-, w ' ; * ",'r ' - /" . - . ^ _' ? Washington Sn Cont'd from front page) ?MrS to over-ride even a PresldenHat ?<ko, the House therefore pawe*. the 6oiiiu bill to amend the Wagner Act. y?r many Ions? weeks, that bi'.i Staa languished In the Ueoate Labor im-i'""" uesjme annua; unumiuuua i *fjr*utu<'ht that a clear majority of .Veuators tutor amendment of the Wagner Act ati l will vote .that way I gi??u liie eUuucC. Kaiotci ruptcd Industrial produc1mi i?, of course. more Important n?v t linn .ever. I tut the majority vahhcb runa the Senate Labor . comaritltw apparently thinks that the aftucnei Act which It put on the eta' ttt> kookn m perfect and neela no if nin ""iri i iTii iMTT.-iliJltffc ?mi thwartIiik the will of two thlrtfe of the House and a major! > of the Senate. Of vgual importance la what is happen lug while these few Senator?' ,M an the lid. It happens that aomn | M ITiwsc senators ai?o are Hiemwei?? i St the Svnute Mil.My > Affairs com edltee That committee, oddy eaouyti. has just voted for another ex jantlou of Labor Board powers. The Military Affairs committee in ? wrted (n the bill calling out the ;ti?t*mal Guard a proviso Hiving the larbor Board ,power to prosecute an -ntiplnyer for an ''unfair labor practice*' if he refuses to re-hire a forniu employee .who served with his cattutrv's military forces. Few peo >le disagree that Jobs Tor soldiers after the emergency ends are neceewary But many point" out that might be trouble for everysod; if control of re-hiring were jut in the hands of the Labor Board on the basis of that Board's past reused. Suppose, for example, that a non-?rfon man went into the Army and fit* plane was taken b y a union mem ?er. ;Does anybody think that the fjabor Board' would have trouble finding a way to keep the union member In the job and let the nam <mfoa former employee look elseIMplllAL Phone 134 TODAY ? THURSDAY Joel McCrea - Sylvia 8ldney and Dead End Kids in "Dead End" Jack Randall in "Land Of 6 Guns" . Starting New Serial "DEADWOOD DICK" Also Latest New# 10c FRIDAY and 8ATURDAY Johnny Mack Brown In "Son of Raring Dan'* Jackie Moran Made Mae Jones in "Haunted House" Serial?Cartoon Monday and Tuesday . Another Big Hit On?,n f Q?r?MM?aAB auc uujro iiuin ojiatuac Jo* Penner - Martha Ray* Latest News ? Comedy Thursday a I "THE GHOS - Bob Hope?Pi Saturday?D "PASSPORT] ( . Jack Holt ? 1 "GOLDEI Jean Cagney I First Chapter: "Kings < Police/' Monday s "TOOMANl Jean Arthur?P J^H _________ I Wednesday ? THEGIRX. m Kent Taylor I . Return E 1 i, "THE RISC , |> Billy Lee? H , f Also Orchestra, S I PI. . . v ' ft-'""' >'- \ . ;v ' ' ' v ^ _ i - ^ ~7~ t-~ apshots where? Few in Washington think eo because that would rattan that the leopard bad changed hi* a pot*. H) Equally Interesting la the (act that the Labor Board, encouraged by the dilators tactics If Its Senatorial adherents, is becoming what might be called '"sassy." To Illustrate: The Wagner Act does not permit the Labor Board to have an '^Eeenotnies--Division ?Irv. stead. It says that the Board should utilize the services of the iatbor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics. But the Board for some reason set [up Its own Bcoiipilc* ..Division. The [chief of this divsislon formerly wsh "Wwaawi m a ma*si i?i h flutist* /.alion sometime* described as *ptnk' After a special House Committee Investigated the record of this division chief. Congress decided aganst appropriating money for the Economics Division. But the lavbor Board just changed the nutne from the Economlcs Division- to the Technical -? - ? rvl..t-?M .IdAVkixml u fi/villtlo A# yWTVK'**, HI n VVU|?