- ? ? TTln? -jjj?my wpwgMBP| W'^mGgjJB " ' " " i ' ' ' '. '" % Church A , Central Methodist Uuccti H. C. Sprinkle, Jr., Patior S?:46 A. M. Church school, General Superliiteudeut, -B. S. Peeler 11:00 A. M. Moininn Worship una Quarterly Conference led by Kev.G M. Jones. Superintendent of 'he Gun tonla District. 0:15 P. M. tSnworth l^euirue. led by Miss Elizabeth Neill. TiflO I- M.? Evening Swnrir". So: iitoii by the Pustor. Monday 6:45 P. M. Boy Scouts. Wednesday, t:.3h I*. M. Mid-week Service.' Theme: ' The Grace ??t Clod lioyce Memorial A. R. P. Church H. N. Uaird, Minister. '* ln;00 A. Si, lilw-'hi'biwf.'!l! l'tr' ' > Ciill. General SU|ieritltendellt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship and Sermon.. 6:45 P. M.? Young People's Christian Union. Discussion of 2nd Peter. 7: do P. M. ISVetiiltg Worship and Sermon. Beginning Monday night, October 14th, this congregation will .hold Evangelistic services. .Dr. W. P. I QUICK RESULTS ? LOW COOT I HERALD I CLASSIFIED ADS 2c word for ftrat Imertiorhalf price for subsequent Inaa.* tiona. Minimum charge 25c. Do not ask for information regarding "keyed" ads, as they arc strictly confidential. If error ia made, The Herald is responsible for only one Incorrect Insertion. The customer I* responsible for subsequent Insertions. The advertiser should notify . Im mediately of any corrections need' Want ads are always cash in advance except to business men or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. FOR 8ALE: Two 1100 lb mules, 2horse wagon. Farming tools. Part cash, terms on balance. J. B. Porter, Route 1, Shelby, N. C., near Will Wilson cotton gin. octl7 WANTED TO BUY: Trailer large enough to haul bale of cotton on. C. N. Porter at Ware's Qln. 9-24-2t FOR RENT: Three room apartment 600 West Gold Street. W. F. Logan. . tfc. FOR RENT: Four room apartment, private bath. See Haywood E. Lynch at the Herald Office. tf WE PAY $6 for selling ten $1 boxes. 60 beautiful assorted, Christmas Cards Sell for >1?your profit 60o Greeting Card House, 160 Main, Ossining. N. "Y. oct 10. FOR 8ALE: House and lot on Kings Mouutaln Grover road. M. B.Caldwell. aug 12-p REMEMBER ? On 8atnrday you get one of our delicious Banana Split a for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. FOR SALE.CHEAP: $130 Frigidalre Automatic Electric Water Heatto* Unit Complete. Central Bar ber Shop. WHYWOR/?y? 1 Jf \ I CARRY ANTI\ V^^WORRY v^^lNSURANCERegular Ad In ThU Newspaper . THE CLAN .J tSlTACC S RlCftTFOftMCl 7060 IN AH' / lfJ 5eCJPlO fc[ Ij MRS.HlCCs f r-J m fW < ' '" . - * - v% * "* i'**. ".* M v w. . ' j . " ;- -?g! s* ' : - ' 7 '' ; '' . , jBlifiiiW'V Vl "V-i1"vri- - i >v - , - - ?."?- ' ? " - ~~ * 7 > ' H . (,*'" ?, ' ' .1 . ' ' V ' "\- I . Tews? Uriel* of CtoVer, S. C., will lead ii the services. He knows Hod am God knows him. We cordially inviti our Community to join with us ii tiiesc meetings. Our hoys will b enlisting this week in the service o Hie country. Shall we not enlist ii the service of the Kingdom. Servi ce? each evening at 7;:i0 I'. M. Presbyterian Church Bev. P". I). Patrick, hastoi -11:45 Sunday school and Morn In: Won hip. This i? ll.iliy Day and l'rt .notion Jjuy in the Sunday school i'hu services will ho united and wil in held i:i the fellowship Ha?l. 2::io |? 111. Sunday .school at Dixoi etiool house. p. in. Young; Peojles Vesper: 7 ;io p m Kvoninc wohthjn 1 Mo.:.ia; ?1*~ - ? Irole 1. 7:150 p. 111.. Miss Cariyh Wure. \v. . elide 2..:!;:50 p. in. Mrs. J. C Thomson. Circle :i. n: :!0 p. in. Mrs. II K jy'tich. ' i'irele I. 7C50 p. ui. Mrs. liarolt ' lunnlciitt. Circle- i0 p m Mrs. IT. A lofortli. 7:00 p. m. Iloy Scouts, Troop 1 Tuesday, 7:15 P. M. Prayer meet ing at Mai-grace Community House First Baptist Church A. O. Snrgeant. Pastor Morning Worship 11:00. Messugt by the Pastor. Sunday St'liool 9:'40. uJnior Worship for child ion "und r 12 years ot age 11:00. At 6 p.'