There's Winter Work In Gardens, Orchards plain now for your next year's gar den, and prepare for planting early vegetable plants In February and March, advises H. R. Nlswonger and U. P. Watson, horticulturists of the N. C. State College /, Extension Service. They point out that November", December and January are not regarded generally as Important for garden and orchard work, but there are many necessary tilings that can lie done, to best advantage during the winter months. The liame gar-1 den and orchard do not demand o | great amount of time, but they do i? The Extension specialists make the following suggest ions: Broadcast manure to be turned under In November or disced in early in the spring. If the. gul den is ott clay soil break It ill November to Improve lie physical condition. Repair fenc es or bull'd new ones If the garden is in a new locution. Prune and spray all fruit. trees And grape vines. Peach trees not treated for borers in-October should have the borers removed now by Iiana. hjui posts uikI slakes and >lace conveniently to be used next < ummer to support running beans, oinatoes, and small fruits. QUICR RESULTS ? LOW COOT HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS 2c a word for first inrertier: half price for subsequent Insl tiona. Minimum charge 2Ec. Do not ask for |i ormat'on regarding "keyed" ads, as they arc strictly confidential. If error la made, The Herald Is responsible for. only one incorrect insertion. The customer Is responsible for subsequent insertions. The advertiser should notify immediately of any corrections needWant ads. are always cash in advance except to business men or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. FOR RENT: Four rooms, and cloven room boarding house 'or sale. Fee Mf's. George lloone. Railroad Avenue. WANTED TO RENT: One horse farm. Can run self. James Thornburg. R-l, Kings Mountain. ll-7p I" a> .*** * <* ri'hti T.H1 OUR DEMOCt y-i THE FRUITS II j OF DEMOCRACY ^^BZ?^ulToemoc tu / \ POLITICAL AN i W6H?* U ^^^^LBATHTUEg 4^ ARE 90 % OF THE WORLO'S TOTAL. world's popolation.wec NEARLY 65 % OF ALL LIFE INSURANCE IN FOA iMjORE THAN '"^Hj 12,000,000 FAMILIES' HAVE TELEPHONES, 48.5 OF ALL IN THE WORLD. MAKE MONEY EY REAPING THE APS The P riGUlii\ IT' Itf JUST! I %i >TV1EK? iSl^S aw ANorHrtT^^vjr no/ TO DO BUSINESS, ^ ADVERTISE * - .' * . . : lUL I / llfi'}/^ V /tf^> lite /fe? p A M""5^ : '^xx The More Folks You Tell The More Goods You Sell aweatisfehefie ;y kids Willie's Kath? - | 'V' levy u/tLuef2^ tlLL YOU L6MD \ l IC W0|n3l^ ^ ^ ^ >. jvf.v* > * . v 1 ? . _L- , ,! 3 KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. IACV -- -- byM^J ICY OFFERS, BESIDES 3 D RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, A VtNG STANDARD, MORE , THAN ANY Q ?* NAT,ON- j||| D,0T OF 30 MILLION FAMILIES, MORE THAN ' ,26 MILLION OIV/V RADIOS. ^Waiting For a Sail The Modern Mefeliant Docsn'i wail for SALES ^-IlE A|)VERTISFS W O m ????^~-?- i I tmmf w inn DDiKJTiwr. Dunwc 1A7 GOOD MILK MjADE BETTER It's Pasteurized Order Yours Tod >r "Cleaned out" the cellar ^suRe/ THuaamY, OCT 29. 1940 ""administrator's notice Have,* mieu an administrator of the estate of Bessie Hauiseur, deceased. late of Cleveland County. North Carolina, this is to notify all " persons having claims -against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to tre undersigned at ins office In Kings Mountain. N. C\. on or before the 1h>1i dav #f September. IffTt". 