Drinking Drivers Street Menace t Drinking drivers were responsible tor 48 street and highway fatalities jn North Carolina the first si* months of this year, according to a sum mury just completed by the High t way Safety Division. I Ronald liocutt, director of the dlk vision, said the accident records for the first half of lb-IU show thut 50 drunken or drinking drivers were involved in 4'J fatal accidents in ft .which 48 persons were killed. ^ ?'Tho drinking driver is not the our highway*,' commented Hotult, I "but he certainly is the most dangerous. , TJte person who has taken any alcoholic beverages into his *ys tem. even one drink of. liquor, is a highly potential menace to' every person using the, highway on which he drives. Alcohol sometimes stimulates those who drink It. causing them to become exhilarated and a little more reckless than usual. Titan again it sometimes has a depressing effect, and produces drows Iness. 'Still again, liquor often confuses and befuddles the mind and Impairs the vision. And It always af feets the driver's reaction time, hampering the coordination between mint) and muscle that is so espentlal In safe driving." Safety Director Hocutt strongly advises all Individuals who do any drinking to get someone else do their driving for them. "iDtlinkJJng and driving just dont mx. he declared. High quality laying hens rapidly are becoming more populur with foem fa m ill <>a /tf IVomIiam ..> * a I lit lajuiiira ui i/m nam ^uu^ii;, a L cordlr.g to .T. A. Sutton, assistant farm agent of the State College Extension Service. CmtalteMdiHp When AM Indention, Got on Stomach or Heartburn make you feel or tmlarTMl you, try Alka-Seltzer, which contains alkalizing buffers and so j helps counteract the associated Excess Stomach Acidity. But the relief of these minor stomach upsets is only a small part of what you can expect Alka-Seltzer to do for you. You -will find it effective for Pain Belief in Headache, Neuralgia, Colde end Muscular Aches and Tain*. It Contains an analgesic, (sodium stcetyl salicylate), made more prompt and affective in its painrelieving action by alkaline buffer aaha. When hard work or strenuous exercise make you fed tired and dragged out, enjoy the refresbJag effect of a glass of sparkling; tangy Alka-Seltxer. *** **** y ** n?? - - Your erodit it good' MY NOW MM SAVE IMM I. % > '* " ' on our friendly NO CARRYING ( Don't let lack of ready cash keep yoi from getting the extra safety am long mileage of U.S. Tires. Be smart Take advantage of our friendl I budget plan and enjoy thousands c safe, trouble-free tire miles. Come i today. Your credit is good here. r NEW U.S. TIRE! FOR AS LITTLE AS For Very haw Payments Each Week And vour Old Tires R.v 1 \ ? , PLONK M Phoi . SHHHHIHflHHBHHHlNHBHlMHMHHHHMHHIttHBHI " w-- i * <; ?; * . *- . -? ' >! . T | OUR DEMOX1 lU;?MOC6AnC U.Sl-J _jw. S p< GOVERNS ITSELF BY HEARING ALL ISSUES. WHIO ARE THEN DEClDEO BY EACH VOTING -45 WE W/i 1 ITlo PROVIDE THE SECURITY EA \ WANTS, 64,000.000 AMERICANS \ WORKING TOGETHER THROUGH \ LIFE INSURANCE IN 1939 FOLIC \ OWNERS AND 6ENEFICIARIE RECEIVED *2,600,000,000 If FAMILY AND OLD AGE HAvo/ 11/z Church TV Central Methodist Church H. C. Sprinkle, Jr., Pastor .. I Autumn schedule, tvitb evening' services at 7:30 o'clock, begins Sun- 1 lay. 0:4? A. M. Church Sc hool, B. S. i Peeler. General Superintendent, 11:00 A. M. Moruing Worship. Sermon: "The Guiding Light." 