Showing at Imperial ] iw- *: - ' ' < r *' 'tj . -3^1 i * - -? 3* ? jV.T iJUC\ .? ? a.,*, toIIIe. \ . ^ 'ffodalwid Russell and Brian Aherne i aerial Theatre next Monday and Tt tiuergctic Housewives 1 . Sweep Away (iood Soil Krooms wielded ' by -'ouertselie k itiMwvivKH is out! rtf the reasons ( rgivett by "John ,Harris, lunt scape spei halts! of the State College. Kxtensloti S^.-i ir*> f?t?* lll?> MY 1 I'Kllh-ll' lUwti' unll I in iaw j- si ill of hundreds of North j | c.T?rap*ui.ji farmsteads. "Tliis fertile I fi **oia which lias been swept away, to- j ^ 1 with that blown and washed ! *trs\. is why it Is difficult to have 1 1 > , jrr?ffvi lawns to front of numerous., 1 ?*jirni homes." Harris declared. j ^ Coat inulnp. the specialist said: ' ""The best solution to this problem ( lis the uso of, nerinudu grass. This ' Should In- propagated 'iy plant 5ttjf the roots during the fall or ear* T\jr Ki'rtnK. However, tliere .arr some. ' fbrmers who refuse to use, Ttermuda I ^orwwsc It spreads rapidly tn their j ttuji iand." in itits case, the following |irece* ! dutv; is recommended: A one to two! ' airb layer of, harii manure should . ' i I :tw W'tKl over tlie yard. The soil i JfeoaV then tie scarified as deep as j pwwibV tntl the yard sown in peas. ; AaYau Li* Await* NSnld*? Millions do. The worst of you never know when I M Meaplcss night is coming. Wifr not be prepared? DR. MILES BUwwcsnt Nervine Tablets to quiet the nerves and qpnait refreshing sleep. I Map in at the drug store todbg and get a package. Tfcjr Dr. Miles Nervine TabMs lor Nervousness, Sleepfceatu due to Nervousness, fmoiu Headache, ExcitaUto, Nervous Irritability. Small Package ESSOTANE GAS SERVI AVAILABLE EVERYW1 Clean ? Quick ? Ecoi ic /)<>livprpH to vnil in I through mains in the strc Essotane offers you Fas Cooking Results, Clcanlir a Kitchen that friends wi ; COOK THE ESSO I Gas Ranges On Disph PIEDMONT C Phone 263 - ' - - 1CLKVELANU Phone 919 ;v ,v . "* fcf-* V? '' ' : . . - - - * v - - - " * , % Tl Monday and Tuesday n "Hired Wife", appearing the lm* jesday. ropstul should in* hauled iu lo any dares thai have thi otiio eroded. ' The peas should l?e disced o? timed into the 30II in August of September. After allowing t.lie. soil o settle for two or three Weeks,'the aid should lu'- raked level and corn nereial fertilizer applied at the fate if r,u(t to tit'O pounds per acre. Then :S to an pound* of Italian rye grass iliould be sown per a ere. This shoul u, I'MIWIUuiI III tl'iV ??Art " 111 iin r>|i. nil, Willi bVv tbunds of common tespedczu seed or- aero. Native giuss. such as crab grass, oxtail grass and - other, will autoiniticaUv come up and. if kept nown. will furnish a , fairly nice sum net lawn. In sumo Sections, where here is enough moisture. 15 pounds if carpet grass should lie sown with1 15 pounds -of common lesppdesn. Farm Questions Q.?How much wheat may be planted on a farm under the AAA rules? A.--As much as I" acres, of wheat nay be planted on any farm, . or f 110 wheat Is sold from the farm, hree acres may he planted for each family 011 the farm, although this mounts to more than 10 acres. The Triple-A encourages farmers to pro.'.tiee ample food and feed oil' their farms. <1.?When should lespedoza seed je harvested? A.?The Common. Tennessee 7?5. tnd Kobe varieties ripen for seed about November 1 or at the first killing frost. They should then be harvested its soon as possible to pre rent losses front shattering. says 10. C. Tllair. Kxtension agronmist. Ko roan seed will remain on the stalk five or six -weeks after they mature. In fact, tltev do not loosen enough lo permit the nse-of a seed pan until three or four weeks after ripening. Korean usually nurtures early in October Kxperiments carried,on at the 1111 nnls Rxpoiintetrt Station have dlsproved an o)d belief anions farmers that soybean oil is too laxaMve for fattening cattle. One of the newest wrinkles In the poultry industry is a recently patented device that marks the date automatically on an egg as It la being candled. ldxperliueutal stations for growing rubber plants will be established In varkfus l^ttin A meiioan. countries, shortly as a result of Investigations by U. S Department of Agriculture experts.^ CE SERE nomical?Non-Poisonous i Steel tanks instead of et. iter Cooking. Perfect less, More Leisure, and II envy. TANE GAS WAY ,?t. ': f * 4 ay at our Showroom IAS COMPANY, Gastonia, N. C. GAS COMPANY, Shelby, N. C. "t ' .?f * - '' \ "t ? HE KIN OS MOUNTAIN HERALD THU Three Deer Killed C On Hunting Trip ^ They brought back the bacon, in the form of three deer from the huutitiK trip to ti;e Noisier Ifuutinr Keserve uear Lake M'gccatnaw last ! week. A total of '20 men and 18 dogs ,j1( made tho trip. The three "euro- (?n hots" were Jaines Cole, Harry Page m. and dog driver. Jim McLean. t). Following. the t wo hunts, "court" i.., wits held and Howard Jcnk'ns. Wll bur Wright suui 1>. /?."*< ooper we're . found uuiltr? and lost their shirt- go lulls J W. Smith, Sr.. was put on an i.:nh:>tion for getting 'buck-fever." j or Those making the trip -besides th?t j ?li ones already mentioned were: Carl c.i falls. C.rter Slpos, \V. J. Fnlkerson. it: tteck Page. Maxlo Yarhoro, Charles vto-is. C-jtl Moss Sam Dye. IV.