Eight Causes Listed For Costly Farm Fires The. vast majority . of the fires which damage thousands of dollar! worth of farm properly at 'Ills sea soil of the year are due to careless ' ness and the use ol defective etptip meat, says David 8. Weaver, head of the Department of Agricultural ' . Kneineei'iiie sit N <\ Slate folleae There are eight principal causes oi far in tires. Weaver lists them as follows: (1) I'ooiiy constructed or defect I vc flics ami chtiiitiev s; (2) liitlauima hie roofing inatorTal~\vTTfch * ifctflics when sparks settle on it: <:'?! light n In k: 1 11 spoil i a neons combustion; t eareles use of," smoking inaterl; nls; (Rj improper handling of keidsoue and gasoline; t7| defective stoves and furnaces-, audi Xi lack of pmmmmtnmmjyJ^^JJJJ^mJejJtjjMe-wnrjm^forel^ irieity. or ilie wrongnseoT* to profitable flax gr.owing in Southern states. Jtk Ok LET US Change your summer Shoes into winter ones? by dyeing them any color We dye both leather and suede shoes. Complete line of Dyes Foster's* SHOE AND BICYCLE SERVICE Phone 154 DON'T BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVK-RIUIVI CONSTIPATION THIS MODHIN WAV When you feel [any, headachy, logy due to clogged-up bowali, do at millions do ? take Feen-A-Mlnt at bedtime. Next morning ? thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day ftill of your normal energy and pep, feeling like a million! Feen-A-Mlnt doesn't disturb your night's rest or interfere with work the next day. TVy Feen-A-Mlnt, the chewing gum laxative, your ss If. It tastes good, it's handy end economical... a family supply FEEN-fi-MINT lot I S ? ' i - a W. B. PAYSEUR Landscape Gardner Shrubbery of all Kinds Lincolnton, N. C. Box 365 Idrrai/iiiLi wiixi'fatt t CHANGE MOTOR OH 5 Quarts Gulf lube ORANKCASE FLUSH 1 Gallon Cleaning Oil CHANGE GEAR LUB 6 Quarts Gulf Transgc GULFLEX Registered Lubrication CLEAN OIL FILTER FOR ONLY Including: Check and Battery Water Level, < downs. Lamps, Inflat Wheel. .. CENTEF Goodrich Tires Use our Friendly Cred and A< . 0 ' T I OUR DEMOC what's y< stake in j B EHINO THE LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES OWNED BV 64.000,000 OF US IS A 2 RESERVE OF *29 BILLION ? A BIG PART OF OUR. STAKE Gov?ve/vAf?7vr. AGtiicucn and Industry. S\ _L. I tfflWj HAT ARE SOME OF these oollar. %\\ TOPROVI t&lfrif U-U^ >-'j/Ank AND POV ft* ,*v^wfl NFARLY I [MOMEY IN U.S. ''L^ I BONDS IS ENOUGH ^IB/i TO BUILD 30 W*VF?1 BOUL DER DAMS / [A MOUNT OF POLICVOWr PROPERTIES AND MOI TO GIVE MODERN HO MORE THAN 6,000,0' Washington Sn . (Cont'd from, front page) have been surprised. They have sup' ported jiew powers piece-meal, but ! the total over-all result is surpris ing even to tliein. Por example, the government lias power to destroy sittings by chang:ng money values; power to fix wad's, hours, old age pensions, relief allowances, business practice; pow-J or to iiitrol farming methods, and -o on. Tliat, is only a partial picture of the whole. ' A friendly and beneficent government naturally would use these outers only for tire benefit of the eople But the power to give' a man 'ilgh wages could be used to give 'tint low ones; in short existing "soiial" controls coultl he used to deUroy virtually all the rights and rivlleges of the people. ?o? h was the theory of HOL.C and a .01 ot oitier new government bureaus that they would aitu 10 me -security ' ot the average citizens. ~,dl just look at the ,HOL/J, for example. It has disclosed that in its Omaha area alone, it lias lost $5.178,000 on homes on which it had to foreclose! The government also has had to foreclose on 32,000 farms! The power to help farm and home owners was established. Its use has made the government the biggest home and farm owner In the world. The II. S. mints report tliev are. , having trouble keeping up with the demand for small coins. The 'Philadelphia mint alone Is now producing 4,200,000 pennies every 24 hours, and Is still behind. Mint officials say the reasons are the new