?M4 The Herat* Buy At Horn* VOL. 26 MO. 46 Democrats IV M Cleveland '^tbJUSMVELT WtMT" " AGAIN NATIONAL VOTE Popular Vote Roosevelt 23,175,051 Wtfkie 19,5*88.426 ' ' electoral vote Roosevelt 468 Wilkie 63 8tate return Roosevelt 574,924 I on ftArt ;?rnnvie xoi,(Ui Btoughton 479,510 JpjNeill l:$7,789 :?i>^ Mountain voters marched ?v, to Jlu- polls Tuesday, anil seat Frank HnA Roosevelt to the White House With the same ratio us they did for thW second time in 1986. The vote 'WAS smaller this time but the same penpen tage prevailed, which was about 7 to 1 over the Republican 111 l 936 a total of ::,18b >*v8tfcrs cast their ballots lor- the . tjjtiwideiitiul candidates, in 1840 this number dropped to 1,875.. ' tandon in the ,1896 race captured 485 votes in the two boxes in Kiugs Mountain atul In 1940 Wilkle secured votes. Roosevelt in 1936 gain -ered 1.853 votes and iu 1940 chalked ?p 1,603 votes. A new registration had' been called, Cor since last general election, < And A number of eligible voters were not registered. Votes in Kings Mountain uud the county follows: Preeldent RpMovelt, E. K. M. 784, \V. K. M. 818,'County total 9,346. Wllkie, 10 K. M. 110. W. K. M 159, County total, 2,031. Governor - Brougbton, E. K. M. 790, W. K. M. "749, County total, 0,325. (McNeill, E K. M. 85. W. K. M. 1898, County- total. 1.63) Congress .y,;?pjtulwlukle, E. K. M. 796, W. K. 91. 74#, County total, 9,253. *?rgau, E K. M 96, W. K. M. 126, COftnity total 1,685. Draft Advisers Named Chairman E. A. Han-ill or the advisory committee, appointed to asBjal. registrants in filling out draft questiouaires, released the following list of 22 persons who will aid the advisory committee in answering ' the questions of registrants who re 'frig celve blanks: Messrs H. B. Covington, J. L,.. Herndon, j: B. Ellis, J. B. Ellis and J. A. Herndon, of Qrover. ' Messrs C. P. Cranford, E. L. Camp 'M bell, D. M. Bridges, Joe Thomson. I,add Hamrtck, Arnold Riser, Carl Mauney,- .George I^attimore, Harry Page. Wi W. Souther, B. DT Rattcr$? * ree' B' Thomas son, Mrs. Ruth Gamble and Mrs. H. M. Houser, of i.W Kings Mountain. . . C. M. King, Waco; W. L. Browe, 'Ir ?' Waco. Questionaires wilt be mailed out within a few days in groups of 50. M P | I Laughing Aroi With IRV Where T ifp < By IRVH THE Staked Plains In wester A Federal judge down in Tc conditions in that wide and rath account, a traveler on horseback especially remote district. After 1 a tiny adobe house sitting in tin alkali and mesquite and bunch grl forlorn homestead, a thin, under-n '> darted out of the door, sped acr chaparral before the traveler eith causes of "her flight. As he chec ' t curious behavior on her part, a luh years old, came hurriedly forth fi "Mister," he called, did you s "I did," said the stranger. "W "That was my maw." "Your maw, eh? And what v "I reckin she's runnin' away 1 "Wh\ r, you infernal young sco / half a mind to get down off this 1 What ^o you mean by chasing you like tJirs ? What has she done to yo "She's a-aimin' to wean me," . .. . (Amtrlon Wr KH t ISA/, . / . v iit Kings K lake Sweep I County i Hi HHHk * ' jjp I1' ; E' , ft. 1' jf-:. i; li i: -li V li - '- i." Rozelle To Lecture [ i; Oa The Bible ;; i< The series of .Bible lectures to ho : n given November 11-15 by the Rev. C. i( E. Rozzelle. Pastor of Main Street Methodist Church, Ciastonin, will be- ]( gin Monday evening at 7:3(1 o'clock jt in Central Methodist Church. Mr. n Rozzclle's first lecture is entitled y ' The Romance of a Book." On Tues- D day evening at tlie same hour lie j; speak