MARGRACE NEWS 11 1 f Mm. R?t?r Rmmvjt rili? following Udlea of the lUr grace Woman* Club enjoyed a beau Uful picnic supper at Upeocer Mouu tain laet Friday evening: Mesdams* Gua Lynch, Charla Hon, Harold Dover. Martin Frederick, K. B. Cook Lieetar Watteraon A. ML Royaler, Harry Klmmel, Walter Blackwelder, John Jenklpa, Hals Ooforth. Grady Kboa. joe Foster. James ('Inn In gar. Oliver Kalla, Buck AUran, llertba George. Invited gueata were Mr*. Krayley Mr*. June Chxjlnger and inger of Spencer Mountain ??ple and Charles Cook are visiting their grandparents in Vxldese. Miss Beatrice Wilson of Valiese Ik on ah extended visit here with her slaters, Jdrs. K. 1). Cook and Mrti. Thamer Gamble. Mrs. Thamer Gamble who Underwent an operation at the Shelby Hospital recently has returned home and la getting along nicely. My. and Mrs. Cletua Blackwell spent last week in Washington. D^'. Mr. and Mrs. Wood Jackson and little son, Harold spent last Satur-4 day In Charlotte. Misses Dean Royster and Doris QUICK RB8ULT8 ? LOW COST HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS tc i word for first Intertior; half prloe for subsequent Insertions. Minimum charge 28c Do not aok for Information regarding "keyed" ads, as thoy ara etrlqHy oonfIdsntlal. '. If arror la made. The Herald Is reaponalble for only one Incorrect In sort Ion. The customer g responsible far subsequent Insertions. The advertiser should notify immediately of any corrections needWant ade are always cash in advance except to business men or concerns having aocounta with this newspaper, ., FOR SALE: Field grown Tomato Plants. 20 cents per hundred: 1 41.60 per thousand. Louie Sellers. Route 3. Kings Mountain, N. C; SPECIAL: Electric'and Ice refrigerators re-enameled, as good as new. All kinds of furniture repair ed and repainted.. Prices low. Work Guaranteed. J. T. Malcolm. Phone 256-M. , FOR RENT: Two room apartment. Apply 203 E. King Street. ""THE SOUTHERN N AIRES'' Kings Mountain's famous string Bapd now broadcasting daily WONG, O as ton la, ?:15 A. M. 7-411 FOR SALE CHEAP: 1931 Chevrolet Coach. Good condition. Ptione 266-M. It FOR RENT: Three room apartment Gold street. See W. F. Logan. 8-27tfc. WILL PAY HIGHEST MARKET prices Cor Wheat, Corn, and Oats or wUl exchange Flour, Feed, Jieal for them. Phone 2-3185. Interstate Milling Company, Charlotte. N. C. 7-25-c. FOR RENT: 8 room house and bath NO. Ml, Gold street. Call 148. Gaatonta, N. C. 8-13*. FOR SALE ? Building lots very cheap. See Haywood E. Lynch. Herald Office. tf REMEMBER ? On Saturday you get one of our delicious Banana SpllU for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. THE CLA jBHKflf ry m H. VHEw, ? JL JF^^h P fn^^V^/1 lj n i i HH I ] * .'-.1 E i JUL I l yji I n^BBP^PSI I L ???? | ... fjj.^;^A.:-, ,.- V ,^r...... :^" .; J K:.> -^ . '., Rhea hare home after i week's May at Cup T?1 /Mr. ao4 Mra. Mair Ursa war dinner guests of Mr. aad Mra. Fat' Lynn Sunday. The follow lag boya from Troo] 7, Mar* race, have returned home a tor upending a week at the Pledmon Hoy Scout Camp at Lake Lanier: J D. Kee. Bobbie Herndon, Ralpl Thotnae, Jr.. Joe Hawldas. Dickh Foster Arthur Jackaon. Oene Timmi John Henry Caldwell. Dicky Jolly Vernon Croaby accompanied th? boya on their trip. Mr. and Mra. M- B. Caldwell and children. Gloria and Carol, and Mr aad Mra. Joe Koater and children Joyce and Dickie, cnjoved a Jljljine hltl> 1. JllAlfll'ilU PfclUflU j.fUWg' Dor'.e Clonlnger ha* been vl?ltlu> lelatlvea in Spencer Mountain Mlas Delia Gamble of Gaatonia I* sHe guest of her brother. Mr, \Val er Gamble and family. Mrs. Bryant Urackett is recover .nj( from a severe case ot flu. Mrs. Bertliu George was the guest .?f relatives in the Patterson Grove community over the week-end. Miss l>utcli Cloninger is spending a week with her parents in ?pencei Mountain. Misses Sarah Hamiick. Helen Patterson and Messrs Fred Ha?urick, Prank Humrick " and Clonie Jones are spending their vacation at White Lake. The many friends of Mr. John Gladden will be glad to learn thai he has been discharged from tin Veterans Hospital at Oteen. N. and Is now back with bis famlh here. Many Farms Need Better Drainage Poorly-drained fields, now a liability to many North Caroliua farm ers. could . be changed luto profitmakers if proper drainage ; system were uisiauea, says