J _ vvv iieiUH.-A n?? day !|K?( Cull of ?fncattM, mrwUo entertainment is i*?ltla| .m XtcfU who attend Kami aw Wwb at N. C- State t'otle?a tiBrent. state Imm A?cftt. oat H year'.* program Is eseectdd t anfte tho best balance between it SUWtUoa sad entertainment I ^ Jtopcrts from every aectlon of th WMe Indicate a record-breaklnn a tendance this year. With AAA coo aKteemen scheduled to attend, th #OR RENT: Three room apertmen S Gold street. See W. P. Logan. Ig-Wtfc. fILL RAY HIGHEST MARKE1 price* for Wheat, Cora, and Onti or will exchange Flour, Feed ^Ceal for then. Phone 2 3166. In teretate Milting Company, Chai lotto, ft. C. 7-U-c. OR REMT: room home and bat! Ho. SO), Gold atrqgt. . Call 140 Gaatonla, N. C. OR SALE ?- Building lota rerj cheap. See Haywood B. Lynch Herald Office. U REMEMBER ? On Saturday youge one of our delicious Banana Split for only 10c. Klnge Mountain Draf Oompany. THE CLAN I vv ' . . - v / . ' TO IMAtfWffKV GA?A6CKUPa g Xttt5r HAut \0CALi0rti f I fAttfcut r B 1 wuvnuirui ma) rencil 2.DW. I years past, attendance baa average between 1,600 and 2,000. Joint sessions of men Sud votns \ wib be beld each of the' five day ^ except Thursday- to begin each day' 1 program. Following this session, th two groups will break up into sept rate meetings where they will r< celve instruction in a wide variet of .subjects. Each evening will be turned ove to recreation. Included on these pr ^ grams will be games, contests, nit etc, group singing, and square dam lng. Complete details on the convei tlon may be obtained from Dan V Pan). State College. Raleigh. ' WlCir'RMULTs'^To^CO^r HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS ;,.?e a word for flrat insertion; half prioo for oubooquont" Inoor,v Minimum ehanpr 48c. Do not ask *. fgardlng "keyed" sds, m they are I atrletly confidential. I If error la made, The Herald ia responsible for only one incorrect I tneertlon. The customer |g raepon1 elble for subeequent Insertions. 1 The advertiser should notify Im, C mediately of any oorrootlons needWant add are always cash In L I advance axeept to business men Ijl or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. , 4PECIAL: ' Electric and ice refrtf en*tors re-enameled, as good a lire. All kinds of'furniture repah -ed and repainted. Prices low ..Work Guaranteed. J. T. Malcolm Phone 266-M. %3m': ead?>?i i i ib i TOR RENT: Two room apartment Apply 203 E. King Street. THE SOUTH ERNN AIRES" :? | Kings Mountain's famous strln) >; Bafid now broadcastfug dall: aK-WGNC, Gastonla, 9:15 A. M. 7-4t TOR SALE CHEAP: 1931 Ohev'role Fra Coach. Good condition. Phone Ml 2S*M. It ' Hji Ifl I- ^(f ? 1. i 12 rmr?x " ^1 SWBSif SMTMM tfiTvCSk VMI i nTiVT^T I Ilk r - -. K9V^^^ ' '- i <-. .?,.'.' ' - Ul'r. ': ' "VnAjfe iB r mam wommm ?m* M f ium. vitu to *>* cost* fo (run a spunoa* eo*th day of June, 1939, as will apear on record in the Register of eeds OITtce for Cleveland County i secure the Indebtedness therein isntioned and default having been :aur in me imymeni 01 name inn t the request of C. P. Carpenter, I ill sell for cash at the Courthouse t>or In Shelby, Cleveland County, orth Carolina on Monday, July 29. 140. at ten o'clock. A. M. or within igal hour# the* following described ial estate: Situated In the Town of Kiugb [ountain. North Carolina, and beInning at a rock, corner of Haye's it ou Gaston Street and runs then9 East two (2) chains and 38 links > a rock on Parker's line; thence long the Parker line North 1.09 Italns to a rock; thence West 2.38 tains to .a rock; thence.South 1.09 Italns to the beginning, containing ne fourth (1-4) of an acre, more or ?8. This the 29th day of June. 1940. J. R. Davis, Trustee, -adv jalv 26. The Herald $1*50 A Year ' ^ I _ r? -3V 6 ITs*? '7 c?i #jrn:.an. ?v " . -t .?V?