r' V " . . Union Servi Lutheran Chi Central Methodist Church H. C. Sprinkle, Jr., Par.or 9:46 A. M. Church School. B. 6. Peeler, General Superintendent. 11:00 A. Mi Momiik Worship. . Sermon by the Pustor; ''The God! of the Open Koad." 6:46 P. M. Epworth league meeting. . Union service at the Lutheran, ft on l? VI w VV ?> . ? i , Presbyterian Church R?v. f U. ftir.cK t'oioi i>:45 A. M.' Sunday School, C. K. 1 Thomasson, Supt. ' . 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. 2:30 P. M. Sunday School at Dixon School House. 7:00 Young Peoples Vespers. 8:00 M. Union Service at l?u- j theran Church. Monday: ? Circles II and 111 3:30 at Lake Moutonia. Circle IV 7:30 P. M. at Miss Saralee HarrlU's. 7:00 P. M. Boy Scouts, Troop One, Mr. Carl Davidson, Scoutmaster; Messrs W. B. Thomson and Harry Page, Asst. Scoutmasters. Tuesday, 7:45 P. M. PrayOr meeting at Margrace Community House. Lutheran Church L>. BOyd Hamra. Pastor Bible school 9:45, b. C. Mauney, j General Superintendent. Services for the 12th Sunday after Trinity: Morning 11:00. sermon: Jesus' Rand Upon Life, by the Pastor. Evening 8:00 Union Services, Bey R. N. Baird, preaching. I .other l.eainies Sundav 6:30 P.M. Junior Children of the Church Sun day Eevening 6:30. Boy Scouts Monday 7:30 P. M. Church Council Monday 7:30 p.m.. Girls Scouts Thursday 5:00 p. m. SAINT LUKES: The Service 9:00. Bible school 10:00, James Lackey, Superintendent. Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church K. N. Dalrd, Minister. 10:00 A. M. Church School, J. L. McGIll, General Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship and Sermon. 7:15 P. M. Young People's Union. 8:00 P. M. Union Services at St. Matthews Lutheran Church 8:00 P. M. Wednesday: Mid--week Prayer Meeting. This Congregation Joins the com znunity in its expression of stacere regret at the departure of the popular pastor and worthy minister of W. B. PAYSEUR Landscape Gardner Shrubbery of all Kinds T.inrolnton. N. C. Box 365 INSTANTANEOUS ETIQUETTE The sixth page of a cICver eerlee of amusing sketches ? IN COLOR ? by 'Fish," the brilliant English atotlriet, with captions by the noted humorist, Arthur "Bugs" Baer, that nerve, while they entertain. One of many features In the August 18th iaaue of . THE AMERICAN WEEKLY The Big Magazine Distributed with THE BALTIMORE 8UNDAY AMERICAN On 8aIe At All Newsstanda r NO FAST-BURNING SMOkfS W FOR ME. I SMOKE MOW- H VMIN# CAMELS FOR 8KTWA WIIWIUI r EXTRA uttONtt* I EXTRA cooutttt I EXTRA FLAVOR I I I la recent laboratory 1 tews. Camels burned I I 25* do?f*r I average of the l o on. ? . of At laraNC-Mlllat ^^ || tr?Ji nwJ-fowtt I Eg than ?ay of tbem. That H0| Mokit| plmt ^[|qq> eqnal to P^VH KXTItA tMMDB rat ntcxi I t ' ;tJ ?* '- 'V '' . : *' * '" ,v-i- ' <-V'f.'**v*j IBb&tf - x' . TH ce At arch - _ '*r Christ, Hev. L. Boyd Hanim and his ' family. First Baptist Church A. O. Sargeant. Pastor Sunday tnorning worship 11:00. Suuday School 9:40 o'clock. Wo will join the other churehoa > the Union Service at the Methodist Church Sunday night S'uo p. m. 8. W. Johnson. Pastor Sunday school 9:45. Frat.lt Green I Superintendent. Worship Service If: 00 A. M. Kpworth League 6:30 P. M. J Re livening Worship 7:30. 