* . '-. ... ' N . . ' N ". Church A . ? i Central Methodist Church | H. C. Bprmiut. Jr., Pas .or 1 8:45 A. M. Church School, B. S. Peeler, General Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worsutp. Sermon topic: "Trlfletf and Trusts 5!:?M) P. M. Junior Choir practice, M>es Carolyn Carlisle, director. J:oo P. M. Itehearsal of Christ . mas Pageant. 6.15 P. M. Kpv.r?rtli U?gu? meet * p,i"iuiL'Mri jiniii. Sermon Topic: "The Saviour of Me n " Monday 7:60 p. m. Boy Scouts. ' d. I* Settlemyre, Jr.. Scoutmaster. Wednesday 7:30 P. M l'ra; er Meeting. Friday, December 13, 7:00 p. in., Church Night Dinuer. Presbyterian Church Kt>?. f u. Pairing t hmui 9:45. A. M. Suuday school. Mr. F. Thomassou. Supl. It:00 A. M Morning Worship. Stinion subject: "The nest of Ar <-i?itecture." 2:30 p. m. Sunday school at Dixon School house.' Mr. J. G. Darracott, Bupt. 6:30 p. m. Young People's Vespers The Young People will be thu guest of the Myers Park Presbytertans in Charlotte for this service. 7:30 p. m. Kvening Worship. Monday 7 p. m. Boy Scouts Troop 1 One, Mr. Carl Davidson, Scoutmas. ter; Harry Pago and Bill Thomson, Asst. Scoutmasters. Tuesday 7:15 p. in. Prayer meeting at Mat-grace Community House Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church R. N. Balrd, Minister. 10:00 A. M. Bible School, J. L. MoCiill,, General Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning Service and "Worship: Coming to the Mourners Bench. . . . 3:30 P. M. Junior Chrlsttan Union Miss Elizabeth Anthony, Header. 6:00 P. M. Vesper Service and Worship. f>:45 P. M. Intermediate Christian Union, Miss Martha F. McGill Leader. , 6:45 P. M. Young People's Christ ian Union. Monday , 3:30 P. M. Minnie Alexande.' Cir cle at home of Mrs. J. M. Garrison. 3:30 P. M Macie Stevenson Circle at home of Mrs R. N. Batrd. i 7ioO P. M. Mary Kennedy Circle at home of Miss Ella Harmon. , Wednesday, 7:30 P.- M. Mld-Wefck Vesper Service. First Baptist Church A. Q. Sargeunt. Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 11: DO. Sunday School 9:40. junior Worship 11:00 i intermediate B, T. U. 6:30 Sunday Evening Worship 7:30. A Drama of the First Christmas, "The Empty Itoom," under the direction of Mrs. J. L. Head, will ho presented in the au'dltoriufh of the church, Sunday night, Dec. J3nd. Indications are that existing supplies of raw cotton In ditly .u'e U"k3 ly to be exhausted by December 21 since no large stocks of foreign cot ton, have been shipped in since the war started. EXECUTRIX NOTICE North Carolina, [ Cleveland County. Jlavlng this day Qualified as executrix of the estate of Carrie B. Hord, deceased, late of Cleveland County, North Carolina. This is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased, to exhibit them to the under atgned at Kings Mountain, North Carolina, on or before the 2nd day of December, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re? - ' -J-Vi.j a - ?-J ? COvery. AH persons inueuieu 10 nam estate will please make Immediate payment of said obligations. This 2nd day of December,. 1940. Mary Frances Hord Executrix of the estate of Carris B. Hord, deceased. Joseph C. Whlsnant, Att. 1-9-41 Call or See EUGENE McSWAIN McCoy Service Station Phone 165 HUGHS REPRESENTATIVE in Kings Mountain Territory ' v_? - ' \: ' < " --V'- .'I Bra ' :~-?*" '' V ' t. ' .< **': -J Rgjr " * ' vV?.?*' &M ' \ ;' * ..." 'v: ...an .;/ " *. . \ * ^ 1 . "* .? * j^Nrjpi I ?! *' '' " ' . ; : ' 1 What', tl That's beautiful i Modes with gorg course, tr world-faor dui in priced car est, most car over f Hmpin ROV 24 N. Railroad A DODC - ' - 'I X4*' V- . *?' >. % \ ' * r I ifi i rriiitrtiiiMi^i iiiiiifrtf"'-" I m *> ' ' : THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. TJlt!RSDAY. DW. Prayer 8ervice Wednesday 7:0?. Bute hern say I Evening Service 7:00. fo, been hurt by r ' counter noon tunc Macedonia Baptist Church placed the oidfa? J. V. Frederick. Pastor day dinner. Sunday School 9:45. M. D. Cald ,t well, Supt. Morning Worship 11.00. Market supplies Evening Worship 7:00. ? ? .... j j _ substantially smal Prayer service Wednesday even Ing 7:00. In 1940 but ""PP1 All ore welcomed to come and h4' larger, pi . diets worship with ua. * * *?lcultural t Is not far off and our store is ready kinds of Good Things to eat at mo prices. Call us today?Be ready for Ch * . Blalock Grocei nUAVP r-o ?? - i | a nvmei jo Wt I jjss? tvland Bros.Moto: dge-Plym< d you are invited. J . . . v . -v - *.'