? * > ' ? ... j^gjj Last Times Today?Thursday * ill 1 nifi lu'lv/ll i LINDA DARNELL P^^SM ' *nt> a cawotihouianoj ' nubfe^. - ?? Friday and Saturday V BIG SPECIAL PROGRAM r>u... 1 q.4 1 vt? .... * "" s i iuoj miu omuiua; r*uv. ll ana l and One of Oorothy Lamour's Best Pictures Admission Prices will be increased at night only. Matinee price wilt be: Children 10c, Balcony 15c. Main Floor 20c?Night, Children 15c Balcony Adm.: 22c, State tax lc, Defense tax 2c, Total admission 25c. Main Floor Adm: 26c. State tax lc, Defense, tax 3c, total admission 30c. t JUNGLE LOVE AFFAIR. ^ Robert Preston, lit | , /'/ Preston Foster r t - ? 1 "mm IJ*- h OVER . BURMA \ (i J . I 1 1 I PA (flw|L ? ll J _x. Vsrfl . Monday and Tuesday Merry Mickey and *?5" A Joyous Judy in a Vff .?F X n-v. i thai starts where 'J J-* " Babes in Arms'' |T \ v Mm R00NEY-GARLAND J i/T/m PAUL WHITEMAN AND ORCHESTRA jai \/ /\ I m. JUNE PREISSER - WILLIAM TRACY /# / f II. I vn??? ri?T oy jonn Monti, jr. I / A /ju ?y yr Monday and Tuesday prices will be the same as Friday and Saturday. Wednesday. Only "STAGE COACH WAR" William Boyd and Russell Hayden Also?"FRIENDLY NEIGHBORS" Weaver Brothers and Elviry BIG SPECIAL THANKSGIVING PROGRAM Celebrating Dixie Theatre's 5TH ANNIVERSARY Expressing, our thanks for your wonderful patronage ? Free Turkey's, Groceries and other Merchandise contributed by the following merchants: Blalock Grocery & Market, D. F. Hord Furniture Co., Phenfec Store, Bridges & Hamrick Keeter*s Dept. Store, Kings Mtn. Shoe Shop, Saunders Dry Cleaning, Gastonia Coca-Cola Bot tling Com Griffin Drug Store, Crawford's Market and Grocery* The Pitt, Margraee Store, Home Stores, Shelby Nehi Bottling Co., A & P Tea Co., Waldensian Bakery, and others. t ' ' V.'i " *' - ' ? I PIXIE I ? ' ..'V V; . c. " . tW.iM'i i'i>i i" saii. . . - . > . fc'iif r* iiltti'i . -...-j..v. - s ? ' * THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. Accident Deaths Increase UALKIG.II. There were " 161 deaths last mouth from what the State Uoarl of Health Hats as pre rentable accidents, as compared with 1:11 in October. Iac.ord tug to' the. figures just Issued by the Division of Vital Statistics, of which Or II T. Htiiupsou Is the director. The Increase registered in October, r.Ho. was 3u. Aside from deaths due o automobile accidents',> there were ^^^^upo^Sst'T'h'f^oIny^'T'dmHnK the same period a year ago. while , rail! roatl .net ideiits not ssoci.it* d suit highway* traffic look a toll of 7, a [ gainst t a year ago. Also, there | were Vvo air transportation fatali1 lli'u vs?nr uu nnmt>-?? ?#! , . . ...? . v|??l ? \* ? ???? iiodu lor the corresponding period 1*1 P.O. it was pointed out. So fur. for the entire. year. the death toll in North Carolina from ' |>n rentable accidents totals 1,196 out in 20.393 deaths from ail caus es. In other words, those dying from pi event.iblo accidents constitute more than four and a half .- per cent ot those dying from all causes. This does not include thcts?*\tTlo ' have died from diphtheria and other pre-' veritable diseases. There "'1 judgment. To argue rollgtous beliefs and politics can be a pleasant pastime, and then, too such conversation can be the forerunner ot n an-is that do lasting harm-to-the participants. So why engage in use less arguments thai convince no one anil make you unpopular in business circles and social life. The Milieu (Ga.) News lias the fol lowing 10 say-011 the subject: "Yes. every one is conceded a right to Ills or her opinion, but it is " to . .'ui'-'i'ber . that Hie .time, place and manner of expressing them largely i '-'ermines their effectiveness. Kurtlui. there -r irvocon ilable. differences witicb should bo left alone." The editor of the News .has brought out one fact worthy of consideration, there are differences which should be loft alone. It might bo well for- all of us to remember this, before we engage in an argument. THE SMOKE OF I SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS GIVES YOU'MS233IB *?233Ptl If.MLLOJi ^ ' ' ANDLESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other of the largest-set ling cigarettes tested?leas than any of them? according to Independent scientific teats of the smoke Itself. THURSDAY. NOV. 21, 1940 110 Points Given For Handling Beef Cattle C0J" x\ ? . - cattle. L. I Case. Extension animal bus- s(e,.rs bundman ot N. C State College. say there are 10 'fundamental* points In beef cuttle production. He lists 10. *' them as follows: tally I 1. I. "ef cuttle canuot be produce*! sis. economically without utilizing pas^ ' turns to the maximum. , v Make use of the less saleable roughage a> much as possible, et-1 Q perved Kings Mountain and vicinity for more lan 17 years and offers the best plan for SAVINGS INVESTINGS BORROWINGS IMMEDIATELY APPROVED LOANS AVAILABLE ?FOR? BUILDING?REMODELING. IMPROVING \ '' ... " For a Few Cents a Week You Can Insure Your Shares Home Building & Loan Association A. H. Patterson, Sec'y & Treafe. Anniversary j ALE I and K '* * living Specials Sole Ladies' and Misses' OXFORDS lC" Leather and Cork Sole. Value to $2.50. Anniversary Price ? ? $1.98 pr. I Nar- Girls and Boys iniver- I SCOUT OXFORDS Sizes to 3's. Leather and cork soles. t $2.50 value. Anniversary Price - $1.98 pr. v lasts. We wish each and every one a Hapi? py Thanksgiving. Store closed Thursday Nov. 28th, for TYianks* giving. ? ? spartment Store LY DRESS SHOPPE ? 2nd F1.00R v * r-' ' ' 1 , * . . * ^ v iflfl i * >... . . > - ... V *. , j