5p , Wednesday evening prayer service "se| 7:30 P ? Su Macedonia Baptist Church o. J v W>?ilarlrk. Pastor ; Sunday School at 9:45. Al Morning Worship hour 11 00. Wednesday Evening Prayer meet- J ing 7:00. ' ' , gut Saturday evening we will have a oh song and praise 6?rviee with a short, on sermon to follow on the subject of | wi! Holiness. | Clt You are invited to attend all of in these services. $ the ? ing Park-Grace Bible Church !in' John L. Gregory, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. r Morning Worship H A. M. !nK 7:00 P. M. Evening Services. Sunday evening Service 7:00. S Each Saturday 7:00 P. M. Evange' listlc service. me ew Wesley an Methodist 31 ? M. R. Harvey. Pastor wo Sunday School 9:45. Pla Morning Service 11'. 00. W. Y. P. S. or Class meeting 6:15 , Evening Service 7:00. - yeJ ? Prayer Service Wednesday 7:00 aiu Second Baptist Church Rev; C. C. Parker. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. j Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p..m Jrto each Sunda v _ vei cot Ample Care Urged t.a For Pullet Flock > Poultrymen caring for their put- 8ta let flock during the late summer and ren r rrSTNEcmM^^^^^Hj I WAVOW I LIK? ABOUT CAMELS. I I SMOM^SOMUCH ? mm -. m OCT THE "EXTRAS" WITH ILOWEJl-DullNING CAMELS_ 1 L .' .. -'" ' .: - : I "'. v '"..... : > - I fca \:' B KtNOg MOUNTAIN HERAUD TJ REVIVALIST I H I J J L UK > I v. Clarence Bobbltt of Bolllrtg rings who will begin a aeriee of 'vices at Oak view Baptist church nday night, August 11th. evival Begins Sunday: t Oakview Church revival will begin Sunday, Au- j st 11th, at Oakview Baptist Chur with a picnic dinner to be served the grounds at noon. Preaching 1 begin that night with Rev. 11-ence Bobbin of Boiling Springd the pulpit. One of thf features of > services will be the special sing ; and everyone is invited to come 1 worship at the newly construct church on the York Road, tegular. Sunday school and morn-' : services will be held before the nic dinner. Following a home water system | eting conducted by H. M. Ellis, 'euslon agricultural englineer of ito College, nine Duplin County J men and nine men indicated ns to improve their systems. Much improvement was made this ir in the handling, packaging, 1 shipping to market of Pamlico .inty's Irish potnto crop, reports *m Agent A". T. Jackson. ncreases in wage rates paid per nth and per day to hired farm or, both with and without board, ie repoter In alt sections of the intry except the Ease South Cen I States. Slaughter supplies of hogs subntiaily smaller .than In the curit marketing year are Indicated the 1940-41 marketing year bening October 1. reports the U. S. reau of Agricultural ffconomics. Die harvest of commercial and rket sarden vegetable crops conites to move nlrthward. and lieavsupplies of fresh vegetables are ning into the - large consuming iters from nearby areas. rhe Cotton Textile Institute will lertake Immediately a nationle campaign to increase A"merii cotton consumption by' 115 perit over its record peak. Outstanding improvements ait the farm and homo are being iorted by Watauga County growwho Joined the demonstration m program In 1935. says Asslstt Farm Agent O. O. Farthing. Community