Mountain* From Mar \Uy Alauly .doorlteadi .fe hahs like the Mountaineers of airier the direction of Coach ? JA*"1 VavjuiiK. are really "goiitut ijHi pWo-s ami Ho tlniKiTVi-'lSi -* >' two \ i< >! !? >! So reads their aarnrd tints far in tlie , football sea' '* SMI..- ' Tin iswiio last Friday was the first to he played on the dotal grid*t?ai Mi*; year, and the number of Mpertav?e? was estimated at less Mat I*r? hundred *' *" ' ' ? Mtr .teams played excellent ' hull. KifV'v the opposing roam was the yards. In the atmr period Allen ran a punt back 3B? rirrfit for it score., but It was otfted 'back wthen Howpll was offJaStflleve . C$666 UQWDL LULL IS. SALVE. NOSL MOM / ' * ? IMPERIAL Phone. 134 TODAY - THURSDAY . m Moran - Dick Foran in *fW Mummy's Hand" Tom Tyler In "Pinto Rustlers New* ? Serial v '' V 10c TftlDAY and SATURDAY Ken Maynard In Heath Rides the Range" Frankie Darro in "Up In the Alt' uMor G-Men No. 2. Cartoon - 10c and 15c ONDAY and TUESDAY Another Big Hit SasrftKl Ruaiell Brian Aherne In "HIRED WIFE" Latest War New* ?Coming Soon? Oeana Durbln In Thursday i "THE MAN \ Joan Bennett* Balcony 15c?1 i * ? Saturday?1 i "MONEY AND ; Jeffrey Lyrm{ "COL Roy R Balcony 15c?1 Monday a "GIRL FRO Jane 1 Balcony 15c?] F.' . . ' v IS-.' ' . : " " - J' . Wednesday - Bargain ' : ^ : "SIGN OF Frederic March "CHARLIE CHAN AT Sidney TolerI '/ ? Urn * ( . K-'v ' '" ' ' * \ ? ? '' i ' ' * n ;ers Win ion 12 to 6 I side. Outstanding Players. Hunts. number at-ven wait the outstanding player in Marion's back f Jtka-i- -mnl--Crk?t*df niH:?(??r e.hyieUj- wasi kin- bright spot in the line t'ur tiio line tor the visitors. The entire : Mniin'-iiincur team played well, but possibly outstanding wei*e llowell, lilCkey and Gibson. The highlights ni the game were; Dickey's conl Itiu | ullj breaking through Marion's tine. | to throw their backfleht tor a loss . I i a * lull a - it Mr,'., a"11 /. YW U Ware, toppi <1 off by a high spiralling hoot lor r.o yards . . . Gibson s soort pulsing and WuniHck's receiving Allien running like a "streak of grensed lightning" and How! ell's guhd defensive work. The game came to a sudden end . whoa the Marlon Coach, Art Dltt, I rushed out on the field and ordered I Ills hoys to stop the game yith about sevun tnlnutes left to play ill the tinul quarter. It is uudfu'stood that Ditt tlitl not like tire way, Harris, his star jrtayer. was being tackled. However, after the game, the visiting Coach apologized to the Kings Mountain team for his action. LITTLE COMMENTS Among the spectators at' -last week's game was t'rowell Little former coach of the Mountaineers, hut now coach of freshman football at Davidson College. When asked for his opinion concerning Kings Mountain's current team, lie said: "Looks mighty good to me, and they surely deserve a 1'urger croyd than is here today to, see them in acttou.Band Drills During the half the Kings Mouti j lain School Hand thrilled the fans ! with Intricate maneuvers. The outstanding features were the M and K M letter formations. The next game on schedule is to lie played Friday afternoon at 3:30 when Kings Mountain encounters Bessemer City on the local field. The admission will be 35c. Remember Crowell little's words and let's give the team the crowd they deserve. War Relief Garments Being Made Here As a part of the War Relief work National Headquarters of the Amer lean Red Cross is aiding the local ChaRter in securing material for garmeuts and yarn for sweaters. The garments are being made by volunteer workers and the local NT'A group. Miss Clara Dale has i been appointed Chairman of Produc tion of Garments for War Relief. Anyone who y111 aid in making garments or knitting sweaters please get In touch with Miss ,Dale and receive the necessary supplies. Dunn. Oct. 8.--Ralph Weaver, 25, Harnett county farmer, was burned to death yesterday when bedclothtng at his home Ignited. ind Friday I MARRIED" -Frances Lederer Main Floor 20c )oubk Feature THE WOMAN" ?Brenda Marshall OR ADO" . ogers Vlain Floor 20c nd Tuesday M AVENUE A" Withers Main Floor 20c Day - Double Feature THE CROSS" - Claudette Colbert TREASURE ISLAND" ?Cesar Romero Oc To An nn I ' Tii'llWr *i> v ' .. - -?.? RE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD T SAFETY-MAN j '%S?'| ?dl?