J'*,' V ' ' \ T " x ' ' : " ' ' \ ' i' \ Union Service Central Meth< ? Central Methodist " Church n C. Sprinkle, Jr., Pastor 9.46 A. M. Church School. It. 8 , Ueoerul Superintendent. It: to A. M. Morning Worship and ( Stab 'ommunion. Communion Meditation: "The My of Christ." " 40 P M. Mpworih League meetH.u. p u (iwi Mar itVct * > * CMCCK ' A 0 I A 666. ' Everything For Shoes } ?-Repairing ?Shining ?Dyeing , i 11 ?Cleaning J ' ,n FOSTER'S Shoe Artd Bicycle ' Service Phone 154 H J ^1^1 Be t tr V ?K B 4w- ' ^\^j|^jj|JBagryr 1??' r i 4^ % ^ TWT&N who never before got w 1Y1 a decent shave with a qi I low-priced blade are enthu- iv . a elastic about the new Thin g< I Gillette. And no wonder! This d blade, that sells at only 10c id fl for 4, is made of easy-flexing of I steel hard enough to cut glgas. it - %' i H ;3fl j^C; '; < vjH I Ba| I fc ' T'i "-V ' / '^7? < 5- At idist Ckurch eneral bupertntendeat. Services fer the 11th Sunday aftr Trinity. Morning 11:00, sermon: God and elf and Then? livening 8:00. Union Service at 'entral Methodist Churefc. 1 ah her Leagues butyl a > Elv^nlug .30. Junior Children or the Ghuroh Sua Girl Scents Thursday afternoon 00. AVtT IjUKWS; Mibte school 10:00. James I .achev. iuperiutendent. Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church t) M UeUI w? ? I u?UU| NUtlVkOI* 10:00 A. M. Sabbath School., I. McUill, Qeueral Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship and lerrnon. 3:30 P. M. Womons \9issiotiur.y' iociety, Mrs. 1. O. Patterson, Loadf. 8:80' P. M. Junior Christian Un* jn, Miss Elizabeth Authony, Leader 7:15 P. M. Intermediate Christian aion, 5Ji?s Martha Frances McUill ,eader. 7:15 P. M. Young Peoples Chaisun Unloa, Miss Oeneva Hudspeth, ,eader. 8:00 P. M. Union Service at Cenral Methodist Church. Preacher, :ev. L. Boyd Hanrni. 8:00 P. M. Wednesday MU-Week J layer Meeting. First Baptist Church A. Q. Sargeant. Paator Sunday morning worship 11:00. Sunday School 9:40 o'clock. We will join the other churches r the Uuion Service at the Methoist Church Sunday night 8'00 p m. GRACE METHODIST S. W. Johnson, Pastor Sunday school 9:45. Frank Green luperlntendent. worsnip Service 11:00 A. M. Epworth League 6:30 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30. Wednesday eveniug prayer service :30 p. m. iacedonia Baptist Church i. w Vradertck. Pastor Sunday School at 9:4$. Morning Worship hour 11:00. Wednesday Evening Prayer meetig 7:00. Saturday evening we will have a sng and praise service with a short ermon to follow on the subject of [ollness. You'are Invited to attend all of | leee services. - ' At i * -- ? ' ' ?t ^ark-Grace Bible Church John L. Gregory, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship M A. M. ' 7:00 P. M. Evening Services. Sunday evening Service 7:00. Each Saturday 7:00 P. M. Evange stic service. t Getting Quicker, I ives With Th^New I list's more, it has edges of i entirely new kind that hisk through tough beard iickly and easily. There's > smart... no burn. You get tod-looking, comfortable aves every time and save oney, tool Buy a package This Gillette Blades om yonr Dealer today. net ?am moowtai mn Weakgrm MMM : ; M. R. Him/, PMtor Bufar Mori litf. Moraine Sorrtco U:0i. W. T. P. 8. or Claoo meeting 0:10. Evening Borrloo 7:00. Prgyor Bendoe Wedneedn? 7:00. a i Second Baptiit Church Ror. C. C. Parker. Pastor loads? School ? ? each Bunds?. Prescbtng IX n. a. sad 7:00 p. a each Bunds-. " '1 ' ? Personals Mlaa Margaret Ratterree Is home after attending aummer arbool la Oreeuaboro. Mr. Bright Rauerree la back on the Job In the Town Hall alter be ing aick for aeveral days. Mia* Catherine Rudiaill of Clia?