V. >. ^ ?v- ; v .-. ,; . - . . . . V. .- . . . v . . ,, . ;. I '*'. - ; "y's . . - ' ; _ . Church A Central Methodist tiiUiClk M. C. Sprinkle. Jr., Pas-.or ?.Ui A M I inuvii isvbool, doner?l ttuperinieiiouiii. H. S, Peeler. VV.Ob A. M. Morning Worship. t4*iinoe.' "I'ijaim u> Try Again."___ tk?i?llu(iun ?Jimii It School ufliTrf.r> iiiiil iearlurs Kt 1' M Kpwor.th t.euguv: ineel U<- y ThoiliiiSj h.'htler; Tlu* evening ser\ iee will he eulleil >8 hi tavor" lit lit meet inn si IJoyee Vi'iivirtnl A It. P. I'Jiureh. Xf? rtilil-we'ek prayer 'service wilt .?< liile to llle meeting; of the Vrecie ii. Iligh Polm. I toy ce Memorial A. At. A'. Church U. K'. Uulnl, Minister. IM.00 A. M. 1.1 lf]?e sm IuhiI. .1. I. Me lill iieiior.il SuperInioiiilont. 11:110 A .iM. Morning Worship apil Awuw'i by l?r, W. P. drier. IV M. livening Worship and tomun by J?r W. P. drier. 2 :<0" P. M. Junior Christian l.'uion CU> r.llKiUJI'dl rtUlllUIlJ, WOiiner.. ; P. M. Intermediate Christian _ - a ion. Miss Martha K McGill, loud ?i c> I'. M Young Peoples Christjta Colon. Workday: ? iV3i> I' M. Mintiif Alexander Cir:< !?* at Iioihi1 of Mrs. .T. M. Garrison, He* J. K Anthony. Loader 3:30 P. M. Mario Stevonson Olrij>' at homo of Mrs. .1. M Patterson Mrs. J M Patterson, Leader. 7:3(1 P. M Mary Kennedy Circle' -with Mrs. J. R. Onnihle.' Miss FreeTbrc niaek. Louder. WednoAtiny: 7:3(1 P. M. Dr. I,. I. TBbTtoIs will show Stereopttcon slid ?s and lead the Home Mission Study Jbr the Woman's Missionary Society SJl are Invited. The Rvangellstlc Services boinsf varMfnoted by Dr. W. P. Drier will wrmtmno through the remainder ot Ybfs week, closing Sabbath evening. f*-f"her 20th. ThH -congregation inrftes von to attend these services at TrfP p M. Presbyterian Church Rev. P D Patrick Paatot ?:15 A. M. Sunday School. C. F. "Thomasson, Supt. IliSrfra I [Values! Shoppers I For Home Store I flour 1 . Rose Royal 24 pounds | 65c I STRING BEANS ft or I i PINECONE CORN 1 \ 2 NO. 2 CANS |i 15c m lard |> Pure 9 4 Pounds 29c - 8 Lb. Carton I 57c YuNo I Tall"caiTstandard 1 FRUIT [cocktail 10c FAT BACK 2 Pounds 15c SUGAR 10 Lb. Paper Bag l 45c Home Stores Good Bats - Zero Prices ; "Where the Dollar Does It's Duty" I Phone 38 We Deliver i . y i . ! ; .v' * - ' " ' V ' .*' ' ' f ' ^ Jews?11;Oo A. M. Mottling Worship. Sermon subject: Sound of March ing ? full in Glue. ' P, M. Sunday School' at Dls. on School house. J. G. Durraeott Superintendent., i::J0 I'. M. Young 1'eople's Yesperi Tina congregation v, ill worshli with It. ,l';t sbyH 7:31 for the closing sor\ ice of their mec nig.' . Monday 7 I' Al. Uo> Scout ;. Trool Die. Mr. Carl Davidson, Seouttnas tcr; Messrs W, it Thomson attc IfatVy Page. Asst. Scoutmasters. Tuesday 7.15 P. M Prayer meet ing at Mai'gract* t'oininuuity House ?amaajKumsumB&im ,m%?sam:Tsn.i ;unr> j First iiapiisl Church A O. Sargeaui. Pastor Sunday morning W'oiVhip 11:00 Sunilay School 0;4cl. Junior Worship 11:00. Sunday night service 7. 3ty. Newly . elected ottieevs of the lie leriuediuie Daptlst Training Union: Pifi'sideul Miss Gloria Corn well. Vice President: Miss Jo KeetCr. Secretary, a. ti Sttrgeuat. Jr. Treasurer. Jimmy Wiills 1st (Y.oup ''aiiAain: Helen Pa ye Cash; 2nd Group Captain. Marguer ite Tip da II;' Sont? Ltutlor. Florence Rhea; Pianist: Rachel MeClain. Tile Gleaners Class will celebrate their 7ili anniversary by a class par ry, Satuniav afternoon at 3 o'clock at the lioine of Mrs. E. K. Roberts \vilh .Mrs S N'. Gibson as joint hostess. All members and honorary members ape invited lo come and take part itf the fun,'' Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick, Pastor Sunday School 9:40. M. R. Caldwell. Supt. Morning Worship 11:00.Evening Worship 7:00. Prayer service Wednesday even ing 7:00. . All are welcomed to come and worship with us. . . : GRACE IVTETHODIST S. W. Johnson, Pastor Sunday School 9.45 Frank Green Supt. Worship Service 11:00. pworth I,eague 6:30. Evening Service 7:30. Wednesday night prayer service 7:30 P M. Park-Grace Bible Church John L. Grpgory. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. 