<. u. employees.' and went its merry way. These folks apparently feel that nobody ill paying any attention to them because oT .interest in the Kuropean war. America's national defense, and polities. They are feeling so sot-np that they ncruse anybortv | who wants to trim their bureaucratic powers of nltentting to sabotage [ "social pains" atnl collective bar paining. What they forget is that some other nations who have been ground under an aggressor's heel provide an object lesslon of what might happen to people who refuse to recognise facts. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust given by Walter Caldwell, single, to Wiley H. MoOinnis. trustee for the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association on the 2!ttli day of June 1937. and registered in the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County in Book 215 at page 293. to secure the indebtedness thereiu mentioned and default having been made in payment of same and at the request of the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association, 1, J. C. Lackey, substitute trustee will sell for cash at the Courthouse door in Shelby, Cleveland County, N. C.. on Monday September 16th, 1940. at 10:00 K. M? or within legal hours the follow Ing described real estate: Beginning at a rock .on the South side of King Street, corner ->f Craig lot; thence along said line 8. 4 E 2.60 chains to a rock; thence West 1.03 chains to a rock; thence North 2.60 chains to a rock on street; thence along said street Bast 88 1-2 links to the Beginning, containing nearly one-fourth of an , acre, ana being the same lot conveyed by R T. Cansler and wife to John Cald well by deed, dated 16th August, 1007 and registered In the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland Coun ty in Rook RR at page 176. This the 14th day Of August, 1940. J. C. Lackey, Substitute Trustee j; R. Davis, Atty. ?adv sept 6 OUT OF TOWN PRINTERS PAY W NO TAXES HERE \K LET US DO YOUR S PRINTING nj ind Friday I T BREAKERS** aulette Goddarri touble Feature P to ALCATRAZ** . ^oah Beery, Jr. * GLOVES** ? Richard Denning of The Royal Mounted I ... ? ind Tuesday r III TCJT? A XI l\C1" IlUOBrtilUO >ed MacMurray Double Feature IN ROOM 313" I ? Florence Rice Hi ngagement I :UIT EATER" Helen Millard hort, and Cartoon ,?6Aa^iiejUirjiiS&s? I BUM HWmTABt MULP Tfi Church News Central Methodist ? - Church n H. C. Sprinkle, JrH Pasvor l> 9:46 A. M. Church School B. 8 (t Peeler, General Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. 4:46 1*. M. Hptforth beagle meeting. C The evening service will be at the ? fair grounds In Shelby in connection u wirlt the'ccntenn*jrl~reh*mtivu. * Wedeesdsy 8 P. M. Prayer meet- '' V . it Presbyterian Church K*f. p O. Patrick Pustot h 8:46 A. M. Sunday School, C. K. 1 n?h? ???awwyswewee i asu imewe as 11:00 A. M Morning Worshlo. c 2:30 F. M. Sunday school at Dtxou 1 School House. J G Dariaeott. Supt. c 7:30 P. M. Union Service at Cle l' veland County Kulrgrounda. ^ Monday: < 4:00 P. M. Woman's Auxiliary at 1 tho Church.' ? 