; T ' * SOCIAL AND PERSONAL of INTE Meeting of Tuesday Afternoon Book Club IBB*^'TS5r of thi! Thursday Afternoon Book Club aud a fed invited guests at her home last week. * j Poluseitas and other decorations suggestive of the Yuletlde season; were arranged throughout the home Mrs. Manly Moorhead piestded and Mrs. II. N. Moss hud charge of the program which consisted of al Christmas Story by Alexander Wool cott. read -by Mrs. K. N. Balrd; Mary j ^Margaret McBrlde's story, a Christmas Tree, by Mrs. P. J}., Patrick;' Mrs. Moss gave a sketch of the life and work of Woolcott and MeBride Mrs.' ;C. E. Neisler concluded t)ie I Yl&uJ MOJpefi one easu\ | ujVim tpru uJbc famLrtd | Baking F^dfia.Twk, I amaiut|"&? duiecXumb 1 rail jyff. ni^jjbtr J amauMTti use of Rumjjtni I GnXai/M no aSbwMLjn&kn, ! HeatiiS a. -foC&t"?asTe. IH Send for FREE re1 ies und a sweet course! . u Study Club Meets With Mrs. J. R. Davis -3 Members ol the Study Club und ? a number of additional pue**.s were ( entertained Tuesday artemoon at the home of Mrs. j. It. iDavis ol. Mountain street J^rhe " lovely colonl- 1' at home was aUructively decorated with polnsettus, candles and green-: sl ery in holiday spirit. .s Following U sliort business period il Mrs. Davis, program leader, present lj ud the mid-winter club study ot B Noted Women of Yesterday and To- B day, In a brief summary of past pro S' grains on the subject. She then pre- s< seated Mrs. Proctor Thompson, who b gave a most interesting b.iography h of Amy Lowell, followed by selected s? readings of Mlsd Imwell's poems. il Alda Jean Davis delighted the si guests with a piano solo, after li which Mrs. W. T. Welt g ave a j C scholarly discussion of Harriett' si Monroe's life and works. K At the conclusion of the program N Alda Jean Davis played Christmas d carols while the hostess. assisted Si by Mrs Iteece Jlarville. Mrs. Jl. C. in Sprinkle, Jr., Miss Mildred Lowrauce. and Miss Louise Morris.> serv ;< ed a delectable salad and sweet course carrying out the holiday motif. p fERS' ' || JHO PPE j; + M t * Large Shipment Of + J > ? Dresses j in Received 2 , I expressions of praise + X dresses for their young > buy with the assurance | is the styles. , ; ? ? to 14 :: k I ? > R and give with the as- | ility is obtainable in the | ? ? de by Kayser 1 i \ \ [AS SALE? ; * ' \ i > ;o-Wear ind Hats ''*** V;-* ' JF PRICE ALLY REDUCED ess Shoppe > FLOOR? ' ' ; I ~ 1 , * ' * ' - v i.V- - -v. v". r---?: ~ ~~ ' KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALJ). ' .- ' *.'" ..* - "* . . fOMEN IRS. A. H. PATTERSON, tenders Program of Music Misses Virginia and Frances Sunt lerndou, rendered a proKr.itn of iuhIc at the home of Mr. aud Mr? rank ^Summers on laal Friday, aft rnoon.jA tow friends and teachers ere invited to hear the young peole and were high in their praise t the splendid rendition of the fol-{ iwlug numbers. Duet, Sweet Jaslino. Vedoru, by Misses Frances ltd Virginia summers; Solo, Sq'it: Is in the. Woods, by William Hern on; solo, Ijittie Hel Feather, Hobhi. Frank Summers, Jr.; solo. .Dane ig Sprite, Bohm. Miss Frances uminers; duet, March of tlie Ca ets, Frank Summers', Jr. and Win am Herndon; solo. The Fountain, ohm. Miss Virginia Summers; due? irds in the Branches, Miss Frances ummers and Frank" Summers, Jr.; >lo, Walt/, in Springtime, Kogers, y William Herndon; solo, Swingig on the'Gate. Richter, by Frank ummors; solo. Minuet in G," Beeloven. Miss Frances Summers; jlo, The Cr.own, Rislier, by Wilain Herndon; solo. Souvenirs from hopin. by Miss Virginia Summers; ?lo, Dalaucellc, Wachs, by Miss ranees Summers; solo,' Narcissus, evin; by Miss Virginia Summers; uet, March Militaire. Schubert, by [isses Virginia and Frances Sum- (" lers. Following i lie program delicious sire slim ell tx were served. iirthday Dinner Mrs. Aivin Yarbrough and Miss bbie Barber were joint hostesses i a Birthdav Dinner St'mdav ho^or ig their mother, Mrs. B. G. Burers's 77th birthday, and Mrs. R. A cott, who was 76. at' the home of 10 former on Battleground avenue. A bountiful dinner was served buf >t style to the following relatives id friends: Mrs. B. G. Barber and irs. R. A. Scott, the honorees; Mes \ THURSDAY. DKTEMPER 1*. 