- . t ... Tl* " "? -1 Kings Mountain Herskl OUMtoM tM fnWWN4 Ivwry Thursday . Herald publishing house, Haywood e. Lynch Editor-M ana gar ^ Matered aa second claaa matter ' the Postofflce at King* Mountaii. M. C, under tro Act of March 3 U7I. . " SUBSCRIPTION RATES Obo Year 91.60 Ma Moathc 76 -wHeMqpa affti1 tor* ud published for the enllictt ?*nt, entertainment and benefit o lh? uiti/eaa of K'ugs Mountain an< U vicinity. I j, g *? j^ft*onh Carolina *. \ /WtSS ASSOC I AT WW M EARTH IS ENOUGH * Wo men of earth have here the stub Of Paradise ?1we have enough! We need no other stones to build The stsfira Into the Unfulfilled? No other Ivory for doors? No other marble for floora? No other cedar for the beam And dome of man's Immortal dream. . Here on the paths of every day ? Here on the common human way Is all the stuff the Rods would take Tn hlillfl n U oa vnn to mftnlft a r?rl .WA8TE1 OUR NUMBER ONE .ENEMY , There Is growing public demand .that all government expenditures be drastically reduced, with the sole (exception ot appropriations for inherent on the national debt and for tthe great rearmament program. , The American people are today (Teady and eager to make any necespary sacrifices to the end that the .country may he made secure against jnvaslon. They will literally give un .til it hurts, and then give again. But fhe American people are In no mood .to see their money squandered for Unnecessary and vtastefal purposes, i The time has passed when we can afford political '"luxuries." The time }>as come when every possible nickel mnst be saved for the necessities ,In all probability, great oost cots pould he made so far as most gov make New Edcns. Ours the stuff sublime To build Eternity In time! , . ?Edwin Markham. DON'T DETOUR It Is a foregone conclusion that a great many people would make a Car greater progress In the pursuit of happiness If they would not try so many detours to dodg'f work. "Work is as much of a necessity to man as eating and drinking. It Is a talisman to guard one agaist oneself.?Selected. .THE ECHO The world is a whispering gallery which sends back the echo of our own voices. It is a mirror which reflects the face that looks into it. If we laugh, K laughs back; If we Crown, It reflects a frown. Happiness Is the reaction of our mental attitude and our acts upon others. It Is what they fling back to us that makes us happy or miserable. The door between us and heaven or hap piness cannot be open when the door between us and pur fellow men Js closed.?Selected/, BANKS AT HIGH PEAK Bankers in North Carolina are no longer "lh the dog house." Why? Because after the hanking hob' | day In March, 1933, they carried on a magnificent offensive to rebuild the capital structure of their lnstltitlons to the point where they would fully meet the requirements of sound banking and demand the respeit of the public, and, as a result, all of the banks In North Car oltna that applied were admitted as members of the federal deposit insurance corporation. This offensive on the part of the hankers has been kept up until now they are in a position to serve the people of North Carolina, bankingwise in every respect ? and they are even advertising for loans and asking for them by personal solicitation. It appears now that by th* end of the year the surplus fund of all the state banks in North Carolina will equal, or exceed, the common capital, which will make Nortfr Carolina an "honor roll" state. North Carolina now has 306 stats banks snd branches and 48 national hanks and branches, making a total of 363 banking units. These are sufficient to take care of all the banking needs of the state. Bank stock is now a good investment. It Is hard to buy and la considered good collateral for a loan m another bank. It appears now that the total hank resources of North Carolina,, including state commercial. state Industrial and uatlonal banks, will reach an all-time 'high" as of December 31, 1939. The growth