j'..... : :v t - : ' Buyers Of Food Get Protection * . :' Raleigh.?Housewives and other citizens of North Carolina can now hay their foods "with greater a*J%tranc? MMMMNtt of the rigid enforcement of the pure food laws and. constant crusade against Improper labeling or misbranding. Commissioner of Agriculture W. Kerr Scott reports. ? ? . "When you call for your hamburger today, you can rest anaurcd thut U will be free trout the Injrious sul'u; t.-rornriK 1 loaf] " were ao prevalent a few years ago,' ] Scott declared. "In fact, the virtual cllmnatlon of aulfitea from meata has not only been a boon to the con eumer but has resulted in the removal of inferior meats from the market and created a demand for quality products." Commission Scott said that "theState Department of Agriculture has not paraded its program of con ^*+++**+?4>+++4-*++++4-++++' Soap Specials .. Red Super 8uds, ?m, 3 for .... 25c Blue Super Suds, int., 3 for 25c1 Super Suds, Lg., 23c Octagon Soap, gt 6 for 25c Octagon Powder, lg., 6 for .... 25c Octagon Toilet, 4 for 19c Crawford's Grocery And Market TRAINS N TRAINS Ni between WASHINGTON YOU WILL LIKE the deep indivl rubber . . . the attractive mod electrically-operated drinking w lighting . . . the extensive bagg h men's smoking rooms with latest V other features assuring personal Ride these Modem Coacl LOW ONE WAT and ROI We favor adequate prepared recommend enlistment in the U. R. H. Division Pa Charlo Kvi l lu u' I y *1 <1 *lil \ SPEC For N< ' In nrdof in in^nutiiM n ww iii?k wmvv . offer you the unheard of Shin For one week only, June Shirts excepted. Kings I *? . ' i ' P " * ' i . . * . " " Send us your family waa I tion. Start Saving: Now. | 20 Pet Dis ,.?4 J. T ; lAlr -y.^M ^ ... Uk - - 1 ' r naer protection, but rather bar worked quietly and effectively ia policing the food Industry," adding 'this service has not only saved the puichaser from financial losses, but has given equal protection to the honest manufacturer and merchant.' Exen your dogs receive protection uuder the regulatm^yu? inspection lows enfoiv^u b^tn^^Departinent/ .SooN remarked. Today standard* for dog food sold have been adopted aud our cbemlats are on the Job 0 check on ingredients that may be declared but not present or that may be Injurious to the animal. North Carolina's fertilixer and teed laws have been revised to meet {WUJfiei! slve agricultural program. These changes and the strict enforcement 01 these laws has saved fanners from inferior products and at the same time created a greater appreciation of quality goods." The Pit Under New Management The Pit, Kings Mountain's home of delicious barbecue sandwiches, has been purchased by Mr. William Hugley of Shelby who has already taken active charge of the business. Mr. liagley says he likes Kings Mountain very much and he extends a cordiall invitation to eyeryone to visit his shop, which is next Joor to the Dixie Theatre. Mr. Hagley. is a member of .the American Legion and is a very friendly person. He and Mrs. Hagley are planning on moving.here just as soon as they can find a suitable home. y J i W i \ f * Ml if WIT f 4 / f 4 i iH 1AIR GAR ^COACHES ??X AIR ppmmoNED OS. 29-30 OS. 35-36 CHARLOTTE ATLANTA dual chair* cushioned with latex ern interior decorations . . . the ater fountain ... the special seat age racks ...'.'ladies' lounge and : lavatory facilities ... and many I comfort. iss at the llrtt opportunity JMD TRIP COACH PARES rss for National Detente and S. Army to eligible young men.* GRAHAM issenger Agent tte, N. C. IAL .. ext Week * - * S-. ur Laundry Work to the p bargain? tsfor 10c / ' r. ?>; v* *. .* - ?- . > 24th to 28th. Full dress, si Mountain ] PHONE 270 ih. Enjoy the , satisfaction of count - Cast v. > Patronize a home industry , , . ' * _ ? >v. ' " v THURSDAY, JTTN? M, IN# BOY 8COUT EVENT CREATES INTERE8T Quietly and without publicity five u,ir ~ " ~ Scoutkvtnt Tuesday afternoon on the Scliool Hivrcailon Park oti the York Itoad, A Kings '.Mountain com tt.ilty strip for their uniform was presented to each Scout entered. Seven projects were preseuted on u patrol basis. A patrol, flag was won anil will be presented to Troop No. 1 sponsored by the Presbyterian Church, Troop No. - sponsored by the Lutheran Church, Troop No. si sponsored by- the 1'auliue CSoodfellows Club, and Troop No. 7 sponsor ed bv- the Margruce Goi tUcISows! Club. Tlie projects on the basis ot which. judging . was done were Per sonul Appearance, First Aid Xjtelay, Knot it-lay. Pup Tent Pitching. Fire by- Friction,. Fire Uuilding and First Class Cooking.. Thp* judges were Scoutmaster It. L. Saul -ru and Sea Scout Commodore Summerow ot kjutttohla. ? Later during the summer another event is being planned to which the -public will be. invited. SCOUT LEADERS ATTEND CAMP A ouI) of Scoutmasters