!r SOCIAL AND PERSONA] ofINTE I PHOl MRS. WILLIAM BREWER ' COMPLIMENTED AT TEA " Mr#. C. 8. Brewer entertained ai a pretty tea at her hopie Saturday William Brewer of Norfolk. Va.. the former Mis# Pauline KeiSler ol King# Mountain who- la visiting her. The lower floor of the lioiue wax thrown en-auite. Attractive arrange ments of salmon gladioli were plao ed about the rooms ? where the SBflSi SSjSjffl 11] M /!?/?& C'mAY IAIK THIS (HARMING UTTi \ "THAT Oi PINOS, NOT tm I'PiKHAPS yOU ll Till Of ? \ 'OH I'll Si CI AO TO Till f fAOM THl REX All DRUG STOt Reg. 2tc ViIm I ol furattit zinc STEARATE Rm. 21c Value 2 m. Pur*t?if glycerin Reg. fl. Value 2SO FureteW row rt' Tooff Tobfofsl Rao. 50c Value 7 oi. Reeall laxative salt Reg. 25c Value Reiell CO*N solvent Rao. 50c Value pk$. of 40 Recall orderlies Rag. 75c Valua Pureteit psyllium seed bWd Reg. 21c Puteleil WITCH hazel . SoHmbsork ^ KUrtzo >?oo ASPIRIN TABL I ASPIRIN TABL TINCTURE IOC '. _ , ? < [j EPSOM SALT II MERCUROCHR SPIRITS CAMF ZINC OXIDE C CALAMINE LO WITCH HAZEL MILK OF MAG I F. E. CASCAR/ I FLY SPRAY \ I MINERAL OIL I MINERAL OIL TINC. GREEN I 11 *r" '; " ' "' ' ' MRBMP9W9WP!pl(HHPIVMPPV9P|Pill|P L HAPPENINGS REST to V I 4 SES 10-R AND 88 * MRS. A gueHtq were received. Mrs. 'Charles Brewer, Jr., and Mrs 1 II. Li. Sueud of Washington, D. c., received the guest* at the door aud . presented them to the receiving Hue ' composed of Mrs. C. S. Brewer, the l honor guest. Mrs. William Brewer, i Mrs. W. C. Wiufree of Jack ionville. t r'la. and Mis* Carolvn Brewer of! , Portland, Oregon. , On the side porch Mr*. U. Boyd Klmhall arid Mrs. C. K. Whit'.rd ser ved punch. They were assisted by I Miss. Virginia Allen, Sirs. Henry I ^ l , \ LAMSON'S i \% 'umsonZ ! 54c ioap 'SX7 39c * ->' * v \ ' f y ' ; f ?-v/' il*il li '< ?\?J~ - "<7~^wa*ath7knkiohalqulltlon?\ bqmj > pfksonal . . / R?g. 30 hats in thojl pafkagis? \ mjcq you that! they'xt 6akcaims i "j?* r/ BIG AUGUST FACTOBYTOYOUSAU l/C Mod?rnCharmColdCre?m4Vc Almond Coco _ I9< SO-4F 7? - A R?q. 50c V?fu* H...M 69? deodorant cream 39< m * ?< ?*? V.lu. 6 ei. SILQUE __ 39c hair tonic 39c R*q. 2Sc V?Im Oinlltniit'i _ _ f9< talcum powder |9c R?o. 10c V<Im STAG _ 39c hair lustre 39c 43< jaffireo'1'*" 39c _ ? R*a. 50c V?l?? Jcwnin* ? ? 29c rath crystals 39c - ' Mag* ^il^V Tff# fw" nfvMVyi yWW> |r thymf.kMt hrstn W: nooxxxtre es V/g^JLiiMWax 9- fjS^WtP ETS ?j?? 1 Jc ets "SLS-T 27? >IMP A/ ??? iku s v.s.r. ruu FOUND VN A/. mice's OME lie 'HOB CUSHIN&S I3c IIHTMENT |3< TION A&SS 19c < ?S5S*,- 23c nesia iSSJUT 27c L aromatic tuner" 23c i fUUHNT , <%Cr ffAKKltfS Ajv j; ruu e/NT *% THK KTNQ6 MOUNTAIN TTBRALD r /OMEN i. H. PATTERSON. I