SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ] I of INTE ? -? ?? - T f, ? !II?? ? ?> > ?? < I - . Bride Honored I ] Mrs. Joint Handle and Mis* IAjei?e|( /' Putnam were hostesses to a number pj| '/ of itlcit frieuds Kliday night, Wheal ( ' they entertained at the home - of j j the latter, honoring Mrs. Robert ? ii-v .w-at, , .v:-.- . M iU<. . Randall: tiuests registered in a lovely j bride's book which was presented j u the bride, together With a shower i t of other beautiful and useful gifts. Unmes and contests were enjoyed. A tempting salad sourse w ith a-> j cessories was served. The Hallowe'en motif was observ-1 ? ed In decorations and refreshments c. Those present included Mrs. Rob j jj eft ilauua, the lionoree, Mvsdaiues-' Hilliard Black. Pat Tlgnor, Robert'/ Randall, l,loyd PuUerson, William j Herodon; Misses Julia MtJJitttJe!, ' I Niua Herndon, Majil 'Stewart, Viols./' White tind Ruth Humphries. Out-af! I -town guests wore Mt'r." W. 11. Jac \ V obes, of Sliclby, sister of the hostesses, Mrs. Clegg Gofortli, of Kan J hapblia and Miss Naomi and Edna ' Manna of Gastonia. t] Honored At Birthday lMjjner !' /Mrs. (*. K. Noisier was honored aix >' /a lovely birthday dinner party glv-'V I en by- her dHUgllter,." Mrs. Harold j- y I Hutiilieutl and Mrs. Harry Page at | I i the Noisier lionte on North Pied' j'| vjgiont Avenue, Tuesday at 0 o'cloik.?'/j The home was beautifully decora i ted w ith yellow and Vhtte clirysan- [ titaniums, roses and autumn leaves. ' The color scheme Tn the diniifg room was yellow and while / ' ,, The table was covered with an Sin/ ,, ported linen cloth, in the center Wi,s\l j. a howl of yellow and white chrysan*.. themums and at eacli end were crystal candelabra. A delicious dinner was served. Those present Were: Mr. Gene ls Noisier and son, Hilly Gene. Mr. and / Mrs. P. M. Ntjisler and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Noisier and - family;/ ' Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Neislor and' daughter, Mr and Mrs. Jiarold Hunlilcutt and son. Mr and Mrs. Harry Page aad young daughter, and Mr'. ' Bill Page, and Mrs Geo. P. Davis of ^ Charlotte.; ' | All of Mrs. Neisler's children . and / grand-children were present except f Mr. and Mrs. \V. T. Brewer of Pensncolu. Pla. and Mr. Paul Noisier, Jr., of Duvldson College. ( . 1 Farty For Recent Bride / Mesdames James Clontnger, Jack I Kennedy and J. B. Self were host- ^ \ esses at a miscellaneous shower gi ven last Thursday eveniug at the home of Mrs. Claude Ware, compHmet it lug. Mrs. Robert Randall, nee , Miss Louise Goforth. ?r" Colorful fall flowers were used in decoration. Games were played and priests presented. j (Delicious refreshments were sen- . ved. . The bride was presented a shower of lovely gifts. Guests included Mesdames Robtert Randall, Ernest Hayes, Pat Tig c nor, dlllllard ?piack, Grady MoCarter J Gilbert Hord, Hoyd Patterson, Bob Hanna, John Randall, Abe Martin, Bessie Dickey, Clarence Black, Holland Dixon, Prank Goforth, J. P. Ware, Gordon Hughes, BUI Herndon c BUI Black, Clyde Bridges; Misses ' Elisabeth Barber, Ailene Black. Claudia Ware, MaJU Stewart, Pearl Kerr, .Dutch Clonluger, Mabel Lo- * gan and Julia McDanlel. ,, (.1 ; a Birth Announcement Born to Mr. and Mrs. P. L. "Pete" (| Lynn, a daughter, Mitchell Ann?, on Thursday, October 24th. ' I GamJjle-Queen 's Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Queen announ ce the marriage of their daughter. Margaret Alleen, to Hunter J. Gam-I \ ble of Kings Mountain and Fort IJ I'.ragg, at Oaffney. S. C. Friday, Oc-1 f tober 18, Mr. Oamble is the son of' * J. J. Gamble of Kings Mountain.' ' qwmQQaaQQQO : pturiptiile. GntfuMJi ao , ffsuKA A. ??r< UWm f?w4?f ? S?? >.??? -<.?.1 ^ Bt *,. v Kjw*., 1 . . v Sti. . 