ST":: - ' V ' .' ' i . J-V * \ * Excessive Rains Mar < ? poor quality tn the southern ami astern- parts rtf the State. Seeti truiu bolls which have been opei: Vw several days will germinate pooi ft Where the bolls, cracked,' the imii t w.\ Kuu oeti/.K ji. ?iiib*,v nun i/wii niuvu nuior. Kiino recommends that where rot km is badly damaged the crop be r*^- n ft M ii i ^' ~ St a"ii " i^ "i^4 n'djjLiik sough After" .ginning the seed (hould tie sold to the oil mill, since I he risk of th'*ir germinating .prop rrI) s too great. If the farmer wishes to save seed he should' wait jntil bolls are pro flic i-d that are not, weather-da mag*if. Handling seed cotton after It A*ares the held Is also important. i>re exercises in harvesting and shoring seed eotton or seed will prerent mtieh damage caused h.v heat?S \ large acreage of this year's crop ? eligible* for oettitication .by the Sorth Ciyt'olitia Crop Improvement association. Kime explained that rotton grown from seed of approved ' rarieties secured direct .from breed j*rs is eligible. pVovided it meets the sMfutcctnent for certifier seed. flow's Your PICK-UP? Do you pick up th,. receiver promptly when your telephone rings, or do you sometimes delay a little? You know, unless you answer a call just as soon as 700 can, the calling party auy think you're absent and hang up . . . And it anight be an important call you've missed. lad how about your HANGUP? When making a call, be jfow to hang up if you don't get an answer immediately. The person you're calling may be some distance away from his telephone or otherwise unable to answer promptly. So allow his telephone to ring until you're sure no one is going to answer. Jest a few moments waiting on your part will save you time in the long run, because you'll complete tore calls. m QUICK a tie nciat..; SLOW M TIE UM40... MAAIH MOM * ^laf antiw ^ yes a^ni^aeUwVw fpMB fMH tokpkoM MTVlCC Soothern BeuTelephooe . n TELEGRAPH COmPflRU . v. < Logan's D Has installed a new Hif System, which will do 1 work and leaves no odoi be glad to have your clo ! all work to be Satisfacto j Price. I , IXX*AN'S DR W. F. Logan, CH Phone 257 P. 8.?We have our new Fell ing, for men and womer terd to fit you. . . .... v5?? v , ' ' . " s: i" ' 1 " ' i' . . . .. .. I EYE OPENERS 1 ' ~ I ...J v?iMi 1 nfl SUff CTl HINTS lb MRS. DuRUN 0RAVTOM OF LAGONA BEACH, CALIF, OECORAITEO HER KJTCHEN ?= VriH SWsDlSH VERSES AMO ^ CoiPREO DESIGNS, EVEN -fLl^ /?*C OCfOirco*C.n n ii ib? \jr\j i\triM>Jtnniurs j bmntted \vrru 'calico horses" The Knickerbocker Club in New York, founded in 1845, was the first organization to promote ' baseball in the United States. Rules were far different then?a batter was out if the ball was caught on the fly or first bounce; or by being hit with the ball on his way to base. Gay uainted horses that follow Refugee Childrt Well With Prof (By .l)r. Richard. K. Richie, Slate Welfare Department) An urban-paper fti Nortr Carolina carried a brief news item recently which illustrates 4n a graphic wa( the depth of the second World War citect on children. The Rem stated that refugee English girts of eight years living with relatives In an Iowa town had responded to the tra ditloiinl noonday siren by running frantically about, the house looking for u hiding place. They had, of course, been conditioned to the fear that accompanies art air rail alarm. The Immediate response of child ren in cooperating with the disciplined routine established in warexistence. yet the fact that terror anxiety plav a part in this "obedience". is unfortunate, if the frighten li?g circumstances continue- long and