Visiting 1 intimate Glimpse* of Activities in Southern Textile Plants and the Men Who Own and Operate Them. By Mrs. Ethel Thomas Oabb3 (Aunt Becky)! in The Textile Bulletin. KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. A Prn^irmim T-Xtll tT^V/n 1'henlx Mills Nos. 1 ami 2 aie nmoiiK the several splendid textile plants in and urountl "historical Kings. Mountain. Both mills, are noted for fine, "friendly official* and operatives, and. for co-operation and ?40;aiy, -wll,.Wbreathing Charles SIlneiMon, of the Mills" selling house, is here working thru the mills In order to familiarize him self with inside fuels and figures Superintended C. O. White is very much pleased with the prom-ess Charles is making, and says if the young mau . oout,! tjet accuHfomwd to never before heard noises,- thereis no telling what liu'.d accomplish. It seems that In New York, the' rum ble of all- night traffic, the screaming of sirens and other terrific nola es. all help to make his slumber sound and sweet. But here in Kings Mountain, the cows moo. the calves bleat, chickens crow and the Katydids sing; and he just can't sleep, trying to figure It all out. Then when he does do;e a little, the 5 A M. mill whistle screams and ht just knows It's Gabriel nnl his trumpet. We hope he'll soon become acclima tized, for he is really a fine young man and we're glad to have him ''down South.' ' One of the moat amazing women we've beard of Is Mrs. Hamrick mother of the mill president, and Secretary R. A. Hamrick. She has taught school 59 years and hopes to teac-n one more to make It even 60. Two years ago, in company with a grandson', she toured Europe in or. der to get first hand information about historical places. This remark able Iudv does not live in Kings Mountain and the writer has nevef NOTICE OF oALE Under anil by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust given by Sain Brown and wife, L.uciuda llrown, to me as trustee lor the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association on the 1st day of (December, l?:i8, and registered 'in the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County in Book 222 at page 71, to secure the indebtedness therein mentioned and default having been made in payment of same and at the request of the Kings Mountain B. and L. Association, will sell for cash at the Courthouse door in Shelby, Cleveland County, N. C., on Monday, Sept. 16th, 1940, at 10:00 A. M., or wlthiri legal hours .the following described real estate: Beginning at a stone, Eruest McDonald's corner, S. 28 1-4 W. 1.94 chains from a stone in old Battle Ground road, corner of a two acre lot N. 57 W. 10.10 chains to a stone In Pink Crawford's line; thence with his line S. 30 W. 1.94 chains to a stake; thence, a new line S. 57 E. 10.16 chains to a stake; thence N. 28 1-4 B. 1.94 chains to the Begin ning, containing 2 acres, more oi less, and being the same lot convey ed by J. 11. Patterson and wife to Bam Brown by deed, dated August 24th, 1929, as will appear on record tn the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County. This the 14th day of August, 1940. J. C. Lackey, Trustee. J. R. Davis, Atty. ?sept t. mmm in 1940* . and tbrc SAVES YOUR F09D.. HQKGE5 Kings Mount Com Quality Furniture A '' 1 ' 1 rhe Mills met her, but would like to. She Is *ald to look -0 years younger than ber age. ' L.. W. Hainiick is the genial assta tant treasurer. A. B. Brown Is overseer day carding, has a nlve depart merit and splendid assistants. O. W White,- overseer oardlrg eiv . ?u?iand shift. Other key men are J. P. Miller and J. M. Blvc.ns. - * Jl. C. Tate is overseer day. spinI rr> nut ? '?* i.uiK, v.- 1. J. milMfll. rj. V* I'utnahi. night ovrwer. Othey key men are J. L Putnam. W. K. (join*. H. W. Gibson, H .O. Wright and J IMHWWt?MWWfll II u !