>m. -sharp, Sunday evening the Intermediate members of th> Church will hold their second meet lug in the Berean Class room foi the ..purpose of electing officers fo; the new organization. There will be no 'night worshii service Sunday in the absence o ;he pastor who is . conducting a re rival at Calvary Baptist Church it Gaston ia. " % . Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Pvederick. Pastor Sunday School 9:45. M. B. ("aid well, Supt. Morning Worship 11:00. Evening Worship 7:00. Prayer service Wednesday even Ing 7:00. All 'are welcomed to come an' worship with us. ( RACE MKTHOIMST S. W. Johnson, Pastor Sunday School 9:45. Prank Greet Supt. Worship Service 11:00. pworth League 6:30. Evening Service 7:30. Wednesday night prayer servic 7:30 P. M. Park-Grace Bible Church John L. Gregory. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. 7:00 P. M. Evening Services. Sunday evening Service 7:00. Each Saturday 7:00 P. M. Evangt Untie service. Second Baptist Church Rev. C. C. Parher. Peetor Sundsv SchOvji 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching m- Knd 7:3fl D m each Sunda ". Wesleyan Methodist R. L. Phillips. Pastor Sunday School 9:45. . Morning Service 11:00. W. Y. P. 8. or Class meeting 5: It Prayer 8ervlce Wedneaday 7:00 Evening Service 7:00. IHF cveryrmni itm .joui aa nuu Ae itoaae eeU del tee pmmla af tine /alia. Whan yea Ml hoary. rue. eoana at rlab foods oa wttaa yaa an aarroat. hurrtad at thte poorly your atotnach eft an loan oat loo nob fluid. Toot food doau't dltaat fled yoa ban too. baartbum, nauaaa. pain or toot lofoaob. Taaa faal tour, tick aad upaat an enr. Doeiort tat nana una a latatln for auxoark tin. It la dtbfltttie and fbollak. It tnkaa thoaa I . pHta block tab lata aallad Ball-ana for Indltottton to maka tho oooaaa aloonrk So Ida kanrltoo. nUm dlatnaa In no tlrw and pat yoa book at yoar foot. BoUof la aa eulck It la amaalnr and ana Mt > paakttt mm It. dak (or Boll-ana far Irillraailae tCY KIDS bi (-TCtRTAINCVjS I Hf I TImhiC HC J* J I Mi "> ' ' " - if* ' f \ . * ' . " THJE KINGS MOUNTAIN HKRAUD Vegetables Can Be Stored For Winter There is no reason for discarding surplus vegetables, or for dumping j them oi^ a depressed market, says e H. I{. Niswt iger. horticulturist of , the N. p. State College Extension e Service. Hut on the other hand. there Is no use to store vegetables u that are not of high Tf.Vii'i?.'*li'i> fiis> ' tip And 'iim-w warm dry place in.the attic -until 'lied, and after being shelled t)t? beans should be placed in tiuht cotfailiers' and treated with earbnn disulphide to eoulrol weevils. Moot crops. siir'n as carrots. . k ets" and turnips, should have the tops cut off, leaving short leaf stems, before storing. Tit toy Stay be s(Wed iji shallow crates and placed in the cellar An occasional sprinkling with water wtl prevent shrivel iitg- Ciihhage and eollards can best be stored in trenches dut of doors. Another method common l\ used in Eastern Carolina cotfsists of pushing the hearts uf. the plants toward the North ami dry and the temperature is around f .50 degrees. A basement or cellar is not a good place to store onions, t Pumpkins and squashes; should also ,,be stoi'ed in a warm dry room at a temperature of 50 degrees. More than 2.500 persons were in-, jured hi traffic accidents in this state the first etight months cf this year. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified us administrator of the estate of Bessie Kamscur. de1 ceased, late of Cleveland C'ouiitv. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said - deceased to exhibit them to tre undersigned at h's offieo i' in'Kings Mountain. N. C.. on or before the 18th day of September. 1941, or this notice wll be pleaded ia bar of their recivery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please f make immediate payment. ThiB 18th day of September, 1940. W. L. Hamseur, Administrator of the Estate of Bessie Ramseur. Deceased. ?adv?oct 31?H. I: S-U-N-R-l-S PASTEURIZED M For School Boys and They'll make better g if you include plent; Sunrise Pasteurized in their diet. Order Yours Toda ; r>I That's Different? 