Cotton Referendum Plans Being: Made E. Y. Floyd, AAA executive officer of N. C. State College, has called upon county and community Trt<>lc-A committeemen and county farm agents to h|;lrv preparations for the cotton referendum which srill be held fiec. 7. Cotton growers throughout the Nation will vote at that time on whether they wish a markeing quota to apply to their 1941 crop. Cotton marketing quotas have lust fall by 91.2 percent of the Na tion'a growers. North Carolina farmers gave quotus a 89.8 vote of approval. (0.737 voting for quotas and, cnly 5,767 voting against quota.-. The secretary of agriculture declared a }941 tnarkelng quota in September, Floyd said, when it was ?, -determined that the supply of Amer Iran cotton on Aug. 1, 1940, totaled 24,9a&,000 bales, or 137 percent' of the normal supply. Under the Agricultural Adjustment Act a quota must be declared when supplies roach 107 percent of normal. The National quota for 1941 Is the same as the one 1n effect this year end will tnake possible "the marketing thru the quota program, of a- | bout 12 million bales during 'the "year beginning Aug. 1. 1941. This will mean that individual far m allotments will remain the same lu 1941 as they were la 1940. Flbyd further pointed out that, wjtk marketing quotas in effect, far mers who plant witthtln their allotments may market without penalty till cotton which they produce in 1941. Farmers who overplant their acreage allotments or who have pen blty cotton from a previous crop must pay a penalty of 3 cents per pomd on all cotton marketed In oxcess of their farm marketing quotas. ' ; ' * s . . t QUICK RESULTS ? LOW COST HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS ? 2c a word for first insertion half price for subsequent Into' tions. * Minimum charge 25c. Do not ask for Information re . gardlng "keyed" ads, as they sr. ' strictly confidential. If error l? made. The Herald ia responsible for only one incorrect insertion. The customer La reapon dible for subsequent Insertions. The advertiaer ahould notify im mediately of any corrections needWant ada are always cash in advance except to business men or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. FOR RENT: 6 room house with bath, hot or cold witter. Redeeorated inside and out. Sec Arthur Hay. 11-21-c STRAYED: Belted Hampshire Pin. Reward for return to H. F. Everhart i?10 W. Mountain street, ltp WANTED TO RENT: One horso farm. Can run self. James Tliornburg, R-l, Kings Mountain. ll-7p :FOR RENT: Furnished rooms. 116 City street. Telephone 177-M. NOTICE: D. Blauton Store on Pied, mont Avenue under new manage ment. Fancy rrocerles and produce J. Grady Blauton. 10?3?p 'WANTED: Men and Woman to (work. No Experience necessary. Beginners can earn $25.00 a week and up. Apply (Hugh Jewelry Co., Shelby, N. C.) ll-14c. LOST: Yellow Gold Dinner Ring, be .< tween Dixie Theatre and Cleveland Motor Co. Reward for return to Clarence SmtCb. 10-312tp REMEMBER ?On Saturday you get one of our delicious Banana Splits for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. THE CLAN ZlMAfWAl / [YAfiowtfroL?, fI STAY FOR (MNN6A) ( \AONT??>^ ImJPv I M* h^HM Tj y^|p[^il| i ** t^F^*1" **"*1 |ji :.'. I! ???" Jt"???'"jl*???"????*?i?t ? j ?NE HUNDRED YEARSAGO*y?$ f THERE WERE LESS THAN , J/W 3000 MILES Of RAILROAD '>jL Jflt j IN THE UNITED STAT S. vNtji' TODAY THERE ARE 410.118 MILES-, ENOUGH TO MAKE 133 PARALLEL TRACKS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND SAN FRANCISCO. Farm Questions CJ.?Whaf is the best method o? feeding' hogs? A.:?The self-feeder Is best for feeding fattening hogs. It -saves labor and fe.ed, ts an ideal way to utilize dry feed, helps keep feed clean, and enables each pig to select his., own ration. Where nursing sows are self-fed. the pigs will i learn to eat from the feeder before' weaning time. When the .sows ara' taken away, the pigs may he contin ' tied on the self-feeder without interruption. 9.?Is it necessary to cut cotton stalks at'Nr Ulve tyarve^ting opera' lion Is finished? A.?I,t is advisable to cct all cotton stalks and uproot the stubble as soon as the last cotton can be picked in the fall. During the winter,, destroy debris, grass, and weed3 from ditch banks, hedge rows, ana from the first 100 feet of woods nearest cotton fields. The burning of woods to destroy boll weevils in hibernation is uot recommended. Q.--1H0W should one select outlets in building terraces* A.?Consider the future development of uncultivated land in selecting outlets. Good outlets are: pastures. timberlands, and streams. Other satisfactory outlets are: natural draws roadside ditches; fence rows, and artificial ditches at property lines. Outlets must slops away from the terraced field. Protect terrace outlets from erosion, and dont permit n gully to form at the terrace outlet. English farmers arc being urged to gather acorns, liorse chestnuts, and beechnuts to okc out the feedstuff supply of farm animals and thereby release tonnage for other needed imports. Railroad revenue from automotive freight was $425,656.nno In Alabama Arkansas and Georgia are the chief domestic sources ol aluminum. WHEN THE