m. tillis. og ricultural engineer of the Slate Col lege Extension Service. Land drainage is a major problem with the average farmer or tbe Coastal Plain area of the State. Also In practically alt of the Pied mont counties nd In many of th^ mountain counties, there are considerable acreages that are not yielding full returns In harvest and fnoney because of inadequate drnluige. ? Ellis explained that drainage is the removal of surplus water from he soil, either naturally or by chaa iels artificially constructed. Stu* plus water is the excess above that liCCUCU (SWISS Uss.1 SW yf plants and that stored in the lower layer of the earth as a reserve supply during dry periods. Fov practically all crops grown In this State, it Is necessary to have n quick draluago, Ellis pointed out. Where natural means do not take care of the rainfall rapidly enough, it becomes essential to supplement the natural water channels with artificial drainage. The artificial channels used must be so constructed and situated as to conduct surplus water from the soil Since this system is to aid Nature. It should Imitate natural methods insofar as practicable. The cheapest and simplest metn od of surface drainage Is shallow ditches that follow the low depressions through the field. Beat locatlons for the dltchee can be deter mined readily after a heavy rain when tbe water U standing on th< ? mil* Jenlno ar<y Kagf ftnd ICTOUUU. IUC U* ?>UD W arwww cheapest in the long ran tor under ground drainage. THEHJMUNG WALL IT^v "west mri/ tSM4Jp^ ABOUT - msnmssz W" ? VTEBitr \ L \ OONStfTBNT i/ \ ADVEKTLSINS WUvBBMOVB ? \UJT 7OTRTORJOEP ^^M^MMBMM^MMW NCY KIDS 1-AHO |N AFRICA TM V/ 1 HAUe eCCPHAHTj J a Bt a t? ?DW nocimiy ; | Mil>ag? Hints j , 9t Mfr r?McJ? f mmt M$? IftrMiri 1 rpHI UUrittU Owim ComlnUooloa U a branch of th? M i . tral (OTtrumt which la chargod , With th? NcaltllM W common enr. . Nfl oimtlai IB Interstate com .. - assree. Inclading MBfH Motor track* im bu?M. regulations aro established only attar mack thought a t a , on I matter* aa t h a "driving ot mo ^ tor vehicles" ia at Interest to all private operator* who want to b# safe drivers. The I.C.C. rules for "before driving" say that no motor vehicle shall be driven unless the driver has satisfied himself that certain required pqrts and accessories are in good working order, listing lighting devices, both service and band brakes, horn, windshield wiper, rear vision mirror, tires and steering mechanism. These rules also require motor vel lcles under I.C.C. Jurisdiction to cany at least one spare electric light bulb, one Set of tire chains and an adequate number of flares. Buses having a seating capacity ot ten or more persons must also carry a metal first aid kit and -a band axe. I believe the average motorist can dlspe..?e with the hand axe, but the other articles are as essential to the private driver aa to the interstate truck or bus operator. Moreover, every driver ahonid satisfy himself before driving his car that the aforementioned parts and accessories are in gooa working order. These regulations are designed to safeguard the public, and if the I.C.C. had jurisdiction over private* ly operated cars, it rrould doubtless make these regulations applicable to all drivers. Conscientious motor- rists will take ti ?n? to heart. Riding Back Of Trucks Dangerous Three fatal accident in North Cat olina last month called attention to he dauger of riding on the back of a truck, Ronald Hocutt, Director of the Highway Safety Division. reported this week. Accident records for June show that a 33 year old woman, a 30 year eld man and 15 year old boy were killed during the month as a result of falling off or being thrown out of trucks on the rear of which they were riding. KlUlllg UU me uacu euu ui trucks and on the running boards ol passenger vehicles is a practice which should be discourage by every driver in North Carolina." said Ronald Hocutt. Director of the Safety Division. "Ttie danger of someone falling off or being tlii'iwn off a moving vehivle If they aie riding on the running board or outside the cab when the vehicle strikes a hard bump or swerves unexpectedly is obvious," , >' k*. " * Why Teachers Get 1 ' ' ' *' *' ' "r * . ** > TKCMUUY. JtJMT U. 1*41. NOTICE or SALE Uatfv and by virtu* of the poww ot ??1* contained la a d?