efforts to stabilize the child's emotional balance were lacking, the per -sonallty might be permanently damaged. It is heartening to know that tile Knglish Ministry of Health recognizes this increased hazard to youth. Child guidance (mental hygiene) clinics for children have been established to give medicalpsychiatric attention to serious pro blems of behavior and personality as they arise. Wo can be sure that the refugee children in the Iowa town will resolve their fears in the warmth at .affection and reassurance which their new home affords. Patience will bo used in meeting any other problems that they may have developed. It .will be more difficult to remove the disturbing emotional reactions of the children who remain in England. Although the raids will continue, to destroy property and human lives, the guidance of English welfare workers will give the childlien some security. This will be of great mental hygiene Importance even though' It should be no m^lfe than a recognition of the child's problem, and the realization that someone wants to help. The cnna will not feel alone. The refugee children coming to the United States will be affected in varying degrees of anxiety accor ding to the experiences and the nary Cleaners t jh Flow Kelmaker Filter letter Cleaning, faster 1 in your clothes. We will thes and will guarantee ry at a Reasonably Low Y CLEANERS A ?. vner & manager. Kings Mountain, N. C. and Winter Samples of Cloth* i, made to measure. GuaranW. Lawrence Logan, Agent. V w. ' ' . .J* ..." -1 * * > r w \, _ TIIK KINGS MOUNTAIN HNRAUD ?by Bob Crosby " . >y" game was \ ^ first named 1 "rounders* m-olo.-cat* ,? eftrva/| ? players never, wore . gloves, and the first / team to mare 21 / i runs won the / \ game / a a evperiments are being lyr camouflage our milttarv the modern lines of the gas refrigerator cabinet, help carry out the "swedish mnfir' in th^ h?anh home of Mrs. Durlin Bray ton. Dubonnet, delft blue, green and yellow colorings dominate the kitchen cabinets, curtains and floor, while the cabinet fronts carry scrolls with messages of welcome written in Swedish also. 2/i Will Adjust ier Help live capacity: Adjusting In America will be made easier by the atmosphere of sympathy wheh pervades our people. We may look for new understandings of children as we go along, for this is something which has never happened before.Y/7 ji ^ m I >1' m if;' . i J.'" **:"> ' ;l : * THRILLING MEW BIGNESS M AU MAJOR DOUNUONt I DASHING NEW "ARISTOSTYII" DESIGN WTH CONCEALED SAFRTY-mPS AT IACH DOOR * DE LUXE KNEE-ACTION ON ALL MODELS WITH BALANCED SPRINOMO FRONT AND READ AND mp?ovcd shocxhoo* tnmam * ORKMNAl VACUUMWWW SHIFT nrucSn mar as omy CMMour mum it CLE Phone 49 * > :v- .* r- >*> THURSDAY. SBPT. 19. 1949 ThstntHSF? By Alice Burton ? Patterson Grove Section J Of interest to their many friends will be the announcement of the n marriage of Miss Mildred Thorn- tl burg to Hubert Wright which took place ui Gaffney, S. C., Cept. 1 b ^ _ Mrs. Wright is the daughter Ot d *Mr. TviTl Tjiornburg Rid the late- i -V-s Thornburg. Mr. Wright !s the sou of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wright, j Mrs. Howard Ware was hostess at a shower, honoring Miss Virginia A1 ten. bride-elect of next month. Wed- 1 nosday night. Trc. honoree received ' tunny nice gift*. I'rlcf Harmon ?nd Mr. and Mr*. John Utter* were anions those froir I .hi* section who attended the fun- | eral. and burial services of Mr*- -I i ,T. Camp at State IJne Baptist eltur ch Saturday. Mrs. S. P. Moore of near Shelbv is visiting Mr*. Matt Moore and | family.. Mr. and Mr*. Kelly t Hayes and j son