7:00 P. M. Evening Services. Sunday evening Service 7:00. Each Saturday 7:00 P. M. Evangc Untie service. Second Baptist Church Rev C C. Parker, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. n> and 7:30 o. m each Sunda . Wesleyan Methodist R. L. Phillips, Pastor Sunday School 9:45. Morning Service 11:00. W. Y. P. S. or Class meeting 6:15 Prayer Servtce Wednesday 7:00 Evening Service 7:00. Despite dry weather during the early summer, lespedeva and other hay crops In Wilson county are returning good yields. The mattress making project for low Income farm families is progres sing satisfactorily in Mecklenburg county. Cumberland county growers have received 120,000 pounds of Austrian winter peas thru the AAA grant ol ain program for fall seening. W. M. Norris of Tomahawk, Bla ren county, has sold J50d pounds ol honey from his apiary during the past year for 8 cents a pound. Poultry improvement work undei the National Poultry Imprqv^nent Plan lias expanded stead.\- sine* the launching! of the cooperative Federal-State program in 1935. The smoking of cheese- with hlc kory kindling Is la t estpi vceat being tiled by. the IoA'a {experiment Station In an attempt to lmprort cheese flavors. EVERYBODY SUFFERS FROM STAGE FRIGHT intensely InteteaUug story which reveals why human beings suffei fropi stage fright and ways to our? ourselves of this embarrassing feeling. One of many features in the Oc tober 20th issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY the big magazine distributed with THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN On Sale At All Newsstands .* *' ' / HOC KINGS MOUNTAIN HMULD FURNITURE MAN I $?* I I L I IR& A?* JHi t I n f?m jHj B E. C. "Red" McClain, who lo no associated with the O. F. Hoi I rn??Uti>A?o> ?; Ml IlltUI ? VV< A total of 25,000 bales of cotto wore graded and .classed under tli supervision of the State Depar in n't of Agriculture's warehouse d vision in 1939. . ANNOL * . who i surroi *i 1 F. Ho them on C< I OUR Pi ? I _ v 1 ? \ The D. F. B t | ton, H. Tom lie in a frie I I customer is times a cor ? > stilt live up > t ' . i i h " ? - . v v . I D.F.I / I ' 'i*r . * J - - 1 A;J o > i-rVv " TJ fURSDAY, OCT. 17. IM Local Student Joins Fla. University Chi Phi (Special To Tlie Jieiart) . Charles Thomasson, young son ot Mr. anil Mrs. C. F. Thomasson of 308 Fast King Street, of Kings Moun ft:in, K. C? has Just announced bis pledging of the Chi Fhi social fraterulty. Charles entered tlie University of Florida this year as a Junior, lie graduated from the Oak nidge Military institute atOuk Ridge, N. liist Juno. Already Charles lias mu.lc a name for himself On the Florida campus. ] hn. Tww up?;ivi-..tii-rd Furniture Co., Inc., extend when they desire Quality Fur mvenient Easy Terms. OLICY . . tord Furniture Co. is now own i- Fulton and E. C. McClain, wl tndly courteous manner, and entitled to fair dealing and nplete line of furniture for ev< to our slogan, "Buy It For Lef \m . . . * c ford Fur "Buy It For Less * -' ' *-&kr. *?: ' ' - ,.v<- ' . - ; . _ V.- - '.v., '} a pledged lo Alpha Pht Omega. the taleut In his chosen field. scout service fraternity. A. P. O. is I With the pledging of the oldest very active on the campus, serving ( fraternity in the United States and as ushei s at footbull games end being on the receiving end of many sponsors Of.local Scout troops. campus honors. Churles If off to a grand start at the University or Scholastic-ally. Charles is entering Florida. - ^ the School of Architecture.. The Ac i cliltvrctural school at Florida Is rec-l sped excessive for conditions is ognized as one of the best in the ,he chjef factor In fatal accidents country. Charles Is applying himself i ?? North Carolina streets and highvery well and Is showing particular ways. ^^^ tt> ^BCM*lPd>>Jff?r'naruiiaierMrB]lifc|'lra^T^ r_T iSfc'-r-*? - ?i r--rr-rr ^Hoc# than 40.600.000 passengers each year "elect" to go by Greyhound?it's the popular choice for a balanced travel budget. ** * ' e.ma.ta.a. ??- r??< i/? w fl Mcclain ni ture buyers of Kings Mountain and ociated with us. Mr. McClain and the D. a cordial invitation to everyone to visit ni ture at Reasonable Prices for Cash or * 1 ' ' . . * ' * . ' .< % ' . *. ' * V t ed by D. F. Herd, Mrs. Nell Fu!will continue to serve the pub ' : ' , -i , will fllwovo in minJ 4U..1 41 1 n nvvp in iiuim tliai fllC honest value. We will carry at all ;ry room in the house, and we will js at Hord's." ? - . -lite _ ' . * ; -vi?" i * \ * *" ' V" ' " t' niture Co., Inc. At Hord's" . '