of our banks indicates that North Carolina is again a prosperous state.?Ouerney P. Hood. .V I 1 : P. I Here and There . . Haywood K. Loracta) Here's the beet one yet about ''forgetting the New Poet Offioe.' There le oertaln member* of the A. R. P. Church who always goes for hie mall right after services. Well, laet Sunday this fellow drove down to the old post office, and after he caught his mistake, he slipped around to the building. I will not keep you guessing any longer?the fellow wae P08TMAST-.R W. C. BLAKELY. ?IB hhoJet Bl .A U4 AffllP im,r *e?k showing off a new kind of talking stick. It is a tailor-made aflair that can be opened and used for a seat if the walker decides he has walked enough and wants to sit and rest. Note to the men .... Get Red Mc Clai|n to tell the joke about the little Eskimo. Here and There tries to keep up witii former citizens who live elsewhere. And we noticed the other oay where Hop Houston, who now lives in Pageland, S. C.. was elected secretary of the Merchants Association. Jimmy Bums, George Mauney, Mike Milam and Tom Fulton are already making big plans for their trip to the Lions International Convention which is to be held in Cuba. It's a good thing that a policemen, and a chief at that is going to accompany the Kings Mountain Lions and keep, or try to keep ' them straighL The Cepe Myrtles are extremely beautiful this year, wish Kings Mountain could get tnem planted all over town and make them as predominating here as the Mimosa, are in Morganton. Two very pretty ones noticed lately are in the yards of Press McGill and Hunter Patterson. Prock Thompson is very proud of h( rise If. Prock likes his bridge as. much as the next one .... and this week he solved one Of the Culbertson hands exactly opposite from the way the master said It could be worked. Mr. Culbertson has been notified of his error and I am anxiously awaiting his reply, because when a small town player can find the authority in a mistake It is news Prock has bsen playing with John Floyd, Fred Plonk, Bill Craig, and yours truly, and maybe he's learning. Anyway we are right proud of our pupil. Hilton Ruth brought hia son, Billy iy the office last night to see how -teralds are made. 80 now, maybe, the Belk Manager, has a newspaperman In the making. - War preparation has increased the Herald Subscription list by three, subscribers were added at Honolulu, Fort Warren, Wym., and Quantico, Va. So you see every bitter has its sweet. F?JF? SMELLY PASSAGE tad Other Functional Symptom* of KIDNEY WEAKNESSES 'tT'4 w .n'S^5?r'laSa1 liisil'i * ik. bUoao barmlmaio ? ? -a Otioib^aTmlbi seMb sod ??! ? kem the kttMi*. KIDaNS Is a mtUnr ^iiiUi^H Himm tbe^aew e? Maad HONEY SACK OUANANTEEI JSrS'SSiO!' srirai'ss ttmtr NAllitij wttk BBSOI.TS. tetaia S'Ww'yskfns sirs . fUM, wwn *" ??? JmrnT* KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. \Tht P tKUin\ SIS ... 1!MCB I k>&o 1$ | TO DO BUSINESS, Q ADVERTISE ernmental activities are concerned without Impairing in the slightest any Important work. The high patriotic duly of every offleial la to nci?u, cuujru ana pian Duaftu ror the various departments which will model* of economy. ; The American people most demand maximum reeulte tor every dollar vent. Beonomlc prepare* pees Is a vital partner pf military preparedness. Governmental waste from now on is on* of onr country's most Insidious enemies, for it esa pe dteculsed in so many forms. *. * * * ^ ' , -t . ' 1 HTnWM?afcMnumt What Ha Ooni Bvmi : i John Webb, a crusading at- i break the hold of V<?cM( Cnshihi'* vraft ring on the etate , . uuy contracts, <? "framed'' by Casking's police friends for two mysterious murders. As if # 1,4. A,t?ON My.? ? k ? ? ? r**o > V nv? vnvwyif IfVHVICj } he is also harried by the feal- , ousy of Ann Seymour, a cute but llont-hiaded little night club | entertainer who it in tove with him. Tetuvorarily released on a < u-ril of Aubeut corpus, Webb > discovers that Cushing knows . something about a past mur* der in a little Texas town which 1 would throw light on the crimes of which Webb is suspected. He and Sampson decide to fly . to Texas (o investigate; but a feu hours before they are to depart, Ann it menaced by Sampson with the same knife that killed the two women Webb it suspected of having murdered. Chapter Six Morganville, Texas snored in Its 1 midnight stupor as tho two part- i aert . alighted from their special i plane, hind a decrepit car from the local service station, and trund- i led out to the cemetery. On the way Webb explained to his friend < the theory behind the visit. They ; knew that Alma'e murderer bad once lived In this town and mur- < dered her father there. If the mur- i derer had relatives burled la the I | "Sorry, chum," ecUd Rut quilly. " little oomm unity, which ?u very likely, a gravestone would give the telltale name. All they need do wae keep their eyee peeled tor a Cashing, a Godena, or perhape a Taylor. The cemetery wae no darker than a graveyard at midnight should be. tt only roomed blacker. A tew black nlghtblrde whlzxed about their, heads, screaming hoarsely. "You take that row over there." suggested Webb, "and I'll take this one. Watch the names on the atones." Hue Sampson complied. As he scanned the headstones, his Jaw tightened at sight of an Inscription on one of them: SAMPSON SMITH Born 1880 ? Died 1980 C)oee by it was another: AIMBSE SMITH Ned AIM EE RUSSELL Beloved Wife of SAMPSON SMITH His face set grimly. His eyes became like little beads. Me reached inside his coat... Webb, with an involuntary yell, felt the knife plunge into his arm. ~ He gritted his teeth and pulled tt out. Bus was at hVsaide J? a Uo?a^ae"we2l hart?badhr??Had be seen what his assailant leaked like? Webb shook his head, reeling unsteadily. "Cms on," said Hat "We'd better get yen into teda" see Wets went to his office early the morning. He had premised to surrender to OooMeSSoner , Fromm by noon. .SVT SsajSffiVLS feet np on the desk, strumming en his gutter. Webb informed htm that ne had seme new ideas on the solution ef the murders. ,. "For example, Too been wondering how the n-wrdorer found out we were aohr da that mwriiw laj* night. of ibt mumcIi knew cur detonation. Ann didn't know; end >ull?. ahe thought yon we* ? ? - ' ' V V ' ' . ; \ ei ' ' - " Subscribe The I \ v " . .." $1 y :> -*V-; "V. ' . ' ? ' . ' JUST HUMANS ." - - ; * ; .v>... * : :. .>?? ;. . * ' I' ' -*' ; to ierald PPPip^gpjppiiPBBP i? * ' 0 a Year i "* .; ' V'' . ;'; ' -; /; ' . ;' ' . TKtmntY. JULY U. INH ' 1 ? J '?' ' *" M19CMKSTM 1 ^ rnannuMim I IMUU-MUUcR: I nomauww.wnTBW i "Bo Ann thought I did It, huh?" auglied It us. "She get* io:ui (Ciewy ideas." Mr "Why did you throw that thing it me lait night. Km?" ' "Sorry, chum." Mid Rui Quietly. "I-thought 1 could scare you off." Sitting lu front of hi* desk facing Webb, he quietly slipped the top Irawcr open. The knife was there, ind hie hand went on it, unnoticed t>y Webb. "Mow when I think of all the mint* M?a* pom Leu ?.o you. ivebl) "Trying to Irto' ?* ? S: k.u. u. oy Ifi- iiiSt drs?3E4sW.ftrS ^ fijFSs rAfV. UiM, chum," continued sa sr,aIoi?^*iK.s~""d notice. helZThe knife to hie Up, etUl *unTw. that," eald Webb isw plS^jf ?r*rd like to. But you B^rry, kid." Ho otood up end wont Ik 1 r tkMfM / wiill eeere you off." towlmbM? choir end whirlaround boldiax It iA front of a? avSfH.^ a%s-HrtoSSS?i!: "HU^*Onrn^>?ow%iS#dod on Rue'e boulder. Another creehlng blow to I the fllde of the hood cent Webb to the floor, with Hue on top of him. TfaaySSled nndietwggledfor minute; Rue broke end hurled n heavy bookend at wfhh Wtbb ducked It, recovered SbW^.,^mub?<l Rue on Uhn uw A u? toppled over end l^dedWlth to beck agalnetthe bXe of the chelr through whloh three lnchee of the long knife JSreKa as-ssi?-?! eel^ Vnuata. ^dJohnny WeM? ought to gto aSSyled. It *~>SLgfT?iy* g? /wen th/lAi "IUDDI WwV e ' v? iyrrtuitr*, eboot thoee charge aogmtog ^^k.