> ' i Chases'The Bluos, '\ fl HAVCh't CMAMiC Of ^ I A H?HD ACD OtUAA / piu? ucu/iVi \ V- J?Nt 0VC* ON* Of / ^MV M0M (OrfH THt in tm , i I _ i &*; - ;; 6 I iMWHONTMOlLMSUillN ?n mom th*h rut rrrimateo / 8 VMUM Of ail cauoe oil / e H AKDUCeo/NThJU.S. / >- . "v "> / rc2oo\e* .. \ ,11 A ) / of lacf-MA > virtu ot the authoi Ity ruled In the undersigned by mi order of tbe Superior Court IB Judgment eutltlcd: "Booker T Brmtchor mud mlfe. Mmgnolle Bret #>er, Plaintiff. Ve. Pauline Marios mod husband. George Marion; Cbrii tine MoTlsre nod liuabend. Vendor built MtClirr, and Kuth Hiatcber Hratchrr and Kd B rate her. Uacw* ed. and J?. Z Newton. Guardian ail Uwa of the known and unknown defendant"." I, ae the rotnmlaaloani of the Court, wilt aell to the htghaai bidder for cash at the CourthouM door in the City of Shelby. Nortt Carolina, on the 15th day of July 1940, at 10 o'clock V M or with It legal hours the following describee real estate: Beginning at a rock in a road and runs with line of school lot N. 85 W 5.90 chains to a {due stump In Alex andCr's line; thence S. "11 W. 6.9< chains to a rock in ditch; theuci a new line N. 55 E. 7.50 chains to t rock in road; thence with road N 51 W. 1.60 chains to the beginning containing one acre, two rods and 30 poles, more or less. This belnn the same lands conveyed to Maggie Bratcher t>y'James Rice and wife or April 22, 1911. deed to which is re corded in Book UU at page 418 It the Register of Deeds Office foi Cleveland County. North Carolina. Also that tract of laud described as follows: Banning at a stone on South side of road; "and runs thence S. 31 1-2 E. 10 poles to s stone; thence N. 58 1-2 E. 20 poles to a stone; thence N 31 1-2 W. It poles to a stone on S.outh edge ot said road; thence S. 58 1-2 W. 2d poles to the beginning, containing two acres, more or' less, and being the same tract of land conveyed t? the County Board of Education bj E. M. Beam and wife, recorded lit Book OO at page 237. and deeded by the Board of Education to Mag aw Mo wV? 1 1A9R * a nri glC III O'A l?? I VII .??" I V U W, BHtl recorded in Book 3-U at page 46 Register of Deeds Office for Cleve land County, North Carolina. This 10 5<# VUH A 'X&T -rSmrv? A. * ' 1 v' ' ' Ctork'o Otic* la hM action. or Um plaintiff Will H?pl7 to the Court Mr the roUof jmaiodMI to nil Com* plaint. r 1 i THERE'S NOTHING % A Goad Place to Buy Your etpbles, Fruits. Have you nH?s!nK^oIn5S3^ Blalock ! I l? Iana m Mountain Street, - ! SAVE^] \ in 1940 .. . and throu i $cn/a? CD \ SAVES YOUR FOOD... Kings Mount: Com[ Quality Furniture At I ? ; NEW SERIES OP1 ? jUI O* ?*A ? ' We (W Mbifcr ftfiH ye* Iom or M Mf tUM. rink m yowr Imi pwWniafc - w HOME BUILDING & I a rv n.xi I a, n. rauersor By PI A*TYtK> \)\) 5" 6 f nri*** \ j 1/ * loo cooo JOB j/f Jf i on LOOK I)X / \ rmy . r Ivif * - ' . ? -'-. k TUi 11 tk ?ar ?c Jim, IMS. J, t . 1 Uwiir, Jr, . | Ctortt ot Mftrlw Cvtrt. \ ~uw?j*ir ?h. i i LIKE HAVING 1 Groceries, Meats, Vef tried as? If not jrai'tf . -mm ' Grocery arket Phone 58 STORGlT igh the years to come SAVES YOUR MONEY lm The greater Norge it a grettarj * money-saver ... it combine* the economiet of Royal Rollator cold-j making with the food-taviegi ! economiet of refrigerator that'* almost all storage space. Come lm ... tee what this meaai (0 r?ki dollars and cents. Mm/?l k SR-9 ? Other model* a* low M' $119.50 pbepqrk-VOL; liUXi. tin Furniture any n -if tieasonaDie rnccs EN SATURDAY, H&Xii&l/ i 'i iMfriiii T MT ' 'P;--;' -' ' I * O-^ .>> 1 WlMW v 9 It fa mot omky Mm* T? I OftOM?fMtL?wNMk] I H?t? vm 4MI wkW I loc*l p?orr.f ' N | II I ? if' MX I^HJM ' ". : ' '" T- "; ' '* > . \v