"WfcsfiliiRtou Sept. it.?locations <M Jt umy reception centers for WMSpaCtery service trainees were dMttfmm* today at the war depart. Boclors Soy IBP BOWELS OPEN * Bsd>g ColdEpidemtcs IV* colds are all around you tet let weak spots in your defenscri v inp feagrulkr." many physicians ndviac. fw ionslipation and its strength ssppr.g symptopis; headache, bil muu&w>*s, sluggishness, dizziness ?s tbwV?ujnil y but iWlTi TrTTT.^A-r*Mno ?m is Dr. Hitchcock's All LaVutivc Powder, w hicl iscta thoroughly, but usually witt ^eatV'C.ibs when taken as directed. It ecertains pleasant - tasting am-. Mtiv, carminatives and what is fewf** by medical authorities as a rfptatto-intestinal tonic-laxative. It ietfrii (one sluggish bowel muscles. Bx. Hitchcock s laxative Powdei ?r?ti vsr than lc a dose. Get it at xiiv coumer. ioc, sue. taav.j IS SHOE TIME slid we are experts in shoe repairing for boys and girls. s < See Us Now I Foster's SHOE AND BICYCLE SERVICE Phone 154 4 ' ' ppS^ci Phntuk 19A ' TODAY ? THURSDAY ~~ . Hugh Herbert in "Slightly Tempted" Atfolph Menjou In 'King of Turf Oeidwoed Olck*7H5. 6 ..., Latest "War News 10c $ * FRIDAY and SATURDAY Andy Oevine - Richard Arlan, in "Leather Pushers' Bob Steel In ' "Wild Horse Valley' iLdet Chapter, Winners of Weat Cartoon MONDAY and TUESDAY *Abe Lincoln in Illinois" News ? Comedy ?COMING SOON? Lum and Abner In "Dneamlna Out I niiM" I . Thursday a Main Floor 20< fl 'THE RETURN 0 Henry Saturday ? I Balcony 15c? "CAROLIN I Gene Autry?Sr "GOLDEN Lew Avres ? Monday an< Balcony 15c "FLOWIN John Garfield? ^lv. , - ' .' ' ' Wednesd ay?Bargain 9 "WELLS I Ju Joel McCreaI DIj , * "' -1',- t *< - / ., ' .. . y ifr'tiAwaliin-i **V' ' . > . '?' *1 '* x -i ... ' ' - J ? ?1 Dixie Theat mmmam . MglE!?\ f? &v * ~a I ' | a? i K jF*?.' Henry Fonda In "The Return of Dixie Thursday and Friday with the supporting cast. SfS5 H RP ^^Bs rjm / 'fl ''Carolina Moon," Qan? Autry's I the Dixie Theatre Saturday. Washington Si (Cont'd from Front page) even it they have to borrow th money to do it. And, they sa> they enn get the unwilling dollar through taxation. ?o? Thus charges that Industry is "be botagiug' national defense are boor erauglug against the accusers. Th President, the National Defense Ad visor.v Commission, the Secretar of War, Secretary of Navy, and si on down the line, insist that indui try is doing its yart. That shoul satisfy the most violent critics. As a matter of fact, an lncreasim number of legislators Is becoming convinced that the hurling of sucl charges against Industry in itsel amounts ti sabotage. Because 1 simply creates doubt and uncertaii ty in Industry at a time when i should bo allowed to produce na tional defense without having to d< fend 1st unquestioned patriotism. In this connection, some leglsla tors have been brought suddenly ui against the realisation that they art now passing their tenth tax bill it . nd Friday Balcony 15c F FRANK JAMES* Fonda )ouble Feature Main Floor 20c [A MOAN" ? niley Burnette FLEECING** Rita Johnson 1 Tuesday -Main Floor 20c G GOLD** I Frances Farmer Day ? 10c To All FARGO" I -Bob Burns I Ije^ | J v T~'tl;lTOn -cfr lift i ' . TUB KINOe MOUNTAIN HERALD 1 ?? . re Attractions M C I . '*r Hg?H f'ytu I / lbe I / Wu uay V iuud X ,th Hi kie ll/U >ai lou Th. Va I - ion elk ghc | Frank Jam?' will be ahown at the (fj'[' Gene Tieney and Jackie Cooper in ~ i ci'ii Kh mid net A i plui ah Git tail J? the elSFagSM B Mo . - Pal tie] ion Bai ?