*R r5^yTvme for the ^^?<MLfTle?eee*e?no^. a crook ? a thieving poSScUn ? cbeap^hytoer ? IT1 ateel, ckleel. ol~^tbow pronounce you man And wife," droned the Judge The Cupcake uttered a equeel of toy ud throw her Anna around her hueneck. ^Sh, Johnny - X like you!" THli WD. The D Washington Si ther. Furthermore, many governmen buyers have set up different specl ticatlons (or the things they want To illustrate, the carbon content o steel is Important. It is figured ii infinitesimal amounts ? hundred ths of a per cent. Yet various agen cies specify defferent hundredths o a per cent of carbon which stee may contain. All Of this steel frequently Is uset for the same purpose, but a steel maker who Is selling' to governmen agencies often has to produce "differ ent kinds of steel for various agen cies when one kind would do foi all. ? There is a question of "tolerances in engines, too. That means thi space, lor instance, oeiween a pit ton and a cylinder wall and It i figured to thousandths or ten-thou sandtha parts of an inch. Various a gencies have different tolerances. Si the enginemaker has to produce dl ferent engines for the various agen cies. Also, many agencies have beei buying from day to day wlthou much planning. A man who , soli goods to the government neve knew when he might suddenly b called opon to produce a substam lal quantity. The result was that h would work at top speed a wMl and then loaf along, or stop wor) for another period. AH these things were promptl discovered by tbe new National D* ujae Advisory Commission. Tha Is a fact that has attracted mor than usu^l Washington attentioi Some observers point out that th power to reorganize all this pu chasing machinery has existed fc months hut nothing was done aboti it until the busthessmen on the Di fense Advisory Commission went t work. Now, at tbe Commission's reques purchasing of national defense mi terlal is to be centralized in th hands of one man. Incidentally, h is Donald M. Nelson, former execi Uve of a mall order house wh wouldn't hare permitted such all] Umi Jaiet laalpa Cktaki Kkaaaatie Pali (atokty irai.t! an * t*^l">*?? ttaa ? to. Oft? wUAIi esaifSt.yarSSKSS iTiitit? JITimTI K ffr jai?S KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. P ? ?? ? ? ? j A SAVINGS ACCOUI Ii An Insured Bank Bi Security and Independ . " t We Invite Yol 4o Open a %? j * *+ ? or ,/uui u> tne une Yon BE THRIFTY! n First Nati 2 Percent Interest Pat < > ? ' : * -Q y - ^ *f? - *.> o'a %"... * ? ared^vil lapshots shod aff&ngements to exist in his own firm. > , The Defense Commission, which includes a minority of businessmen 1s asproachlng the question of limitations on hours and wages. What its decision will be remains to be seen. But as it approached the prob lem. a new action by Russia attactted attention. Russia since 1929 has been working its industries for five days and then shutting down for a day. Now. however, for the sake? of national", defense, they have gone back to a r seven day schedule. Also, those employees who have been working 6 hours a day wilt , now work 7 and those who have been working 7 will work 8 hours. France and England went through the same procedure. FVap&co "yielding too late on some of its '"social gains." It remains to be seen wheth 1 er England and, Russia have walt{ ed too long, and whether the United States will piddle along with arbi! trary restructions which hamper Its national defense. i I ^ ' &&: ] e , MR. MERCHANT ^ 1 Tfc* EYES of THE & e 'ff** COMMUNITY WOULD ' BE ON YOUR AD? f . >r IP IT HAD BEEN f? ; U?m?on this issue s7\ ? t Ridinc or Walking ? ? ? * We can help you. If your J shoes or bicycles need repairing B ? Bring Them Here ? i ? FOSTER'S Shoe And Bicycle ( Service :l Phone lfU ? t mi ' :: rings You Peace of Mind, ' ? ence. ? ... it i a Sayings Account Now Now Have. ' 1 ^-Start Saving Now ional Bank ij 9 On Sayings Account A V f X . t | t ' I MWMMtMMMMMMi

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