' T* .? Washington Sn (Cont'd from front page) win cotuts soon.' tiaMtUy, the administration has tseeWMt to spend $14 billion for iiibvMini defense. Experts in the gov 1?r' service easily foresee, with sx: tsy stretching of the imugiuavsr. a billion budget lu the fu'Skwe. Jbtu in the year whloh Urae Hi with a total budget of ? 1-2 M.ln, 11... It 1.4 hit' - WUh the budget ruuiitig up +ti iti bill on.-, the deficit"will climb Ui nstrouoiiilaal heights. And luxes .t*s along fur the sake of ?leThft Washington powers-thatba UuuUf are awakening too to the nee aaitj of letting those who spend <wi?t to build plant a, for national M?au? find some way of getting titwdr wopcy back. , Tlfle it, generally callel '<amortltajt:mi' of Investmeut, but a more . as-Ksnrts and intelligible dcscrlpti -r? i? "recovery of costs." For exain si*. if von have a few dollar** to In. in ;i company that is going to many*- trvcks (or the army, you will :*uftw first that when peace comes 4*t tbe army no longer needs ecu'.Ilt. you will get no return on few dollars. Therefore, you -. -nuid hesitate about putting yout *wj into national defense. , Have fiferally billions are needed *? national defense plants, this is a ' ewl problem. Right now. Washing' w. is thinking about allowing five T?.*? for the recovery of the costs *K '.uitifling new plants and mat-bin erj which would be useless during j?e*t?. The remaining difficulties ,w?- first, that nobody now can tell terfuc lie defense situation will be Ufc flvn? years, and. second, there is bbvnd to be dispute over what costs may be recovered. T.he Treasury as of today sees no .tECetrace between money spent to 'Jdrti plants which make hoes and preRiAL \T Phone 134 TODAY?TH URSDAY /" ' Boris Karl off In . "Doomed To Die" BHck Foran - Nan Gray, in Souse of Seven Gables' Lot Chapter Terry and Pirates . Latest News 10c FRIDAY and SATURDAY Double Feature 8how Tex Ritter in Rainbow of the Range' Frankie Darro In "On The Spot" Cartoon - Serial MONDAY and TUE8DAY Iftl, ? *Our Town' ? -with All-Star east News ? 8horts ?Coming Soon? r "Boys From Syracuse" " When The Da Hons Rods' Thursday S "DOCTt " Albert Dekker Saturday?D 1"GRDUCHO Gene Autry? I "LADIES Rosemary Lam Monday ai "I WAS AN A Zorina?Ri Wednesday - Bargain "MANHATTAN Virginia Gilmon |. .fcLi. "ftING rfcANri? a < mmmm. ^ jn tJ H2ilL: ^ . Johnny Dowi 1 ^ . j.j'_ ' _? -* ' " . j , >. . . **'. --> _-' ' - * . ! - ' ~m iapshots 1 > " . airplanes. < The average person might thin that because of the universal col ut-uinat.ou the latior Hoard has r celved, and the tremendous sent ment hi both House and Senate ft u'liumiug Hoard powers, that Hoar officials would bo pulling lu the i*ho. lis a little - m ?i ?mmmmmmkjrn lustead. however, the Board stl goes out of Us way to abow its coi turning bins In a treceait case, a employer appealed from a decislo made by a regional director. Th Ponrd's press release on the decli ivii am >u. 1 "HJIH..Ij.i.u J.I .1.. it- the Hoard'* rultiH and regulation for an appeal from the decision of regional director iu a consent el?< lion case, the Hoard could not tin that the company was not wlthi itk rights -to seize upon a technical ty " In other words, what the emplo; er di?l was perfectly within hi rights, but the Hoard described It as "seizing upon a technicality." A the same time, with the approval c the Board and the Supreme Cour labor unions are allowed to - seiz plants' in sit-down strikes and d< stroy and damage thousands of do lars worth of intricate machinery. The Foard and the Court say ih obstreperous unionists may bo ba boys, but they don't have to pay fc the damage they did. The only way to stop things Ilk that apparently is to amend the la' o that labor union members like a other citizens may be subjected t penalty tor damaging other people property... Lake Montonia Club Has Picnic Members of Lake Montenia e joyed the first anuual picnic of tl Club yesterday afternoon at tl Lake near Kings Mountain. Dr. J. ] Cranford of (lastonia. presided i | Toustmaster, and Secretary To i Fulton made the report of the pro tess Lake Montonia has made recent years. Mr. Fulton burned tl mortgage, which has been paid I fuu. *: It was planned to tttve the plcn ' every year for members and invlt* guests. i Wilson County's corn yield ht been reduced considerably by tt continued dry weather during tl past several weeks, says Asststai Farm Agent J. A. Marsh. PRESCRIPTION SERVICE We Fill any Doctors' Prescription promptly and accurately at reasonable prices with the confidence of your physician. KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE Wa Call For And Deliver Phones 41??1 The Herald $1.50 A Year and Friday 1 ...I >R CYCLOPS* .. ?Janice Logan Allkl/t l?Aoi?ie?A > WM vuvic roaMiic SERENADE" Smiley Burnett MUST LIVE" s?Wayne Morris nd Tuesday DVENTURESS" ichard Greene -cl Day - Double Feature HEARTBREAK" i ? Robert Sterling LND PLENTY HOT" 154 RtlfVl Tmwir ; T?V - ' ' ;:< Ill KIIW MOUNTAIN ftMLlLD TH Back's Grand < Re-Ope nine Friday * i Bugle'*. King* Mountain'* remod *1*4 and re 11 owed tc and 10c Store k w.ll be opeu to the public Friday j B. morning, according to Richard Day. a Manager. The atore baa been cloned f j. for the pant several week* undergo- , )r tng extrsislve. reinodollag and .addl4 tlona. A new beatlug and cooling ' l> plant lias been installed (or the com ^ fort and convenience of ,their custo II nirrs. Fuorescent lighting has been ( B. .tistulled throughout the entire atore , ? A complete new front wtth large , ? double windows replaces the old en- ^ ? ' i ranee ! Fugle Stores Company Is one of , the newest, but rapidly growing 5c H? i' ltail*arlMl-Jaiyl^ifcy vr-'i Vil, s :ng the first store opened In Februl a ary 1S23 by Mr. and Mrs. Kuah\ r , Stroup of Shelby, slnoe thai tlma s" 4 the Company has enlarged and la n now operating 22 store* in . North 1 j_ Carolina, South Carolina aud Virginia. ' Mr. Day. the manager. is a man 'b with long experience in the mercan- 1 tile {Misiness and . he extends to t everyone a cordial invitation to vis^ it the aew store. Mr. Day, in dis , lussing the, grand opening aald: j l ?'\Ve are proud of our new store and p ! we sincerely want the citizens of j Kings Mountain and surrounding community to coine in and Inspect what has- been done to give The 1 j nest Town In The State a modeiTi. ' up-to-date 5c and 10c Store." Mr. D. 11. Turner. Superintendent. ' has had a force of experienced heip ' 0 ^ arranging stock for several days for ^ the opening Friday "morning. 8 Methodist Circle To Present Play ' Circle Number Three of the Central Methodist Church presents Mr. My rick Russell in "Sense and Non* n- sense" at the Central School Audi,e torlum Friday, August ISth.at 8:00 ?e P- M. The public Is extended a cord p. tal Invitation to attend, is Admission for the performance m will be 25c for adults and 10c for g. school children. In Mr. Russell wn? n-l??i tko ? I ie Chautauqua for a number of years. Personals ^ (Cont'd , from Society pagel 5(^ 1 economics teacher at Seaboard, N.C /j Miss Ruth Patterson, technician 'slat the Lincolnton Hospital, is visitia 1 ing relatives in Kings Mountafn. nl| Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hoke of LinI coin ton -were visitors tn Kings ~ | Mountain during the past week-end. Mrs. Howard Jackson is recuper j ating in Presbyterian Hospital, in Whatever YO we've got the at real I KSi:Ss%v. J \ PLONK MC Phone | TOILET unwraped am slightly dented large size ?Lilac ?Jasmine Absolutely 10 an BEL1 You Always S) , + 1 ^ CBTM.T, MQBVT 1M, lWf artotte, titer u tp?n?s operar | loo Tuesday. Mr. and Mrt. William McQill and! title (laughter hare returned to heir home in Hampton, 8. C-, after t visit to relatives. -oMlss France* Plonk In company fclth Mrs. Bill Saunders of Hemp, las been spending several days at Myrtle Beach. V > ?.Q ? tin. CaHJH) Isley o< Bur 1 ilugton returned home early , this" reek after a visit at the homo ot lie letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Si 8. Plonk. - o? Mrs. W. J. Fulkersuu. Misses Mar ha Plonk and Heleu Williams went pwWPpwmustesi Isiwdsji'.'iwewPiwdi i conference of Home Economics resetters. m , ?o? Mrs. Karle Thouiussou attended a uucheon of Queen City Coach rep esentatives in Charlotte Tuesday. While in Charlotte she visited her uother ivlio s critcully ill. iteigiwey w. itanuou jr. jias re:urned to Bostou Mass., where he Is Rationed. with the U. 