planning meetings in ation to the Land Use Planning >gram have been held In all five nmunltles of Transylvania Counraports J. A. Olazefter. farm ait. rhe cotton acreage in cultivation the United States as of Tuly 1 aled 25,077,000, according to the dtminary estimate issued by the S. Agricultural Marketing Ser:e. It has been found that goldfish II control mosquito '^wrigglers" ponds and pools a little better s fish are allowed to go hungry. Alfalfa, good as It is. could be ich better and plant breeders of a College Experiment Stations d the U. S. JJepartment of AgriIture, are at work seeking to im ve on the existing varieties. *, * *., I'LL BUY THAT SHOT- ' J GUN NOW* I SOL D 50ME ] STUFF FROM "WE ATTIC ft< J Sell "White Elephant*" Bur What You Waal 1 # fall should keep In mind that a lit-, for tie neglect now may be costly later, Bin says c. P. Parrish, poultrymau of'Bui the State College Extension Service. The good .poultry-man will see ina "that his birds are well fed on grow tint ing mush, whole corn, whole oats, ier and green feed. Here's why these eon items are so important in the pul- pen let's utet: The growing mash helps ib build i a good egg factory. Corn . puts UM< weight on the bird and lays on a svii reserve of fat for the heavy laying cal period. Oats furnish fiber, and help cer build resistance against disease, feather picking. and prolapses. Orefon feed furnishes succulence, bo( minerals and vitamins, and is rich rej in other essential food factors. erH A liberal supply of green feed cuts (a). feed bills and aids In growing a aQ| more healthy ipultet. While green feed is more Important during the griwing stage, It does havb a deft- . nite place In the bird's diet v after laying starts. For late summer grazing apd green feed, sowed young green corn . may be used to good advantage, a- gei long with Sudan grass, wheat, oats, barley, slybeans, and alfalfa. If ample grazing has not already " been provided, a green feed crop 0 should be' planted now. Because egg prices generally rise Usharply in August, many poultry pro v!c ducers ruin their pullets by rusbtng them with laying mash. Parrish said. The best plan is to let the pul * lets mature normally on growing " _W - ah'Aii mh<I nwAAn fa o/l tilt mann, ?;uiu, " uum, nuu rjcvii Before the birds are changed to laying mash, they should have reach i ed at least 20 percent production. mt th< ???????>-? Of Real Estate I CountyTaxes ix collector of Cleveland [>use Door in Shelby, North 0, at 12 O'clock Noon t County of Cleveland, the ' 1 shown by name of owner, it of taxes due and unpaid ! i located. TT^amniescrib^. t. ?ase the amount of cost, \ fees. This sale may be con- ; h time as may be provided is not had or oomnW/rU luvxiou a. a. Mixainins .... $H.05 | Jiiuson. Mrs. Lillian: 2 acres No. I 20 highway and Watterson at $7.12 M Jifuce, J. B. Estate: 6 lots 25x150 Fairvlew st. ; .94 lumgardrier. Atistln: 3 lots 25x150 N S. of No. 20 highway .., $9.75 \ Juingarne'r, B. T.: 54.36 acres T. H. Bridges estate $13.27 ? lunrgarner. Charles: 3 lots North suburbs and McGinnts st. $16.69 ? luingarner, Joseph Edjvard: 4.55 acres Yord road $3.69 p. lutngarner, J. O.: 1 acre . .