O?mimmiimm THS JJTHAT t Arttereon Grove Section WIMIIIIIMII MMIMMtM We la^e you enjoy eh the ChrUt u> latltaya end that heaHh and will h.. MMM lee V? . I P p I? ma? w i?7 / VHt 9 Ul mc www * tOm Year's Day wilt find several. gMyb with lot ton at III In the fields, sws* folks have kept en account of rt the cotton they picked: this year the John Moris picked something wear TjN* pounds. Her father.' Price tWor ! he the champion pickers of mm aoctloa? They didn't hare any jet ten of their own hut picked for Mr. P. D. Herndon whose cotton flatt has heen given quite a bit of ydMttty la this paper. Mr. and Mrs. drover W. Greene of ' IMOalii Mill annonnce the birth of a dmbter, Blcle Jeanette, on Thursday* Dec. 2d. * Wt. J. W. Carroll Is confined X? 1Mb led with several broken ribs amd possible other Injuries afc- ro - ? *? of a fall of Christmas Eve. ' JON'T BE BOSSED or you* LAXATIVE-relieve flktimtion this modern wav VW you feel (assy, headachy, logy A* St> ctDgged-up bowels, do as millions ifoa lain Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Neat laeefru ? thorough, comfortable relief, Mfytag you start the day foil of your and energy and pep, foaling like a mflBon! Feen-A-Mint doesn't disturb jsaar night's rest or interfere with work the uan day. Try Feen-A-Mint, the chewing n?fosatire, yourself. It tastes good, if a Bawdy end economical... a family supply Beats only FEEN^W^T I I'll TUNE I OUT THE M.IMPi I ALKA- W Mm YOUTL ft SELTZER ?A>IW0UNCEMENT3KJM mm tasve heard?end believed?Alka To these millions, the relief ob is worth far more then the gent broadcasts. The most Important parts of o? to us, are the commercial anno Alka-Seltzer we believe you wi But toy Alka-Seltzer because dna not because you enjoy the _ WHY ALKA-SELTZI The pain-relieving analgesic to th?. ready to ease the distress f^Jtreheving action is made mo The alkalizing elements In A1 ; aM acidity Get Vg{7 f*? Its more pleasan fliWN It's Easy * V YOU CAN DO IT THE B. & L. WAY' If ITS EASY TO SAVE t rrs EASY TO BL - 72nd SEb i Home Buili wmm ; OFFICER X. B. ANTHONY, Praaldant A B. THOMAMON, Vfra PTMIPI A. N. PATTIRBON, ttoraary am K. L. CAMPBELL, and J. R. DA> Phone 98 anifr w Mrs. M. L Thornburg remtlu oa the tick Uat. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Wars had as their dinner guests Christmas, all of their children and grand-children j sod Mr. Ware's sister, Mrs. Laura Ormand of Canton Is Mr. and Mrs. Ray Neeley of Laurlnburg. N.. C., spent the holidays with relatives here. Their daughter, Pearl, who Is 'staying with her grandparents to attend school here returned with them to spend a fewdays. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carroll returned to their home lu Utackshurg Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Plate Ltdford trtio bave been making their home with the J. J) Oofurth's since their iuarline Mill roiuuiut>it> Monday. Mliw? Mary Krauce* and I*ucllle Ware spent Thuraday with Mr. and Mrs. Grfiham Thornhuyg. MIhh Kathleen Uofbrth spent Friday sight with Mr. and Mr*. Woodrow Ware. Mr*. Sidney Mason and daughter Barbara, of Ware shoala, hare been visiting the J. W. Carroll*. They expect to return home Tuesday. Mr. and .Mr*. Theodore Huffstetler and family of Penley Chapel expect to move to the Bethlehem com munlty this week. COTTON REPORT The cotton census report *liows ttant 51,938 bale* of cotton were ginned In Cleveland county, N. C.. from the crop of 1940 prior