' . * ' J* SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of INTE I " ' ' r I . . . * . V _ A . BRIDGE PARTY AND SHOWER .Mi#s Kvu Mao Suber was nostess ? **" ut a bf ?tNRfe-"y'r' ?.?? "> iniscel laueous shower Saturday evening at her home ou I'lei' mint avenue, complimenting Miss .Mary Sue Mcllinnis who left this week to enter the Teachers Training College at Cullowheo. The' rooms were arranged Aitb with Miss Marguerite Miller of lloone, scorlri|? lii?h and receiving as trophy, a suede bridge table cover. Miss Ozelle Klser received the Kinern t* r??? u Inhlo !? **?? wutrsw |/t >?vi n IUUIC IUIIIy. -\IIsh MKitnnis was presented a Bhower of attractive* and useful gifts. Tempting refreshment* were serv ed. Guests Included Misses Mary Sue , , FORCONVEN] t, . . . . ; ? .' . Our prompt delivery s your convenience as well No matter ho wsysternal there will be. times when out some needed toilet ar supply. When this happe store ? regardless of he are here to serve you! Kings Mount The Rex We Fill Any Doct Phones 9P . ^9 9 > | H II * 'in I???? ' -.- . '. Starts Sept. 2 5 Day i 5 Nighl B ' J L i , HAPPENINGS :rest to v PHONES 10-R AND 88 . >loGiinii?, Nlua Jackson, Muifearei Cutuwiill, MlU'lK'li WWi.uius. * Oiflv h'.iior. i a.? .kluaftad^ Cu^tiu, li'jflilcl | i?;'r, .iiurilw Hunts Mcviii< ?"> | i-uvii M.ss Maiguuiite ^lilk-r ot TRY-L CLASS MEETS ..Ucajumes Hairy. KMUWi-i, John Jenkins, Arthur llauirick,. Uuntr .niiuiiiK were hostesses lo I ho TryTIii. Mai grace" lub house lust rrl- < uuy ( Contests uud gumos wore enjoyed jftVl thu devotional period uud business session. Mesdumes Kilo Clouinger and Mrs. I'aul Owous. receyv - u u number ov useful and luvelv ( flits?the occasion ,l>eiUg their blr th day anniversaries. Mrs. Carl Surber was welcomed us a hew mem(jer. Tile hostesses served a delicious salad course with accessories. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS , ENTERTAINED Miss Maude Dengler was hostess to members of the L?. L. L. Class of . the First Baptist Sunday School 011 Monday evening. Qffi< ers were ?lei:tod for the coniinx year. IENCE SAKE! ! ? ervice is maintained for ( I as for your protection. 1 :ic a shopper you are, 1 you arrive home with- \ ticle or medicine cabinet ns, PHOSE this drug 1 ?w small the order. We * i lain Drug Co. all Store 1 or's Prescription 1 41 and 81 ? 1 R * C1 e v jp Coui urea Celel >3 Kr rfffl ' 1 it* tt 1 rri ' ? ?-'- 1 Tues. A ? !* I II "' . V TOT KINGS MOUNTAIN KKRi .. ^ ' j : /OMEN MRS- A- H. PATTERSON, > DISTRICT MEETING D. A. R. TO BE HELD HERE NEXT THURSDAY The uiiuual meelUtg of the Third District North Carolina Li. S. I). A. It., will he held at. the First PreSky teriau Clturch, Kings Mountulu, 11 -xl Thursday. Sept. liti. with meinhe.rs of the Colonel Frederick Hambright Chapter as hostesses. ** i idiaptersv and coin prises Charlotte, Jastouiu, Lincoln ton, Shelby and ICings Mountain. Mrs. Frank It Summers is Regent of tin1 hostess Chapter. %f.... ti ix i-?. >- t ? ' .Jlin. II. l?. DIliK Kll'iuru Ol uslouiit. District 'Director, will pre Mrs. J. S. Silversicln. State Kegel of BroVard. X. C. Mrs. VV. K. Mauney will bring j greetitigs from the hostess chapter. Music will be furnished by a group from the high school under the direction of Miss JJorothy Caiv son /, " The memorial service to be held during the day Will be.of particular .merest locally, on account of the fact that the name of Mrs.