Powell, Jr., and Miss .Lucy Plumnier Jones. Guests were invited into the dining room where the bridal colors of green and white were used iu the de'.nratioua aud ices served. A S^U| ter o( the dining room table, with ' white tapers in crystal holders at each end. White gladioli in crystal ^ Jars were used on the bullet and sideboard. Green and white ices, tntity ice-l , 'cakes were served by Mrs. Ixiuts i Ab AUVtm saturdJ y J II I ltj | WEEK o| I Milk of Magnesia >TH PASTE L?*'E aufraliia Both So o'uth acids 39c For your bathyou claansa. SIZE room, for guest .%*? )Or u" or " * 9',h'/a -..o.?c. Xr * THE STORE c Valua 4 ox. Puratast m Rag. 3( C ACID POWDER l<Sc DEN c I oxTZ%- Solution Puratait 0^ _ Rag. S( ZU ROC H ROME 23c BAY flU 3k Ful1 pin) Klenzc I fiw A 39c fub Klenzc wjD Pleasant tatting moi lw'l big tuba y ? Full pint MI31 A and bottle of 100 PWfia Another big valua tha' vjj&\\>3aa "? m"<>' thei fHfe 35c tube Lovec M\\ *n^ 25c tin Lov B'ai Tha combination th i iBha?'i rwi mtFull pint Mi3I A and Full pint Rexal Gat Hirtnl combiaat tx: Fal1 Pound R?xal1 Th and 200 shaatt Klenzo j Far rfictiw pora^?|ii - |flSSSK>^w U-OOSoaCARA t wWj 2) and gorgaout satin bade Pc Saacial altar tar ?l< JI IX Naaa. w! ( "TE~ir piat MI3I At aad Fall pint Pure U ffl9\ TWtfty buytn v?rywti I i i i / f^L 2a FuB pint MI3? 4 and 50c tuba Ml; "Tl t" ,1 TVt tama Nigh quali lial \gM *lw?Y'- IHt Full pint MI3I ) and 50c pig. of 60 Br Tha family laxativa antitaptic. ^ 1^ nL?r<* ga,',m0 tjfcffland Belmont ,'iAjt jP^jv'y ,t,in' 'or v*e ?k 3 ox. Siza Stag W?" 1_ 1 \ A TVa luxury ihava at avi yBEES5?Ta"^^^^^^"~* "M""*TSBSS*" fL. - F?fl pintMI3V 4n ESQd mm, of * W?l a< 4 ox. ! itog HAl AWr a*4 IAOIEV w MEN'! ^ K??f your l?*W M*t, < PSEBEEEdi ===== \ . ; . ' . * " , ' ' : ' * , T I I III I ' W^pppi"111 THURSDAY, AUG. 1, 1M? Hoiner, Mrt. A. W. Oholson, Jr. Mint Carolyn Heed, Miss Betsy Ros: Jones, Mr.s Cbss. Sellars, Miss Pagt Good. Miss J,ucv Brewer Slid Mist Mary. Lou Kimball. Miss Klwood Reed bade the guest! good-toy e. j - * > ' . H?>U?? PARTY AT .LAKE f A group of l<enoir Rhyne Collegt students attended 'a house party at l?ake Mofitonfa last Thursday tliroi gh Sunday. They were- the quests ol Miss Martha Lou Mauney \>f Kings Mountain. The guests weeei Misses Elizabeth Petrea and Mary Elizabc-th Iseuhour of Salisbury, Miss Elisabeth Cooper of Jllgh Point, Miss Suzanua Vunder Linden of of Bessemer City and Miss Margaret Cooper of Kings Mountali . BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. und Mrs. Guy Henderson announce the birth of a daughter, Guy tVnne. July-25th. Mrs. Henderson Is ;he former Ruth Cobb. vm^iin 1 ,4 AVI *1 rRTISED IN THE \Y EVENING POST - uc\ Raaall Milk of Magnosio TOOTH POWDER! I a p I With newrit ingredionti fot bott cleansing 3Sc Sit# r' , Y t9? 