.'l- >j Urged To Lea And Use Them '' very driver In North Carolina 1 -supposed to know the various arn signals and their meanings, ye hardly a day goes by but tbat at .accident occurs somewhere in th -state as a result of some driver Its regarding a signal, falling to give i a signal, or'giving a wrong signal.' In connection with statement. Ronald llocutt, direct o Of the Highway Safety Division. .re .ported fhis week that 140 accident! occurred In North Caroliaa laat yeai as a result of drivers fulling to glvt a KIri at before coming to a ctop 01 making a turn. Another H41 acci I lilt QUICK RMULTS ? LOW COST HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS 2o a word for ^lrst invert tor; half price for eubeequent insertions. Minimum charge 2Ec. Do not aek for Information regarding "keyed" ads, a* they are atrictly confidential. If error is made, The Herald la responsible for only one incorrect insertion. The customer is responsible for subsequent insertions. The advertiser should notify Immediately of any corrections needWant ads are always cash in advance except to business men or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. FOR 8ALE: Two lota, one facing I>et?ot.,- and one facing high school. Mm. O. Q. Boone. / Ind-c. 'THE SOUTHERN AIRES" Kings Mountain's famous string Baod now broadcasting daily WflNC, Oastonia, 5:16 A. M. 7-4tl WILL PAY HIGHEST MARKET prices for Wheat, Corn, and Oats or will exchange Flour, Feed. Meal for them. Phone 2-3165. In< terstate Milling Company, Char lotto. N. C. 7-26-c. FOR RENT: 6 room house and bath No 801, Oold street. Call 146 Oar.tonla. N. C. 6-13-tf. FOR 8AL.E: More than 30 extra clean used cars, priced exception ally low, We also have several rough cars that wo will sell at your prise. Easy terms. We carry our own contracts and can tide you over the tight places. GasUsed Car Company. "Neyt to the Post Otfice and Just as reliable" ?aug 9. REMEMBER ? On Saturday you get one of our delicious Banana Splitj for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Oompany. P' THE CLAN I! && M Ik. * I I II | * . . v .'/* ' ' v: ' ' ? !& -> ' Ai:.. : ' V ' :j" ,} *' % K-, ' ' 'i 1 m Signal? I Correctly b deuts, 2S of which were fatal, reII suited from & disregard of signals. t "Hutlrely too many North Caaolll ua drivers take the attitude that b arm signals are ivnlniportaut," Hoi cult said. ' The average driver geni orally gives no slgual at all, or gives " the wrong signal, before stopping or i turning. And some drivers seeui to r think they have given an adequate - signal If they simply flutter their a a a .1-- - ^ ~ * iiauu uui mu wmaow or ino car. i Other* stick the!" hands out aud > down regardless of whether they r plan to make a left turn, inake a - light, or cotne ti u stop" I tmmJk' w*m mmtmtn .XknK cantioned, ''the driver behind you and the one approaching you are not mind reader*. The purpose of arm signals ia to let the other fellow know what you are about to do. Courtesy, caution and; common s?nse demand that you give signal* the proper signal* ? and that you pay attention to the signal* given by the other driver. And if you do givo proper signals when driving, be sure that you give thetn In ample f time for the other fellow to' act upon them. Giving a signal too late is virtually as bad as giving no signal at all." 37th Farm Home WeekWill Start On Monday The- 37th annual educational, en tertaining, economical vacation for rural people of North Carolina will start at N. C. State College in Halelgh on Monday. It is F'arm aud Home Week, an event which is ex peeled to attract 3.000 farm men I aud women to the campus of their own agricultural college. - John W. Goodman,' assistant Extension director, and Miss Ruth Cur > rent, State home demonstration agent, are in charge of arrangements ! and they have planned programs . which will be of interest to all rural ! people ? men and women, young or old. ' The registration fee of only $1.00 will entitle a person to a room in ?*!**. . " ' . :.' .* :? . ill. .; - . . *.i.!v , .iA-ii. ?