on "Tho Old Testament and i'i Us Meaning for Today." The Wed- n nesday evening loctut;e_ will be on i; The Message of the New Testament, j; "An Old Book and a New Age" is y the topic for Thursday evening, and i on Friday evening the series oi lectures will close with "Why Study y Your Bible? Tlie Daughters of Wesley Bible jj Class' of the Central Methodist Clmr u cji Ms speii^iliing tiies^* led tires, u .which ure open to.the public, iu bo- u half of the entire community. Mem -j; (Cei8 of other churches are especial, u . ly invited. Mr. Huzzell, formerly pas i< tor of tho University Methodist u Church at Chapel Hill, and for six years pastor in Gastoniu, is a well-. u ojJiaivt'i UIIU ifi.iuin , aim -j i those lectures oil the Bible will he j. of general interest to members of j; all evuugelical deuouiiations. ji ; j. Band To Play At J Lenoir-Rhyne | , The Kings Mountain lit"! will J leave tomorrow evening for llicsory where they will play for,the Lanolr Khyne Appalachian State Foot" .. ball game Friday night. The "Band will be guests of Lenoir Khyne Col ^ lege. The 74 musicians and their Di ! rector Paul Hendricks will netu| n " 'to Kings Mountain after the game. ,)( 2< 2 ind the World e in s. cobb 2 Still Is' Simple t N S. COBB 1 n Texas life is more or less primitive, ixas told me a story illustrative of B er desolate area. According to his ai was making his way through an C + T ti lours of lonely riding1 he approached b midst of an unbroken expanse of ii iss. Just as he came abreast of this t] lourished woman in a faded wrapper oss the road and hid herself in the er could hail her or inquire into the b ked up, puzzled to account for this iberly boy, apparently about fourteen li rom behind the Uttle building. o ee a woman ruiinin' away Jest now?" ho was she?" E ras she running away from?" 'rom me?doggone itf" undrell" exclaimed the traveler. "I've f lorse and give you a good thrashing. r poor mother about over the country U ?" v said the youth. * f F??ture?._Iqe.) p Moui INQ8 MOUNTAIN. N. C. *DfDraftiS* Vumbers mtmmmlaMto ' id Hei'ld of draft iiuiuIm-rs as the <|il\ to the KIiikh Mountain Hoar io list U unofficial. but will b *iii: enough correal to give the rei Uani an idea , ol where be siiiud i iiii local list. In the lust issu 'I he Herald the first 135 name cii' {Hinted. und' thc- list >n till uue includes the next 16." on til si, which brTuks this uuinber pul 'lied to 30". The list follows: iu 1354 Howard Plato WnirHck" !7- 10(t(>?Orler Lee lloyster 'S -llxii -Fred fleiiry ('hauinlon ii?- 1850? Huben Hoss" 10 1:1-4?Wieaiai: Marian Culla. bun 11 413---Alexander Leoir Tlatohler iL' 436.?.Miles Kl will Tlll'eatt 1:. 17". William Hill Isiwciy II 105}' Hurry Lee Hirnes IT> '.104- Muster (none) Curry 16- 'j?0? Marvin l/iiiiuel IHvins I." 1365 Millard Million t.'aldwe 18?1784- I'M win I ley ward Moss 7t> - 10G4 lleiijamin Carl KcinlricV "id- 1341? William Clyde Wiaj 71 -suit -i.loyti Clireiiee Condrv ' 'J- ?John Wisliuut S'niih i'3?-1613?Basil Eliiier. Siieppurd >4?1110-Jason Elmer .Crocker Sir?'859?-Charles William Ramsey >6?1074?Clarence Cope 17?581?Horace Cold Cogdel1 18 ?1163-?-George Oates Blab i'.t?1411?Wessley Ross 1(V?309?Jake (rione)Junu 11-t-17?15?Walter Columbus Ooode >2--1152?Linard 'Livstou Hamriek 13?536?Floyd (none) Bridges >4?12p2?Jewell Million Harrelso 15?1574?Heabt-r Augustus ilaskiu 16- 1662?Charles Kaymond ganders >7?1611?George Odell Martin IS?771?Leo Ahtlieney Mluhcm >97-41'.4 -Thomas Lee Horn 10?251?Thomas Dean Hope 11?1367?Ben D. Adums 12?1417?John Blase Roland 13 ?659?Charles Tended Camp 14?1879?Archie Doyster Logan 15?698?Elmer Gary Hoss 16?863?Adain Ssylvanis Moss i'7?1089--Robert Lee- Camp 78?1286?William Lobnard Hurtstetler 19?617?Clyde Erwin Baumgnrdtier So?883?Ira Nelson Dixon 11:?55?Curtis '(none) Brooks 12?206?Warren Edward Reynod 13?