to Dec. 13 1940 a* compared with 66,721 bales for .the crop of 1939, Morganton. Jan. 1.?Fred D Whisenant, 40. storekeeper and postmaster at Perknsvllle. wus fa tally injured yesterday In an accident at a sawmill near his home. He was caught in a belt and crushed to death. Americans spend nearly a billion dollars a year on games, sports, apd outdoor 'life in general. E-THATS THE MOST H ORTANT THING 7)^H L H?AJl TONIGHTf^lpgjj \ sadache, Add Indigestion, WjIi im td Muscular fatigue because they -Seltzer radio announcements, talned by the use of Alka-Seltzer line enjoyment they get from the ir radio program, both to you and LincemenU. Once you have tried 11 agree/with us. It is ait unusually effective medlradio urograms. :R IS SO EFFECTIVE i Alka-Seltzer Is in complete sohias soon as you swallow it. The re effective by alkaline buffers. Iks-Seltzer reduce exoeee stomach Alka-Seltzer the next time you drug store. rro YOUR 1 for You U riiiM | IIES OPENED ling & Loan i: BOARD J. I. ANTHONY ^ I. O. RATTBR8C 7 J. B. MAUNEY 4 Tf?iwr?r z. E. CRANFORD W Attorney# BRIDGES - '/ ' 'V 1 .. &- ; V*,-t 'A - M BUM MOWTAW ?ALP. Church N Presbyterian Church R*t. F. D. Patrick cuioi 9:45 A. M Sunday School, Mr. C. K. TUomassou, Supt. 11:00 A. M Morula* WbrsUlp. 8er moil subjectff "Jesus is Coming ? When ?" | 2:30 P. M. Sunday School Dixon I School HOIIHC*- Ml- J . 1 - fV? eeoniil ? ?- ? ? ? * V?l Supt. ' t *:.io p. ui Young Peoples Y?*peri 7:30 l>. M. Eveuiug Worship. 'Friend. Go lip Higher." dpm lAMkaCiMP ter; Messrs HIU Thomson tud Harry Pgte, Assistants. Tuesday: 7:15 p. m. Prayer meeting ut Margrave Community House. Boyce Memorial A. R. P. Church a. N. Liaird, Minister. 10:00 A. M. Church School: J. L McGill, General Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship and Sermon and Sacrament of Lord'B Supper. 3:30 P. M. Auxiliary Day In which following organizations meet: 1. The Men of tile Ohlreh. 2. Tho Woman's Missionary Society. . 3. The Young People's Christian Union. 4: The Intermediate Christian Union. 5. The Junior Christian Union. 7:30 p. in. Wednesday Evening Vesper Service. LUTHERAN CHURCH Herman G. Fisher, Pastor Sunday Schoql at 9:45 A. M. Supt. Mr. D. C.i.?'auney. Morning Worship at 11:00 A. M. Sermon: "Looking with Cheerfulness to the New Year.' Junior Children of tire-Church at 5:45 P. M. Intermediate Lutber League at 6:00 p. m. . Senior Luther League 6 p. m. Evening Worship at 7:00 p. m. Sermon: "Our Leader." We Welcome You. GRACE METHODIST . S. W. Johnson, Pastor 9:45 Church School, Prank Green Superintendent 11:00 Morning worship and Bermon. 6:00 p. m. Epworth League. 7 p. m. Worship service and sermon. 7:00 p. m. Wednesday prayer service. , Central Methodist Church . H. C. Sprinkle. Jr.. Pastor Special services Loth morning and evening will mark the beginning of the new year. 9:45 A. M. Church 8chool, B. S ' Peeler, General Superintendent. I 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Communion meditation: "Our Hlelp in Ages Past." 2:00 P. JM. Junior Choir Practice. Miss Carolyn Carlisle, Director. 6:15 P. M. Epworth League, I. Ben Gofortli, Jr., Leader. 7:00 P. M. Evening 8ervice. Ser mon. the first in a series on the religious significance of man's greatest achievements: "The Great Discoveries." Monday 5:30 P. M. Meetings of the circles of the Moman's Society. 