-*? ! Rollins, overseer weaving, has u fine service record.. llo>co Davis and' J. I). Rlppe>v Other Key. nun. li. Oi Starnes Is master mechanic. J. D Smith, shipping; Frank Cox, 'bookkeeper, and J. D. Glass, malinger mill store. . PHENIX MILL NO. 2 Tills was formerly the I tilting Mill. Geo. B. Peeler, the superintendent. is'newly married. He Is an N. C. Slate graduate and teacher and his wife was Miss Bailie Ross, see* retary and treasurer National Farm Loan Association of Raleigh. They were honeymooning during the meet ing of the Southern Textilee Associa tlon in Blowing Rock. Mack Comner, overseer twisting and spooling, lias beeu here for years and years. Mrs. Mack has a grocery store and a nursery, her Iwilihv luting Hnhllna flnrl liliou Vntoa their energetic son, is with Carter Textile Co. of Gastonla. Walter Worrell is duy carder und llohert Hensley, night carder; Frank Adams, night twisting and spoolihg; H. i>. Allman, section on winders; Joe Harris and Frank Green,r over seers spinning; Forest Huffstetlcr, master mechanic ? all uptodate and energetic gentlemen. TEXTILES, Inc. (Cora Plant) , This pretty mill is just back ot f'hcnix No. 1. F Crantord is the well known and likable superintendent. . This mill has sold. the village homes to operatives who are well pleased to be property owners and are Improving their premises. The homes are in good condition and attractively painted. The mill, to, lias recently been thoroughly cleaned up and nicely painted inside. It is one of the nicetst mills in this section. W. F. Stone is overseer carding.; Frank Roper, overser < spinning, and A. H. Cornweli, master mechanic. This mill is a branch of Gastonia. N. C., and makes carded and combed yarn 8. ml Hi Phone 154 For Quality Shoe and Bicycle Repairing Foster's ^ Hjj ugh the yean to come Jot . SAVES YOUR MONEY 3| The greater Norge b a greater 1 mooey-eavcr... It combine* the economic* of Royal Rol I ator cold*' I making with the food-eaving ecooomiea of a refrigerator that'* l jH (torage (pace. Come J* >1 *cc what thb means to yoe la dollar* sod cents. Jm AWe/ tb*vm It SR~8 fill - Other model* as low a* PI19.S0 *BBPQR.g^XQU BUXI ain Furniture pany t Reasonable Prices * '* . . ' > . - J * . ; .Jj jt*'.- -*i frlii j * " ' *->wl in- r f-waiVr M . TUN HNCM MOUNTAIN M?AMR 1 ; 1 ? I OUR PEMOCW j WHAT'S A -*|FjOUND?NG FATHERS, OECLARING INDEPENDEI WROTE .'LIFE, LIBERTY, A ?-^PURSUIT OF HA I ' IU|MAI1 the pe CDJevotion to democratic greatest nation-| May Work Manganese IA Deposits in State - ! Metal Known to be Near Kings , Mountain and in other Parts it e North Carolina. Revival 01" Congressional agitation e lot American production ol niangau u, ese, a metal vital to national ' de- ^ tense, raised the possibility' today that Investigation ot- deposits ol this " metal near Kings Mountain and oth or sections ol the Carolinas may be renewed alter a lapse ot many years American supplies now are Import.ed. - U i g The presence ot low-grade man- * gunese-bearing ore . at several loralllicB near Kings Mountain long has ' been known to. Federal and State go ologists but work at these deposits never has been anything but super tieial. The exteuts Kings R Mountain ore depostts, which we/ h reported to coinbiue manganese,, g platinum and Iron. Several holes, (i one ot them extending to a depth a of about 35 feet., were lug at a point a about four utiles southwest of Kings j a STATE* HOME INDEMNITY COMPl CONDITION DEC EM HER 31, 1939, AS 4 v, ^ ^??? 4 LINCOLN SAID ? OONTRV, WITH ITS UTIONS. BELONGS TO OPLE WHO INHABIT IT/ IDEALS HAS MADE U.S. ?