7:00 P. M. Scout meeting. Troop ' One, Mr. Carl Davidson. Seoutmas 3 ter; Messrs W. B. Thomson and Harry Pago,' Asst. Scoutmasters. Tuesday 7:46 P. M. Prayer meet*' * ing at Margrace Community House, v * - k Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church H. N. Balrd. Minister. 10:00 A. M. Church School: J. L. McGUl. General Superintendent. _ 11:00 A. M. No MorntUK Worship j] 7:15 P. M. Young People's Christ il lan Union. 8; i)i) i*. m. centennial Religious i Services In Shelby, N. C. 8:00 P. M. Mid-week Prayer Ser vlco. ?, . Macedonia Baptist Church 1. V Vr*d?rlck. Pastor Sunday School at 9:46. Morning Worship hour 11-00. Wednesday Evening Prayer meeting 7:00. Saturday evening we will have a song and praise service with a short sermon to follow oh the subject of Holiness. Tou are invited to attend all of these services. m FOR EA Blalock and M Mountain Street Jpr-' M \ B^H' |^H/r/','JH HI A B^H / vlijl (\BB WtfjA :^i ; v---; ; - Belk's De I * REMEMBER ? You Ah - '" % i .., . ' ; ' . '' 4 fv' v?^-' >"^ l '%~ '"' ''" '*'*4v-'^'%;? ., j^Mmm ik+ &AVA2tlm4iii frf ififcfr [UlMOUkY. AUGUST It, 1M0 OFOHTH REUNION The family of the late Preston Go- | >rth will bold their annual He an ion d Saturday, August 14th. Friends I -.1 a. _ .a _ _ _ * a aa H eignuors sua r?iiuv?? are coral*I r invited to come end bribe welt- I lied basket*. NOTICE OF SALE 1 I'y virtue of Sectlln 2688 of tbe J onsolldated Statute* of North Car- ? Una the Mayor and Board of Comklsaioners for the Town of King* & lountnin will sell or have ?eld ?t li ubllc auction on Saturday, Septein- J er 21at. 1840. at 10:00 o'clock. A. I. or within legal hour* the folios- , ig described real estate: V Situated on the South side ot t ;itig street iu the Town of Kings g lountaln and beginning at a stake > la .i.tuw.-.r aii,t rniii. Irmand'* corner and run* thence 8. \V. 21.46 chain* to an Iron . stake. A lates corner In Mauney's lfne; hence with Mauney's line 8. 88*i 1 H V. 8.00 chains to a slake. Julian's orner: thence with Julian's line N. U K. '21.78 chains to a stake in edge f King street. Julian's corner; I! hence with said street S. 88>V E. 90 chains to tbe beginning. con- E alning 124? acres, more or less. The above land has been survey- E d and cut into residential lots and rill be sold in lots. _ This the 21st day of August, 1940. ' J. B. Thomnsson. Mayor for the Town of Kings Mountain. p -adv. ? sept. 19. PRESCRIPTION E SERVICE We Fill any Doctors' c Prescription promptly t and aeenvatalv at ran. OIIU UVVUt UtVIJ ? !> ?V?~. sonable prices with the c confidence of your physician. KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE Wt Call For And Deliver Phones 41?81 i mm TS j CALL Grocery arlcet Phone 58 a M1V Ba/ mucram u CCUKJSITKX KXXt >? KUI HACK MX 1* ^K-: LIIRARY PASTE Xm E PENCILS S 1* H ? TASLCTS 3? K EVulias >! K NO MMOLE% t? K SPENEAS ms S) hT* IV OTHER WONDER VALUES B? ' pt Store rays Save At DELE'S - V": : V > lotice Of Sab :or Unpaid tl In puraurance of law I wi .'own of Kings Mountain, N londay, September, 9, 1940, s, the following described 1 OIAAAO p. o. VIVJU ........ fld.OU dcDaniel, O. Robt.: House sad Lot 66x158 S 8 Pulton $21.50 kfcLaughen, J. E.: House and Lot 66x200 N. 8. King $22.24 }sborne, W. P.: House and Lot 76x200 N 8 Gold st $16.22 Parker C. C. 2 Houses and Lot 67x160 N S Pulton $11.41 Parton, Ethel: House and Lot 46x195 8.. 8. Klna; House and Lot Carpenter st $47.67 Patterson. Mae: House and Lot 83x139 B 8 Piedmont 8t; Lot 60x93 B. S. Piedmont st .. $54.00 Payne, (D. F.: House and Lot 150x475 B. 8 Pledmot st .. $16.40 Paysour, D. C.: House and Lot 100x200 Church st $24.78 3etterson. David: Two Lots E S Kings Mtn $7.62 fiord, J. O., Est., and Plonk. J, O.: UnriVa Port 1ftftll.TR 1 VI U U I a VVVA I V W. B. Railroad 16.00 Pruitt, ,Mr*. Minnie: 1-4 aero 17.20 Putnam, A. B.: House and Ix>t 76x217 Church at 99.84 Putnam, R. W.: House and Lot 76x310 Church at 818.96 )ueen, E. H.: House and Lot 76x160 N 8 Waco Rd 112.30 Reynolds, Levi., Estate: StoreOarage 100x818 E. 8. Railroad avenue 866.00 toper, J. H.: House and Lot 60x160 No. SO Highway .. $10.20 Rosa, K.: Lot 60x160 91-80 Minders, W. A.: House and Lot 126x160 Harry Falls Prop., Montesla st 920.16 5m 1th. E. A.: House and Lot 86x200 Ptedhiont and Ridge' 9114.70 imith, Mary D., Admx,: 100x117' 81.88 Walker.' John W.: Ix>t 75x237 tMcOinnie 99.06 . --- ' Sf.Jpi'-r* . .... * J ..jit,. . T \ , '. cription of land and amoun mda owned by the tax "pay fountain, N. C., April 1,193 he amount of coat and pena he taxea. This sale may be c o such time as may be fixe vent said sale is not had or lien. Paul:- House and lot. 200x160 <.1 rover Koad $6.40 ;arrett, Horace G.: Lax 112x125 Cannier street 15.10 :ell. M. J.: House and Lot 2 acres N. W. Waco Koad $16.99 iennett, Bessie: House and Lot 60x150 K. 6. Oriental .... $9.16 iennett, J. D.:. House and Lot 110x400 \V. S. York Rd. . . $8.4') llanton. J. L.: 4 houses and Lota Mr. Survey $3.18 MoGlnnia and Morris .... $11.71 irldges. J. R.: House and Ix>t 100x150 S. S. McOinnls st $15.71 truce, J. B.. Est* 6 lots 25x150 Falrvlow st $1.82 tumgardner. Chus. II.: 3 lots' 75x150 N. Suburbs; 75x150. N. Suburbs; 100x150. McGlnnls $26.96 lurton, R. L.: House and Lot 125x150 Fulton and ' Alexander Sta $11.34 'arpenter, C. P.: House and Lot 160x150 $11.12 iarpehter, W. H.: House and Lot 112x186 Phenix st ...... $26.37 iostner, E. M.: House and Lot 240x675 W. 6. King st .... $35.25 :ox, James: Lot 60x220 Alexander st ............. $4.94 Irawford,-Minnie: House and Lot 104x270 S. S. King, balance $21.72 iarly, A. L. (Gus): House and Lot 130x150 Church at $15.26 rulton. P. D : House and Lot 80x260 King and pilling .. $28.80 lault. C. J.: House and Lot 106x218 N. 8. Parker st .. $36.24 lladdeu, Mrs. Florence: 1-6 acres Waco Road $1.81 Iroves, Sallie: 2 acres near Pump at $7.20 Suyton. L. L.: House and Lot 75x160 No. 20 $10.68 labtb, Nora: House and Lot 75x235 E. 3. Railroad $23.41 vuxzva a. ?. rung ?WM lord. Mr*, O. W.: House and Lot 80x76 B S Railroad *14.56 luffstickler, J. W.: House and Lot 160x240 99.36 iullender, W. R.: 3 acres .. $3.84 lullemler, Lula Mae: 2% acres N. W. Suburbs $11.20 fenktns, A. C. House and Lot 65x166 Fulton st $26.18 Lancaster, W. G.: 3 lots 25x195 $1.20 .ay. J. B.: House and Lot 100x150 Grace st $10.80 .ong.sB. T. Lot 