K** * ' , 1 , Mountaineer Shelby Lions "jjT | FEEL PEPPY! ? /RELIEVE THAT AWFUL Ubackache DO* TO MTVGO* AN XITOUM CtH liba iltptMni out again fall* vi ut that ^^fcackach* (du* to fatigue VjVmit acpoeura). Juat itk atantly It bi>w Its fourWam " faM work of helping tooth t M W that lack. Plaataot. At all M dniggiits of toad 10c Kk . fl^ yul tlta to Natlooal (H an Remedy Co.. $5 W. 42 St., HMI-CO N V C. Dapt. X. .A .w. PadmoUve. 3 for 20c ttefc, J for 25c Sm. Super Suds, 3 for . 25c ...argu Super Suds 23c i.ge Octagon Soap, 6 for ...... 25c I A.ge. Octagon Powders, 6 for .. 25c fiw. Octagon Soap, 1Q for ...... 23c Sfts. Octagon Powders, 10 for . .23c Octagon Toilet, 2 for .......... 9c >etsgon Cleanser, 2 for . 9o Octagon Granulated, 3 for . <.. 25c Woifywood, 3 for 14c Crystal White. 3 for .......... 14c T. S. Keeter & Co. Grover, N. C. ' 4 ' ' . ( ? . PRESCRIPTION SERVICE We Fill any Doctors' Prescription promptly and accurately at reasonable prices with the confidence of your physician. KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. THE REXALL 8TORE We Call For And Deliver Phone* 41?81 1 ' Imperial Kings Mountain, > TOday-' Bargain DayDouble Keye Luke ? "PHANIOM C Kermit IV. "WILD HOB* . News ! Friday a Double Here He is, Tex Ritter I Thriller. 'TAKE ME BACK ; Anita Louise?I THE VILLIAN STI n u.. a?:_i u-ifiwi ocuai MMMMMMMMM Hi MMHM BM Monday i and ;?? tj HAIRY EDINGTON ' , Produced by GEORGE HAIGHT Scree* Ploy bv Allen Scc.i ood JoHa vo? Drutee. Adoi t i COMING WEDNES1 ("SANDY G1 TEXAS REN EG Last Chapter 10c A "Good Shows WE THi g&v. M V v V*'' ^ ' jkf i ife'tfi wrflittfiMf f kit n.' , .Ve^dC" -< -u ;' -s t ' \" s Bow To 18-12 (Manly Moorhead) Literyoiie uuiulrea u modest victo a tut: a graceful loner. Kootlnil! oiler (ItO medium for this courageous ej ,' cession. So. while everyone waul eezlni temperature* and icy winds thu i?n?tratcd and chilled one to th hone. Thar account a fur the stnal numher who gathered to *witnes the combat, as lew- could brave th extremely cold afternoon eveii fo :he sUKt ot football, rirst Half: Tlio Llonim-it played brilliant l> ii this period of ' the game, scorln two touchdowns in the first qunrtei This seemed to stun the MoHutuiu cers momentarily, but they soo snapped out of It and were able t chalk up a touchdown to '.heir cr< tilt in the second quarter, Allen cm rylng the ball o^'er the goal line. Band Performs: The local hand gave a spectacula performance during, the time ou between halves. It was practicall; the same demonstration they put 01 in Hickory last week and for whlcl they were so highly commended The Shelby High School Band wai also present but did not.give an ex (libit inn on the field. Second Half: The " third quarter was scorelesstlie playing of both teams lieemei to be about eVehly matched. Tin visitors scored again in the las quarter. Then, with only four mit | ules of play left in the game. Git son scored another touchdown fo the MotuitaineersV, biiliging thel score to 12 points against 13 foi the opposing team. Outstanding Players! Shelby's outstanding playeri players were Kale. Hardin and Wri gilt. Best for Kings Mountaiif wer? Allen. Gibson. Dickey, Smith, Wo tnack and. Willis. Other comments: * The playing of the Mountaiueers was not up to pad Friday due . tc the fact that five of the main play ers still felt the effects of injuries sustained the week before In the F. i C.-K. M. game. We believe their downfall can be attributed to this cause. it is worthy of mention, however as we look back over the records ol the games in which the MountainV . Theatre f. C.?Phone 1-31 Phursday -Everybody 10c Feature - Lotus Long, in )F CHINATOWN" laynard in >E ROUNDUP" - Serial nd Saturday Feature in his latest Western : TO OKLAHOMA" Iugh Herbert in LL PURSUED HER" I?Donald Duck and Tuesday ombination EflfijSflMglijK and romance I MOTHERS^* jj Y JACK CARSON IwjgjjPH try not to tall r "honoymoon I" , E**cutw? Producer Directed by IEWIS MILESTONE Mad troaaiiaeorv. "Boon* Otoac*." tor Socha Oilw [)AY?One Day Only BTS HER MAN" * ADE," Tim McCoy Deadwood Dick ^ews > T U Day For Less Money" INK YOU ;. :#1.' . " ' \ V ?*V t ' . r iAiYhaY^T ? '-.