- IT OFFERS Mr hSSLa fr??dom ?f iouurjiin. On a visit to Charlotte, lie prospector told newspapermen ere that he was shipping small uautilies o? the ore to Pennsylvania etallurglsts for examination, lepression Interfered At that time, several men were n'tployed in the digging o? the ore t this pit, and thei;e was talk in Lings Mountain of developing a irge mining operation. This movetent was brought to an uusuccessji end by several factors, one of hleh was the '"hard times" of the epression period. Geological studies have indicated tat substantial deposits of lowrade manganese - bearing ore. confining also several other metals re located in Cleveland, Madison, urry and Ashe Counties of North arolina. iThis peculiar metal is found Itt ature alloyed with meteoric iron, nd its compounds are widely distri uted, according to geological aulioritle8. The metal is grayish white rith a reddish tinge. In its pure tate, it is soft, but ordinarily ard and brittle Unlike Iron, mananese Is non-magnetic. Its many nportant uses in metallrgy include lloying with steel to make ferromnganese, vital for several forms of rmaments.?Charlotte News. IENT ' 1NY, NfoW YORK, N. Y. SHOWN BY STATMENT FILED ' ?1,060,000.00 previous year Total .. $6,636,878.40 i; $3,988,146.02 186.10; $3,276,392.78 8ET8 $6,360,178.07 - __ $ 1,406.07 not on interest $ 264,908.77 $ 694,018.65 , $ 29,153.90 ent $ 231,725.24 $7,681,389.70 >ts not admitted .... $ 24,582.07 iltted Assets $7,556,807.63 IES *2,152,944.00 of Claims $ 119,170.00 11.657,648.38 ges due 9 167,813.71 s, Fees etc. due or accrued 36,989.00 y and municipal taxes 8 130,000.00 ? $ 160,000.00 ement $ 22,974.38 *pt Capital $4,427,639.47 ....... $1,050,0<<0.00 $2,070,268.16 ; $3,129,268.16 $7,556,807.63 LROLINA DURING 1939 , Premiums Losses Received Paid Burglary and and theft $ 69 $ 20 Aurto property damage $ 314 $ 8 Totals $2.069 $2.549 , Secretary: Walter E. Lister H. Schulte K . I t City ranee Commissioner. Raleigh N. C. ith, Charlotte, N. C. L, Insurance Department Raleigh, N. C.. Feb. 5th, 1940. loner, do hereby certify that the the statement of the Home Tndemrnlth thta .Department, showing the ay of December. 1989. ; ??y ua date itort written, ice Cttmntseloiier ' > . . i' - ' ' '--gipyiw J|fH| ',' *V. 'V."-, ' * ' ' .' * . . ' STATEMENT HOME LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN' CONDITION DttCKMUKK 31. 1P3#. AS 8HC Amount ol Ledger Assets Dec, 31st ot (ircvio Premium Income $13,411,416 11. Misc. $3,765, Disbursements?to. Poltcyholdcrs, IS .004,316;? Mist ( '.lain uu> $5.61 1,156 71; Total Business written during yeai No. Policies 7 PusUtess in force at end of year No. Politic ASSETS Value of Heal Eslati (less amount \jt cncum Mortgage L/'atts 011 Weal Ks'tate .....' Loans made to Policyholders on tli Com patty's Policies assigned a4- c oiltt *?1 ui WfenVpHte o: Honda and bltt'lnr . r.-.-r. .: (.'ash Interest Hud Rents due and Attruitl ..... Premiums tltiortlit'tcil 1 dotirvtd. .... J All other Assets, as dftfi l?*d' .1 -ti?*. titer t .. fo:;.l . ' . , , 1.1'Sf. Assets 'h , '1 Tittnl . i.>t ?' * r T ' ' ' *1 1 *- 1 * ' t 1 Si I 11 BifM 1 If 1 LIABILITIES Net Retervf nt'lndlre !.V H (Ion PresJ'ni value of amount1 rot ct due on Supplementary Cot;4.1:1-Ms.." etc . . . Polit y Claims Dividends left wtih Company u? tut4 re4; . Premiums paid in. advance .... , ^ 'l'nearnetl Interest and Rent no id ait: 1 Commissions due to Agents .r..y Kfct'mnted Ajbtout: Total President: Jas. A. Fulton Sec Act Home Office- 256 Broadway, Nc a York. N. Y Attorney for Service: Dan C. Bcney. Insurani Manager for Slorth Caroling John J. Echhori cTATr r?tr vnnni cipm.tvj 1 ?7 I . 1 > X V7 I .l'/iV 1^1 * .1 Ik V/ 141 *.? , ? (Seal) I. DAN C. MONEY. Insniani': Commission* above Is a true and correct nhsfraet of the s surunce Company. of New Yorir N Y.. filed the condition of said Company on the :',lst di Witness mv hand and'official seal1 the .({ny DAN 0. TIO'NEY, Insurance , STATEMENT HOME SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE CONDITION DECEMBER 31*. AS SH< Amount of Capital paid up in cash ...... t Amount of ledger Assets December 31st of Increase of Capital during'year. $ none; 'J Premium Income $1.4Jb.320.21; Miscellaneous (Disbursements?To Policyholders, Lit7.704.24 ; Miscellaneous. $7S-5.5O4.