* Yord Koad .. $10.62 p lurton It. L.: 1 lot 125x150 cor. Fulton-Alexander st. .. $6.70 Pi Iyer*. W. JJelbert: 1 lot 125x150, Stonewall st .... $12.04 'arpenier, C. P.: 1 lot 160x150 ,, (Plonk street $5.70 'arpentsr. Jessie L.: 3 lots .. $13.44 "arpenter, W. H.: 1 lot 112x186 Phenlx $13.52 j, larroll. Glenn: 4 acres North, suburbs i $8.27 1>( 'onnor. Ernest: 6 lots Battleground rd. and Lima st. .. $2.80 'ostner.- H. M.: 1 fot 240x275 N. S. ,)f of Kings Mountain $18.04 >111. A. J.: 3 acres $3.27 iarlv, a. l. (Gus): 1 lot 130x150 Cherokee ... $9.33 Ct.ters, Mrs. J. H.: 30 acres Potts Creek farm $10.81 Sttera, Robert Dewey: 6 acres $10.24 ^ 'alls, C. Shlpp: 9 acres O. P. Palls farm $3.23 p 'inger, Mrs. Bell Miller Finger: 1 lot 75x26 King St. and R. R $5.88 W ^nger,, P. E,. Estate: 1 lot 76x237 E. 8. of R. ,... $46.80 'lowers, T H.: 2 lota corner of Cansler and City $6.51 J'owler, Mrs. Myrtle: 1?2 acre | near P. Grove St. $5.60 'rady, Otis: 29 acres bought from W. Y. McMurry .... $10.17 H ?*ulton. H. T.: 1 lot 60x175 K Plonk Survey ; $10.77 * Fulton: M. P.: 1 1-2 acres $13.39 3 3antt. Max: 1 lot 106x236 $3.60 3ault, C. J.: 1 lot 106x218 . $18.57 s 3oforth Ben H.: 3 lots 25x150 $14.51 s 3uyton, L. L.: 1 lot 76x150 No. 20 Highway $7.85 3 Harlowe, Mrs. Wash: 27 . . acres Lee Grill farm $3.06 3 ilaimon P. R.: 1 lot 60x203 S. 8. of King street . $7.61 a Harry, B. A.: 1 lot $14.30 Berndon, Pred: 1 3-4 acres .. $4.09 Berndon, W. P. and Clara Pursley a 1 lot 60x124 W. S. j Watterson $6.93 Binson, D. W.'; 6 lots .83. T Bord, Mrs. G. W.: 1 lot, 1 80x76 E. 8. of R. R. 8t $7.92 1 Buffstetler, R T.: 20 acres V 8. B. Huffstetler farm $11.52 Buff6tetler, Sam H.; 3 acres $7.99 ^ lluffstlckler, Clyde: 2 acres. $12.41 Bughea, W. O.: 286acres \ balance $7.73 Bullender James W.: 28 acres $7,52 \ Bullender Lula Mae: 2 1-10 acres *6.09 \ Jenkins, A. C.: 1 lot \ 66*166 Pulton St. .'. 114.22 Jenkins. Miss Musette: 1 lot \ 68*48 R S. of City 18.25 lohnaon, O. A.: 1 lot $2.20 \ Johnstone, Mrs. Ruth: 1 lot Lake property $1.24 y Keeter, R. B. and Wife: 1 lot 66*28 ..$9.04 y Keeter, T. 8.: 3* acre#; 1 lot 26*220 1 lot; 1-2 acre; S3 acre 32x8<k>; \ 1 lot 196*210 York $61.99 Keeter. Mr#. T. 8.: 1 lot y 280x200 Ororer ........ $10.86 Keeter, T. T. and Wlte: 2 lot# * | HURSDiAY, AUGUST 8. 1940 Notice Of Sale I ForUnpaid1939 As required by law, I, as t< County will sell at the Courth< Carolina, on Monday, September 2, 194 For unpaid 1939 taxes due the Allowing described real estate Jescription of land, and amoui and the township in which it is _lifc ii irtdiMimM I ' mifc " ;hown on the tax return or lis1 There will be added in each < jenalty, and interest to the ta: .inued from day to day, at sue jy law, in the event such sale .he above dates specified. NUMBER 4 TOWNSHIP \llen, Puul: 1 lot 200x160 Grover aud Kings Mt. ltd. . |3.48 .si Anthony, A. P.: 1 lot ou Highway No. 20 $7.58 y Anthony, Jack: 72 acres Champion Place $24.11 y Arrowood J, C.: 1 acre Tate Arrowood Farm < $6.06 y 3arrett, Horace G.: 1 lot y 112x125 $3.61 y 3ell, James Edward; 3-4 acre, Joins K. C. Gantt $1.45 y 3ell, M. G. 2 acres near Waco Road ... $9.77 y Jennett, Bessie:: 1 lot 110x400 E. of 8. Oriental $1.18 y Bennett. J. D.: 1 lot 110x400 West of York Road $4.57 Joheler. Will: 2 lots 25x175 .. .39 M Bridges, O. P.: 1 lot .! $3.93" \ Bridges, J. R,: 1 lot v 1 /,a-1 r a T* ? """" |?