1 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL J of INTE } . 1 * ? . /. -V * JACQUES?PUTNAM A MAKHiAUt ANNOUNCED / . I'il*: tollov. ii>k.. -meat j bv oi cardial 11.tv i est to lifi-M readers: ' ii - /" Mr. and M Wui'o Hill rutnam ' J ( .Announce the marriage of their t daughter, Itutli Jane, to S'."'Kea.nl , William lfelirt Jac >bos, on October A I be eleventh, nineteen buml red ami y lolly, at Toledo. Ohio. w-? o( Mr. uiid Mi's I'utnam. la n young woman of pleasing peraonali'y anil (I charm. She attended Kings .Moult- Ii thin High School, i-'or a number of ' years she was stenographer in the .1 office or Attorney J. R. Davis. In IKings Mountain and Is. now eonnec- .1 ted with the .Cleveland County Ileal > ill Department and has been In s Shelby for sometime. I Sergeant Jacobes is the son of the lat? Mr. and Mrs. Jacobcs of j Aslieville. He is in the United Sla- 1 ten Army Air Corps and Is located at J Selfridgo Field, Michigan. ; - ( l V i 1 Favorable-weather- during the part s few weeks has enable Frankiin ^ County farmer to harvest apnroxlmutely 5000 bales of coilon yiulaio-aged by rain. < IMPERIAL Phone I'll 1 s Today - Tnuisdav j, Bill'Cody in . .j i "Reckless Bucarroo" Bary Maekay in j > "Torpedo Raiders" Serial ? News ioc i' Friday and Saturday The Range Busters in , "Trailing Double Trouble" East Side Kids in ' ; "That Gang of Mine" Serial ? Cartoon Monday and T'uesday Another Big Hit Richard Dix in "Men Against the Sky" March of Time ? News Wednesday and Thursday 1 Tim McCoy "Gun Code" Kent Taylor Linda Hays, in "I Am Still Alive" Coming Soon "Spring Parade ' Thursday ? Frii "BOOM Clark Gable?? Claudette Colbert Matinee?30c, 3c tax ? Child re No Passes ' ' ' " ' ' V v *1 I muuuuy itui "THE SEA Errol Flynn ? E Balcony 15c?M Wednesday - Double F "THE GIRL FRi "EARTH Warner Baxter10c tc < - , > on . f ' . v':' y ' t , ^ HAPPENINGS REST to V\ PHONES 10 R AM) 88 i h+++->+++**++* *CrST EoS AT URIUOt PARTY ait.s Mitchell Y\ IliiiuiiH W.U host | ?t a i.osl delightful t> i lilac par-1 e i t lii.tiiiui^ i mrir!' en 7' nday' evi'iijiiK. 1 .jvs'Jy i,ill tiyxviti ailoiiX'il the ; ' uoi.ls. Mi d. Jbhll Ultlnhh. I'ei'l'ivi i j v 11*/< ior limli stui'i! wiU Mis i MshJru | ' li-l laHi. l. t?f( pl'Ue. [. ' A iU'lii'ious salad course with :i< i i:s.iuii?is iiiul a sweet course was i * * 1" foleraiin*, N. l\. Miss \lu- j ile I'owell' of -tklftcld. N. I'., Mrs. j I illicit Duvis of Chester. S. Mrs > ohn (lainhle. Misses Kayo MainieV. n 'unity Carpenter, Debit; Suber, Nina i aihson, Martha Frances McOltl. v ilai'RUl'et Corn we)', Dorothy Halter- s on. Douglas Flunk and Mr.dye Me- 1 i.lf.lol. y ' :? |, HOSTESS AT CHOP-SUEY >UPRER [ Miss . Sara ,Loe Harrill was hos- t ess at a Chop-suey supper at the ( iot.no of her parents on ICast King > itreet Saiturdav evening at G:;10. | Lovely fall flowers were arranc- j si in living A?