*j0; Total Business written during year?No. of Policies Business in force at end of year No. of Policii ASSETS Value of Real Estate (less amount of t-neuh Mortgage Loans on Real Estate Loans Secured by pledge of Lends, stocks o Loans made to Policyholders on this Company's Policies assigned as collator Premium notes on Policies in force (of which $ None is for the first year's |Net Value of Bonds and Stocks .......... Cash . * Interest and Rents due and accrued I'lemiums uncollected and deferred All other Assets, as detailed in statement . Total Less Assets n Total admitted LIABILITIES Net Reserve, including pisafrility Provision Policy Claims .. . ... Premiums paid in advance Unearned Interest and Rent paid in advance Estimated Amount payable for Federal, Stat* All other Liabilities, as detailed rn statement Total amount of all Liabilities, except < Capital paid up in cash UnaBsigned funds (surplus) Total Liabilities BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF NORTH Policies on the Uvea of citizens of ORD1N said State in force December No. Slat of previous year 29.086 Policies, on the lives of citizens of said State Issued during tie year 26.844 Total 56,930 ! Deduct ceased to be in force during the year .,..'....... 25,842 Policies in force December 31 30,088 Dosses and Claims unpaid Decern" ber 31st of previous year Dosses and Claims incurred during year '... 180 Todal ...... i 108 Dosses and Claims settled during the year in full, $214,674 f \ ' by compromise. ,$ none ; by rejection, $ none 100 Dosses and Claims unpaid December 31st ..... 1 Premium Income?ordinary, $170,769.56; In< $1,428,326.21. President: Bascom Baynes Seer Treasurer: Walter Sledge Aetu; Home Office: 111 Cororan Street..Durham, N. Attnrnov fnr Corvlen r?o? n ?? - ' ?v\VN BY KTAT.M fC.VT FllJKt us M-ur IW.D2H.IIU,930.02; Total .. 5; .2S?: Amount ... )42.87&^M.* s 104.433s Aint <407.53 l.iHVt *? ' brariT?) $ 5,581,3*4.4*: $1 36.C4;>toj* $ Itf.aU.ttO* ;v:*T - ?.W? r1 - ? $ *3.25.?.;<7t.r:, f Klt.WiJ* 31 K>.Mk ? f ;!04 t?V* 11"S.4;s.rtta?*' . ..I .?! > ) -I . . 1 i,r.'..Mn..?' \ 22,3?t? CAROLINA DURING 1934 NARY ' Amount ... , rV $ 1.713,570 g 353,000 g 2.065,579 ? . 55.MK gl $80,062 ? _ 22 ^ 2? $ 13.S.J& t rh 128 $ 700 ' ' retary: Win. S Gaylort; uary: Wui. J. Cameroir re Commissioner. HaleiK.h V PS"; n. Charlotte, N. C. nsurance Department Raleigh, N <;.. July 8th. Vs?*iL r. do hereby certify that, the talement of the Home Life 1? with this Departni< til, sbowlajly of December. 1939. and date above written. lomtnivsiCiiii. .. COMPANY, Durham, fi C >WN HV stajtiment >Tuai ?. $ loojhVKJirprevious year, $2,388,818.9? rotal $2 33MHuff<= , 138,818.30; Total 1.509.H4jJ ............. $1.0&.2M>JK - 98,560; Amoui.t ili'.TtiJ.-WlJW es 217,008, Mint.- $42.009.77feflf> Frances) ,..;. . $ "2?.4U?3r ' . ,' , , 91.793.OMr r other tolla'erai $ oO.uM.M f 1 9 WAfkka? ) premiums) $ 'l?S7&' $ 805,812.1* ... $ 101JTM0 9 27JNC. ? JJ.IHSO $ mm |2,89U*I?> Ot adttntWd .... $ 2,714X7 AstetB $2,888.2*?* $2,453,044*1 $ ?*M4D $ 44.451.44 $ 1.271J4 i and othrr taxffi $ 17.MM0 $ 4.577m " a-pita! $2,531,709* ... $100.000 00 ,. $267,576.13 . $ 357.574.W ..*. ... ..' $2,889.28fcJK CAROLINA DURING WO* ARY IN,D1)8TRIAZ? Amount No. Amount. $ 6,406,174 171.815 J I.850M* $ 4,587.600 71:716 11. .176Mi $10,992,684 243.531 $47,029.4* $ '4.268,045 66 011 $11.741Jf; $ 6,724,639 186,920 $35,286jrt 65 $ 1,4* $ 21,623 1,373 $ 1*3.1* $ 21.623 1.438 t 200 MK $ 21,023 1.270 $ 193.MC f 62 1 7* biatrial, $1,268,656 66. Tot*. Rtai*y: Frank B. Dlele ary: Frank B. Diet* C. e Commiaaioncr, Raleigh N. KZ, Burance Department Raleirti, N. C.. July 6th, 1?? , do hereby certify that this itement of tho Home Secnrttp lied with thin Departure*!. e 3let day of December, 157 and date above written. ? Comtnieeioner. . , t..