- Annie Billing. member of the Colonel I'Tederiek Hambright Chapter will tie among the list of those memorialized, l'ages for the day will be Mrs. Jeorge Hoirser. Misses Hetty Neis-, ler, Nancy Nickels. Virginia Sumiters. Frances Summers. Helen Hay ill of Kings Mountain and Miss Elizabeth Matthews of Gastonia, Luncheon will ' e served by the oral chapter. United Daughters of Confederacy. 3IRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mr6- Eugene Matthews immune.- the birth of a daughter, darthu Eula. 011 Friday. September 3th. HOSTESS AT SHOWER Mrs. Howard Ware was hostess it a delightful party and shower ruesday evening, complimenting diss Virginia Allen. I eland aty'a itest bration |A H W ' w% mmr. WT- : ^ 1 . v ^ *4" ... %?* l#^v* ^f/*' V ? BP1 ". v . ' . .? t -. . ? ?. mm l11 III LLD THUR&DAY, 8BPT. 19. 1940 I Personals : Mrs: Grady Patterson was a Char u lotte visitor Monday. Mrs: Henry Byrd spent the week- n end with Mr. and Mrs. Grady Pat- t( terson. A ?O? Mr and Mrs. Cs, T. Riant spent the ween-fnd in Shelby with relatives and friends. ?o? m M^ '"lit | ^ Nl?ta Wdir spent Saturday in Charlotte. ?o? Mr. Johnny Klani. son of Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Klnm, left last Friday for State College, ltaleigh. ?O? to resume her studies at \V." C. V. N. at Greensboro. v- ' Miss Mary Sue MeGlllnis has en rolled at WV-eiern Stale Teachers College at Cullowliee. . -. v ' - .Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kiser if Char- j h>Pr spent the week-end with rrlu- I lives in Kings Mountain. ? o? Miss Marguerite Miller of Hoone. spent the week-end with Miss Mat tila Frances McGill. I John Hilling, Jr.. of Lancaster. S. was' it recent visitor at the home of Mr. atld Mrs. Grady King. ? o? Marriott Phifer was among ?tu dents enrolling at Krskine College last week. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Herndon and daughter of Columbia were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. to. Herndon. > ?o? Mrs. W. I). Weir and Mrs. James Wbistnant of Blacksburg were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ratterree Tuesday. ? . .. Mrs. to. W Neal and Mrs Jacob Cooper attended the funeral Sunday afternoon of Mr. Matthew to. White of Chester, S. C. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ware returned home Monday from I-ake Junaluska where they have been for the past two-weeks. Miss Mildred Hill of Murphy, N. 0.. is the guest of Miss Elizabeth Plonk for a few days before entering school at Carolina. ?o? The friends of R. G. Plonk, Jr.. j will regret to learn that be had the I m'sfortune of breaking his left arm i during football practice yesterday afternoon. Miss Annie Lou Blalook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bentley Blalock left Monday for \V. C. T. C., Cullowhee, N. C., where she will enter the freshman class. Misses Mary Mebane and Millie Midklff and Mr. Bruce Hallman of Mt. Airy, N. C., were guests of Mr. aud Mrs. Claude Hambright during the past week-end. Miss Phyllis Patterson left Tuesday to resume her studies at Erakine College. Miss Patterson was accompanied at Due West, by . her mother, Mrs. Orady