> hme la apeudlug the weak with Miae Ella Harmon. Mia. fleorge P. Oavia baa return ed to her huatie in Charlotte after a brief vleit with Mre. C. R Neialer. ?? O? Mr. Jlmmv H^brd has rptiimoil from New York City where he his been taking advanced courses la aviation. i . | i . > Mrs. J. O; Hord who has been tn Duke Hospital. Durham has returned home and Is sttll confined in her worn. , ?o? Mra. E. B. Harris will return Saturday to her homo m Savajinah after visiting her sister Mrs. Paul Muuney. ?o? Miss Marie Llneberger, a member of the Kings Mountain School faculty is cyv an extended trip to Juneau Alaska. | Mr. and Mrs. Jucob Cooper and tittle daughter, Martha Julia, spent Sunday at Bondarken wfth Mrs.' E. W. Neal, who is spending the sum mer there. i Mrs. C. E. Nelsler, Mrs. William Brewer and C. E. Nelsler, Jr., wore lecent visitors to Blowing Rock and other poluts In Western North Caroliia. Ttiey were guests at Mayvlew Manor. Strip Cropping Aids inFighting Erosion S-taVp-ctxxppfng, virtually uukuown in North Carolina until within the pSdt decade, lias uow become a com mon sight in areas subject to soil erosion, according ti W. D. Lee, soil conservationist of the State College Extension Service. He explained that the Soil Con servation Service has developed two types of strip cropping, one known as annual and the other as perennial. Eacli of these types plays a lefinite role in a sound conservation program. In this section,' kudzu and lespedeza serlcea generally are grown in perennial strips. Hay produced in these strips enables farmers to turn under tor soil improvement a larger proportion of the vegetation grown in annual struts Instead of harvesting these annual crops for hay. Lee pointed out that the turning under of these crops makes tt plsstble ta produce clean-tilled crops more economically and on less land. This In turn permits the growing ot perennial sflips on steeper portions of the land. ??????? *i "Beat T1 V _ : "? .' ' mj/f Send All Your ? NEW WAY It's a wise housewife wh< summer fatigue. She sent New-Way's mfodern, san Is lower and the results i ness of white goods and ors and fabrics after N< our service! NEW-WAY LaUnderers, Cleanei Gastonia's Oldest, 1 Phone Our Truck is in Kings 1 THDMPAT, AUO. I. THIS *K TH AT By Alto* Burtbm P>tter?cm Grave Section revival meeting will begin nt Patterson Grove Sunday. Serviceswll be held each morning and evening. The public la cordially invited to attend, Silas** Kdna and Audrey Brllgea gave a social at their home Saturday night In honor of the Senior and Inteimedlate .classes and invited guest*. Cake, lemonade, sandwiches and iced tea was served. Miss Fay* H agate tier was hostess iui.ui"uiy CTj'iuira,aler"s birthday. Several were present and the honore* received saany gifts. Cake and lemonade was served. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Burton and Allc? and Sylvia Lee Burton and the U. W. Greene's visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Neeley and daughter ot Fort Mill. 8. C.. -Friday. Mrs. Neeley 1s recuperating from a recent opegation. Miss Wlllodene Thornburg apeat Thursday night with Miss Ruby \V%ie. Mtm Louise Goforth and Piato Ledford visited Miss Mildred Thern burg last Sunday afternoon. l Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Burton of Charlotte were visitors in this community Sunday. Mrs. Vera Huffstetlev accompanied theon home to spend this week. , Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Burton visited | the