1 HAPPENINGS REST to \ : ;' *.-* ' * > PHONES 10-R AND 88 ? ?????????? m ? m m m, ? ? ? ? ? p v 91 v ttt^ ( Entertains Home Arts Jlub Mr* Charles ThoinuBsun enter i111'(I tin' Home Art* Club at her iopu- Wednesday aliernooii The n/ht of the Thomassou home war '? >*?? hi inn ntil' iitra aiirii^wn IS added eoloi- ami beaut\ to the Moms. The (IhihiK room tubb- huh center .piece ot Iruil ;nm tall ieuv Jemliug a touch of the Hallowe'en ;inospliere. Mrs. Jacob Cooper hatl charge of lt?- program. Mis Tlrmiasboii was assisted in er.iiiK tr salad plate am! swept outre by ,M- shames Jim ^m1th alio I. S. feeler/ ' ... - * Erade Mothers Hostesses wfc-Hallowe'en Party Mrs.- J. li Head and Mrs f'eit K team strade mothers-of Otli j'.rude of Vest School- entertained the era do arty strony, at tTie ?i5tne of Mrs. lead. at Mountain View Houso 'uesday evening. v_^The pupils were entertained in lie dining joont which was gala fot lie occasion with its lavish decora ions of colorful bsiMoons. witches, 'ack cats, j.u k-o-lanic'lis. lighted uuipkjiy and fSt 11 flowers. Games nil" cow tests suggestive of Hull awe' a provided amusement. Sandwic hes,- hot chocolate ' and on coin balls was served. Miss Mitchell Williams. teaehet f ill grade was a special . Personals Mrs. J. K. Evans und "dangnter, uudra. are guesis of Mrs. Grady ini;. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krvin eft Irwin. Teifn.. nave been visitor? in lings Mountain. , Mrs. \V. Caveny of Indian Town 'In., is a pest of Mrs. I). F. . Hord ml oilier friends in Kings MouulaiiF I)r. R. L Mauney of Winston-Sal m spent the week end with his arents. Mr, and Mrs. K. L. .Vlauney. ,?. ?o? Mr. .1. 0. Keeter is on a buying rip to New York City for Keetfr's )epart men t Store. ?o?Mrs. l>. F Hord spent the week* r.d at Wake Forest where her son >. V. Hord, Jr., is a student. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stnllworth of 'harlotte were guests of Mr. and Irs. J. JD. Hord and Miss Ruby Burhge Sunday. Mr. aud MiV Charles Fulton ami iliss WinuifrtHl Fulton Were guests )t Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hoke of Lin:olnton Sunday. ?o? Miss Kathleen Uuffney of the City lospltal Nursing StafT, Baltimore, dd., spent the week-end with home oiks. ?o? , Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Goforth aud hildren of Kannapolis spent the veek-end with his parents, Mr. and dm. W. F. Goforth. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spake, Mrs. Uonzo Spake and children of Shelly were Kings Mountain visitors lunday. ?o? Mesdames Booth Gillespie, Hayne Mackmer, George Lattimore and lugh Ormand were guests ot Mrs. Inrland Still in Winston-Salem last laturday. Mr, and Mrs. L.. M. Rogers, Dr ind Mrs. Stonestreet, Misses Jewel nd Betty Vaughn Stonestreet of Ubemarle were visitors at the tome of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Hord, lunday. ?o? Mrs W. M. JMokerson of Elkln, risited her daughters, Mesdames L. d'. Ix>gan and J. A. Hanes last week lid, and Mrs. Manes and small dau diter, Patricia Ann, twent home with her Wednesday. Miss Eunice Hinson and Mr. Anho Wynn of Craruerton spent