*d of trust given bjr J. F. FreoUeU ud wit* to Wiley it. McGlaals. trustee (or the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association, on tha 7th day o( Not ember. I9?t>, and registered in the Register of Deeds Office (or Cleveland County in Book 215 at H(< 137 to secure the Indebtedness therein mentioned and default bavins been , made in the payment ot same and at the request ol the Kings Mountain building and Loan Asso ciatton. I. substitute trustee ail) sell for cash at the Courthouse door n. Sluiby. Cleveland County North mi i. imsdiii.d .iffufl.', jff'.f. T.U*.g at ten o'clock. A. M.. or within legal hours, the following described rent estate: QitltAl.-l 1- !-- -? - " *? ?"? ?vu >11 uir luwn QI Mountaiu. N. C, and being a part of the IT acre tract of L. A. Kiaet and being lota Nos 35, 36. and 37 ot said tract as will appear on e map or plal made by R. U Campbell for L. A Klsev on Vay 30th. 1919. which plat Is registered Tn the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County in Booh of Plats No. 1 at page 36. reference to which Is mado for a fuller description., and said lots are 75 feet front in all and 178 feet deep and are 78 feet across th" rear and containing 14,507 square feet, more or less. This the 2Sth day of June. 1940. J. C. lackey. Substitute Trustee. J. It Davis. Attv. ?adv. July 26. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power ot sale contained In a Deed ot Trust given by the Church of God of Kings Mountain by R. L?. Connor. Alex Ballard and Reverend Sam Cope, Trustees, to J. R. Davis as trustee for C. P. Carpenter,* dated'. 26th day of June, 1939, as will ap-| pear ou record in the Register of Deeds Office fbr Cleveland County to secure the indebtedness therein mentioned and default having been made in the payment ot same and at the request of C. P. Carpenter, 1 will sell for cash at the' Courthouse door in Shelby, Cleveland County. North Carolina on Monday, July 29. 1940, at ten o'clock, A. M. or within legal hours the following described real estate : Situated In the Town of Kings Mountain. North Carolina, and beginning at a rock, corner of Haye's lot on Oastou Street and runs thence East two (2) chains and 38 links to a rpck ou Parker's line: thence along the Parker line North 1.09 phatas le a reek: ittvwvt? .wota 2.88 chains to the beginning, containing one fourth (1-4) of ar. acre, more 01 less. This the 29tb day of June, 1940. * J. R. Davis, Trustee. ?adv July 26. be added, "and the meat effective meaans of combatting this highly dengerous practice Is for every motor vehicle drlvpr to refuse to carry any passengers for whom they cannot find a seat Inside." IINK? Pasteurized Milk It's Pure | ; It's Safer ' - 'a'.; **. * ' - Nervous Prostration. ==C*d5to^)H<?v4 V1 I * I ^nvjts \ ^ | J X MticAIJ J : ' ,.- ' t " '. ;..'* -''+ [ ,? iy}-'~ .- .; :.C THERE'S NOTHING ] ? A Good Place to Buy Your C enables, Fruits. Have you tr missing something. Blalock ( I * ~ "-aiiiUVltf Mountain Street. SAVE#*]* in 1940. .. and througi ; (%oya? CD SAVES YOUR FOOD... SA Kings Mountai PAmn#i UUIII|IO Quality Furniture At R Put Your Mo Hon The safest and best investu now or any time, is in a ho is the time to buy or build, make loans to finance pi and moderinzation. JULY SERL I4'fl (ka afaailv avutcmatir a V O H?v OWflM^ g Otrvstvwvwv that turns your pennies int< lars into homes. Join now! bers to our new July Series Home Buildit Associt A. H. Patterson, By PER v . ; ".v " >" LIKE HAVING Groceries, Meats, Veg ied us? If not you're . Irocery Phone 58 ? jorgiT b the years to come VES YOUR MONEY The greater Norge it a greater money-saver ... it combiner the economic! of Royal Rollator coldmaking with the food-taving economies of a refrigerator that'* almost all storage space. Come la ... sec what this meaos to you ia dollars and cents. M?/?/ tboum it SR-B ? Other modeli at low as (119.50 >?FOR?. Jk'Qb' PUYJ h Furniture my easonable Prices ^ "2;> * \'.',',r' 4 ney Into a le nent you can make, me of your own! Now We are in position to iirchase, construction ES OPEN Building & Loan plan o dollars and your dolWe invite new mem* ig & Loan ztion Sec'y-Treas. CY L. CROSBY lr fW ? !> i HM{' yT?6iM V4iM/vr ^ A fit ?C^HAK7I CWfNT0?^^ r

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