- i -ii i SOC1ET i . <C*>nt'U from Soclelv page) wsaSv bridal satin, with girdle and .lease trim of Duchess lace.' The rtted bodice was buttoned te the ?ai?l and featured sleeves fall at he shoulder and close fitting from he elbow, closed at the wrist with ?ary satin buttons. The wide flower ^ skirt ended In a short train. Hei v;il was of illusion, caught to the v>:ad with orange blossoms and she sninl a bououei of white orchid* uid orange blossoma. Au informal reception was held ' iw ver IhId with u handsome embroldrrcd Madeira linen cloth and arraug -d wttli white phlox uud yellow snap .-.tugons in a crystal bowl and white urpcrs In crystal candelabra.. Tfio wedding en he was two bean/ tatty decorated bells, tied with a bow- of tulle and white gladioli ?ii bearing the name of the bride sad bridegroom. These were arranged 'on a large reflec'or. bordered with yellow snap dragons and white phlox. The cake was cut and served rtfb white ice cream hearts, decora no with yellow cuplds. After a trip to New York City. Mr VIHUUV Thornton IN PERSON Ths Champion Pistol Shot of the World ? Handles Six Pistols at i One Tims ^? ?? Sensational! Murderers, Outlaws, Q-Men, Jos Louisl PRESIDENTS 50 WAX FIGURES All of the Leading Outlaws and Gangsters! > 6 North Carolina and 10 1 vSouth Carolina Killers! including Bill Payne, Wash Turner, Otto Wood " Don't miss this unusual lisptay--^A lesson In crime. Proof that CrtiM Doss Not PAY! I CLAUDE THORNTON i CRIME MUSEUM \ Clarenoe Reynold's Old Stand Battleground Avenue Adults 10c Children 5c I Thursday a "ROAD TO S Bing Crosby?I I Saturday?Dc "QUEEN OI Ralph BellamyI "LUCKY < Cesar Romero ? Monday am Jeanette McDona! I "NEW Wednesday ? I ?Bargain "WOMEN 1 Wendy Barrie?1 K "THE LONE WOLF W W Warren William I GEOBGE OLESEN ai I -.a."b/; - e- \ "* 'b- ' " - ' r v*/''*'' ' :- /' : - VyiSrV . - ? v" ; : vvV-, *, r^J/.V- , lottc. ^UDOAN-DICKERSON Announcement has been, jnade of the marriage of Miss Pauline I>ickerson and U M. Logan which look place Saturday evening in a flulet | ceremony in the' pastor's study of I St. Matthews Lutheran Church,' with the Key. L. Loyd [latum, officiating. The liridc was strikingly ldvetr in a costume of sheer navy .blue, fashioned with bolero, with revess of linen and lace and white accessories. Immediately, following the ceremony-the couple left fbr Myrtle Beach where they spent their honeymoon. They will occupy rooms in the Pnrtoti Apartments " on Carpenter street. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M- Dlckerson of Elkln. She was educated at Elkln High School. imperialI Phone 134 TODAY?TH URSDAY Double Feature I 'The Last Alarm" Warren Hull Polly Ann Young \ Oeorge O'Brien in "Hardrock Harrigan" Serial ? News 10c FRIDAY and SATURDAY Double Feature Jean Hereholt in "Dr. Christian Meets The Women" _ * John Wayne in "Blue Steel' Cartoon BsrUd / .y . 1 MONDAY and TUESDAY 'Beyond Tomorrow" ' Jean Parker - Charles tyinnlnger, d Comedy ? Nswe / nd Friday I 1 INGAPORE" d )orothy Lamour I 0 >uble Feature 1 ? THE MOB" I I -Jean Cagney ^isrn if in** c Mary Beth Hughes ' B c it?j-u?uaescsssa g) d Tuesday Ha Id?Nelson Eddy I n B j MjOON" I * ? i ?. 1.?? n )ouble Feature [NWARM tjf " 11 ?atric Knowles < 1 MEETS A LADY" III i?Jean Muir id his ORCHESTRA 111 * . ... * . . .. v* . ' ' ' .',-..0 -*-1 ''J: " H&A ^-.v. '-.A: - - YNEWS Forest City. For traveling. Mr*. Doggott wore a costume suk of gray Hud white printed crepe with red uud bluck accessories and a shoulder bouquet of orchids. The bride Is the youngest daughter of Mr. C. J Rhodes of Oastonla and the late Mrs. Rhodes. 8he was giaduutcd from Bessemer City' High School and Woman's College, Oreenshoro. Since graduation she has taught lu ' Forest City High School. The bridegroom Is the sou of Mr Blue Rldse School and Wofford <*o* lege. He la distributor for the Shell oil si ? Wll IVIUIMU/. Out-of-town guests at the wedding included Mi. and Mrs. H. 8. DoRgett, M/h. Howard Doggett, Mr. twd Mrs. \V. It King and Mi** Mary llart Moonovhunt of Forest City; Mr ?