.. ' * . X . '. r . . v~?< -.: 5J3I rHE NEW 1941 Dodge LUXURY Im new 1941 Dodga like! Words osrt't describe it...you've g I why we invite you to com* and judge this brilliant new Dodge fc tew styling I Judge it by th* matchless Dodge craftsmanship I too, how much lder and roomier this 19*11 Dodge isl It's more moos upholstery, new "Jewel-Case" instrument panel and dozens of is great new brings you all the dependability and economy ft oua (or more than a quarter-century! e big thrill comes when you drive it?the thrill of Dodge Fluid Dri ? ....... muumu unvinf morvci. tcmtuneo witn floating Power, 1 effortless ride you ever had. Be our guest today for a Dodge Fluid i rota stem to stem. Fluid Drive optional at elisht additional coat I NEW 1941 DODGE Job-Rated TRUCKS MMMMp ?a complete line (HEll lpn'M'''4wliPP*'lr ton to 3-ton) powered Cjwfel g|J3|Q|ICjjk and "sized'' to meet JC more than 97' J of all 'sflgH D HI hauling needs! 112 IH H Standard models? Hufi 18 wheelbaeee ? 6 H great engines, includ- H H K| tag the heavy-duty 0H| Dodge Diesel. Priced H I with the lowest for ISmmHHHHHHHBHH every capacity! /LAND BR( ik PLYMOUTH : E y BmB| 4. . ' *. .* ' * ' ' - * v ! 1 ' . ;*1 / ' ' ' * I 1 ' . ? "" ; ' . ?"* .1 IS. 1M0. the meat business the hasty, overthe h, which has rehlon^d^homc, mluney-saving ristmas. ? fy Griffii jll T r Co., appointe (tilth De; Ito our "Open v ALL this w< IA House".., as new Dodge We invite our modern s; ...to look ovei tory approved Rot You will ft rojy large stock of a parts...and tl oughly trainee V I In short, you gggl sary for pron service! p. M Hp Be sure to se Luxury Linei Fluid Drive. ^ and roomier i r LINER! Styled and app ot to m mnd drive itt f** 1?4 if yourselfl Judge it by its 694 priced LP you 19 import martly styled than ever... And if you ' new refinements. And of , ,/ c jr which Dodge has been nf93 ?on * *?rl plete line of Jo ve*l Dodge is the lowest- more than 07? ;his gives you the smooth- \*/,? lfv-,1. fr Drive*, and look this great our "Qpon Hq .. or lemorrov BBE BfiHS i> DM mi i>u TyggMMMM^S Blvaa i e?i M> )S. MOTC T '*,. .-"--J" ^".; . s;-;j'i _ ? . , ',>. ' -." ' . ? / ?' lODGEiW'SlW K*t TtrMi ^ ' ' ' < '- '".. vH<^i^,-v-V '-U-* *; j \ ' ;.r - ' '."> . '. ' " '"* t ' i_" I I. ''. y.'-". -x /.> ' . j "v*. " ' .f ' I . 1 , . ' V . : . ,y > . M a I 9ISIIJJr^vl^Kcf [3sS5E99BBsDIESBBHHiHHIHBk? 1 Drug Store he Old Reliable . . , -* ' V *3 B, I dnew I aler! .. ; ... , ' I. ,, ' House!" ..v.* ' ' ' % * -' fr'.'r ' ? eek we are holding "Open .celebrating our appointment -Plymouth dealer in this city, you to come in and inspect ales and service headquarters the latest, most modern factools and equipment 1 nd that we also maintain a ipproved Dodge and Plymouth lat our mechanics are thorl in factory service methods. will find everything necesipt, efficient and economical lew 19m1 Dodge e and drive the 1941 Dodge with the sensational new See HOW much bigger, wider it is?how magnificently it is >ointedl 1 PlyftaOuth?America's lowixury Car which now offers ant advancements, operate trucks in your busi- ' jet that we handle the comb-Rated Trucks ? built to fit a cf rll hauling need3. Tword to your visit during use" celebration. Come today / sure! 141 PL'/MOUTH >h Pov/crmat!i T\ lifting .9 im- / ^Tpe^xCt J rtant advnrtce- I ) 'Zi/: RV?^j| | mtimikehymsgnifieent new -hJLhSmvmLm 'ling, new fashi-tone interiors, T|||# seal IS YOUR rreased horse- eUAMMTEK OP wer and torquel DEKNOUU SERVICE 1 ' ' ' . >R CO. Kings Mountain, N. C. TRUCKS I.. <. ' ' '. ,