{j Sec i tea out wh the ?r I test musical hit will be shown at lin( - tapshots ? roi the last nine years. As one of them tac e put it, "we've been following a let's on V tax this tax tbat?theory until we tat s dont knlw what we are taxing." the He points out that out of these 10 tax bills, eight have been passed as L. late as June and only two earlier in n the year. That means that industrl- wh e es which would like in December to tui I- plan their activities aud program y for the next full year cnn't do so *or 0 because they won't find out until (. June or later what taxes they will d have to pay for the year. Sti \V( g U| incidentally, newspapermen who Kl a who follow tax legislation are usual He f ly pretty sound judges of the wis- Br t dom of tax bills. In a recent press Brt ^ gallarey discussion, a group of them Sh t suggested an amendment to the so Ca called "excess profits" bill. It was Ml 3 this: Strike out everything and In Ke sort: ''Excess profits is stuff that if ? the government says you got any, ktn , whether ^?u ui|ierstand it dr not, it Kl' j Will tax 'em?and reavyi" I 1 ?o? t0B > The tax bltf may be big (at last ^ count it was 105 pages) bat the defense Job is bigger. In a recent address, ,H. W. Pdentls, Jr., President Yd of the National Association, of tlanu ydj facturers. emphasised thla. He re- pae minded that building a two-ocean pa{ navy is a tremendous JoJb because it means increasing the else of the pftf nary 100 percent. But the Army la p to he increased 1,000 per cent. In addition, he said the original Fui 100 percent has to be modified to 0_. meet modern warfare requirements B He said, too, that another example ^ of the size of the Job is the fact Mq| that iu.. the construction of a single on Martin bomber. 400 to 600 sub-con, , , TDw tractors are involved. __ Feiwer grades of fertilizer and lar ger tonnage of mixture containing high proportions of plant foods are progressive tendencies evident Ito \ the results of a survey and analysts of 1039 fertilizer sales. I PRESCRIPTION I SERVICE Wo Fill any Doctors' Prescription promptly I and accurately at fea- S sonable prices with the confidence of your phy- ? sidan. KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG GO. THC RRXALL STORK I We Cell Per And Deliver Phone* 41?St J I L. > eIV;'. 'v. > '4.*. ~j f "" - * . " &?Vi$l -".r^nr " ' -.w.""- vw-.f * . ' . ... . " "i [?CURfilXAY, 8SPT. 2?. 1M0 Mountain* Opening G (By Manly Moorhead) # | "ouch Cline Farthing's MountuitNl ? opened the 1940 football ??* ' wuli voiunr^ty iun > defeated the Gastoula Green ve to the tuuu of 12 to 6 last Friuiglu at the High Sc hool Stadi In Gaatoila. The gauie was wit Mid by approximately 3,500 spec >18. ^ looked discouraging to jffe the run-back of the OpenTug toff, carried tbe ball from Gatia a 15 to Kings Mountain's . 40 d line. After, several plays a ch-down was scored by Uastonlg place-kick tor the extra point' j low, however, and It wasn't B* before the local team began to k. From thai point on and throu tut the game the outplayed' 'he sen Wave on both defense and ofse. H the second quarter Allen interted Shoppard's puss on the igs Mount yu do and ran it to 1-field. A pass, Gibson to Moss ted 19 yards to Gastonia's 36. tew line plays, "featuring Gibson's nging and Allen's speed, netted jtal gain of 30 yards. Then a pass lunn t a U'n on annrnil tit o Vf onn >nwn iv T< U I v , uwi vu l i?vleer's first touchdown. The line y for the point was stopped, and half ended with the score 6-6. hiring the half the popular Kings uqtaln Band and the Gastonla id played and marched on the Id. Their demonstrations- were icluded with the "Star Spangled iner" being ployed by both aggru lobs. ?nd Half May was resumeu, out neither nt scored In the 3rd quarter. The standing play of this period was en Jimmie Dickey broke through Greeu Wave line to block Keeva kick on the Gastonla 30 yard e. The Mountaineer's winniug touch rn was made in the fourth quarwhen Allen 'A little streak of used lightning, broke loose aind right end for 42 yards, being kled by. the safety man, Mlngus, the Gastonla 13. Allen went off :kle for 7, Gibson made four ii> ! middle, and Allen dashed throuthe line