>** * il ? J .1 .' I ? . j - All I life 1 I George Allen, Jr., eon of George ! Allen, who ie rounding out hie laet I year of high achool football with the Mountaineere. George is an ex> ceptionai broken' field runner and ileo a hard line charger. This-".little get-up of the municipal government! of the respective towns. Mr. Q. S. Arthur, Mlsa Edith Arthur and Miss Kate Carmen of Tryon, accompanied by Mlaa Carmen's brother, Mr. Will Carmen of Illinois were guests of Mr. and Mrs J. H. Arthur Wednesday. Mr. J. H. Arthur and family were visitors at Tryon during the weekend and in company with Mr. Arthur's father and sister of Tr.von visited 8moky Mountain National Park, yhere they were guests of a friend, who is in charge of the park PRESCRIPTION SERVICE We Fill any Doctors' Prescription promptly and accurately at reasonable prices with the I cnvifiiianaA of vnn* nkv. | WBU kUVllW VA JVUI i sician. KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE We Call For And Deliver Phonfa 41?S1 ... .. I' ----jtrated his ability to strike for a touchdown in last Friday's game with Marlon, but the play was called back because of an offside penalty. George is also a star basket ban player, and a very popular boy In school. Special Service At A. R. P. Tiro Rev. w. P.. Oiler, JD. D., of Clover, S. C., will conduct a series of services at the Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church beginning Oct. 14, and continuing through Oct. 20. These services will begin promptly at 7::io p. in. aiid will last one hour. Or drier is an outstanding preacher and this church Is fprtunate In se curing him for this occasion. Every one is cordially invited and urged to attend. Personals (Cont'd from Society page) who is in tralnlug at Fort Jackson. Mrs. H. C. Sprinkle, Jr., underwent an operation at Presbyterian Hospital, Charlotte, lust Thursday and is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Neisler, Messrs Paul Mauney and C. E. Nets ler, Jr., attended the. Duke-Tennessee game in Knoxville last Saturday Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Bollck of Lu Rea, Va., will spent the week end with Mr. and ,Mrs. Carl Mauney. Rev. Uoliclc will preach at the Lutherau Church Sunday. ?O? - : . D. It. Stewart of Gastouia formerII aP ?1- - ? ? ?i I\IIIBC> inuuuut?ii, wiitJ iias Deen a patient in the Charlotte Sanitorl11111 for some time, underwent an operation Monday and his condition Is reported as satisfactory. ( - ?o? Miss Bernice Ware anl Mr. and Mrs. Holland Dixon spent the weekend in Sevlervllle, Tenn., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Van Wrape. They attended the l>uke-T|pnn.. football game Saturday at Knoxville. Little Miss Lossie Lynch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Haywood EL Lynch is reculcerating p^pelg at her home after having her tonsils and adnolds removed in Gastonla Tuesday. Mayor J. B. Thomasson and Councilman W. K. Mauney went to Mor ganton and Newton yeaterday after noon to study and investigate the HUR4DA.Y, OCT. 10. 1M0 I The Talk C I BELK' Fall J I NEW SHIPMENT JUST UNPAC1 ' THIS WEEK-END. SEE Tfl Tweedy.New .Twisty New H I and Worsteds. In a wonderful collect smartest colors and styles. For youni men that stay young. Shorts, stouts, regulars. $12.50 $14.95 $16.50 One Group Men's New Fall SuitsA All sizes, plain or fancy tweeds!k and stripes. Double and single ^ breasted models "BONAIRE" MEN'S SHIR Kings Mountain's greatest shirt vj anteed fast colors and sanforizec All sizes. In whites and fancies. Buy several now. Sale * MEN'S WINTER UNIONS Men's heavy winter unions. Good heavy weight. Regular 69c value. Sale 0%7C I NEW HATS A new shipment just in. All the newest colors. Browns, blacks, tans, greens. All headsizes.? I $3.85 "Emerson" Fall Hats BLOODHOUND OVERALLS I Allen's Bloodhound Overalls. SanforiI zed shrunk. Made of heavy 8 oz. dinims. Kings JVftn.'s greatest overall value. frV SANFORIZED WORK SHIRT I Men's sanforized covert A Q _ | Work Shirt. All sizes HbOC WORK PANTS ' m Men's sanforized work pants. Q7I Alljganted sizes C I UNION suns I Men's heavy weight union Q7r? I suits. AH sizes. Large or smaH ^ WORK SHOES I Men's good grade work 1 A Q I shoes. Sizes to 11 * 4*0 I BOYS' NEW ?v I FALL PANTS C ff uood sturdy H I tweeds in brown & blue, gray or green. All wool. Sizes 6 to 18. Pleat m I ed models with Others as low as I Belks Dt I REMEMBER ? You 1 - '- J -" -' -- .J .JA *4 **? t" 'C t * - -'** 1 .-? * '''VtI If The Town! I S NEW I SUITS I iion of ^ihv f^m?l\ X'^7^\ K men and I|ggB$/ Jftk \ I I 11 I ? I mmm ' % ^ 1 MEN'S SWEATERS Just received new shipment. New I greens, blues, browns, tans and ~ two-tones. Button and zipper styles. Real values. See them. | $1.98 I Other Men's sweaters. Part wool I I Many styles for your selection. 48c and 97c * i mSgJ fl 'Tom Terry" MEN'S SHOES Guaranteed solid leather and guaranteed to wear too. . In sev^ eral new styles. Blacks, browns. I tans and combinations. All sizes I to 11. See them. $9QC I , I Other Men's Dress Shoes I I $1.48 and $1.98 ;| BOYS' PANTS I Boys' sanforized dress pants. All sizes I In attractive mixtures M $1.50 value / C BOYS' OVERALLS I Boys' heavy grade overalls. All sizes, to 16. A real value a q See them **OC Boys Dress SHIRTS. Popular pat- I terns. 48c value. Sizes to 14d 39c I 3 For $1.00 | Boys* Heavy School SHIRTS in solids. plaids or stripes? . jpt. Store I Always Save At Belk*s ' 'y* ' ' . '* 1 \ ' : ' * v': > . .'\V . . . .. ' . .* , \ vc _j . _j.