*VVVV? V'U 66x128 and 64x2$Q ' Bob Vance $16 13 IcAbee," Russell: 1 lot Kings Park .! ll'loV loCarter, Oscar: 1 lot 85x115 N. S. of Gold $ 11.41 [ejlaulel. O. Gall: 1 lot 84x213 S. S. of Gold 17 88 IcDaniel, E. L.: 81 acres . . $28.76 loOUlel, J. D.: 112:tj acres $38.22 qDanlel, Robert G.: 1 lot 65x155 S. S. of Fultoa ....-$12.31 [cLaughlln, J. E. 1 lot 56x200 N. S. of King st $11.40 IcSwaln, D. C : 1 let Lake property ^ $1.3?.* lathis, Mrs. Mary K . 1 lot j 88x1871* E. SI of Wattorson $15.36 | elton. George: 1 lot 68x100 \V. S'. Caneler St $5.00 [Itchem. James: 1 acres . $6.28 [Orris. K. M.: 6 acres .... $2.26: [orris. N. E.: 1 516 acres'. $17.56 orris. Mrs. Sallie: ll1* acres' $10.13 oss. Mrs'..-Hula: 1 lot 100x200 ance; 1 lot 100x200 ...... $34.21 avey. C. L.: 1 lot 75x371 .. $4 00 sborne, IV, E.: 1 lot 75x200 Gold street $8.3?< wens. Galina Alice: 1 lot 125x150; I.lnwood road; 1 lot 67l2\150 E. S Gaston: 1 lot E. S." Cansler '..... $30.80 arish, Mrs. I.. L.: 1 lot 80x113 E. S.' of It. R $7 70 arker Rev. C. ('.: 2 lots 67x150 N S. Fulton st ...... $3.82 arton. Ethel: 1 lot S. S. of King; I 1 lot 45x150; 1 lot Carpenter: ,1 I lot 45x185 .". $25.86, atterson, Miss May : 1 lot 83x138 ~E. S. of Piedmont: 1 lot 50x83 reaf of above .. $28.37 ayiie, D. K. : 1 15-16 acre .. $8.41 ayseur. D. C.: 1 lot 100x200 Church $13.32 , sacock. Rus; 2 acres No. 20 highway . $3.01 eterson, fkivid:. 2 lots .vino R Xlne ?t J4 46 ! blfer, Ben D.: 44 acres bought from Campbell Fhifer .... 1(14.14 louk R. S.: 100 acres; 2 lots E. S. or K. R $3.03 ruitt, Minnie: 1- acre, Church .*: $3.74., utnam, A. B. 1 lot 76*217 Church $5.04 utnam. E. \V.: 1 lot 76*310 1 lot ou Kellar ...i $10.28 ueen, E. H.:. 1 lot 76x150 N. 8. Waco Road $7.22 aiusey, E. M.: 2 lots 25x160 Hord Survey 62 eynolds, bevi, Est.: 1 lot 100*218 E. 8. of R. R ..$35.88 oark, Mrs. J. A.: 1 lot 75x125 .. 4 $2.72 olllns, G. G.: 27 acres .... $0.36 oper, Jasper H.: 1 lot 60x160 No. 20 highway. .... $7.25 auders, W. A.: 1 lot 155x150 .Harry Kails prop. $4.00 anders, W. A. and Sons .... $2.75 hort, Mrs. Maggie: 1-2 acres S. S. of old Cherokee road ...? $9.40 mlth, E. A.: 1 lot 86*200 Piedmont and Ridge .... $62.90 outher, \V. W.: 3 lots No. 20 Highway $13.49 parrow, T. C.: 1 lot N. S. Waco road; 1-2 acre, N S. Waco road $6.51 Ipearmun, C. A.: 4 lots $7.78 . L. Swain and Curtis Wright: 1 lot outside city 46 "ate, B. R.: 1 lot N Piedmont $9.30 'hoinpson, John: 1 lot. $7.99 'lmmons, B. F.: 1 lot 70x210 $3 24 Valker, John: 1 lot .76x237 McGlnnis st $3.85 Vallace. W. A.: 2 lots 25x150 E. S. of Piedmort $12.82 Valters, C. II.: 78-100 acre K-ng and Ajrllno ave $5.36 Vare, F. L.: 13 acres 1 lot 70x150 $26.15 Vare, Hunter: bMi acres..... $4.89 Vare, M. A.: 1 lot 82x226 E. S. of Gaston ........ $27.68 Veayer, Mrs. Pauline: 1 lot 100x300 No. 205 hlphv,?y . $11.76 Vestmoreland, J. G.: 1 5-16 acres Grover; 1 lot $6.21 Vhetstlne, V. C.:' 11 lot 76x178 Orace st. 411.98 Vhfsnant, U. L.: 51 acres Jack Whlsnant farm, balance ... $6.71 Vhlte, W. Albert: 1 lot 76x160 Ramseur $12.09 Ifblte, W. K.: 1 lot 180x160 Fulton $13.81 FhltMidM. Mrs. Marie: 1 lot * . mm********** wp1" 8| I i ox206 King tuia UiUiiik_ . . in * | Williams. Chas. S : 1 lot 4t)Ox4'ii* K. s. of Piedmont ..... ..SZSJ&>. Willis, U. W.i 1 lot 128x159 K S. of tSaMoa .... W? Wright. It. T:: 1 lot 105X205 * N. S of Hold .