for the score. Mien and Gibson were the Mono* neer<s standouts in thfe backfteld, lie Dickey, Moss and Ware fea ed in the line. Walker and Mlngus played well the Greenie*. . ... Tlte line-ups: istonla Position K. Mtn. icy L.B Ware tlker " LT Willla pscomb LG' " Barly mbrell C Smith illand no Dickey unnemer (c) RT Blddlz ads haw UK Moss r\ r? v*? v. dy^kii u <4i> yvumttck rp enter I*HB Mltcham tig as RHB Allen ever FB Gibson (c) lube: Gastonta ? Hunslnger, Ran i, Duke, Klmbrell and Heafner;. lgs Mountain' ? Roper. Scoring: Gaatonia ? Keever, lohdofm. Kings Mountain?Ware [ Allen, touchdowns, itifftiea w Q. M.S. K. M. st Downs 3 10 i. gained Rushing 87 167 I. Lost Rushing 4 1 ises Attempted 8 14 ises Completed 1 6 i. Gained Passing 13 90 ises Intercepted by 0 1 mltles 36 36 ltlng Average 37 28 nbles 0 1 ponents Fumbles teoovered by 1 0 The next game in which the untatneers will engage will be Friday, Oct. 4th when they will it Marlon on the local field. K MtL KITS Mm RELIEF If you suffer from backaches resulting froan fatigue or nanaro...? sore muscles or a atlff neck in rot you laid op . . . SOMETONK U what on Mod. It if a medicinal. analgetic ?oladro? soarroMB mu f*?t?gleet toothing ro f rtefct where relief is needed speeds the perfclal blood Hoot to the affected area. Jea helps to present Infection. Not oa aaftal preparation mode for human being.. Wonderful. also. for sore. MBA tired fact. Vate trial offer. i|M thie coupon, with] I Iff In coin or tempi. to ' MeKcaeon A Robblna, | K I Bridgeport, Conn., Dept. I ,AJnt? ? I its?a | ?? 1 i-VV ' - ' . \ers Win lame 12-( L v5 |^ % jAv. JA James Gibson, who sharss honors with Jimmy Dickey as captain of the 1940-41 Mountain football team. Gibson Is a mem of the Senior class and has been outstand player throughout his f school career. He |s popular v both faculty and student body. !s a mer.-Jser of the Monogram C and a . star baseball player. Gib has also served on the Moniti Staff for two terms. Gibson was of the ram-rods which accounted the 12-6 win over Gastoniia last I day night. HEALTH A1 That drinking milk 1 complexion youthful old age. e DRINK GOLD! Which contains all t Not any have be Guernsey is delivfret! , makes it. Order You I ! /; Archd * * V J YoorFaceLooksl When You Shave FDR you mm who want good-looking, comfoi shaves at a big saving . .. the bast news in years. Yc shave with a genuine Gillette ... precision made to fit voir exactly ... and pay only 10<| I The new Tbin Gillette la ml easy-flexing steel hard enofl cut glass. What's more, it luul I of an entirely new kind thai I up for one swell shave aftl other. Buy a package of I I Gillettee from your dealer I end protect your face from! J andjprf cnaajstf by ?alaftt j| I 4 JH * ,4 mi.' .mm v-1 Uiupiii .illI... ' - . ' ' ' ' ' ' ^ ' ... * '\ - < ' > 'III I" You are not fit company tor yourself or anyone else urban yon I are Tense, Nervous, "Keyed-up . Don't miss out on your dure of good times. The next time overtaxed nerves make you Wakeful, Restless, Irritable, try the sbo thing effect of I DR. MILES NERVIMS Dr. Miles Nervine Is n scientific formula COB* H pounded under the superM JL vision of skilled chemists II ItoHd AmeriM'ii?m modern labor* cJ f> toriea. inn MmiT don't TMtrrHt IIS III ?& ?& ^ the A? r?r Prea b?? COeer I n LJTHORITIES SAY ?elps to keep the body and and to postpone the signs of SN GUERNSEY MILK he health-giving ingredients ten cooked oat Golden I to you exactly as nature rs Today. *?UIII g4? M?jy Phone 2405 better Aid Feels Better I jreaMf B table here'* u can . B,ade iH^H razor Hfl for 41 ^JH MjCal ?de of -?^MM E|h to edges stand Bar an- fi Thin if MftfjMP* #QflB I today ^HTt 1 '. "" - - ; : >.;* ;: . ,^.v\ : - ..; %, j , .,: -;", . y;; - ;' _;. ;' :i^-v- 41iC-'; ' " ? >\ '

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