\ J. Rhodes. Miss Martha Torrence, Mr. and Mrs. Maury Gaston, Dr. and Mrs. H. J), Frorieberger, of Gastonta Dr and Mrs. John Rhodes of Ralelirh niifl \!it>i Rmllv Purr nf yam row mopntaim mkalj and Meredith College. Raleig. Shi ?iw completed i coarse at the Hit hew School of Beut; Culture, ei North Wllkeefcoro sad has for sobh i me been connected with the Kult Beauty Shop In Kings Mountain She hue inade rnauy friends sine* coming to Kings Mountain. Mr. Logan, only son of Mrs. Leoo< bias M. Logan, and the lata Mr. Lo gan, is a native of Kings Mountain He received his education at Klngi Mountain High School, and Statt Appalachian Teachers College at Boone, lie is now connected with he Superior Stone Co. 3RIDE HONORED ( Mrs. Lludsay MuMackln and Mias ernnln . Ht the home of the Utter wheu they entertained In honor of vtiK. Harold Herndon, a recent bride. Mixed summer flowers were ' Milfectlvely used in decorating the lit^ !ng room, where the guests assentbled. ' At the eouclusion of the party, Mrs. llerndon answered a call at thu door and was presented a lovely tyhite basket filled with attractive and useful gifts. After the opening of the packages the hostesses served delicious refreshments. , Those present were the honoree, Mrs. Harold Herndon and her moth er, Mrs. Tom Moore: Mesdames Mesdajnes Marvin Handle. Fred An mou}. Liorri-ui rooss, uemer nar Lin on. II. W. O.umbte P. K. Harmon, ^Ctaud Harmon \V. A- Anthony. H. V Herndon. Charles Whlsitant; Misses ljOnl.se GainJHe. Addle Waters. Annie Roberts gnd Vida Pryor. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Blllie Gordon Hughes entertained a few of his young friends Saturday afternoon iu celebration of his third birthday After enjoying games the children were served delicious retrestoneuts. The following were present: Donald ayd Billie Patter son, Nancy and Marjotie Lou Dickey, Jack and Billy Ruth,, Louise Owen Bobby Manin, Sammy and Jerry McCarter, Junior Boone Judy Jenkins. PbylUs Ware, Shirley, John Lewis and Erwin Hughes and Mary Ellen Baker. CELEBRATES SIXTH BIRTHOAY 'iiicJuard Kirby McMarckin, . sou of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McMackln, celebrated bis sixth birthday anniversary by. entertaining a number of his little friends. The children enjoyed games and were served lemonade and c-ookiee. After the gifts were opened, the youngsters were Invited into the dining room where a lovely pink and white birthday cake, bearing 6 lighted candles, centered the table. Ice cream -was served with' the cake and toy balloons were given as favors. Guests included Dickie Webb, Wal ter Griffin, Bobby Herndon, Charles A. Whisnant, Corletti MoDanieL, Dap Pressley, Jimmy Yurboro, Dot Mo Carter Donald McCarter, Lou Ann Logan, Mary Helen Logan Judy Logan and Billy JMcMackin. 'gj MEMBERS OF HOME ARTS *? St.U? ENTERTAINEO Mrs. George Moss was hostess to nembers of the Home Arts Club and nvltod guests at her home on - OasJ OP street Tuesday afternoon. Roses and gladioli were effectively arranged In the living room, dining oo*n and den. Mrs. John Gamble, the vicotpreatlent, presided. . Mrs. 1a Boyd Hamm had charge f the program, the topic of wbleh raa Robert QnBleu, well known >-rlter and humorist. Mrs. J. B. lean don told of Quillen's life. Mrs. ohn Gamble, Mrs. W. E. Blakely nd Mrs. O. O. Jackson read Inter oviug vA^uryis innu TUTWB COlVIQlll | nd members end visitors gave favrite sayings ef '<Aunt Het" by Milton. A tempting salad course with aceseortes and a sweet course was erred. ItfVTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. C. James Gibson anounce the birth of a son. Carl ames Gibson, Jr., on Sunday July 8 th. PRESCRIPTION SERVICE We Fill any Doctors' Prescription promptly and accurately at reasonable prices with the confidence of your physician. KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. THK REX ALL ETO/t E . We Call For And Deliver Phones 41?81 f. \ f * ' y.;- I . ' t iTMUBMPULT, AVQ. >, MM ' 1 Personals | Mr. and Mrs. J. JL iDavia are speed lop several days at Lake Jonaloska. . I ? | Mis* Wlnnifred Fulton ia spend* !, Ing this week at Lake Junaluf^aP. D. Herndoo and family spent he week-end at Myrtle Beach. ,, | Mr. and Mrs. Bun Cooper of Ral* ' ' jigh were guests of Mrs. Tom t*ul- a ^ ton Tuesday. ; r f '^Mrs. Paul A. Hart of Miami. Fin /J is a house guest of Mrs. Charles ^ rhomassou. J J imsM 1 1II (iljjS I ir , I11A pital. Charlotte. Tuesday afternoon l , tor an appendicitis operation. \| \' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jenkins and i laughter spent the week-end at Car /1 olina and WrlghteviHe Beach. ?