4 Ayf' THCRf^DAY, OCT. 10, 1940 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE North Carolina, Cleveland County. Having qualified as administrator j ut the Estate of Zulu Huberts, de j.ceased, late of Cleveland County, | North Carolina, this is to uotlfy alt persons having claims' against the | estate of said deceased to exhibit ' them to the undersigned ut 'his home in Kings Mountain. North Carolina, on pi before the 17th day of July 1V41. of" ttis notice will bs pleaded le bar of taelr recovery. Air persons 'indebted to said esteto will please miluniniMiiaio pavnit-.ni. Tils 17th day of July, 1940. Joint Weaver, Administrator. ( ?ndv?oct 10?H. t North Caiolitia, Cleveland County. Ir* The Superior Court Shtilia Mae Hurls, l'laituiff. Vs. j Ua iiiond Hutis, Defendant. NOTICE j The defendant, above -?aiiicdr will J tak<- t.u't ie t'liat an action entitled i .is ,il?i>\. .tits been commenced in | the Superior Court of Cleveland t. County, North Carolina, ' wherein the plaintiff 'seeks ati absolute dl? j \ - adv?oc.t 10;?H. State of North Carolina, [l.'ouniy of Cleveland ( In The Superior Court OUie Childress, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas Kichard Childress, Defendant, .. i ' NOTICE * ; TO THOMAS KICHARD CHI DURESS. Ilefendant: _ .1 The Defendant. Thomas Richard 1 Childress, will take notice that an action entitled above has been com menced in the Superior Court for Cleveland County, North Carolina by the Plaintiff, for the purpose ot obtaining an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony, on the grounds of two (2) years separation ar.d the said Defendant will further take notice that re is required to .appear at the office of th? Clerk oi 'lie Superior Court tor said county, at the C.ourthouse in Shelby. N. C.. on October 16. 1940. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for relet demanded In said complaint This the 16th day of Sept.. 1940. E. A. Houser. Jr., Clerk of the Superior Court for Cleveland County ?adv?oat 10. i y f?1 ?PUNNO,TlHh BUT IT? INK IT! *-7 SMALLPO)^ I^ll 1 " , - i. i f,.v * T- r-* ' '**" ' '' '. ." . v" .' V.' ' ' .' (- I ! . ^ 111 Final Notice to Delinquent TaxPayers There is quite a number of people in Kings Moon tain that awe from 1 to 5 years past due taxes. li. is not fair to the TbWn and the people who do pay their tax. We are giving you this opportunity to ! _ . pay your tax. We hope that it will not be necessary for us to take legal steps to collect them, i J . Come in at once and settle up and save extra cost. ; - ' , I TOWN OF KINOS MOUNTAIN I " Office ofTax Collector. | ... J _ Mi G.N.PORTER ! ! .. j I Ginner - Buyer 1 * * t Has leased the Ware Gin, and invites the fam?~ ? X 9-'' | ers to bring him a bale to gin. J: * * ' ? ' * . V ^ y1 * v. Business Solicited and Appreciated J i ?Reasonable Prices? 2 A t Bring Me Your Next Bale * | Meal and Hulls at TT?e Gin | Cotton Hauled to Gin | Seed and Hulls Returned % t | Deposit Your Seed With Us ?' X . Till Jan. 1st Price Protection ? S * FORM THE HABIT OF SYSTEMATIC SAVING ' \ : Table showing Growth of Optional Stock of Monthly Deposits in Years with Earnings at .4 Percent Per Annum Payable Semi-Annually. r Monthly Savings 1 Year 3 Years 3 Years 10 Yens $ 1.00 $ 12.26 $ 38.29 $ 66.46 $ 147,43 $ 5.00 $ 61.30 $191.45 $ 332.32 $ 737.42 $10.00 $122.61 $382.90 $ 664.64 $147431 $15.00 $183.92 $574.35 $ 996.97 $221237 $25.00 $306.53 $957.26 $1661.62 $3687.12 i * $1.00 Or More Opens An Account Our 71st Series Opened Oct. 1st SUBSCRIBE \OW : ' .*; ') ' ' * " ' V * Home Building & Loan Association A. H. Patterson, Sec'y & Treas. By PERCYHL. CROSBY Cm >n. . Mr*, irfk* r< ,< ? ?i ?n> y,c"J ych ? - ya knoui f Z* ^ y* was a littls l66ry l^**1 ws^ a0out comin' in at hit i ' i ?' -l* first 'caojc ithought | i ^ it mi6ht bfc mumpi| .