-m. ? c ' ' s.v y" - ' ?; ' THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, ccrs have participated thla season, i hat in only one did they tail to score., and in none have they been Jefeuted more than 8 points. Thus far they, have won four games lost three. Their total scores show 86 points ?i those 'of their opponents. 68. , Meet Newton This Week Next on K. M.'e schedule is Newr ton. The game will be played locally h Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. It Is the last home gam* of the season t- "J it large crowd Is expected tc it attend. Several changes have been e iu.itti* in the Mountaineers sturtlnti lineup. Smith has been transferred 1. end to center; aud Mitchem haa s c-eu shifted from wing-hack to end. I- The Idea back of the changes wilt g to determine the positions of th: players on next year's team. but e in practice this, week they have 11 worked satisfactorily, , s -? Student Council Meets r The Student Council of the Kiugs Mountain High School met on Mon11 day Nov. 11. ? * Reports were given front all the committeemen and they all are ma King great progress in -their work. U \ 11 .. ,* ,1... .. I? ,I.A| kA..A 1 A I 11 t?i ill' i IU5BV3 UIUI linvij I1UU jcharge of Civil- Improvement have kept the grounds very clean and the ?tudeiit. body is well pleased with their work. They hope the .rest of the classes will do the same in keep 1 ing it clean. The classes in charge ot Civic Improvement, for the -next r two weeks "ate the eighth grade l\ classes. The monitors for the next, two weeks are Houston Black. Coyte Hunter, Jerry Hord, Frederick .Wea 8 ver. Christine Gallant., Alty.-e Betty '* Muune'y. Ben Bridges and Eugene Mathis.?Marjorie Wilson. " Air. and Airs, llayne Hlackmer. Mr and Mrs. Donald Blaiiton. Mre. e Booth Gillespie and Mrs. George F. Baltimore were among those w.ho attended the Duke-Carolina game " last Saturday. They were members r of tlie party who went by bus. r - r Forty thousand manufacturing firms process the food that is produced and sold to them by Amerl' ca's six million farmers. ! American tourists last year spent a billion 'arid a quarter dollars tor equipment, gifts and souveuirs. , The automobile industry usee , more than two-thirds of all the lea? -her upholstery processed in the , United States. i' - , ' ' > * Thanksgiving Special i Something To Be Thankful For # Our ,.r: MAURICE PERMANENT For tf? A AA j ipH.W Regularly $7.00 Also reduced prices on all other Waves. We appreciate your Patronage ?o? Call Us Today ?O? Ruth's Beauty Shop Phone 73 i _______ * 'V/ ' J , _ * _ . . " % 'V ' __J_ ?' A i .4 t * ' \ . . , V ". ' .* THURSDAY. NOV. Jl, 1940 Washington Snapshot# (Com'd from (runt page) jurisdiction over uue employer wli it conceded put only seven-tenths i one per cent of his product, into 1 terstate commerce. It held thi since 75 per cent of the goods I used were shipped to Ulin throuy interstate commerce, the amount < lits product which crossed suite I! , en was of no Importance.' i Now take (he corner groom < , urUKKisl - or the weekly or sins p T" , across state linos. So b> this sad yardstick, the dtuggist. the aroc< i ui.d the newspaper also can he co y trolled hy ihe l.ubor Board. It aiiyltody thinks the planners I i lU-ve they dont have control ovt tlie newspapers, he has only to lot at another statute ? ihe Wag Hour law. That luw specifically e t'litpts weekly or semi-weekly new papers with a circulation of iei -titan 3.00(1. If the planners felt the had to exempt these newspaper then they certainly feel they coul have authority to control their w I ??k and hours too. til' they wished 1 ; Thus, by eliminating only ; words from the Wage-Hour law, an by aptilyitig the L>abor Board's van stick to newspapers, every paper 1 the land could soon be under Was tug ton control. Any editor who da 1 < ed to disagree with what the plat ' ners planned could he driven out < business. The small town publish* has limited financial resources; tit government- could- easily, if so tnin ed. prosecute him into oblivion. ?O? The planners like the radio b j.cause it already is under goveri ' mem conirol. Kvery station' In th land bas to have its license renev ; ed every six months. Itadlo statiot try their' best to be fair and itnpa ; tial. but that is. extremely difficu j under such, circumstances. On the ottier~~hand. with only ( very fek exceptions, the riewspape I -!