>m anil dining room ittraetlvely arranged wit It a profits on of dalilias roses and other flow?rs. . . L Vif.i TV'V. fridges Tit? 1 iliareo of lie program the topic of which w:v? n 'SI ewa rdshin" end was assisted l>v y diss Iaiwrame and Mrs. Manlv ? I tforehrad v 1 h Tempting and attractive refresh-; j nents were served with the 11n 1 - j owe'en motif observed. ! ? . o i ll DovC^patilfj? IC& Oj CfOtfT^ cok#'! ^ e Boiet/ftq CL..J}".00 fll UWtAC/t/ mio OX*,',, ' v pkoSpftiCje. GTWIomia HO t aliuAa, IA?UM. fta^EA O/ ' feffi^L_ta&t?^u> mZtfci 1 kcio wiurLiynn u&?. ? Ijtnd far FREE roclp* book. Addrtm Rum- u ford Raking Powdor ? ?o? E. Rumford, R.I. ^ ^ < lay ? Saturday s TOWN" E spencer Tracy ? Hedy LaMarr c > , d ? Night?40c, 4c tax u n 45c Accepted c 1 Tuesday l HAWK' Irenda Marshall 1 y ain Floor 20c eature - Bargain Day OM HAVANA" BOUND' ?Andre Leeds > all 1 C IE TTB KTNfW MOUNTAIN HKRAUT1 /OMEN MttS- A- H. PATTKKSON, +***+*+++*< : *** >* >* **** ! tllbSIONAKY t,iHl?i_fc vlbk.l:> \s 'SUU1?*A> \V i.i t I V-T v? .? in ? .' . 4l5i'? \y Ok. j:0 I'i "\V?\?V- U* ? ',0 Vil*'/ L| | ^ _rjw -hiiVi ti oil Al/ii?iiay. in?? Viu?C>\i ;v". v4i**a ^ ioijiV iojiin t;, - -tOiiv ? 1.1' juranI HMyUKliaiil llU" lio>ii%\ kt '.ik?* \ ?#.?? 1i:m? i. ? ! ' oi-/ ? 0 it 4? * 11* t c^? I At is. U uu.r.'i. A , 1 Jiile leatU-r," uu illicit!iti# ,a|i^ " 1 t ?? ;Nl J * .' . :i i\. i 10. i . . . i:.:*1?""* -^^r* lUlli .M I -. IV! > ? I \|.-.vuuan- > I ,?Vtcr Wiitihi. l>?''k Tau>, II.' . l\; ' UClam. Mi'., .viaiil> Mum lit.nl. invi t soul ui nit: .ili.<)iuiury jsoi-ivtj. J-. .|.l lit' ;t alltil i lain. "lilt'. ilt.a.t'V?. at r i Ail a aula a cuuiai? \\tili ait^.-.torii'S, ' aiitlsviciiiis, iifi'tiraU u.- iak>-s ami I tlLsslaii f<;?. A ? L?it>! nyle.of gic'vll a iiii oianye wan observed, the Hah uwe'en motif being used. Those present other than the ho? ^ essew were ilesclatitC*S ' liyrou J/C*y- 1 er, Mali)} .\iooi hea-.t. Diek Tate, it. ( Mrf lean, lla'Mer Wright. Hyburn | "arboro, Atwootl MvDaniel, Joe 1 lord; Doris LiUlejolin, (jlaiiden, laxter llayes, Jake Hord. laid Hold l.eorge' I lord, llill Pirtnam. ONIOR WOMAN'S CUB MEETING 'i I'." Juilior* y. w.oans . Club inet loada> eVet.i: T, .t.UL Till, at lli\? lonn"of Mis Jaeofi ("ooper. wi ll 11Coupe li, .\ji i \V:. K Mammy, Jr li- I lii" r.ii<1 , .alii' .Vii.-5 UtViel Cohorts a > hO?ioA . A SUiiiU -i s.lv'. A- A' ;i . ^ -i IJ> ' V?* lOs'iL*S:i?.:>. aliii .kiiV* ? ll?V bUsltiOSS ui UtiUl "v\**?.?' il. :uiVU '\+t I njoyca ))> in- 4nv?