and lead cis attended a Stouter Camp held over tin-, past week-end at the Pled mum Hoy Scout Camp at l>ake Lanier near Tryou. This camp is liell each year before lite "opening of the i amp to the Scouts of the Council area of 11 counties. Interesting programs in Scouting ictivitics were presented iti the Assembly. Lodge. The leaders were quartered in the 22 patrol cabin? which accommodate eight Scouts each; . Meals were served by the camp cooking staff In the. outdoor mess hall. A patrol of eight of the leaders of the Kings Mountain group set tie tent quarters and prepared their own meals. They worked otit an overnight camp program which they will present to their own troops. >Troop,s entering into thi9 activity were local troops Nos. 1, 2, 4. 5, 7 and 8. Those attending included Carl \V. Davidson, Jack Hulleuder, H. X) Wilson, H. C. Wilson, Clyde Key, 6. D. McDaniel Aubrey Mauney. Zeb Falls, L. C. Dettmar, Bryan Hord, B. R. Tate, Paul McGinnis and Bill Thomson. Each of the troops of Kings Moun tain has made plans to attend the camp for a week during the summer The Piedmont Council Camp Is fast being recognized as the best equipped and managed boys' camp in the South. Although 'the camp is only for the Scouts in the Council boys have been accepted a double the rate which is only one dollar per day from outside the area. Two 6couts are hi camp from Louisiana und from the Panama Canal Zone. Testifying before the house tTaval committee after a closed session, the chief of naval operations said the proposed program would add about 200 fighting ships to the navy and 1,260,000 tons to the navy's authorized combat tonnage. If the rest cure is /roperly carried out, practically all cases of early tuberculosis can he cured. l'. ;^W I HMH BHPH| 'HHUHHHHwII v" . .-. ... . ' TOWN OF KINGS MOUNTAIN LICENSE SCHEDULE The Board of Commissioners of the Tbwn of Kings Mountain adopted the following license schedule for the year July 1, 1940, to June 30. 1941: ; v;,/'.r'VvY.:'.vioving Picture^Show^ ^ " - r$30.0^ ^ ? -? - ? v-irtuws, .Menageries, Wild West, Dog or ./% . ^ ?. i . Pony Shows Traveling on railroad cars: * * " -* \ . . ' . . S .* . Not more than two cars ? $15.00 Three to five cars $22-5* Six to ten cars $45.00 Eleven tp twenty cars $62.50 Twenty one to thirty cars $87.50 Thirty one to fifty cars ' $125.00 Over fifty cars $150.00 Traveling by motor vehicle:' .Not over two vehicles $3:7$ Three to five vehicles $5.00 Six to ten vehicles ... $7.50 Eleven to twenty vehicles $12.50" Twenty one to thirty vehicles $22.50 Thirty one to fifty vehicles $30.00 Fifty one to seventy five vehicles $37.50 Seventy six to one hundred vehicles $50:00 Over one hundred vehicles,- per vehicle $2.50 *V1 - I'notographer, per year $10.06 Photographer, per day $2.00 Coal and Coke Dealers ?1V . ...... $2500 Phrenologist -v : . $i<)0.W Peddlers: - ; 0n foot - .............. $i00(, With horse ..... With motor vehicle $25.06 Itinerant ;v:.......... .... $ioo.00 Fortune telling, palmistry, clairvoyances $100.06 Hotel ...... $10#0(> Tourist Homes and?or Tourist Camps $5.00 Restaurant or Cafe $10.08 Hot Dogs and ?or Hamburger Stand ? $5.06 Prepared Sandwiches $2-5C?? Billiard Table and?or Pool Table $25.06 Bowling Alley $12J>lr Merchandise or Vending Machines: Requiring a deposit of less than 5 cents $5.0t* Requiring a deposit of 5 cents and 1 , not more than 9 cents $10.06 v Requring a deposit of not less than 10 cents and not more than 25 cents $25.0$ Requiring a deposit of not less than 25c cents and not more than 49 cents $50.06 Requiring a deposit of not less than 50 cents and not more than 99 cents $125.06 Requiring a deposit of not less than $1.00 $Z50.0tf Music Box or Machine $5JMf Weighing Machine $2.5$ Wholesale dealer in motor oils ? $25.00 Pressing Club, Dry Cleaners, Hat Blockers: Where not more than three persons are employed - ' $12.5? Where more than 3 persons are emlpoyed $25.00" Barber Shop, Beauty Parlor, for each chair or operator $2J5* Soft Drinks or bottled carbonated drinks ~r. $2.50 Fireworks $200.00 Cigarettes, Cigars or any other tobacco products $5.00 . Outdoor Advertising, sign and poster boards .02 cents per sq. foot Gasoline Service Station - * $5.00 Dealers in Motor Vehicles $20.00 Plumbers, Heating and Electrical Contractors $10.00 Retail Dealers in ice cream - $2.50 Ketail dealers in ice cream from motor vehicle 1 $50.0* Distributing circulars, per day $2.0* Distributing circulars, per year $10.09 Medicine show, per day $5.09 Automobile license plate $1.9* Express Companies $20.09 Telegraph Companies $15J* Meat Markets, dealers in fresh meats $10.0* Itinerant dealers in flags, canes, whips, etc, per day $2J* Peanut or popcorn machine $5.0* Shoe Repair Shop $5.00 Ice Dealers $10.0* TOWN OF KINGS MOUNTAIN, Office of the Clerk.