- . . i .< Thank WORK Men's Sanforized OVI Sturdy blue denim oven excellent values at this 1 structed from good qua] Sizes 30 to 50 MEN'S OVE Men's "blanket lined over blue denim material. Sti Sizes 36 to 16 MEN'S V Men's sanforized shrunk pants in hickory stripe. 1 Men's Work SHIRTS 48c Men's durable work shirts of covert and chambray in colors of blue and gray. Sizes 14 to 17. Men's and Boys' WORK SHOES $1.98 Mien's and boys' leather work shoes sturdily made with leather, cord, or composition soles. Every pair guar anteed. BELK'S REME& i iirtiftifii -? * ^^ailr'i r V t, v . mm " ' . :-*rxrtygr V "i ' were fair duriug the election. In * nearly every newspaper, the reader could Hud speeches by Roosevelt K and YV'tlklc right alongside one an- 8| other. Thus being able to see all the 10 statements by both, the voter at *jf least make his own decisions. I l n it Hut ott the radio the same paral- L ie lei can't possibly be completely true 8 ;|t despite the vigorous efforts of broad at < asters to keep themselves lmpar- 8 in Hal. Two contestants. for public of- , o lie*.- do not broadcast stiniil*anenus?r 1 l> over the same slat ipu. Listener" ill f hear yit,her one or the other. 80 O mpfflstory in as bn ??t a time as lie in j - an from u newspaper. C ;;? b j An .Interesting sidelight ou whut < 1'hoppens 10 newspapers when they! m j?- fume under complete government j ^ I control is given by recent news from France. Tltis Is'to the effect . that on Paris uewsstauds, the (Jer ^ man language newspapers ail occd* k (i( py tlte front row while tile French )V papers have been pushed into the background. .Why? liecause -the Ger L i man jiapefs' .tell the people exactly j ^ i wiint 'nultM- wuiiis to tell them. t The American people theoreticaljg ly are arming to defend their fr??e S 1(j republican form of government. All g J. thinking men regardless of political n beHef. therefore, are zefilnus to 0 ,jj guard the ibasic troe^tius guorun- 0 r. teed "by the Constitution and tho n. [till of Rights. 0 >t : m H 5r 1 c ie Have Your Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted ?By?' *\ DR. D. M. MORRISON ! " Optometrist - Eye Specialist 18 Will be in Gings Mountain Office on Every * Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Ho?ws 1 P. M. to a P. M. r< :sglving S] CLOTHES V, I-Shrunk Red Camel 2 RALLS alls that are ow price. Con g\Py lity material. / ? RALL JACKETS all jackets of sk ?f jg f* rongly made. Jk J[ fORK PANTS mole skin st* f A H Sizes 29 to 44 tp JL ?TtO nf i- nr?J. men s num SHOES $2.98 Men's leather work shoes in colors of black brown and tan. i". ' .. " i ' Men's and Boys' WORK SHOES $1.48 Work shoes for men and boys in black or tan leather with' composition soles. Sizes 12 in small boys, up to 12 ' in men's. DEPARTMENT 1BER ? You Always Save At B " " 'J " k I Imolive, 3 for 20o lek, 3 for v.. 25c m. Super Sude, 3 for 25c srge Super Sude *. 23c ge. Octagon Soap, for 25c go. Octagon Powders, 6 for .. 25o m. Octagon Soap, 10 for 23o m. Octagon Powders, 10 for . .23o eta go n Toilet, 2 for So ctagon Cleanser, 2 for 9c ctagort Granulated, 3. for ,.,..25c iwfVi jaw' jm* r*)"' rystal Whits, 3 for 14c Lings Mountain Mfg. Co. ?:* * almolive, 3 for .. 20c ;iek, 3 for 25c m. Super Suds, 3 for 25c arge Super Suds ....... 23 o ge. Octagon 8oap, 6 for 25o ge. Octagon Powders, S.f.o.r . . 25o m. Octagon Soap, 10 for 23c m. Octagon Powders, 10 for . .23o clagon Toilet, 2 for 9c ctagon Cleanser, 2 for 9c ctagon Granulated, 3 for . .. 25o lollywood, 3 for 14c rystal White, 3 for ... 14o Harry's Store Grover, N. C. Gdwditing IT PAYS TO LISTEN Head Tbe Ads ,? * . - . *" ?/ . /. . ?t pedals 4LUES / a / : VM I IK * . *' .? ;. > " ' V Men's Union SUITS 59 c Men's medium weight union suits for longer wear. Sizes 36 to 46. Boys' Plaided JACKETS $1.98 . Boys' jackets that wear so well in colors of blue, brown and green Men's Leather BOOTS ?2 3ft Men's leather top laced boots with composition soles. Full height. Sizes 7 to 11. STORE ELK'S 1 HHHV * VHBHHHHHHHHHHHHHi ' J v *>. '-V > f, ' ,, *' ' -Lit- ' 't* ''1 XtiVri f' imffVfirt*tyfi' tV- ? < *"" . ... v .J -M""v. . ' *,v '.A ? ' \ :V . . <