Patterson, Mrs. W. A. Thomasson and Billy Thomasson, Mrs. W. H. Harmon and. Mary Lena Harmon and Mrs. Lee Harmon and Vlrgie Harmon spent Sunday in Morganton with Mr. and Mrs. John Markas. ... , ?o? Miss Elizabeth Plonk and Mlsa Norma Crook went to Belmont Mon day to attend funeral services for a friend of Mlsa Crook, Miss Blondle Current, who was killed In an auto accident Saturday , night. Jimmy McGUl of Ashevllle spent, the keek-end with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. McC.lll. He has encelled with Co. E. 105th Division Pnrineers In the National Guard of Ashevllle. i *" " The following children spent last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Blam: Mr. and Mrs Zeb Vance of Chapel Hill; Mr. and Mrs. PavXd Gamble of Southern Phi est; Mrs. Kugene Smith of Bladenboro, Ben Wlllleford, Jr., has returned to his home in Atlanta, Ga., after a two^weeks visit to relatives In Kings Mountain. Mr. Willeford Is resuming his work as student at Fmory University In Atlanta. Miss Louise Ooforth, Mr. and Mrs. M. Teague and Mlsa Esfelle Barber of Charlotte returned home Thursday after spending several days In Washington. D. C., visiting Mr and Mr*. John B. Ware, and Dr. ard Mrs. J. O. Ware. v | ? II Mr*. W. F.- Rrewer, nee Miss I Pauline NeMer. left .Wednesday! I for her ne-w home in Pensacola. Fla II after a visit to relative* in Klnga <2 < *. ' ' ; ' ' ' ' - > ..." ~ -1'. -t \ 1 * ; . . t;;.;a , : . . . . , . ' ' ' ' ' fountain and a stay with her me. tier at Crescent Beach. Mrs. Urewr has been living in Ncrfolk, Va? ntll recently. Mr. and Mr*. Jacob Cooper -have loved from the Coop? r 'Apartment o the Cooper hotr;< on Piedmont venue which has been remodeled. Your credit is good 'BUY HOW AND SOT LONG, Ml jsum 4" v.vy - t ** ft on our friendly NO CARRYING ( Don't let lack of ready cask keep sou from getting the extra safety and long mileage of U.S. iires. Be smart! Take advantage of our friendlv budget plan and enjoy thousands of safe, trouble-free tire miles. Come in today. Your credit is good here. NEW U.S. TIRES FOR AS LITTLE AS For Very Low Payments Each Week And your Old Tires PLONK M< Phor ' : t Leather c COi Men's and Boys' Horse-h ets. Zipper front and po< 4.95 to 1 % ' ' V * r ... Men's and Boys' Wool P Around Belt? 4.95 t< Men's and Boys' Plain W per Pocket and Belted B i.98 &: NEW FALL 54 jnch wide Wool Crei 98c to 1 NEW FALL SPi Wedge heel, Tan and Tai 1.98 Arch Support Sport Oxf< die. White with tan sadc casin toe, cork sole comt l- V . 2.98 Myers' D< DRESS Secor = - I Mr. and Mrs. Cltne Karthing w planning on moving into the Ca+Kt er Apartment vacated by Mr. ja> Mrs. Cooper. Mi** Nir.a Putnam, daughter & : Mr. and Mrs. Ihnton Putnam h.u ?: ci'pted a position with the Chlpffa** Motor Co in Oreenwoid. 8 C, . 1 ? ?Pay as you ride! -MAKE YDBR 0W1T" ~ WfflMS wmrerprm^"^'^ HI MLMS I J P^Til^^Br JB" % c u 'til '*li^Hi DTOR CO. le 138 ind Sport I VTS '1 I1 lide and Calf Skin Jack- < :kets. Tan and Black? 9.95 ea. c laid Sport Coats. A.U .,im | 55' ? 6.50 rool Zipper Jackets. Zip- jf 2.98 ea. 1 WOOLENS If [>e Plaids and Serges? in [.98 yd. I ORT OXFORDS I| it and White cover soles, Kj 1 pr' 1 )rds. Tan with dark sad lie. White and Tan Moo /1 nnation last? 11 m pr. ( ipt. Store ( shoppe t 1 id Floor ' f M