6:15 P. M. Epworth League meeting. 7:30 P. M. Evening Service. Sermon: "New Bases for Moral Defense.' . Monday, 7:30 P. M. Board of Christian Education. Wednesday, 7:30 P. M." Prayet Meeting. Wednesday, 8:15 P. Mv Choir Practice, Mrs. C. S. Williams, dl rector. Presbyterian Church Re*. P D. Patrick Pastor 0:45 A. M. Sunday School. C. F. Thotnasson, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. Message bj" Mr. H. K. iversou. J:30 P M. Sunday School at Dixon School House 7:00 P. M. Young People Vespers. 8:00 P. M. Evening "Worship. Monday: ? Circle I 8:00 P. M- with Mrs. W. ?Pay as you rldol [-MAKE YOUR OWN w Trout* W Ten MS BUDGET PLAN CHARGES ADDED OTOR CO. le 138 [ . V ' ' HE KINOa MOtTWTAPf BVRALBl 1 RACY?? byMrt >^1 m / b hi cm i f1 i' . 1 i \S A S / BULWARK OF 4 :A DEMOCRACY. AND IN ML 1935-36 ALONE WE PAID *2.232,000.000 FREE schools. [LIABOR . IN OUR. al f DEMOCRACY. IS NOT CONSCRIPTED AND &. TOLD WHERE TO W, WORK , BUT CHOOSES ITS OWN H# JOBS. eu;s" T. Weir; Circle II. C.:;;0 P. M. with Mrs C. D. Blantou; Circle 111, U: 30 P. M. with Mrs, E. A. ilarrtll; Circle IV, 7:30 I* M. with Miss Helen Hay; Circle V 7:30 P. M. with Mrs. William Baker. 7:00 P. M. Boysf. Scouts. Troop 1 Mr. Carl Davidson, Scoutmaster; Messrs Harry Page .and VV. 11. Thorn son. Asst. Scoutmaters. ? Tuesday, 7:45 P. M- Prayer meeting at Margraee Community House. ' Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church a, N. liulrd, Minister. 10:00 A. M. Church School: J. L. McGill, General Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship aud Sermon by Pas;or. 6:45 P. M. V. P. C. U.: Message by Miss Clara Dale Echols on the Frontier Nursing School. 7:30 P. M. Eveuing Worship and Sermon by Pastor. 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Evening Prayer Service. Note change in hour for Eveniug Service and Prayer Meeting. This Church Joins the other Chur chee of this community and of the nation In inviting all sincere citizens of America to come together for a DAY. of PRAYER on Sept. 8th. m obedience to the proclamation of the President. Macedonia Baptist Church X v Vr?d*Hrk. Pastor Sunday School 9:45. Morning Worship 11:00, Evening Service 7:30. Wednesday Evening Prayer meet ing 7:30. The morning service will be given over to our visitors, George Horn, and his trio, the Flte Bisters from Fortest City, the Campbell quartet will also render special singing. The entire morning hour will be a song and praise service. GRACE METHODIST S. W. Johnson, Pastor Sunday School 9:45. Frank Green Supt. Worship Service 11:00. pworth League 6:30. Kvenlng Service 7:30. Wednesday night prayer service 7:30 P. M. Park-Grace Bible Church John L. Gregory, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Mnrnlne Wnnihtn 11 A M 7:00 P. M. Evening Service#. Sunday evening Service 7:00. Each Saturday 7:00 P. M. Evaugo tlatlc service. Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School 9:45. Morning Service It:00. W. Y. P. 8. or Class meeting 6:15. Evening Service 7:00. Prayer Service Wednesday 7:00. Second Baptist Church Rev. C. C. Parker, Paetor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. each Sunda \ 'HTJRgbAY. 8KPT. S. 1940 111111 M944t4444ltMtMH 1'ui RAMBLING BKKTCHeS OR ** OAK GROVE NEWS ?g tBy Mrs. William Wright) Surdaj school Sunday morniug at >: 00.