national defense tax and better business. Rapfosent-utlve Ta ber says the trolble is that "nobody has anything to spend of ahlgber denomination than a nickel or a penny." (Dies committee backers are hap| py. Despite all the critical remarks )FFER [a $1.25 [ s ' : .35 RICANTS :ar Lubricant $1.80 .75 . .25 dli 4A W.W Refill Radiator, Check Clean Windshield, Wine Tires, Clean Steering I SERVICE Phone 62 it Plan on Goodrich Tires rcessories mD KINGS MOUNTAIN HBULLD T by the wav5 in which lsto/l | | s II Investment in P INDUSTRY IS ENOUGH TO SUPPLY FACTORY BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT TO KEEP 260.000 WORKERS JER.S* MONEY IN RTGAGES IS ENOUGH USING FOR. 00 PERSONS. apshots ; made about it by people high in government, Including the President, the Housfe has voted another $35,00tl tor the investigation of "un-Atnerlcan activites. Representative Martin Dies' supporters say tho merit of h^s work is proved * by the fact that this brings 1 to $235,000 the total appropriated for his investigation ? the greatest sum' ever granted a special House committee in the memory of the oldest Representatives. The House evidently feels that it Is getting its money's worth. . I ' Now yoi ^im^| * Hgjr j i / . I \Wf^^ y^mjfk f the Auxiliary at Mooresville. she w.as also chairman of Christian rtorvtor at (Central .Methodist church it Mooresville. Mrs. Alexander's death followed _ jurns received when-her clofhfnjc be rumi' ianttnl as vhe walked before in open fire at her home on Oct. !v Mrs. Alexander N survived by her iiisband. Philip A. Alexander, assist in* cashier of the First National i For Shaves That I I "A Million," Try 1 I "V \ I At ^ Price - ||> ftadleOligfmpreved Kind I Oi Cutting Edges Make Neu Thin Gillette Blade Out-S'erBtma*9 To $**1 jk y?u Set good-look- U * ing, comfortable VHV shaves every time . . . and save money too ,.. when you use the new Thin Gillette Blade. This blade is made of easy-flexing steel hard enough to cut glass. It I has super-keen edges of an I entirely new kind. You whisk - through tough beard quickly i get More f ILL I l~ . ' ' -' , ' % ' ' % t , 1*2 1*1 166 lea ITO \ | ** iJ '"""l""' rrAu^-C3*^ I t^?i52U \ ^T.I.normJ \ i/i***' * _ 62 U*"|66 |? 170 ry these Fuels | LF NO-NOX EXCEED NORTH MS FOR PREMtlM FUEIS! ip?" ..ank at Mooreavllle; the following children: William Alexander. student at Chapel Hill. Felix and Plifl tp A. Jr.. both at home. A njessage of sympathy was sent .he family from the Kings Mountain Auxiliary. TRY OUR WANT ADS I . | Look And Feci Like his Kew Gillelte Wad* 1 u" i"1"11 I JPr easily, and protect your face from smart and burn caused by misfit blades. Gillette alone, with its world renowned facilities, could produce...and sell at only 10c for four., a blade so superior as this. Buy a package from your dealer today. or your Gas i a \ withoo.t^? Ctoo^^L-f rc-roto*** ?pe^w i _n ?5L..??L_ I I I I I m Awn IB? 7*1%r* - * ' ''. '< v>A >v',( < 5 % , ' ?f ld^ North 1 % ss^ssr I 4 \ T l7t M T? 7? BO * )QWu. - ? iiqi*lupipWWIP?*ipPMpp|JQ| dMHaHBHHHHfeh: "It'll come back looking Smart as Ever, and good as NEW!" <0'ur nVr.?iodical workers carefull adapt the cleaning process to the partic ular cleaning job at at hand ? that's why they * are always ablg to . reV. , 1 store that;, brand new 1 1- il icci iinu miisn 10 me fabric (whatever it is). And with . our skillful pressing every detail comes; out '^perfect!' New-Way Laundry Launderers, Cleaners, Shoe Rebuilders. Gastonia's Oldest, Largest and Best Phone 844 Our Truck is in Kings Mountain Every Day Dollar! ? Baatl Wc feel you're lore you get for your / showing the Improve- jj J , an improvement made ul Always a great motor I :han ever . . aurpasaea or premium fuel and is at / anti-knock. Try a tankful f A your car grow younger. / / / / / I f 'I / I / / / mp*-'!. ffe / % / / l\l I * 1 \ ??? ( !1 Way* lo Siva Money." lis helpful booklet i* yours ...? at "our local Good Gun M st your*, richt away it tha ^ Culf Orange Di*c! 1