r\~ ' 7" > ' * ' " . ? " ' "?* . " V - * t' r ; TI ? . .I, * _ ...... ; - . 1 - BIG CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 1 Double Feature Program JOE E. BROWN I DOUBLE THRILLSI la ^^L *r v - ' LAST TIMES TODAY I 1/ L<| I V lYFiLiii 1 lOWAUMOUW'CI MARSHALL I MARJORII TO KNOW WttAT W" IRAMBEAU MmM k? AIM i. Omn rwttOritwiwikfMitaiaMtaiWk imlkytrMMMk*. ?? - THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ^mm^?^?????^? ? ? "*" SATURDAY ? DOUBLE FEATURE BMWWIWffiliWB MUSIC!..COMEDY!..EXCITEMENT! I I J; MONDAY AND TUESDAY I lj Romace ? Rhythm ? Revelry | The HIT PARADE I of 1941 WITH ELEVEN BIG STARS ?AND? f BORRAH MJNEVITCH AND HIS I r HARMONICA RASCALS j Four Big Song Hits I J WEDNESDAY ? DOUBLE FEATURE I j 4 ffwhlt M laurl - M?I TTTlond Allv." m Jv Willi Durti... a ^fl?A?^?^ r tflBfP^li^^^^Hl Wkal .; Vl^HI Tk*yM^'Mr> < McGINTX B B m, ? % ^ - ? rmamjr *mmrnmw9m*n JlXie . * > - > ." . f ! ' - V * * "i,v' -/' - ' '., ' -,_^Ji - -':-.'^A:. * IE KINOe MOUNTAIN HERALD. ' Personals (Cont'd from Society page) Hen Witletord, Jr., of Atlanta. On., will spend Christurds with Relatives in Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Can it and daugltter. Nun Jean, will spend the Christmas holidays with relatives In Asbeville ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Rdbern (lord left Saturday to spend Christmas in Cod cord with their son, Mr. Arthur Word. -O? Mr. Clan nee llorubuck.li. of Klor? ... tared) to Kluas Mountain for the hot \ tdajs with friends and relatives. ?o? Mayor and Mrs J. B. TliomassOi. are planning oti leaving here next | Tuesday for their winter home iu Palm Harbor, Florida. ? o? Mr. It'll White of Columbus. (la., and Mr. Paul White of Fort Jackson Will spend the holidays with their mother, Mrs. W. K. White. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barber are spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conner in Cherry ville. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Bright Harmon and childreu of Greenville. S. C., spent Sundtiy with his parents. Mr. and Mis. J. E. Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. George Barber,spent Saturday in Spartanburg visiting Mr. Barber's sister, Mrs. Will Turner of Gaffney. who is a patient in the Spurtaiiburg hospital. ?o? James Hatterree.- student at I'. X. C,. Chapel Hill, and Margaret Ratterree, student at W. C. U. X. Gvechsboro. are at home for the Christmas holidays. ?o? .Mrs. John Markas and children of Morganton are expected to spend this week end with.her mother and sister, Mrs, -I/ie Harmon, and Miss Virgie Harmon. ?o? . Charles Campbell, Jr.. of Ashoville and Colleen Campbell of Fltira McDonald are spending l he holidays witu tneir parents. Mr. ana Mrs. Charles Campbell. Mr. and ,Mrs. Andi'ew Jenkins and daughter, Ducky, will spend- the holl (lays at Sasr Laport. above Brevard with Mrs. Jekln's sister, Mrs. Babington. Misses Dorofhy Hoke. Mary Julia Pollock and Virginia Plonk, students at W. C. U. N. C. Greensboro, are spending the holidays at their respective homes in Kings Mountain. -??? Mr. Harold Barber arrived home Saturday night from Hattlesburg, Miss., to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. O. Barber. .*? ?o? Miss Wilma Rhea, .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Rhea, who has been in training in Liucolnton at :he Gordon Crowell hospital has been transferred to the Presb.vteriian hospital in Charlotte;. ?o? Miss Cora Herndon went to Boone last Friday to return home for the holidays: Virginia L?ogan, Julia Hemdon, Burton Bennett and Pride Katterree, Jr., students at A'. S. T. C. for the holidays. Miss Mable Conley of Raleigh was a guest of Miss Ozelie Klser ror the week-end. Miss Conley was enroute to her home at LenoirRhyne where she will spend the holidays with her mother. Miss Vera Falls of Lumberton and Miss Ruby Falls of Oastonla spent the week-end in Kings Moun- ( tain. Miss Vera Falls is a student at Scarrlth Training School. Nashville, Terni., and was en-roule home to spend the holidays. ?O?? Mr. Dick Baker arrived home from Lenior Rhyne Friday. Mr. Rod; ert Baker arrived later in the week from the Dental School of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, to spend the holidays with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. P. Baker. PENNY ADS LARGE STOCK LOGAN'S GEM Furniture Polls. Kings Mountatn Furniture Co. 12-12tf FOR RENT: 3 room Apartment, available December 14th. W. . F. Logan. 