Satur lay afternoon with Mtss Hinson's nother, Mrs. V. L. Hinson of Lack y street Miss Hinson and Mr iVvnn were also visitors during the veek end at Camp Jackson, Colum)la, S. C., where Mr. W|nn .has e irother with the National Ouard Jnit. . -Jk*Vn<idu*Vlu>ecL q, BUSINESS OOSVH too**** *N^_ (TIE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERAIJ). ft VOMEN MRS- A. H. PATTERSON. , VERY BEST THINGS The Hes.t l,uw ?the uolden Rule, i The . Best IMmaiIon ? seU-ktlowl Tin- Best Philosophy u coifiMr oil in iiiit. i^'ie Best Wat to war against ?,iif r, i 1?"' * ? ' * i ii? m Till* Host M.-dirln. ? vll'-orfullii'.s and temperance. -Tin' host Muslo tie- laughter of all IlitniCiMit i lit 1(1 Tin- Beat Science oxi lii'tlii k sunshine from ' a cloudy dtty. i The Best Art ? painting a smile | III tin- bVi'i. ol elltlilhood, j The Host Journalism ? printing the true, ami bountiful on iie-jnor; s till.lot. The Best I Mourn phy - that lit" which writes charity in the largest jo tiers.' The Best Mathematics ?. that J which doubles the'most joys smd di-J vliles the most sorrows. The .Best Navigation ? steering; I .clear of lacerating rocks of personal A-uiiuntioti. | The Best Engineering ? building i a bridge of faith ou-r the river, cl (Irath ?{jefecjcd. t NEWSPAPERS su-dents of Kii.vptology assort (lun I du- first newspaper was a scarab made ami "cireultu-'d- in Ugypi in | 1450 ft C. ifp.\vev? r. flu' firs' neiv?paper of which wo are historically j cortain, was the Acta Puhlirj. in ! tile form of clat tablets, begun by j Julius Caesar !:i 5*t it .O. I The oldest of printed newspaper: lis tile I'cUillt: News wllielj b?-a?t. ] pcbliciition V-'iit v. firs , before the invent ion of pi itttitva from movable : type. It is now more titan 1400 Wears old. I Canton. China, imports more than one million dollar's worth of old newspapers yearly, chiefly from the United' States. They are used by tlie merchants of the city as a wrapping paper. Tho smallest daily newspaper pub | iished is the Daily Bulletin of TTyon ' N*. C. it measures 5 1-2 by 8 1-2 inches. and is two columns wide and about seven inches deep. J The Oherokeen Indians in Oklaho j ma have thc\- own newspapers prin ted in their own alphabet. They are' \ i ij||y| WIPR y?Quik-Bsndi Ecndtqti iiijividii<lll?mpii<<lii 50c Siio LIPSTICKS J 4 Lorio OR ROUGES 51 .. . LORD RALTIMORE 2 4 50c ,?lu. unim ^ 50c pig. REXALL 2 4 of 60 ORDERLIES 51 50c PURETEST RUMINO 2 4 full pint ALCOHOL 51 25c PURETEST 2 * I lb. EPSOM SALT 25 25c Sito TOOTH 2 f? KUmo RRUSHES 25 Roioll ANALGESIC 2 4, 31c . BALM 36 79e BREWER'S YIAST 3 la Paaroloit BLARES 80 U. O. I ox. ZINC OXIDE 2 la 20c Six* OINTMENT 21< JSe Six* CREAM OB 3 la Jontool ALMONDS 36 (0c CNERRT BARN 3 h 7 ox. CPU DM STRUB 51< -Puretest Miners! Oil TV Oontl# action, hctllcitt lor aito on nlodt iaa ro^iacinf SIZE 2 -70* WTT.WS: .---v."" THURSDAY. OCT 29, 1940 ' ! s>aid to bo the only Indian ttewspa pers ever primed. Switzerland has three times a many newspapers as Croat Britain yet the British, newspaper . chain are the world's largest. One Pritisl chain oxevts control over .177 news ; papers in Bnglaiul, Wales and Scot ! land. Newspapers in Shanghai are oftei rented rather than sold A patter I delivered first to a person who inns 1 ?ei x.i'wajru-rrinrenii>?'rr!