- -A. eleutt, J \ Nelsler. H. It Noisier wi mid Juki* TCarly. / 1 . jttl gii Southern States Fair In Charlotte Oct. 15-19 v hi Charlotte, Oct. ? Americanism 1,1 will be the theme of the Southern States Fair here Oct. 15-19, accord- 1,1 ing to Dr. J. S. Dorton, general man- to ager. Patriotic speeches, salutes to the flag, guard mounts und a special program on Americanism Day, Oct. IS' will hp in IfPPliiitir with dhn novo 1 I pnt'lotic. scnlimtnt iJiat is syiy-'i* lug the country. . , I'll ere will lie. special displays of Bags on the. grounds and the grandstand. 11''lore each evening program a well known speaker will | make a one-minute address on Ainericanisnt. On Americanism Day, whieli is also cityschool day, a spec ial program wll he given on the big stage in front of the grandstand. On that day also, all soldiers. sailors and 'marines in uniform will be admitted free. Tickets are still being distributed to ihonstmds of school children for the two school days. Rural School Day. Oct. 15. and City school Day Oct. 18. Baird Is Elected A. R. P. Moderator f Dr, U. N. Baird. pastor of Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church, was elec ted moderator of the'.First Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Pres byierian Church yesterday morning at the second day's session at Pari; wood ARP church. Dr Baird will be installed as mod erator at the Spring session to bo held at the Ebenezer Church, five" miles sott?h of Charlotte of which the Rev. W. IV. Parkinson is pastor. BIWHYLETTTTolD [G|^ CAR DR,VE YOU CAR FROM THE ADS In This Newspaper HERE'S A COSTS NO I i Every home should hav one of these sensations I new Morgan Heaters. I solves the heating problen in the small home at mini mum cost. It pays for itself in a shor time in fuel savings whe used as an auxiliary uni in large homes with ccntri heating. ASK ABOUT OUR FIV1 YEAR GUARANTEE VICTO Phone 239 * . " ' ' ' " . . ' ;\x ' b, ' * ' * .? ' " T. . ? I4SDAY. OCT. 10. 1940 afety lot In Number The old adago to the effort that t-re la safety in numbers certainly' es not uppl.V iu automobile travel, cording to Konnld Hoeuit, direc or the North Carolina Highway rely (Division. ?. ir ... ie *v ' -? v., c?up of young pooplu pile Into an totnobilc and start ofl to the fait a toot bull game, or on some other ort trip, but if they oveVc'-owd the r.. grief may - soon enter the pic-^ re." saiil the safety director. Hocuit pointed to the recent uccith eight young people overturned route to a ' high sellout football me. injuring four of the boys aud rls in the car and killing two. "There is serious danger in llio act Ice of overloading an but opinio;" lie declared. "In the first ? ace, wtien three or four people arq mined into the front seat, tho Ivor dues not have sufficient rooir^ operate the car safely, due to the' Slculty of shifting gears and using IHjF n} Jr WITH 112 STANDARI % . V*'.' Yes, more than ever, the Job-Rated trucks are buili your job. That's what Job-Rated n means quality ? Dc"~c q from fine materials; Dodfi ROWLANl 24 North Railroad Ave. l Practical, Effici Home flORETO OPERi "The Most Amazing H< manr e | . ... 1 I I a* ^ ^Vi ^i? l' ^^mA* f^^T^tjfitnv H IB .' v^y/yvl * II ffyrfM ff ^ RY GIN Local De , > ?.) ' - . ' . < . . , t \ the brakes. And on top of that, when there are too many people In a iar, the driver hps too many distractions aud can not very well keep his 01 her mind on'their driving." Hocutt cautioned all car owners against overloading their automobiles. and lie particularly urged that parents who allow their teen-age children the family car to go to a football game, dance or other school activity should admonish their children not to take along uny greater ?,f persons than the car was designed to accommodate. Greyhound? PpBS KmLJ > CHASSIS AND BODY MODEL! sc new 1941 Dodge duves because ol t to fit the job . . . ' turing and work saves you monc; icans. But it also Ask your Dodge unlit// that comes truck to fit youi e quality that en- ever owned. )- WARE Ml ?# ent, Economical E ! Plenty of Heat.. LTE THAN A GR eating: Discovery in Years' I 1* 1 Hp 2*c 3. r 4. I 5. .1 Hm ". ( r ML-d yf fsjl ra r~* k? 7. i COMPAN ' aler __ 1 * i FEEL PEPPY!* ^ /RELIEVE TMT AffFSL CVbackache J MP out TO fATIOUt ANOIXPOSUM B TmI Uk* altpplii out l|>in by r?lipris| that backache (dua to lalfua and expocura). Ju?t nib v ob noma En-ar-oo and iam ntantly it be?in? it* fourM /m fold work of helpin* eooth* W w that back. Plaaiaat. At all M drutfiit* or nod 10c for A trial *ir* to National PU AA Remedy Co.. 55 W. 42 St.# ; tSSESSL **" "v~* ^ 1 i M ^^BrPyl 1 1 i it i3 000 passenger* each year "elect" to go by ? popular choice for a balanced travel budget. .53 Spartanburg .65 .25 Atlanta $3.10 $1.10 New York $8.10 SERVICE STATION ?PHONE 10 ________ a ;ta .J "-- V i .< : .. -i 3 HjnJBr ' x. . wfi|flH|ai MKv&i[Jffi\ :|iJH BBg Wl/ffv * ' , . .v V "/. >i* v/. . - . >9 f