1940 ber, John B. Barber. Ray Barber. Alvln Yarbrough. Eddie Yarbrough, and the hostesses. The only decoration for the dining looin table whs the pretty birthday 1 cake of whit-e, with pink rosebuds. The honoreoa received many nice gifts. Pressley-Hieks Rev. and Mrs. Johu Hicks. Sr.. of Kings Mountain announce '.lie marriage .of their daughter. Verna. to Odell Pressley, son of James Press'ey and* the. Mrs. PreSsler -.f the Heth-Waie section. The marriage the home of Rev. and Mrs A. O. Kurgeahl. TIt - -ring service was uaed and those witnessing the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Core lister and brother-in-law ~ol the groom, and Mr. and Mrs. P. i>. Hern don. The >oung couple took their vows Ik fore an improvised altar of evergrfens banked on the mantle Mrs. Pressley wore as her wedding costume, a powder blue dress with navy accessories, and a should der bouquet of pink rosebuds anu baby breath fern. She is an attractive and capable young lady, having received her education .in. the KingsMountain high school. Mrs. Presslev j lias since held a position with 'he Margrace Mill. Mr. Pressley, a very promising young man, received his education in the Urover school, and holds a position with the Margrave Mill. Mr. anil Mrs. Pressley plan to set up housekeeping immediately and will occupy an apartment at tho home of Mr. and Mrs Claude Edwards on the old battleground road. Personals . Mis H, X. Moss returned - Tuesday from a .visit of several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank I (Cont'd on back page) j B. A. SMITH i Now Open for Business In His Old Location on N. Piedmont Ave. With A New Line of ?Dry Goods ?Groceries ?Xmas Candies and Fruits OPENING SPECIAL PECANS?lb 10c Come To See Me m DON'T WORRY, SHOP i ' " ? ' FOR HIM . Fi ?iigars ? ?Pipes ? ?Bill Folds ?Lighters ? ?Shaving Sets ? ?Traveling Sets ? ir ' ')k': y .<* # . We are better Prepared Kings U The Rexall Store r - . T v.V * . . ' ' \V*.. ' . 1 . v B&MtSH&jvii,'r ' A ' r ' *. . < " ' | Give Her I^^l : | A PERMANENT U^ t let us set her new soft Permanent in a Split "< > Pompadour style for Fashion history once more I) | rcpe/il7 Asell'As .1. Ml,, Ufa tP tfM U/llJf j 1 jj + topsy-turvy, so in tfiis Fall and Winter of 1940 ;; + and 1941 will American women favor more fern- ! | inine fashions and more elaborate coiffures ac- ;; % rented by distinctly formal hair ornaments. ' | . Call Today For Appointments - ; | Ask For Your Christmas Remembrance?Soft- ;; + _Skin Cream, For The Hands. f Vera's Beauty Shop 4 " :|: Phone 88-9 Mrs. J. B. Falls, Manager jp~ G ^ * (unusual/ candies A part of everyone's Merry Christmas is a nice box oi candy. Give 4 I her Holhngsworth's made "For Those Who Love Fine Things." f Your iavorite package comes with special Christmas decorations, at no extra cost, or in special gilt packages. Kings Mountain Drug Co. The Rexall Store > * * ' ' i . J ViV K gE^^i I JH .'^ S ' HHr at^V ' j| wii ;v -. . :' *'VaS 33 HERE AND EVERYONE WILL BE HAPPY ? .' . ":;9 )R HER ; ; FOR EVERYONE j ' , .. | "Evenig in Paris" Sets ?Hollingsworth Candy I Bath Powder ?Sheaffer Fountain Pens / qbo \Inm A ITUa ^ vai a x t uinv 1&IIO ?VUIIlCrilS I Compacts t ?Bibles Perfume ?Stationery .1 i Cutex Sets ?Photo Albums .. - ..' - ' V: ' ' -'v3 than ever before to Serve your Christmas Needs huntain Drug Co. Phone 41 and ft