*.i.t; til' ?iu* ciijb/ Us. Onu l'lwi it'i i?vil ?ore* prize. .UNCHdON GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. lien V. Bc\mi had ;%> iiiu-ncon gu*.bis . jtiJiUii, , .vt:. ilaiu-j iill Sprouso. of Brooklyn. N V . .Ms ! laCblHll Sl?.OUs . S,.*C4? .u Ul V. iiiUl-l ( uii iColli'tfo; Mr. as.it .Mr.s. Kd Uv;uis . lr. .1. M. ;Si- iHij-o* oi A-ih:r?on S. * |.\ ilr. and Mrs. 13. II. Huiniiiiil oi Liu- ( olhtoii . All and .Mi's. Lester Li.iin i. Bessemer City. JUOY CLUB ENTERTAINED All's. W. T. \Y?.ity assisted by livr iiother, Airs. Kiler.bc, was hostess ' * a ibi! SlitU\ Club and invited quests, 11 Tuesday afternoon at her home, oloil'ul rail flow is vveiis. lt-< d i.roiighout the house. All's. Pride Kalteaide, president, 'resided. | Mrs. JJesiei; Hoke had chaise ol lie program. r Mrs. Paul Mauney and Mrs. Proeor Thompson interestingly discuss d French. History of the 15th and ::th centuries.' After the program a business leeting was held. Mrs. Proctor 'hompson was elected President r.cceedlng Mrs. Pride Rat terror. Irs. Aubrey Mauney. Vice Presllent. Mrs. Haywood Lynch. Scoreary, succeeding Mrs. Chas. \Viliams. | A delicious salad and sweet cour ;e was served to the guests. MttOGE CLUB HOSTESS Mrs. Charles Billing was hostess o members of the Contract Bridge Ilub entertaining at her home Tuea lay afternoon. Roses, chrysanthemums, zinnias iud other flowers were effectively irranged in decoration. After the game a tempting salad ind sweet course was served. Those' playing included Mesdamesl Jeorge Lattimore, Joe Noisier. K. IT. \'ebb. Hunter Noisier. Arnold Riser 'aul Noisier, Jim Smith and Huyne ilapkmer. * ! hostess to adelphian ;lub ano guests Mrs. Arthur Hay was hostess to nembers of the Adelphian. Club and nvited guests entertaining at her ion>e on Uaston strict on last i fhursday afternoon. Lovely fall flowers were- arranged n living room and dining room. Mrs. J. K. Anthony scored high ! ind Mrs. K. A. Harrlll. low. each re elving attractive trophies. Mrs. , V. T.. Weir receiped floating prise A tempting chicken salad, with ac essories and a sweet course was ierved. tttend saturday game Mr. and Mrs Hayne Blackmer,' dr. and Mrs. Panl Noisier and lonse guests. Mr. and Mrs Allen rulln of New York City. attended he V. M. I.-Davidson game in Char-| otto Saturday. 1 THURSDAY, OCT 17. 1940 Personals . vl Mr Clait'tictJ Coto.'tli continues j. ii n at Itlj- homo licit. ?o? Mi?r Mamie I'liHik. student ill. Cil' i lisboi o Co 11 Lye, spelll lite week, i n.d ? i u In i iiaii llts. ^ j " * ? J Mi> Stun I.???, i<:' Columbia, s t\, w.t: i un< s' >! lciutiv"; in-.Klnas >i?ntii;i.i ilui tiiu tin- weekend. : | Mr. :\Vt|?o?i Ciain. Jr., is v I -1 - , in" . '" in-. ,v? k ill , riior j ^ v. - . i ~ ? " i l';i;.l anil MrS. KhI'I \V' il- luvt'*< I.'