*!' ? Wright, t'lhnmie: 1 lot 75x154 Kings Mtn. anl Urover rd . H2?x Wright, O. Travie 7 acres I. I- Wright farm ........ $5:*; Wright. J. O.: 1 lot 60x115 So.. 20 Highway .......... t&jg. Wright. Pasha: 1 lot 7SxlOP No. 20 }|ighWA? . Wrights Vance' 1 lot ..uxi.nj ri?'uniouT li .* COLORED?No Four TownvHtp .. * *: Allison. \Vattefso: . irolc: t W : 5Qxl89 i; <i. .> it. ......... .vl?. Anderson. Annie, U?li: 1 .loi Ot.vltm Kltln .;, , . . Rlalocjc Wash. (CQ|) I lot \86*I'?r . .... ........ ** Uiiiwtif llutcl, (col): 1 loi .lunl'tO,\V. 8. Caiisler St. My ll'uvii Marv Fra- c? s,- (col) 1 i>* 80X200 K. S. . Carpenter ft . balance , , Itrown, Sum, (col)y-4 acres .. Caldwell, John,,Est., (col): l lnt 1)0x180 S. S, K.np st Ellis, Carrie, Est., (col); 1 lot 75xl5o King *.t .......... &iiM< Exkridgc. Kutheriue, (col): I !/y. tioxloo \V. S. Wilson 'Ai?. Falls, Laura, (eel) .10 acres Garrett farm ... , ! iilA" Galloway, John, (col): 1-2 aw* W. 8. Watte i son S*.2SGist,'John, (col); 1 lot on 8 X. ItidHe; 1 lot Rev. . i'?sT. Henry, Fink. Est., (col): 2 acres .................i .-SI' Herndoti. Hubert, ( o 1J: 1 acr* llattleHiotind road ..... .V7_asc* Hutch ins. Manci' (co!(:.l acre. near i,aue Momoma * Kibbler. Charley, (col)'; 1 Jot Carl K. and Cor:i?'.!a Jenkins. >r,.w</. 1 lot ... HiV. Lewis. Gertrude, (colt:, 1-4 t'.rr VS Me,Donald. Ernes-s (col): * i{ ucres ..." Miller. Sam.?Est. tool)* 1 acre. Lizzie M Helium, Howard Kulinr and Sadie Mac.Lagarus, iuti 4 acres on Jim Rice Est . . 2ST-' Mltchem. X. W. (col): 3 1-2 acres ............ HUMP Essie, Mary Adams and AS (col): 4 acres bought Iron. Jim Rice heirs ...... .. .7C Pressley, David, (col): 1 lot 4<ixl25 Ridce st tiX'Khodee. Marpajret, Est., (colh. 1 lot "0x100 Ridge st ...... Rhodes. William M(col): 1 uw* CifxSO Ridge st. ..' .... ?JX* Rippv. Pearl (col): . 1 lot 45x2dfl *sv? Robinson. Bertha (col): 1 lot 200x100 *V."XSealey. Corine Borders (cob. 1 Mrr. 50*100 W. S. Watterson XL?C Thompson. Harvey: 1 lot 50x150 .... U? E. L. WEBB * v - ... t * s TAX COLLECTOR The Amus corn tree ? intioftu**. (rim Asia as an cm amenta! -- W proven satisfactory for hillrtifnwr to prevent erosion in this caaaagi A total of 28.407 driver* 3*w?? had been revoked by the Nortfc Ca .11.. ? tl^.V.. /?? - oiiiiii niniiv.iiy puirvy i/ivlawi June 30, 1940. ' Motqr vehicle accident* at -.-nfc road pradr grossing* killed UJSQ ? people in this country last yeacr. About 700^ deaths occurred "ate ' year In collision* befween blcyttaP and motor vehicles. * . ? As a result ol the European W5aUnlted States farmers may be ed upon to produce a larger p nil? > ' of their seed supplies than am*r have for many years, aays the 12'*$ Department of Agriculture A total of 19,500 persons vm*hilled In traffic accidents at ?nt|Bf last year and 13,000 in daytime xalS' lie accidents. The Poor Cave Man ( Had No Newspaper To Advertise In. But You Have !! $

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