111 ii t?m?; ? Scout Court To Be Held Tonight .? ' The regular monthly IU>> Seoul in the City Hall. A large number of Soduts ate' working to prepare them helves for advancement and Seoul leaders aud parents are urged to be t>reaent to nit on the Court and to give them support and eocpurugetnent. . . The Pled'moaU Council Executive, Board met last week at the Hotel Charles, Shelby, and was attended by a number freni Kings 'Mo infatn Including Scoutmasters Carl Davidson and H. O. Wilson and Scouters W, K. Mauney and Aubrey Mauney Reports were heard of the recent Scout Mobilization Roll Call and BOV FllPf Snrvov Tho K/voo ?* ' , ?v uuj o ?? iiiin QUICK RB8ULT8 ? LOW C08T HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS 2c a word.for first ln?ertlor| half price for subsequent Into." tlons. Minimum charge 2Ec. Do not ask for information regarding "keyed" ads, as they arc strictly confidential. If error is made, The Herald Is. responsible for oniy one incorrect. Insertion. The customer is respbn slble for subsequent insertions. The advertiser should notify im mediately of any corrections needWant ads are always cash in advance except to business men or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. FOR RENT: Five room bouse on Waco Road. Lights, Water on back porch. Sue Floyd Thornburg Route 3. It LARGE STOCK LOGAN'S GEM Furniture Polls. Kings Mountain Furniture Co. 12-12tt" FOR RENT: 3 room Apartment, available December 14th. W. F. ^"""Logan, 500 West uoid Street. OTDAUERi *jI??. I ' wi om lw. diuuk mm, weigDi aDOUl 100 pounds. Notify Dan Wells. 12-19-2p. CHRISTMAS PRESENT! What could be-bettor" than a fine K'.m ball Plnet Piano. Join our Club > , and save from 20 percent to 33 percent. Make a little deposit now and begin your regular payments after Christmas. Used Piano$ $60 up. KIRBY MUSIC CO.. Shelby. N. C. dec 19-p.. REMEMBER ?On Saturday you get one of our delicious Banana Splits for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. CHEAP about our work but the price. We use only Quality Material and have the machinery to do a first .class job. Foster's SHOE AND BICYCLE SERVICE I Phone 154 I THE CLAP ft . r^^otcy! ' ? ]Sl tptew , I (NCAdL : \ 0OWN Vi 9 * / - / iL-vv . - ; fcrifi "*1T rv: ed In this survey. Pacts from this are being prepared which wUl ha used In recruiting Scouts auu preparing better leadership (or the organisation. community In Scout age were cover Letters to Santa DKAH SANTA CLAUS:? 1 have been a good girl this year, {'lease brlug tne a doctor set and a curd table, a pair doll shoes. Thai is all I want, Do not forget moihei and daddy, and the otITVi Utile buyi and girls. 1 ant tcu years old. UKAIt SANTA CLAUS ? I am a lilt I*, girl ten years old. I want to thank you tor itiinas you have hi ought ntc every Chi'lstuiut! before. I ihiuk I nuxc been good this year. 1 am Mary in one play and Mrs. Santa Claur in another. Please bring me an ail set, some glaai coils, doll iurniture, doll house, hooks and guinea. Ceulah Khea P. & Don't forget to (ill my stocking DKAll SANTA Cl-AUS: ? 1 ; ?n a little girl six years old and in tile first grade at school. Please bring me u doll, sarriage. and a pail of skates. Also some candy atu fruits. Barbara Jean Ua >11. llKAH SANTA CLAU8: ? 1 am a little hoy four years old und 1 have: tried very hard to he a good boy. Please bring me an elec trie train, a scooter and a zylaplione Please don't forget all the oiliet children. Eddie Yarbrough NEGRO NEWS (By Jessie 0. Costner) ( +++++++ ++++++ >! < < Again the call for aid for our Cot ored Orphanage of Oxford. N. C. comes to us. Miss D. S. Uulbraith, Chairman of the campaign in Cleveland County, is urging our churches and community to contribute liberal ly to this cause. Mr. D. A. Costner is asked to solicit funds in this com GOLDEN GUER] ?Extra Food Value ?Economy Value ?Fuller Bodied Flavor ?Quality and Purity . fmt Hiimiiffl rrrr^^^^? ** ?? Be Sure To Include M Archda ' . V ' . i \1CY KIDS ti ?^p? I TUB KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD I inunlty for th? Orphanage ranipaltn Mrs. Mxaie Harry <* Watteraou street hat. been 111 for about two weeks, but she Is gradually tmprov ng. The members of the Ml. /ion Bap . tint Church and their friends are proud of the fact that the} have been successful in getting th?- church covered. The church couunu* s a progress tinder the leadership of the Rev. W. M Muuay. The Rev. D. A. Costner was guest ' speaker at a Christinas Vesp.