was given In honor of MIsb Elizabeth Ware, bride of this week. Bowls of mixed flowers were at ranged in the living room and dining room.. The honoree 'was presented a gift (Cont'd on back page) ' p*. | JUNE ? ? . ' of Ol ? ?? : , GROUP I 4 ? < \ . Our Reg. 69c 1 2 and 3 thread 4i First Qualit < . * 59c 2 Pairs For $1 Thursday and Fric 4 > < GROUP III i | i '? Our Famous i 51-Gauge Silk Three Cok t il 2 and 3 Thr I 97c f. Three Pairs foi i i f Thursday and Fric ? ( * C < All these groups a Sale Thursday ami i 1 > * Belk's I > | REMEMB 31 r I <? II ' i t > * v2v'Vy*isr> v -.i; " . . . FOR JOB PRINTING ?PHONE 167 V : f ' * " * i ; i J Help yonz teeth shin* like the stars J * . . use Calox Tooth Powder . Many cl HoIIthooiIV l>riplilrcf star* utt Calox lo help lirinf GSSSS out the natural lu.tre of their teeth?and you run rely ? Calox too. Putre. wholesome. pleasant-tart in*. approved b< Good lloU.-eV. rmns Bureau. l ite Ir.lid ingredients, Mrmld II ?.?? K.iii 1 r ' H a .j according Hi the formula of a foremost dental authority. [*' '" ' make Calox an economical tooth powder that can't lo is . ||. tooth enamel. Cel Calox today at your drug store, l is* h^BrnS sites, frc.ni lll< to |1 25. Giff. 19*0 MiKttivn c\ Rt4>lt rv Is: IA A .YJ -Jill I fTv I ftUmF ^H -v v-> *? ., VXTHY deny yourself the luxury, roominess, pride VV and economy of a big Dodge Luxury Liner, when it coefk 00 little more than a smaller car? The 1940 Dodge is the greatest car Dodge ever built ?and the biggest value - package in town. New beauty, new luxury, more new ideas than H any previous Dodge, yet it still sells for only a H few dollars more than smaller, low-priced cars. H V - H And up. 77iim ts D+trati dtJivmrud pricm mnd incJud? sJI I Fudmrul tuxf mnd +J1 utmr.dsrd uquipmunt. Ti*n?ports>t>on, ? tutu mnd ioc+1 *ny), uxtrm. WARE & FALLS MOTOR CO. 21 North Railroad Avenue ^ ; ( V+++++++r++++++<-+++->+++-M-i.+V + ?+* * ELK'S : HOSE SALE :?. v. . i ir Better Hose j 49 GROUP II . 4 s: Sosc Reigning Beauty j! 5-Gauge Three Thread Hose ; i_ . ; From our Reg. 79c Stock * Five Colors J: " % U i r. r - - L.10 Three Pairs For $1.89 lay Only Thursday and Friday Only ! < ? t ? group iv n ? 11.15 Hill Crest ' "OS First Quality ft* ? H I . %- < eaj ? Three Thread 1 >r. 79c pr. : $2.85 Three Pairs for $2.10 lay Only Thursday and Friday Only . .< ' ' 1? ,r.J ire from our regular stock and will be on ?^ I Friday only. 1 )epartment Store ER ? You Always Save At DELE'S j ,1 j * j | - :,M . M

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