66x222 Waco Road $6.10 .ynn, R. S. House and Lot 100x160 No. 2C Highway Whitesides Property $12.70 Melton, George: House and Lot 88x100 W. & Cansler $8.22 MoCarter, Oscar: Honse and Lot 85x115 N. S. Gold $20.06 McDuntel, D. Gail: House and Lot 04.010 CI a /1AU "? i Of Property mm Taxes U sell at the City Hall in the . C., beginning 1:00 P. M. I ?or unpaid 1939 Town Taxands. Name of owner, de- I t of taxes are in each case er in the Town of Kings-* I 9. There will be in each case Ity which must be added to ontinued from day to day or d according to law in the jQ completed on the date above I "t&iagyaiiL....... Wallace, W. A.: House and Lot 50x150 K S Cleveland |25.8* Wallace. W. JX: Lot 158x208 W S Pieninout fl.80 U/.i mu T/*lin'"' P tInitao and 1A If UIV| *WMU ? 44UWBV Acres Waco Roail ...... $lf.St \\$hi3tnant, J. C.: l<ot 100x176 B. S. Kairvie* $1.81 White, W. Albert: House aud Lot 70x150, Raniseur ........ $21.10 White, W. K.: House and Lot 180x100 N*. S. Fulton ...... $25.41 Whltesldes. Atarle: House and Lot - 70x285 8 S King st $27.44 Wilson. C I.. House $9.60 Wright. Vance: House' and Lot 50x150 W. S. Piedmont $10.22 I lord. D. F. Furniture Co.: Lot 50x150 W. S. Gaston; 1-2 acre 8. S. Cherokee, balance ... $49.95 COLORED .Adams, June: House utitl 1-ot 55x100 W. 8. Wilson t$7.50 Allison, Watson: House and Lot 50x180 Hldge at $7.81 Anderson, Annie: House aud Lot 60x100 Cor. Cansler ......, $8.14 Blnick, Sura: House and Lot 50x125 Parker st $6.61 Blalock. Nannie: Lot 60x150 Parker St. Balance ....... $4.80 IJrbwu, Hazel: House and Lot ... 60x150 W. S. Caueler .....'.$11.70 Brown, Mary F.: House and Lot 00x200 E S Carpenter St Balance $11.02 Brown. Roy: House and Lot 50x75 N. W. Cansler ....... $11.63 Burrus, Sam: House and Lot 60x100 Wilson st, balance .. $4.78 Caldwell, John. Est: House and Lot 60x180 8. S. King $13.78 Carroll. James: House and Lot' 120x110 W S Tracy; House and Lot 50x110 W. S. Tracy; Lot 120x200 W. S. Tracy, bal; .. $6.68 Ellis, Carrie. Est.- House and Lot 116x160 King st ........ $10.67 Galloway, John: Lot 1-2 acre N. King st .$12.30 Holland. John: House and Lot 86x160 N. 8. Ridge st $10.86 Jackson, J. L.: House and Lot 300x176 N. 8. Ridge $9:60 Jackson. Rev. W. H.: House and Lot . 45x100 Cansler $16.88 Meeks. Tom: House and Lot 50x200 W. 8. Watterson .. $11.20 MoCultough. Thomas: House and Lot 169x175 Ridge st $12.91 Pressley. David: House and Lot 40x126 Rtdge st $4.80 Reed, Morris. Est.: House and Lot 60x100 E. 8. Cansler st .... $4.21 , 1 Rhodes. Will M.: House and Lot 60x80 Ridge 16.12 Rlppy, Pearl: House and Lot 116x200 W. S. Cansler .... $8.10 Robinson. Bertha: House and Lot 200x100 .......... ...* # $2*80 Seally, Caroline Borders: Hotue and Lot: 60x100 ' E. 8. Watterson $4.80 Shank, Okie? and Wife: House and Lot: 76x90 N. 8. Ridge .... $6.00 Williams. Clarence: Lot 60x110 Tracy $11.71 Beaut, B. L: 2 lots 25x176 .. .24 Town of Kings Mountain Bright D. Ratterree, Tax Collector v.. - V For Only 10/Now r^-H| Lassjhaa I I w Z/BfEBL nP| ^ P^w j _ MMNMBMA -?|y 'IH|B " ' ' *f ply HiBMtfflHHMhflHHBHMiBHHMflH -......?-*?. ..$ W. B. PAYSEUR - . Landscape Gardner Shrubbery of all Kinds - > Lincolnton, N. C. Box 365 ' 1 1

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