- Preaching Immediately after J the pastor, Rev. Luther Hawkins we Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ware, Mi. id Mr?. j. s. Ware had as their him . . ilie . week end.'M.rS ? O. Ware and adopted daughter. 1 ?t itricia Ware, Mrsr Grace French Sui id little daughter of Washington it O Other guests were Mr. and ~~ rs. Kdd liord of Kings Mountain. id Mis* Daisy Hawkins of dystonia Mr. ami Mrs K B. Bedford and tnllv ' {WITH A WAMTAD Sell "White Elephants" Buy What You Want I Announ / ? WE ARE HA VI MR who is shopplp and co] mr. mil tion 1 t.".' ' ' ' him: in 4 NEW Fj MEMBE SONABI PLONK QUAL > . 1.- *' * , ... ' I parts in the Ceutenuial Pageaut aud fai re Misses IJejfrt Wi/^lSt, Mr. giuia Ware, Mable ttell. Thanlel after a II Sloan and Stokes Wright. i-.t.* u >t!ss Molba Watterson of Patteri Grove wns the Saturday (light ;si ot Miss Helen Tbornburg. _ a'n County dr. Clyde McSwatn of the Hock- already U school faculy spout the week- 1,-ase 5 t with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Antlers itn MeSwaiu. I state i Sl:?,v-Ca!:iJTruM5P. JLJff&uco xolutji -?? to her houre at Pleasant - Hill A to rttla.v after spelling sotno ilnte j jured 1 h Iter cousin Mrs'. (Ytll t.oveluce ' Camlin * Holp your tooth shino ... uso Calox Tool Many of Hollywood's lirjflitrti 3 out ill. natural lu-tre of tlici I Calox loo. Pure, wliolr.otnr. Good Housekeeping llurcau. F li.aia ro.to . 7 . . I i .j .. r according Vo the formula of |/i m,?s make Calox an erouoiuiral t I tooth enamel. Get Calox toil aiaea, from lOf to fl.25. r Dry Cleani AS ONLY EXPERTS C Our highly specialized met! dry clean any treasure in yo cessfully satisfactorily. We h cilities, the necessary knowli portant incentive to please y ing Department is under the expert. Your apparel is retu ? ed in its original style linesNEW Laundere's, Gleaners, Sh Gastonia's Oldest, Larg Phone 84^3 Our Truck is in Kings Mou I icement. ' ??? HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE TH 2 SECURED THE SERVICES . j. w. mil; ALREADY WELL-KNOW 1 tfG PUBLIC OF KINGS MOU3 MMJUNITY.. AM EXTENDS A CORDIAL 13 tX> HIS FRIENDS TO HIS NEW LOCATION. 0 O 0 o o o \LL MERCHANDISE FOR R OF THE FAMILY .... A1 ,E PRICES. O O 0 o o o p? vaa^. . ? . * . BROS. A* ITY MERCHANDISE SINCE 1 ; . ? ' V "7<| * ' ."'VS . ? ' ; . inilv, ar.d other relative. Jasper PfrilbecU is improving uttering an attack of nppuudi urliig the wePk-efttr- ' s liiivr h*?!!?i'd ilm vv'stLi*. com crop, lull ti'outh bad damaged ..the nop by' at to percent, reports John C. on, farm agent of the N C. ('allege Kxtenainii Service. til of 'J,tilt person* were in* in tcnffU ucoSdonts in North B llie first It.:If Of 1040. like the stars * th Powder I i >'i - nisi 1' i > am ?T' a*i?aiie < ! ?, I ia) i I >tno u~r i.atot to help bring r leelli and you can rely on pleasant-tasting, approved by 'ive tested ingredients, hleaded a . foremost dental authority, ooth powder that can't harm lay at your drug store. Fivo ^op*. I9V> MtKfjfHi St Robbias, Inc. 1 V.. 1 ' * ' " " ' . -x' . . \ v ng AN DO IT! lods enable us to ur wardrobe?suciave the essential fa.. edge ? plus the im ou! Our Dry Cleanguidance of a fabric rned correctly press?absolutely odorless. AUNDRY oe Rebuilders jest and Best 1 ntain Every Day I - AT WE OF VM "O THE MTAtN SY1TA' VISIT EVERY 1 REAjCj * A I CO. L889 : v| ' ' idl