500 West Gold Street. STRAYED: Black hog. weight about 100 pound*. Notify Dan Wolls. lM?-2p. REMEMBER ?On Saturday you get one of our delicious Banana. Split* for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. ; FOR RENT: 2 furnished room*. 116 City Street. Telephone 177-M. 1-ROOM APARTMENT, hot water, furnished, private bath, access to telephone, one block from town.Phone #8. 12-ltfc. LOST: A lady's gold wrist watcb, be tween King and Canaler streets. . Reward to finder. Sara Boyd, 306 W. King street. > lyC?vy,:."v .* .? ' THURSDAY, XMGCBMBER. 2?. 1?4? Washington Snapshots (Cont'd from front page) things, in the light of our national defense effort, 'that meeting takes on an added measure of Importance. The theme of the Congress of Amerlcan Industry this year was "Total Preparedness for America's Future. " To if came ' industrial leaders from every part of the country, end from every type of business, large and small. They listened to a galaxy of distinguished speakers, a program such us has seldom been ga utcieii under one root, aud (hey had ACMMaBMMMNMkaaMi I oiiiei n illk. the opportunities aud the responsibilities of industry in the present worhl :?nd domestic picture. It should be encouraging for Amevtcans to hear at a time like tbia with the world in its present chaotic suitl inflammable state, that these industrialists ' showed the seriousnes of their intention by the very quality of these gatherings. Aside front talking' to -them as individuals, and'learning how seriously they took their role as the men who must build the armaments to make this country strong. I could not but be impressed by the way in which they followed the speeches at this great meeting. Perhaps that was -only natural, of course, for at the Congress of Amer icau Industry this year were gather ed top-notch authorities from nearly every field of national life. The National Association of Manufacau vers, which sponsors these meetings. and constructed its program with the very definite intention of 'Total Preparedness for America's Future' on the part of ali he industrialists who attended. Scout Court Of Honor Held The tegular meeting of the Scout Court of Honor was held Thursday evening sit the Court Room of the City Hall. Rev. Herman C2. Fisher, pastor of the Lutheran Church, led Ih -opening the meeting with prayer. Assistant Scout Executive WarlKsk of the I Piedmont Council led in the Seoul Oath and assisted Court Chalrmau Kev. P. D. Patrick in conducting the proceedings. .The following new Scouts were granted the Tenderfoot Rank: Jack Prince 3; Bill Guult 6; William Miles Hold 6. .The following advancements wore awarded: , Second Class; Cobby Hicks, 5; Walter Harmon, 3; Joe I>a!o 5. First Class-' Smyro Williams, Jr., 3; (David Neill 3. Bookbinding: L, P. Stowo. 1. Carpentry: Hoyle I^ee Whiteside 3 Cioking: Charles Wilson, 4; Ray Bridges. 4. , First Aid: Uus Cordon 2j Hoyle Dee Whttesides 2. First Aid to Animals: H. D. Wilson. S. M.. 7. j Handicraft: Richard Foster 7; | Therman Smith, 6. Hiking: Ray Bridges, 4. (Music: B. T, Wright, Jr., 6. Path Finding: Lowery Wilson, 7; Blllle Moss. 1; Jack Mauney, 1; Joe Hord, 6. ,* Persoual Health:* Gus Gordon 2. Reading: Roy Edward Smith, 4. Reptile Study: Otis Falls. Jr. 2. Safety: J. B. Cole 5. Wood Work: Hoyle Lee Whitesides 2. . Star Rank: Otis Falls, Jr., 2; Hoyle Lee Whltesldes, 2. The Court closed with Scout Ben edict Ion led by Executive Warlick. The next Court will be held Thurs day evening, Jan. 16th, 1941. One person out of every four employed In the United States today depends for his Job upon One or another of foniffeen Industries unknown in 1870. i Mer . MARGRj v < : ' y.' ' - ^ jkft'* rt- * " , * I' CHRISTMAS Arise// I Beauty Shop | Personnel | Annie Mae Howey H OUie Hartsell Helen Stewart | : ? ' . * . . >*+**4"M"f>++* Mauney ] Mrs. A. L NEW- WA] Launderers, Cleanei Gastonia's Oldest, Phone I Our Truck is in Kings ry Christ i . Art? i> P STORES f - fn ^ . * , *'. ,-. ' * > { &..X:y-X:. Allran pppi? i f LAUNDRY re, Shoe Rebuilders Largest and Best m \ ' Mountain Every Day tmas A ULINE\ ' H v ' '. ?.-'2