-r ser 1 vice at the New Hope Hiuh School ' In Itutbertordton. N. C. on Sunday. >. December 15. He preached from the I sul .?ot ''The Christmas Spirit." *fhu cut Teacher Association. Mr. Ilaytus Johnson, a chlse of ' Cleveland county, and the >ou?KeHl 1 -oil of the late Rev. And} Johnson. > died on Wednesday of last week. I His funeral services were h-ld at I tile Kbeiiexer itantkt ehiirrli on tion ! bay. Dec. lg. lit? Is survived by Ills ! two sisters, Miss Mary and Miss Sullie Johnson who live' at their home place" about four inlh'? north 1 west of Kings Mountain. > Miss Odessa M. Shields has return . id home after spending a pleasant I weekend In Charlotte with her j 1 friends, the Rev. and Mrs. j. L. Powell. Mrs. Powell Is a former teach j er .of Davidson High School. I There will he a Christmas pro grain at the St. Patil Methodist church on Christmas night. People , of the community and friends are asked to attend the exercises. Some of the members of Bynutn ^ Chapel - A; M. fcl. Zion church will present n Christinas program on Christmas night. Everypne is Invit| ed to he present at the exceises. Mr. Herbert Oidtley, a student of Johnson C. Smith University ' spent Wednesday afternoon in the city > , -visiting his wife. Mrs. MatMe Bed better Gidtiev. Mrs Gitiuev is a tea ! her at Davidson High School, j < , ;;-V " '-. f For. every ten men employed in , ' making steel, about five are kept at j work supplying the raw materials. '{ - - One manufacturing company in ! this country alone has spent more i than $3,000,000 finding new uses fo'soybeans, which now represent an 80.000.000 bushel annual crop for the American farmer. t Wft W^. SSEY MILK GIVES m# SSiBBSI y * ? ^mKr"* Slk In Your Xmas Foods . . / : ... K* le Farms tone 2405 HH lore's Many a Slip Twlx the F< ? " : V. _ . L - = - I .?-?: r~ - " - : 1 11 i i i i i i i THURSDAY, DBCBiir^n 1?. 1940 &TATB OK NORTH CAROIJNA, . Department of State. rUK JUB O Preliminary Certificate of Dissolution To All to Whom Tuese frossnta ' . May Conte?Greet In*: Whereas, It appears to my ntl? faction. by duly authenticated r'ec- m # ? ol d of the proceedings lor the vol- ?4 FlOai untary dissolution thereof bv the u * 1A1R1I uunitnou* corvseiit of all the stock- F* T* JP* holders, deposited in my office, that the iiowland-Ware Motors, lucorpot uted, a corporation of this Sta'e, ( whose piinelpal office is situated at Guaranteed 24 North Railroad Avenue, in the m ? Town of Kings Mountain Couuty of . Cleveland. State Of North Carolina lfSS?-I'lCOt 1 therein in charge thereof, upon % hum process may he served y, ha* LADY-J complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes Pl'eSdlt this entitled. "Corporation". preliminary . , _ to the. issuing of this Certificate of I S1Z0 DOX OI . Dissolution: II ?i'/A 1 Now. Thereiore, i. Thud Kurt, l^sdiGS HQSt Secretary of State of the State of Sold 3t tllis ] North Carolina. do hereby certify j that the said corporation did. on the 12th of December. 1940. file in . Notice Only my ogice a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dis '* number ot soiutlon of said corporation, execu- sets distributed ted by ali the stockholders thereof, advertising tr which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now . on file in my said office as provided -vOU cannot con by law. In testimony Whereof. I have here to set my hand and affixed my offl- j ?t L clal seal at Raleigh, this iZlh day of 1^ I |h 1 December, A. D? 1940. VJaVAA J Thad Kure, Secretary of 8tate. m I ^ ^m * Men's Dress Shirts 48c & $1.00 Men's Ties 10c to $1.00 .Men's Sox 10c to 35c leather Belts ~ ; 25c to $1.00 Leather Gloves 97c to $1.98 % Men's Felt Robes $1.98 Men's Silk Robes - $4.95 Lounging Pajams $1.98 & $2.98 # > I BIG REDI IN BEUCS Belk's Dej I Open Evenings Ur ' >ot and the Lip. UN TING PHONE ttty Only, 12 till 6 P. M. 2 PAIRS LADIES' SILK HOSE 'hiffon or Service Weight First Quality ? Special Stretchy ?lutely Flawless ? Pure Silk Ringr Fop?French Heel?Cradle Foot. I LICE SENSATIONAL OFFER certificate and 99c and receive $1.00 Lady-Alice Face Powder, one $1.(MI Lady-Alice Perfume and 2 jmirs 14 \ . i ? - -- * 1 absolutely tree, rositively no set price after sale. . * Not*-.?Th?tt are genuine Lady-Alsnr ' , a )im Product* Sold only by Factory A ALL FOUR ^\?%i ?ZL ONLY ' KS WC j ' > ae at these hours, leave HSc and reserve your t?,'. .. SIzq. ..... FIN DRUG STORE " : >a| J f Dress Hats ? 97c to $3J9f Handkerchiefs 5c to 19c _ Leather Jackets $4.95 to $9j95? Top Coats ; $9J6 i Reversible Coats - $9.95 Outing Pajamas 93* Fancy Stripe Pajamas $1.00 to $1,4# Sweaters 97c & $1.93 . . I ' V 3 JCTIONS . . ... " V ' : ? . i v Vr1 ' ? . I 3YLAND *: tJ )t. Store F-;: , ' , ;! itil Christmas ?J ? . ??. By PERCY L. CRO*BV t? t*? ?iO