BIG COMET USHERS IN CHRI8TMA8 Fascinating scientific article telling about a new comet, the else of Haltey's, that la ruahlng toward the earth, the effect It will have on superstitious peraone and sn explanation by those who study the stars. Don't miss this feature id the November 10th leeue of THE AMERICAN \A/ EE V I V the big magazine distributed with THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN On Sale at all Newsstands CY KIDS Poor Auntie1 tie KlNOd MOUNTAIN HERALD, WIlXT BILlS rHE RAILROADS WORKED 52< DAYS RECEIPTS EOR ONLY {^^*lOCOMOTlVE fs j contaims Jus 3 Approximately ONE Mil E OF BOILER Tu&lfJG. H* ASlOClAtiON Q> AMEHCaM tAlHOADS t NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals will be received by the Mayor and Hoard of Aldermen of the Town ot Kings Mountain N. C., until ll:0u A. M.. November. 18. 1041), at the City llall, and then publicly opened and read, for the Grading and Drainage of the Kings Mountain High School Stadium. The prlueipal items of work include: Approximately -2,000 cubic yards of Kxcavation; 4.500 cubic yards . of lop soil; 700 lineal feet of . s-torni sowers in si/.es 18 inch to :!6 inch; drain tile; cutebbasins. -etc. Plans. specifications, aud bidding sheets are on file and can Ire in spe> >?d at the City llall. Kina> Mountain, N. C.. or may be obtained upon application to Thomas D. Rose Kugiueer, Lineberger Building, Shelby, N. C. All bidders must comply with the requirements of the Acts of the General Assembly regarding Contractors. A performance bond will be required of the successful bidder in the amount of one hundred (1001 per eent of the, contract price. Kach bid must be accompanied by a certified check for five (5) lei cent of the gross amount of the bid. The Town of Kings Mountain. N. C.. reserves the right to reject any and all bids, Town of Kiiitra Mmiritnin M ^ .. J. B. Thomasson, Mayor. 11-7-14 READ THE AcJ Along With the News GOOD MILK MjADE BETTEB It's Pasteurized Order Yours Tod; I- ^ I She was merely a flgu^* n idca *** I p7 ii il imilrtwiii '.1 * ?. %. THURSDAY, NOV. 7. 1946 ? North Carolina, Cleveland County. In the Superior Court ___ Roy Cooper, Plaintiff, mm Vs. Elicit Millwood Cooper, Defendant. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The above named defendant will lake notice that an action for dl voice on the grounds pf two . year", separation hue been commenced in ' the V.n, etior Court of Cleveland ? ouiitv Nortly Carolina; Said do fondant will further take notice that she R required to appear and aus wer at the office of the Clerk of I iMMHMMiMllMJMIMaiMI l A* the Court lloui>e at Shelby. North Carolina, on the 17th du> of N'ovetu l?vr.t l'.Me. or within the time there after' allowed b$* law. or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the telief -demanded in- said Complaint. This 17th day'Of October. 1940, K. A. Honker, If; Clerk Superior Court. Gerald 11. Goforth. Attorney for Plaintiff ?ujt 13. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale, contained la a mortgage deed, given by Jxircus C. Payroll r to Mrs. May Riser and A. U. Riser, on H the 8th day ol February, 1929, and ___ registered in the Register of Deeds I Office for Cleveland County In ilpokl^ " 139, at - page 235 to secure the indebt- I edness therein mentioned and <1<=-11 Ir.'i tlO. koAn I.. ' iuvin 111. ? 111^ uvcii mauu in we I :lie undersigned will sell for cash I at tin.*Courthouse door in Shelby. I (Miweland- t'ounly. N. on Monday. December 2nd, 1940, at 10:00 A M or within legal hours, the following described real estate: Begin lots Xos. 51 and 52 of the# Whiteside*' property ast surveyed and platted by John I,. Stacy, (regis 'tered Surveyor) on September 21st nfid 22nd. 1926, saitl plat being on record in the office of the Register of T)"eds for Cleveland County in Plat Book No. 2, on page No. 27 to v.'lii 'li relereiice is hereby made for a full and complete ' dest iption of said lots by metes and bounds. Tills 24tit. day of Octolier, 1940. Mrs May Klsor, and A B. Kise.r, Mortgagees, J. it. Davis. Atty. ?adv nov 20. Jo Relieve _ 40V 'aV.II'S uotiia lAsttrs. salve . hose drops CHEST COLDS I For real, quick relief from distress of I an aching chest cold and its cough. incr-?m>a nn Xf notornlo o nmn/4np_ I fully soothing "counter-irritant". Better than a mustard plaster to help break up painful local congeaI tion! Made in 3 strengths. . -OtfcL iGOIK'TO STAYl *? lfa3 : soywwia, MfF) ^ W0N7 VA?J - . . ?- > - _ ... . r > ' j/ i .. ; ' * " 1 ,?. " '' . *\ .. ' * "- ' ," VvJ i , i n,i <>11111 m i , JR JOB PRINTING ?PHONE 167 FOR GOOD PLANTING SEED t ' Bring your cotton to Ware's Gin in Kings Mountain. We clean the gins and sack your seed on con crete floor, No Mixing. ?i r? i d Wir. ? ? nMeal and Hulls at Gin?Best Prices y and be prepared when over-taxed nerves threaten to lrSlffl hrtarta* with your work or ^oll your pleasure. - ???????? By PERCY L. CROSBY c ttmrn^ . .A ? mxw? m .?n M? ** , h-(dty * rTsOMF OTHER T/MC ?* 7 JF NOifciN'? /FYA VONrWHfm / stavtonkhtwe y~mjGfL lOou'rcej ^ic^cReAMj ll^iljlji^ljl^jlj^tMiMiiii^MNiMliilUia^kiKAittiiiMttdiykiiMtfdlklitfiatMiiMM^I&tfiikBiiilkliMilA