8. Marines. He had a ten-day furlough to attend his father's funeral. ?o? Mrs. Chas. Falls and Woodrow Palls of Luinberton and Miss Ruby Palls of Gastonia were guests ot relative* in Kings Mountain during the week-end. They came especially to attend the Hullendcr reunion. Mrs. O. \V. Myers and children. Kurle and lOteauor are visiting relatives in Seneca. S. <\ M: s.. Myers Will go on to Rome. Ga., where she will be the guest of Mrs. R. C. Wilson. , Miss Dorothy Plonk has had as her guests Miss Lily Brown of Oramerton. Miss Jay Herring of Raleigh, Mia* Annette Woodtaoufce of Roonevtllft . Knit Mian tawol clll. WELL KNOWN fc MANUFACTURER f DAINTILY SCENTED -Bouquet ?Fine d 16c Values C'S tve at Belk'g ' ; " ' V ' ' > 1 . . * ' * : -l " - _r - ? ? ? ? ? V??? | ton of Falson. MisB Ruth Crocker of High Point spent the weekend here with her mother, Mrs. Lala H. Crocker. She had as her guests Misses Rva Doss and LUlie Lane Sturdlvant, both of | High Point. Miss Elizabeth Netll expects the following house, guests for the week end: Miss Prances Dixon of South Soston. Va.. and Miss Esther Meigs ok Pageland, S. C. Miss Meigs is s former room-mate of Miss Nelll. Those attending the Harmon funeral In Shelby from Charlotte were Mrs. W. A. Thomasson. Edgar Thorn asson, Mrs. Val Thomasson. Mrs. Roy Howser. Mr. Ralph Howser and Mr. Jim Goforth. U want in tires perfect answer #wrnitfJ V U.S. ROYAL MASTER Ft M America's forrmost |uujHR)| safety tire. Greater protection against blowouts -H and skids. Stops faster. ^V i Wears longer. Costs less than you think on our | :hange-over plan. J.1 ROYAL DELUXE -' M Hoyal De Luxe certainly I pres you a whale of a ot for jour money?in a lafety, in mileage, in ill-round performance. H itandard equipment on America's finest cars. . i . THE 8.S. TIRE # roWlty as S?W? arks/ I rugged, full-size tire I acked with "U.S." |ulil] uality and safety fea- I ures. Built by "U.S.", rorld's largest producer H f rubber. Backed by a ou^/rlifetimeguarantee. )TOR CO. 138 SOAP I 11 * 1' . 'I 1 ^ hrrVT mm |^5s BEL I Thur" F 59c BRASSIERES Sizes 32 to 38 2 For $1.00 :: - 39c PANTIES ;l 3 Pairs $1.00 39c GOWNS 3 for $1.00 | Spun Rayon i; BLOUSES ;; Tuck in and Band styles. Size 32 to 38. 99c :: Value o 2 For $1.00 1 ;; Ladies* t PRINT DRESSES BEL REMEMBER ? Yen Ahv t * # i Size 14 to 42. 69c value :: 2 For $1.00 I ; Children's PRINT DRESSES Size 3 to 14. 59c value 2 For $1.00 Girls' Cotton SPORT SWEATERS Small, medium, large Assorted colors. 39c value 3 For $1.00 Girls' ; | SPORT SWEATERS ; Small, medium, large Assorted colors. 59c ;; value ii 2 for $1.00 ); Children's SHEER DRESSES ;; Assorted colors. Size 3 to 14. 59c value ii 2 For $1.00 ; Children's :: sun suits I Size 3 to 14. 59c value o 2 For $1.00 ;; 97c value Cannon Fiesta BRIDGE SETS | 2 For $1.00 JFiifcfl Cktoe Out On! swim suns :: <1.00 Close Out SUMMER HATS ; Straw and Pastel Felts 50c and $1.00 ( i .i < ( ^ 1 m I ' m I M J < > . I I . vM;;l . ? < U \ m I m I SI V I L a * f # fRBBBEBSSBBsflSsl 1 PIECE GOC :: 10c PRINTS ei i; \\ 15c PRINTS *1 ;; Tyardsfw-^? il 19c PRINTS tl j: 25c PRINTS #| j | 5 yards for - ' * , \" . *: .. 'V 'v.* , . | Jj^^? KS VALUES?rii?l Yi. - Sat. !! Another Rack Dresses ;; priced as high as $4.95 All sizes ?:: $1.00 :: Men's Chambray WORK SHIRTS Full Cut. 48c Value :: $ Days '.I 3 For $1.00 . | Hanes Fast Color J SHORTS & SHIRTS | 25c the world over $ $ Days { 5 For $1.00 > DRESS SHIRTS i: You have been paying $1.29 and $1.50 for these. : \ - $ Days $1.00 Men's Ventilated WORK OXFORDS ;; Sizes 6 to 11. Regular price $1.49 ;; $ Days !! $LOO :: Men's Plain or Fancy :: First Quality : I DRESS SOCKS j Regular 25c value $ Days i; 5 for $1.00 BATH TOWELS Terry Cloth. A real ;; value ! $ Days ii for $1.00 ' Chenille BED SPREADS Variety of Colors $ Days $1.00 Women's Dress Pumps <> and Oxfords. Whites, < > Combinations, Black ;; and Blue. $ Days $1.00 pr. :; NYDON HOSE (Seconds) v Near shipment. All ; colors and sizes. $ Days * Z Fairs $1.00 | HL H|. <? )DSDEPT. .jj 39c SILKS I; 3 yards for ' yi ;; 10c CURTAIN 25c voiles #1 ;; 6 yards for * ]; 25c RAYON #1-1! 6 yards for V* K'S ays Bare At BELK*s < " / ' ' . *

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