^ ft Mrs. Don Blaiiton and son. Charles it left yesterday for Wrlghtsville B Beach.. t. ' 'V Miss Nell Jackson of Greenville,. S. C.r is visUing Miss Louise Brack \ elt. ' -o- n Miss Helen Logan Is on an ex- J' .tnded taut* of the .Northern States ! and Canada. Mrs. Claude K. .Webb, and daugh- ^ , ter. Miss Margaret Webb, of Mor- 1 ganton are visiting relatives tn ^ Kings Mountain this week. 9 rr Misses Lucy Kiser and Marjorte * Hord spent Wednesday: and Thunf day of last week .ki Morganton visit lug Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webb. o Mrs. Nell Patrick returned Mon 11 day from Myrtle Beach where sho ? i?ad been a guest of Mrs. Hayne Blackmer for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. George Elnharf and little daughter," Gail (Diana, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Bell. Sr. ?o? Mr. Charles -..Campbell. Hatdh Hose Representative for the state of Georgia, spent the past week-end with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jolly and daughters, Mildred and Maude, have returned from a recent trip to Car olina Beach. Mrs. .T. R. Davis. Bill Davis and Miss A.lda Jean Davis returned Tues day from a visit to relatives In Georgia. / Mesdames George Latthnore, r fr..^u *?.?1 - ? 'xuh.ii unnHna. j mi dtnua ana uar* | [land Still spent last Thursday at BELK'S " MOCCASINS | Special purchase. Brown only. Sizes, chUds* 1 to large 11? $1.19 Ladies' DRESS SHOES All white and combinations. One table of these? $1.00 SANDALS For Women and Children. AH white or combination? 48c BELK'S ... - . . ? ' - t*5 . . v ' ' V hiue uucb on Sugar Loaf Moua- Ho ?la. *r? ?o? 9t Mr*. Lola Woodward. Joe Lee oul Voodward, Miss Nlua Cole, John ,ewis Head, Dickey and Jo Anne j Woodward have taken a cottage at it* lyrlte Beach (or the week.. of ..> ' Ev Mlas Nina Putnam le resigning' aa Qf ookkeeper at Plonk Motor Co., the tur ovlgnatlon to take elfect aa soon Da * the new bookkeeper learns the ed outlue. , the [^Mrs. William Brewer left yester- was ay for her home In Norfolk after _ lilting her mother, Mrs. C. E. Nets m>. She was acoompanled by her n a business trip. |a> ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ruth said inn visited Mr. Ruth's brother and upliy, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ruth, i Charlotte Sunday. Jack remained i Charlotte to attend the Jack empeey prise fight. Monday night Representatives from the Kings lountatn Lions Club Tom Pulton, Immy Burns. . Mike Milam and eorge Mauney returned Monday lornliig from Havana, Cuba, where lev attended the convention of ions International. * Mrs. R. N. Hlnes of Hertford. N. .. Is visiting her Husband, fhe u>wii isucci iiueuuciu. oiie came on* . eclally to select a place to live I ,-hen she and the two children . love to Kings Mountain to join Mr. ' lines. \ | ' m Mrs. Mamie Grwln, Mr. and Mrs. ornelius Martin and daughter., lary Elizabeth of Firest City spent ?st Sunday with Miss . Marjorle ^ BELK'S * Ladies.... Look At These i Bathing Suits a All Wool i |V|| $3.95 Value i?Ulr CAROL KING And Other Summer Dresses , 1-2 Price " Slips $1.00 wq Value #5fC 2 For $1.50 Hats Women's Summer Hats f 1-2 Price Children's Sheer M Dresses $14)0 Value 7A. (9C 2 Bor <1.50 Ladies' Wash jjj| Dresses I Values to $2.00 I 88c I Dress-Up I DRESSES A Repeat Sale. Values to I $4.00? $1.00 | DEPT. S v- i - L ri. Mrs. Erwin sad Mrs. Martini < ,. , motter and sister, respectively. V. Mr. Clyde . Brwln of Ralefefc. 1 I r State 8upt. of echtola. ' Mrs. Charles Williams, Buddy WM aas and Miss Margaret WllltasnS Kings Mountain, Mr. and Mrs. erett C. Somen and son, Duano Long Island, New York, have re- 1 ned from a three-weeks stay at ytona, Florida. Mr.' Williams Join hta family for the laat week of lr stay. BELK'S ' ~ -ni l? t?u mujnm You Like * uur Specials Here Are More Sheets Pull Size yfl Q 11x99 40C Shirting Vew Patterns 4 /v Fast Color lUC Silk 01 i pnangning totted Swiss and Power Puff Muslin. Was 39c nd 48c yard. Now? 25c lyd. Remnants olids and p 1 fancies DC yfl Curtain Material Blue, Green and Yellow 5c yd. Hose ull Fashion pore Silk. (Maehine Mended) 1Qj? y"11 I (Seconds) | I Beautiful Hose J 59c pair 10c each! TheM go on Solo Friday Morning :00 O'oloek, Aug. 2. I ...? wr irar inn ditli H W? rntrvt the right to I limit quantity. Nona mI4 I to MorchoMo. I I HOMMMHiillMNBmaa" TORE ______________ 1 : - 1

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