. I.. ! 1 i . i -i. !' ijn im o. ii liniiHK r i v MotlKlHin. ? > >?,i ?i.n, ii n i V! r .lint Mt> (ail M;i.'Hi?*> I'ft Tiiim :Ui> .nU-li' tor "a trip to Xi w Yoik. M-O? Mi s jl (.' >|ni ikli' Jr., ii ttii iii-il I'ui? fioui the I'wsl.vtt . ian bos pita I where shi until t*0in ;(. niajm , xsi'\. I ii * ?\?ll . , (JJ? Titer. will In- a supper a' tin- Pau line Club. Iloiisv Friday niitlit, Oct[Sth The public is lonltally Invited to attend. ?o? ,.1-awycr .1, |{. Itavis-is conTitud to Ids iutjtic dith sick tress. His litany fri?-: (U wish for liim a spool y re-! ov< r.y. ' ?O? Itoro'.hy Hoke, student a' >V. i', . N C. (Jiccijsbot'). spc.ii; tin-. w'i < I. ml hi j- homo- in Kings MmttiliVP . i tM anil ,\| s. .yllott .Ittlin of N't.r . ? . t'.t,. tvci'l-'. l,|." I- jf Mi', ' jilt l I ,ti. Paid N-idcr during tit" past ' ,v1 tv-cfnl. I --o? , | \iiss Kuitii* Hon!. who works' in I Ami > ike. was 'a u\ .*? tilt! .v.'okctiil of iter sister. Mrs. C. If. PaiN.' Alis is luniplas and Mary Plonk "p'c.-d the fatuous Kit U less Cay r,s ..i N-w Maii.it, Vu\. while on ,t motor trip throat: h the She.tan i->ah Valley of Virginia to ce inly'. \t it, . in.... i ..i> ? . ... .?* iiiri ,ii i r>. .in-\ i/l im> Vil. .?11? J* Margaret %'(.unwell. an cup butter to the consistency of thick cream, sifting in 1% cups confectioner's sugar slowly, beating until the mass is fluffy, then adding 1 teaspoon flavorins extract. ONE STEP WON'T GET YOU THERE And One AD Won't Bring Success--You Must Keep On Advertising . I -. . \ * i ' | CALL OR SEE " ! ''' ^\'\V%.' j 1 Kennon Blanton j At Terminal Ser. Station j" - PHONE NO. 10 j : ^ jST STKUC11I liKOS.' ... > & . ' . ' r ' ' ' * j Ftjicsu ftTTT t. , 1 : W Kin** Mountain W nitinj: For ? Soil ! Ill,- Modern Mer? 1 ;?nt j'I'erritorv i v.aii lor SAI 1 ^ ( ^HEAttVERto I 1 ?i?iCMB .fail i iff n> a fa i?"iai 7T it infii m r~ n NEW LOYKLINKSS I OR I HK LADlV.S I -w . ' ' . .. ' s. .ft Just received Brand Nov numbers in Yardler ' . . " ' -. j , -jvi such as Bond Street Lipstick in new shades. Bond Street Toilet Water and Bond Street Ousting Powder, the Popular Trio package of Toilet Waters and Ix>tus Lavender. . .* Come and see these new creations by Yard ley. Kings Mountain Drug Co. ' The Rexall Store Phones 11 and 81 j ^ * : * . f' '' MYERS Tweed Suits in Diagonal Weave. All Wool, Blue 1 and Tan .Mixtures. 'Puree Button, Single breasted sack styles? _ | j One Pair Pants 14.95 : | I 19.95 !! ' . i .$ Mens* Overcoats .. " They are the newest styles and are real values. Wll-made for warm wearand styles. Sport ami Iff Dress models in the latest 1910 colors. Ir 1 Two Groups to Select From 11 12.50 & 14.95 1 Myers'Dept. Store I 1 ' I . * : '