former's parents Sunday. ANNOUNCEMENT There will be no meeting of the Junior Woman's during August. The next regular meeting will he the j first Monday In September. What Is probably the best corn crop in many years Is now growing ?r? T jjnnlr P/viiniv aavs Povm ? A nrnnf I ? a ?vI?v?? vvuut.t "*? ? D I (>I III ngou O. M. Swlcegood. whl also reports that other crops are in excellent con dltlon. . "30-MINUTE MEALS FOR WORKING WIVES" An . exceptionally Interesting and informative article by a married wo man who does her own cooking even though she has a job and tells how it oan be done economically aad effi i clently. One of many features in the August 11th issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY the big magazine distributed with THE BALTIMORE AMERICAN On Sale at all Newsstands FSFISMELUT PASSAGE MS 4nd Other Functional Symptoms of KIDNEY WEAKNESSES jrafcrrTOAWS new te^ge^SttfUrtaq oirr*Z?ta-RlldThose Tjrtnptoma are Quickly and pleasintly rsllrred.by Ukior famous KIDANB -the kidney remedy which haraslaasly aad dBeteaUy aide la flwtilna -*M* aad rnlifas tnm the kidaeys. KIDANS is a sootkla* Mai still i It issnaiss the flew of Mead trine. It help# carry sway nisi wastss tsspsaslbls for. dlssoaaforts aad iMstrtas floe fuactio aal 'kidasy' disordariFTear, money leek If KIDANB fails. Try KIDANB tsday. MONEY BACK OUARANTEE! Deposit MAS widi year drassist for two IMS ef KIDANB. Use ens hex. If Bet artlrsir saMsBsd with ajCSI/LTB. ystara . fM?r *n>AJOi V&kr - i4>. KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. leHeftt" * y 1 hashing To The ] LAUNDRY j it lmMrO HrkW * n a?Mjl W nuvno UVTf, ? W AT V1U As all of her washing to itary laundry! The cost ire Rroven by the jrhitethe preservation of colwr-Wajr washing. Try LAUNDRY ! rs, Shoe Rebuiklers Largest and Best I i 844 | Mountain Every Day 1 1 + n + + i t I My tMlk iUm Hit flit lUf* J < * 04 . Cmimx Tttik t#?r4?v * /? **^***** *************** ******** A Maay ! HallywaatTa krigl?at dan ?a CaWx ta kalp Mh hi Hm uUril hMN af tkafar I Mill ? i J00 aaa raly a* Ctlti Im. Pin, dIwImm, ylaaiaat lading. ipprmi ky H GmJ Hinkwphi Baraaa. five mud fcagradianta, Madid |ht ' I Mwrdki la i|m fan?la af a fai?aaal daaial aatkarky, -1 y .. j Jaath aurnd. Gat Cala* taday at yaar drag Mara. Rw I mm iImi. from 10* la 11-25. a55a?ma?M?a?ZMmM?raanmrnlmmmma To Better Serve Ike flportsmaa HUNTING and FISHING LICENSE Now On Sale At Our Store ? _ Bridges & Hamrick HARDWARH Hunting and Fishing Headquarters ^ I " 4 i g Before you buy tires^ 1 % DON'T BE MISLED BY CONFUSINB OFFERS 1 When you see long discounts or tricky offers don't be misled. Are the prices quoted on first, second, third or fourth line tires? / M You don't want the lowest priced tire in town?if it \ i might blow out tomorrow. You don't want a tire "bargain" that has to be replaced in 5000 miles or less. You do want the most miles, the -,t\ greatest safety and trouble-free service?at the lowest first . . . That's what we've got 1 Get a better deal here?no type or jTj, / f/r? you buy! & Whether you want the U.S. tire, i the Royal De Luxe or the Royal . Master, America's foremost safety tire, get our deal before you buy. PLONK MOTOR CO. Hpfg I Mi one 138 ' > t And let us do the worrying about your hair : i stylee. Look Cool, keep cool, take advantage of : our Rilling Kooidr Machinelew Permanent. < 4 > ?Don't Forget Our Tuesday's Speoiala? n n j... ai * I was oeauiy snoppe j Hume 8S-R W- | I ? * : - v > ,'i. '.J. x" I . r-';s;.? , * V. .'^,1. ,*:V, y\ . v.; />- \v'- v xf ;s v<" jfr " . ^ ' - " , ! * - . * "*