01 Kis"plf*,?r5" tCTf b?e?T?teaae said estate will please mnke liiiinedlnte paMn^nt. This ISth day >f September. 1911 \V. L. Itatnscur, Administrator of the Estate of B''?sle Items'nr. neceaced. ---adv- c.? i ::i H III! I,. !> . ?.S?Cii. II North Carolina. Cleveland County. , In the Superior Court ! ? Hoy Cooper. I'laintlff, Y* Ellen Millwood Cooper, Defendant'.' SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The above named defendant will' tuke not'ii i that an action for dt f vorce mi the grounds of tw;'c> years reparation has been commenced iii ilie Sup' iioi Court . of Cleveland .County: North Carolina; Said d" 1 I'enduut will fui'tlur take notice that she is reunited to'"appear anil ans wer at the office of the Clerk of j Superior f'dcrt of said county in' the Court' lldiiui. :,t lAlinlliv Vnrtli Carolina, on tlie-ITih day of Novotn lipr. 1040. or within the tint"- thorp ( a ft of allowed by law. or .the Plain- i (ill will apply to rlio Court- for tlte relief (bmaniliHt in suit! Complaint.. Tht# jit It day of October. lit 10. I 10. A. -liousp'r. Jr. f'lci'k Sup? rior Court, fjeralil B (lofortlt, , Attorney. I'm IMaiutiff >--n:>v. 1 J. j i NOTICE OF SALE Under and by vie tie of the power of sale, contained in a mortgage ' flced, ; given by Dorcus I'a.v.-onr fo j Mrs. May Kiscr and A. It. Kiscr.'onj 1 lie 8th day of February. 1(129, and registered in the llcglstei of Deeds ! OTTtee fo* Cleveland County in Book j )3!? at plig" 235 to .secure the iudebt- , pituess therein -nientioned ai>d df- j fault having been inane iti same, we. j he und o signed will sell for cask I i ; the Courthouse door in Shelby,' . Cleveland County. N. on Monday. December 2nd. l'.t-tu. at l'f.On A M (j (? wPhin,legal linurs. the following i described real estate: j i.egin lots Nos. 51 and. 52 of the# i Wkjtesides' property as' surveyed and platted by John I,. Stacy, (regis i let ml Sut voyor) on September 21st and 22tnl. I'd211, said plat being on record in lie office of the !tegist<-r r.f Deeds for Cleveland County in Plat Book No. 2. on page No. 27 to which reference, is hereby mtde for a full and complete description of said lots by metes and hounds. This 24th day of October. 1040. Mrs. May Kiscr and A. B. Ki'sev. Mortgagees. .1. 1< Davis. Atty. ?adv nov 20. 1 1 ? M I II I. . I nil. JW .. N READ THE Ab$ j i 1 llf'.l .1 ' I j | /viong with tne iNews 11 I S" V- : . " ? ' : ^rasssB^arni? \ m *m jjji Rya * UMQ Jflk * ' ? :' ' * i ' I ?i: . ' y ?V / ; .. FOR JOB PRINTING * Htlp your tooth si * ... uso Calox of 11 oil VHOOll'* oui ill** natural Calox too. IJur**. mini Cooil 1 lotl?* !.i ? iiiiii* I. HTnidiiifi H? tli?* l??ri make Calox an trftiu .tootfi eiiaiucl. Cot t . Send The NEW- WAJ Launderers, Cleaner? (iastonia's Oldest, 1 Phone 8 'i - . ' . *. Our Truck is in Kings : form the habit ( savi: Table showing Growth of thly Deposits in Years wii cent Per Annum Pays Monthly Savings 1 Year 3 Years $ 1.00 8 12.20 8 38.20 8 5.00 8 01.30 SI 91.1o ,810.00 8122.01- 8382.9(1 $15.00 8183.92 8571.35 825.00 $300.53 8957.20 $1.00 Or More < " > . . Our 71s Opened SUBSCRl Home Build 4 . ' . . i ; . M . - ' . Assoc A. H. Patterson By] ' {vtlLL, WH6R.E IS ito LOOKEO ALIO YOUR CELLAR A I CAN*T F/NP ?PHONE 167 ' * " i* '? ' ' .. _ ' ' * ' * \ ,* *;'. *'; " * * hine like the stars * Tooth Powder * brightest klut> um> Cllul lo help bring < ( llii-ir teeth and >ou can r<*ly on bv-ollie. plca*aiit-tu?litig? approved l?y nreau. live tested iiikr<- a i Hi* i