^K. W! In- leaves home, tlie paper is collected by .the newsboy who delivers i to another rvuder. This procedure It carried on so long that a weels latei the same copy may be III the httndi of a rinal reader one hundred inilOt ov:'-ele the ci'>' (Karl Digest). iiesif t issiwiiitii?i .I, vnaninv TTve. total supply of xi t;iKi pounds of \gsriian winter pea reed order ed iliin "the AAA Krant of-nld plan for l'litdeu County farmers lias been exhansti d completely, reports Barn Agent it. II Harper. tes fa iuii prod nets, except cotton were greatly redeced dui i-.tu - Hi first twelve months of the curVCiii Kutopeati war, reports the U. S (Department of AKfieulture. Call or S<?e rnrrvn * r\? tiVJ ij i> r- jits n aiiV McCoy Service Station Phone 165 HUGH'S xaxsasg^paaiixix REPRESENTATIVE in Kings Mountain Territory Oh,Oht 'S Wrong Way! COAX In CustomersWith AUVERTISIMG Backed by (rood Service! ^ fl 1JMAj (| immm I OCT. 3 ('/ij NOV. 1 ) imimhciw ONEA,ONE?NT i31 Antiseptic Solui ig t?voritt, Aiiliuptie .?.n wk.ii diluted I. bttl velue. ? ize FACE 2 For 49c ioo POWDfR 51c pu?test ** ?E ARE JUST A FEW SAMPLES rHE 250 >IG VALUES 39? Tube Briten Tooth Piste FREE ^with e purchase of $2 worth or more of One Cent Sele Merchandise one to e customer. or 49c Sin RIMER S 2 for C Full Pint PETROFOL 50c ?>' co, REXILLAMA 2 far C 5M COUOH SYRUP 51c 0, SOc Sit. COCOANUT OIL 2 for c Kl.nto SHAMPOO , 51c or $| Sin HO Pwrol.sf C HtCOCOD TARim ?H MADE MOM COO LIVER OIL or CONCENTRATED WITH 2 for C PERCOMORPH OIL $1.01 ~ 4- RLENZO 2 ?or ? * c *n' ANTISEPTIC 50c t,r 20c Sito TINCTURE 2 for C Pirrlnt IODINE 21c >f l*c Klooto RAZOR 2 lor C Dooblo Ed?? BLAOES 20c >r 25c Sit# CASTOR 2 for c PorotOrt OIL 24c 7" Rotoll NASAL JELLY 2 for e 25c Sao wH? EyfcoArloo 24c w """Porotoif ABO# TC C |lAt 50 CAPSULES $1.44 "ll Symbol Wcfcr BottU h? I livo, loof-woortn* rvb- / I SB bor. Grvot root totvlco. / d/fl ^1 Sfflm ..... -... HIIHU I l'1-.'Pl 'J ! HI. .J ,T~~I PI 'V . ." ' 1 ' I ' " ' * V* .A . ' Fall Suits ! . i , ^ oung Men's Tweed Suits. New Diagonal Wrarr close woven. Single breast. Three Uutton tack .. - _p?s!?i $13.95 ? f. fc. i-t}ij4fjif I ? nmtm .1 |in?i hi n hard finish Worsteds ^ ' *8,95 to ' $14.5<^^^k Boys' Loner Pant | Tweeds and Worsted. I $4.95 HH ; to $6.95|l|^n. * ' V/*. f u* Men's New Fall Hats 97c to $3.50 Myers*" Dept. Store I i * * . DRESS SHOPPE Second Floor .. ' ; . ????? - - - ' ' , > > ' V' \"Vf/" MM - ^ y Kings Mountain Urug to. I Phones 41 and 81 * 5^f/5 | MORE THAN 250 FINEST QUALITY 0_3| Jj ITEMS ON THIS SALE _2 Many people wonder how Rexall Stores car, cfftr such qua'ity at such tremendous money-saving prices. This is our way of advertising?of making new friends for f'-Z&'Xi''* || RexaH quality. Tlie more new friends we make the better values we will be able to offer. So when you l.iOtl become a friend of Rexall you save now and in the future. for 50* 1 Dlll s for Mi31 DENTAL PASTE S,ZE I m 50c a*"^ *w^9MT. ^t ?tw t.?t- 2for30? I % ' . . . . ' "utf' 72 SHEETS AO ENVELOPES smart ,{ MforotD Stationery 'oSSSn\ bk. "< ) axh'oMi| ?Im you'll too ftll , ^ ft j yV^I? \ V yoor. Sow*. ttyVth. Roott quality peper fn?WJfJ\ yoV? no mnj bo tor# it it correct. "'trl > - ? O^P1; ^ 1 a OMP1FTE j KG ONLY j 37?| ^ ? ^ Three 39c tubes Resell Milk } H Meanest* Tooth Peste 1 ^ { a?i CjMH TW tooth p?*? Hwf IM?llali? l mouth with thai W| t 'W j^BMjl ao<t? ? it d*?MM. AiA i* Uipulf coupon and w* j M ?w tooth claaa. lfatfw|. Ant what f^i ( gH I flj|H ?alaa you qat with thim c oupoA offar. BW | Ss^aJ^l AOMESS CF^JW | ' ?

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