117c *!!'MK Ic Valua Klonto ^ ' Bki TALCREME 2V? lc Valuo Full Pt. A RUM 39c || zfflZEzmkt i ANTISEPTIC and llj5 ? DENTAL CREMEbFoTRH jfn wash and CCS H6 Hmfl STOUE *<c J ntiseptic Solution Purctest ASPIRIN | 1 tvtry f?m? 98c value W aegsTOOE BOTH FOR^V* ider Shaving Cream I enderTalcum - V it qlvct you devalue L fcMttSTOitt BOTH FOR J J * 1^ Intlseptic Solution I Milk of Mag nesia K I?"* W* 84c value CA, afll ^othfoiiJt* 11 eatrical Cold Cream I Facial 7Imm? both'for EI ? ?&*- 69c Lfl 40ME Face Powder wd.r r?n B^'tooT* *|?? rtUeptic Solution B test Rubbing Alcohol K era waat tfcW.tfe v#|,* (A utlseptlc Solution P II Shaving Cream ty w Mill ffe valua CA# P Utt^STOM BOTH FOR | ^ Int/sepfic Solution > Rexall Orderlies ? ' " "y Wc viIm {Or jhagsrowi IOTH KHJ Tc M r? PORTFOLIO 111 Mechanical PENCIL fig ion lottort. ia, 9 A HU feH-lK>?39t PS After Shave Lotion J E Rum Shaving Cream SSfif!~ oth*'foh39 j 0 titeptlc Solution j fl lofMito Tooth Powder | H id moitti. Me valno C Or- ' (6 Xg OTHFOK Jyt 11 ? * OIL |i| t DRESSING COME j I Me v?h* 9 A. j Ed ffoM IOTH K)> JVC |j^ , J- . ' v " . * ' *. ? -- .' , -. ; < "" ' ^.' ? . ' ' / > t," - ' , " -i*. ' ? . J.*. &?. ,;i : . ' ?j ... , OOGGETT-RHODES WEDDING col ? SOLEMNIZED Stc I A marriage beautiful In Us simpll- brl i city and setting, was solemnized at us< the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Itoi l Flunk on Hold streets on Friday ev- wei eniiig at 8:3t) when Miss Isabel a f Ithodes. sister of Mrs. Plonk, be- feti came the bride to Mr. Paul Jkiggctt. bud of Forest City. The Rev. L . Boyd 'I Haintu. of St Matthews Lutheran pro .Church, read the impressive- ritual, brii f % Vdwh-were spout n in the living t : 00111 ?l>efon' -an improvised altar. 1 arranged with the wide mantel %s u ' but k ground. Floor baskets of white gladioli were posed -against white lattieiv en- p twined with Ivey. White tapeis bum tPje hzwmrnmmmmmMM?m i n u. ! and in floor canddahta. h||TI Mrs Marv Ku it i of B sst-tner qop ''lit was at the piano ami voice uutii hers were rendered. by Mr Krttes' 'Hobs-son. Jr.. of Fort City Itefore the ceremony. Mis Kt ? ti-r played Llcl'strauiil and Mr. Robeson sang 'I Love You Truly." by Carrie Ja-x gzgggsi iings Mountain D Phones 41 and 81 Housewives, budget balancers, thrifiy buyer There are more than 200 grand values at values for the whole family. Although sor offered on this sale are not manufactured in torios, all of this merchandise is produced c and carries the Rexall guarantee of satisfy whether manufactured by Rexall