* ? . wv? lutvvi j ivi Luc ciiui r >? LT(\|i ahd meals will be available at a rea fsonable cost In the college cafeteria. A Vegetable IV TO KEEP COOL re is nothing more retting for summer than ol glass of milk. Rich in mine, delightful to the and considerate of your r summer fashion lines lis is the best way to j cool! > IGY KIDS (S'cowiy 1/ \ rAM A?V?R*. WcruAti CAN Y9V 6tv / 1 I ? A sentence / Cx _ R? ' * n? PNQ8 HOPyTAHf HBtlLO ^8^98siH$TA6E All THE INGOM Pf RECEIVE FOR? i AVIRAAE TOM 01 I . .THREE Ml LI ' L j5W.jtt.Mjw K POPULAR PESSERT SI f'/ X. ON RAILROAD DINII CARS THis 'N THAT' By Alice Burton Patterson Grove Section +++ +++* *+ *++*++++++++ >< { 1 July -Jt.-^-Preachiug was hold last Sunday at 5?j3U by tlie past')!', llfcv. J. W. Suttle and Sunday School immediately after. -Rev. Suttle 'reported that he enjoyed his vacation very much, and had a good rest. l'tans are being made to purchase new song books- for the eliufch before the revival meeting which be gins the first Sunday in Augustr These hooka are being bought b> members of the church. Those who would like to contribute money for this purpose should see Mr. Forest Uord. the singing leader. A I'PV i V A1 iniH>tin<7 liatruii at Pan. ley's Chapel Methodist Churl h vestonlay. Services will begin each night at 8:00. Oak Grove Baptist church Is also having a ^revival this week. School began at Patterson Grove and Betli-Ware today. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Phifer and Misses QUie Mae and Ruth Seism, were visitors In Caspar last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ware were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ware Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Thornburg spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hamrlck of Valdese. Mr. Hamriclc has been 111 but Is Improving. Mrs. Bert K'-m has been sick for thp past fe?v days. Misses Leler and Kstello Ware of Oak Grove spent, the week-end with the J. W. Carroll's. Mr. Edwin Moore Is recuperating from an a.pfpendix operation lh the City Hospital. Gastonia. There has been a number of big dinners here and there recently. There was a birthday dinner at MrWill Williams' of Beth-Ware 8t\ni DAY IN?A1 We are right here read; you the Best of EVEltYTHEN Try Us?Yoi Blalock and A Mountain Street. Horn ft* 1N*TAtlCe:]( Hot*) 0O I W*CK? / V 1 ^ i 'n mi "'i|L -jg?j L i4BBL i . vi , .; > - ' * ' < w ' .. i, . * ; ' ' _? , f- '.' - -'X * THTJRMXAT. JOLT It. 1WI WM dHfljwF* Mr. IE THE RAILROADS t JjL ^HE BUILDING OF AN AVElAfiF RAILROAD FREIGHT CAR t REQUIRES MATERIALS FROM 31 STATES AND PROVIDES EMPLOYMENT EQUAL TO THE WOW fl OF ONE MAN FOR A YEAR o? AwmtCAN i of June HMO. ' A O. Igiekey Substitute Trustee. J It Davis, Attv ?adv. July 25 1 ' , 1 * 1 " I 1 11 ftr ~ T" 1 r f ; t " :iii \ i in 1940.. and throi SAVES YOUR FOOD ... " I I.VvV'. TJ Bt- Mn ? ' II Lg uj ^ "r tiOKQH ^ i Kings Mounts Comp i- Quality Furniture At ???????^???i _ ? I b;e ii BiSiwpliS l&iJjSf - 3 11M1 : Put Your Mi I H _sz_ . ' A . . ;*'.* , .. .. ' - V \ , 'I yL-: I'm- . " ? CCC MALARIA ' ODD - ur.-* 1 Salve^fosedrops COLDS Liqifld-Tabtets symptom* first day Try "Rub-My-Tism" ? a Wonderful Liniment KEEPING COOL IN HOT WEATHER A timely article chockful of ad vloa for summer comfort by an eminent authority on household efficiency. Don't miss' this helpful feature in the August 4th issue of THE AMERICAN 'WEEKLY 'he big magazine distributed wRh i ' Us ~*h'"in~i T ? On Sale At All Newsstands MORGE fff/l tllP f/l r/ima ?l #-V VXJfrt>& at (fyfa/pelafioit SAVES YOUR MONEY * The greater Norge it * greater * money-saver .'. .it combine* th? economiei of Royal Rollator co!d? making with the food-saving economies of a refrigerator that'* MB almost all storage space. Come I* /? . . . see what this means to you io m dollars and cent*. ml Model shown is SR-9 JY ? Other models as low $119.50 PflEFORtOCOi; RUX1 tin Furniture 4 ' * iany Rpa?nnnhlp Prime ? I .. - oney Into a me rtment you can make, tiome of your own! Now Id. We are in position to purchase, construction ire nnrar I iCsO vjrm y c Building & Loan plan nto dollars and your dol- I r! We invite new raernes! - J ing & Loan iation >n, Sec'y-Treas. mmmmrni *ERCY CROSBY ' V ' '-->iil. - . > ':', . . i. ?V * ?->. ... . .. - -J. '"iV.ia&&