-1325?Robert Marcus Bell 14?1-317?Jonas Leroy McCraw 15?1471?William Brown 46?1849?William OrrWoir 47?683?Alt-y ,I)aphno Ballard 48?100? John Preston Goforth 49?262?Blight Eugene Goins KG?1189?Henry (none) Black 91?399?J. K. Hippy (Initials onlj 92?217?ElllsHarmou Ging 93?103?'Archie Lee Burton 94?220?Sidney Howard Ware 95?1364?Bright Harrlsou Blackwell i 96?561?James Howard Pttrsley 97?1133?William Lee Black 98?753?William (none) Stringfellow 9a-r1071?John Alva Bridges 90?755?Tomntle Herman Payne 91?724?Marvin DeGald Harmon 92?694?David Klemmet Parker 93?1863?Kelly McCarter 94?1837?Oliver Bright Bridges 95?146fr?Jake Willard Early 96?1371?Boyce Vernon Hinson 97?1219?William Thomas Le better 98?784?Charles Everette Cashioi 99?1449?Walter Peterson 10?693?Grady (none) Patterson (Cont'd on next page) Joyce Child Seriously Hur n Fall From Car The condition of JainOs Otb'so oyce, four year old son of lie ad Mrs. W. M. Boyce of First AR hurch, was reported as unchauge uesday morning. He is in Presb ;rlan Hospital in Charlotte. The child was seriously injurt esterday afternoon when he ft om his father's car six miles froi He city on the Providence road. A xamtnatlon revealed a skull fra ire. Mr. Boyce said that he was visl ?g in the Providence section ar Hat James and a small friend wei n the back seat. While traveling out 40 miles an hour, the boys 1 heir play hit the (W6f Tfllndle, cau ag the door to fly open. James ft n the road pavement, he said. Mr. Boyce was formerly pastor (oyce Memorial ARP church here IANK CLOSED MONDAY In observance of Armistice J)a t'hlch is a national holiday, tl ^irst National Bank will bo clost ext Monday, November 11th. itain H .. , " j.T V:J* ; **?'" r THUR8DAV. NOV. 7. 19*0 grc J, Kings Mountain Hallo e ^r> s I e I J* I ^HH^^Lv I I Hi j i J V K ' * f fl p m -> ' : t PBCW2^H*^ p !r 1 \' H liiw 1 *^H J IfBL*" S ; jtt/t '' ? t Cameraman Harold Hunnicutt le ing Hallowe'en night and snapped -so and girls celebrating the night of, -vi photo was snapped in fro^it of Grlf fin takes the picture but also has his ovt prints the photo. The young ladies in a Dig time, see now many you can id< Five Suits Town Are n m ~~ Five suits against llio Town ol" 31 Kings Mountain' for damages incur- h' ! ri .1 by the construction of the overI iiead bridge at the comer of King i t ;iml iiattleground Kuan were Sh J set tied yesterday without going to ar j trial in the Superior Court in Shel j 1?. Two oilier suits, in which agree ^ meats could not be reached were ie postponed for trial at a later term te A court. i mi The suits cnmproinised yesterday i Pr and the. amounts settled for are as I pi follows: John Plonk and J. E. I < (d >-/ ( vi By WILL ROGERS * sd TJERE'S another one about a kid ln ill * 1 that disgraced his folks, like l" m kids are always doing. This K n George had been away for a week ti ' with his mother in the country, and w r hfa Iftflm hvA^ltav Taele Va?viv uivvitvif h*li wcco jjj left at home with his dad. The it- teacher waa hearing all about it. .d ,n of h "Well, did the little brother learn r< anything while you and Mama were ti gone?" ^ "Yeah, he learned a lot of new words." "What, for instance?" ?! y. "Oh, they're all words that Mama ri ie won't allow us to say! .Jack, ha tl . KU| . ft Fs^ 1 I^^KK. 1&M H t { iaded his camera and went shoe' ' me very good shots of local boy fches and hobgoblins. The above ; i Drug Co Mr. Hunnicutt not only , rn dark-room and develops and j the picture are all dressed up toi rntify, Against Settled DS TO BE RECEIVED iR STADIUM Mr. Thomas D. Rose, Engineer of iciby has completed his diawings d plans for the school .stadium to constructed at the end of East outuain street, and bins will be re ived cntil Nov. 18th. The commit, e in charge of thu stadium ape aking excellent progress on the i oject. The land has already been it-onased and actual work is excieo to begin soon after the bids e received. The school stadium will have conetc seats, and a field for baseball atball and track. The site is ideally located, within ie block of the new Post Office, j (j' will be convenient both in re- i cct to the school and business 1 ction. "he drawings and specif,options j e now on display at the C'ty Hall I id any interested citizen is invited i '"Villi rmistice Union Service t First Baptist The annual Armistice Sunday Nil J u Service will be ,Uel Hall Drive / bflji1!*'' Monday morning with the goal Heine it i nt I'j/iiiu wiui'h the mium amount set up hist vfiir. Cot'ti.'iuno n of tli* Ijrivt'.- It S I'pelt r ?nl I' I* I'afrtck Init. lit'Mi husy Ihcy past se.t e ru I days gen inn every iilng lim it up tor tut- hi i\i' ttint will mean so nuiih to Kin its Menu tit in. The chairmen sf'i tvM-d fjjp> fact that on It 50c from each mcmhoi i* sent to National 11. .tiliiuartew. tint rest. remains liere lo re-. . H?\.< siitlering among those tylto tiied help. The need is greater this year iimf Hit-so in charm of the Qi'fve are very anxious for vt< i >one to have a part in the eon!ribtt* lion. I'ei'inntioitt otfieo nml"r the dlroi> tlon of Mrij. until (tumble is tnaiu? la hied in the <\ii>.. I (air throughout tli' yi :.r and some of the .eases that conn before 11 -r would make any ciir'eii happy ) coinftlditi' to tlio fund. - v. jU.~ii.es llr wellai' work I hill if int. died by flu 'local cliajiiei of the I't' d Cross. Home Service. First Aid Lit*1 tCiv'iiiu. Home I iyaiene. unit Cat 'of .the" Sick and I'radurtion of Uartueirts are of Iter phases of wonli whl'l" serve i s tlidl ilia; accomplished. i hi ring 'In- year the chapter rendered service atui ie|U*f City Croup (enrollment: .1. H. Thomassnu. Chairman. Urovor Enrollment-; J. I>. llcrndon. Chairman. flcnera) Publicity: II. K. I.ynoh. Chairman; Dr. 11. N. Iialrd, C. v Thontasson. A meet ins; of the Roll Call comntltte and Oiliccra and Directors of the Red Cross will bo lu-ld this evening in the. Woman's Club Pudding following the Kiwanis meeting. The meeting will be upstaids in the build ing at 7:30 p. m. Tlie, following is an itemized list ol money spent for local aid by the Red Cross during the past year: Medical Aid $410.90 Pood 331. Oh Clothing 184.36 Milk 268.43 family Aid 100.36 fuel .. 73.9b Office Expense 49.36 Educational 73.4 4 TOT A! Si, 491.98 ?y James Preston (Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) Secret plane already made In Washington disclose that things now being done under cover of "national defense" are Just a sample of what Is to follow boondoggling as this column has reported, figures largely in the plans. But that Is only a minor part of what some planners have in. mind , An investigation to be made bv a Senate committee is one threat It was supposed to go only Into foretcu ownership" and control of American industries which are. essential - (Cont'd on next page;