cx made f exclusively through Rex ail Drug Stores. Lot join in checking their needs?ard be here e Extra sharp W guaranteed V Atedford Double edp *iki ?.cxc"' " Ct ' ' fi\Bouquei 1tatr,ce f*L ?W/> L/^ hr#Us 7Ce fenJ \m. W for Real Coffee I Monogram Drip * Cm fee Maker T JF 69' Pa^ s A %flft Moogn BBgSQHB^ ^ Mineral Oil vmMif Tt ^ Rag. 75e Full Ft, ft Oft* UbUt ? M TMt?Uu,ed*rl?A ? II* * *' TO* macbanicalacHon. 5 Qc| if* ' USL-JiisS Raiall Milk d Magnolia Puftteti L TABLETS , . C4STOf ^ Rag. $1. Six* NOW *"*' J8< ' * Hara'i a big M?- _ E?lta r.fined. llDf. / Q( NuMy flavor. ^^ ?? ? . Burateit || Atn&St L ASPIRIN EPSOM Bk .At 100'. Rag. J5c FuR Eft *o?4 ?Hug Rag^49c e,?ar laift. H aipirfa. 2Q^ Ertra rafinad. * ImI ? !? f ? Wi Mfa? n. IL/JaAmm* CREAMS * H.r. Bo, KSW'Claaniing, Vanitking BABY TJ HPjI or Cold Craam t L c W 29* T* "smob v CiutA+n Steg Sruthleu W FACIAL PADS Shoving ggt/ Re*. 4*e Jer of I IS No brushing. Hi Quick convenient JA No rubbing. c,""'?i"? t10W 9 *f C 1 ^ itoti SPfitfdhfcWfd VO7DMT?~AU6 ' iT'l940i ^Accept a 25c Bom of * cama NOME face powder A s gift from ut when you buy \ 25c sit* cam a nome w/f PERFUME Just present this coupon end 25c end aet this freed surprise fysjIY treet of Cere Nome Powder end _ _ . ' Perfume?-the kind you'H love K _ nee you try it. mt jp^ 1 MAMt % Cik ll?d?mptto?i V#ly# 1/tO o<T S2? * ' 1 ' , ? I -r/' 'iv - hl-aM 11.1111,1 Jill. IIII >h bund, and "The Sw?+-t0C >ry Ever Told', by 8lulU Xte. dal March from Lohroirii jm ;d (or the processional mjni T5w nary" was played as the vow* re exchanged, Mia. Keelec ?/iT ormal ?o?u of pltik het ?nr i. and u shoulder corsage- .Y :hm la. "he hride and brUlegt'ouM ayathed the altar together. Tt*- ? le. a strikingly beautiful VniMr-4 i lonely In her wedding gowa ? (Cont'd on back pag?\> HEARTACHES OF A FAMOUS BOY GIANT e "flung now real-life Cwl?>.?d, unhapr'ly, tofjakethefceiir _____ i different from everybody prr I't miss this unusual story n tut lust 11th issue of THE AMERICAN WEEHLf big magazine distributed wit THE BALTIMORE AMER1CAV On Sale at all Newsstanos HHHHHHBHBHBWnH A rug Co. : i welcome fhis ! new low prices? no of the articles the Retail labora(xpressly for RexaJI ictiori. Every item or it it distributed iL? ...i I- x-_' i.. 1 inu wtiwi^ tomny ar|y? j(; f ;? . Constipation Pe/ief VPefrofo/ . r |?Z?Jpc a 7<i2s?t mo duct i ' ii. i in i i r For proper scalp clean s/nq izo Cccoatwl Oil XShampoo \'% w . ihf jtsas stow ; Keeps liquids hot ' cold /onqer... Genuine Colorem J Vacuum f Bottle a * amu htoduct SALT ffi ^ ^^J^E* S 29c j^ f| sasBgaaEgy if I I ^ i K B ___ ft H V , ' . ...< >*

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