and Mr*. Bertha Mason and chll ! How One Woman Lost 20 Pounds of FAT Lost Her Prominent Hips Lost Her Double Chin Lost Her Sluggishness Gained a More Shapely Figure and the Increase in Physical Vigor and Vivaciousness Which So Often Comes With Excess Fat Reduction Thousands of women are getting fat and losing their appeal just because they do not know what to do. Why not be smart ? do what thousands of women have done to get off pounds of unwanted fat. Take a half teaspoonful of Kruschen in a glass of hot water first >hing every morning to gently activate liver, bowels and kidneys?cut down your caloric intake?cat wisely and satisfyingly?there need never be a hungry moment! Keep this plan up for 30 days. ' Then weigh yourself and see if you haven't lost pounds of ugly fat. - Just see if this doesn't prove to be the surprise of your life and make you feel like shouting the good news to other fat people. And beet of all a jar of Kruschen that will last you for 4 weeks costs but little. If not joyfully satisfied?money back. I Firct Chnun'n mmmtrm waawwVHa; EW1941 jC B||^Z PBV^^^ ^SESsskes! H'l a SIZI sensation a DRIVI and RIDS c*n? ma (or dimensions both Ir 3' longer wheelbase oi In all sedan models ^ "Arlstostyle" design and luxurious Fisher Bodies t for the new year Vt Valve-In-Head "Victor performance and lowers - low-price leader by th .. chivrout ... h< motor cor sales for 9 oul ^CBEVROII I* . &a>*\titflt>w. I*.-,i.-.- .?-- ? ?i . - - " 4 ren, Nell and Bruce, were llplton J f relatives In this section Sunday. ' Mrs. Matt Moore, M?*s Eva Moort nd Joe and Frank Moore. visited Ir. and Mrs. George Mullinax last unday afternoon. Mr. Lem Seism has been elected 8 Supt. of the Sunday school for he coming year. Seism Gin Co. ginned their first ale of cotton of this season Tues- j lay morning. The cotton belonged t o Rutin'"1 Gorton. Miss Juatilta Graham of -the Sadie illll SDi'llt the week-unit ?t hnnin I Mr. l-em Seism had the mlsforune of pelting his leg eui by a mow If machine last week. I restle HHHUH a c^a Iftk M you I VIA. 1 unti^ Mwl crank never | vnccdi BjL ggKp ? a STY LI sensation ition # Bigger In all islde and out with id 3-eouplm roomlnmn r With dashing now I longer, larger, more hat set the new style rith a mighty 90-h.p. y" Engine that lifts costs It's the new e builder of leaders >lder of Erst place In f of the last 10 years! fiHelMDERl, MOTOR I '.' i v X\r\ y ' . . r' - .,, * ' * v . MORE MONEY Couldn't understand why he didn't get raise In pay until boss told him personal appearance was against him. Since sending his shirts and suits to the' Note A'ar Laundry In Gastonla looks nifty. Got raise. y*. Cm M.k. W ^ qp sm? | AUVtKIIMrK?- Wj. J tgjzcri ^DR. MILES ERVINE -HuUMfOOct 'reds Of Thousands Of Times \ch Year Dr. Miles Nervine Makes Good en you are wakeful, jumpy, ss, when you suffer from Nervrritability, Nervous Headache, lessnest, or Excitability, give DR. MILES NERVINE nee to make good for YOU. ?'t wait until nerves have kepi awake two or three nights, you are restless, jumpy and y. Get a bottle of Dr. Miles ne the next time you pass a store. Keep it handy. You know when you of soms >er of your family will need It. t Your Drug Store: Small Bottle 25? Large Bottle $1.00 UIm Nervine la also wads ta Hsu ; Tablet from. - VJK: m^Sm HI 4,;, '''". " " ' ' ' ' : -''' ' i * NEW LONGER ! WHOUASE ' * LONGER, LARGER, ' WIDER FISHER BODIES | WITH NO MATT VINTHATtON j * 90-H.P. VAIVE-IN- j HEAD "VICTORY" ENGINE * SAFE-T-SPEC1AL HYDRAUUC BRAKES oocf COtlV#tlf#ltC# fWcVftAT##* CO. <*. - A. - . Kings Mountain, N. C. ( ? Sii*5iL. .'ife. .'..y/i ; . . . >k'i