7:00 p. M. troop,' 8, Boy Scouts of America. J. L. Settlemyre. Jr.. Scout ' * . b a 3 X a Oi. tl::. HOME > BUILD * ' ' ' ' /*'t 'J? .'1 1_ ' ? j ' I *> JAN. 1 - Association OF DIRECTORS: A. H. PATTERSON N J. B. THOM ASSON J. H. THOMSON L. L- ALEXANOER Kings Mountain, N. C. wmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmm . ? . r }Kpg* t- V . y ' ./ . . - ; ; . rfmnmAT, JAM. >. imi 1 rews? master. . : " '* . ' tv-- " 7:30 P. M Joint meeting of the Board of Eduration and Workers Council on Chujrch School Evangelism. Tuesday' 7:'J0 P M Board of Steward*. Wednesday d: 4T> P. M Kpworth league Program Committee. Wednesday 7:30 p. in. Prayer meat tug. There. ''The Shut-ins.' Wednesday 8iir? |?. in. Choir Atactica. WWW SRFWWP muni John L. Gregory, Pastor Sunday School 9:48 A. M. Morning Worship It A. M. 7 00 P. M. Even lug Services. Sunday evening Service 7:00. Each Saturday 7:00 P. M. Evango liatlc service. ? Second Baptist Church Rev.' C. C. Parker, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. each Sunda . Wesleyan Methodist R. L?. Phillips. Pastor Sunday School 9:45. Morning Service 11:00. W. Y. P. S. or Class meeting 6:15. Ppflver Sorvlpft \V'?dit?oitnv *7-Aft Evening Service 7:00. Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick. Pastor Sunday School 0:45. M P. Caldwell, Supt. Morning Worship 11:00. Evening Worship 7:00. Prayer service Wednesday evening 7:00. All are welcomed to come and worship with us. FARM QUESTIONS Q.?Is It necessary i'o fertilize for est tree seedlings when they are planted? A.?It. W. Graeber. State (,'ollege Extension forester, says that, while fertilizing forest trees is not gener ally practiced, he recommends that black walnut and black locust seedlings be fertilized at time of . planting. Fertilize each tree with 2 to 4 ounces of superphosphate, or a complete fertilizer, or its equivalent in barnyard manure. The fertilizer should be well mixed into the aotl, in a space of. 12 to 18 Inches, before setting out the trees. i : *. . ' v ' - ' How Does Investment With > f :w* 95 . of all failures in businet are from the ranks c non-advertisers . . . Onl 5 per cent, of those thf fail are advertisers. ?According: to Bradstreet. llfL.A AL i vv nat adoui Check your gross sales ed ... Your business and if you wish to impr cannot ignore your dut The advertising mediui ness men who have des their message is? *Tm Kings KINGS \ "Figures compiled by western University Bui ' J * * , . j) j..* . ' 'M.v V- -r>r ii ?FOR JOB PRINTING PHONG 167? ? * itv a ??>u/ i cui ivt^rii Make a resolution to buy your Groceries, Meats, I and Vegetables where you are always assured of I' getting the highest ciuality at most reasonable I ?And Don't Forget, W eDeliver, Too? I ' AND MARKET ' * i Your erodit is good?Pay as you ridol BUY NOW AND SAVE-MAKE YOUR OWN m, EASY TERMS on our friendly BUDGET PLAN l l ; ' Vv"o f : NO CARRYING CHARGES ADDED Don't let lack of ready casli keep you vlMaHIBWiiitew from getting the extra safety and BW long mileage of U.S. Tires. Be smnrtl Take advantage of our friendly budget plan and enjoy thousands}of // / ( f / safe, trouOlc-free tire miles. Come in I I 9 M % 'lMI today> Your credit u> good here, [,% M > / | HH Payments Week ' ' - A 1 /\IJ rni PLONK MOTOR CO. Phone 138 ?? Your Advertising Compare Average Competent business men scale their advertising investment in proportion to gross sales .... Then they use their advertising on a program basis so as to follow a systematic plan. *The following percentage of gross sales usually 1 -15 ? ? ate luuuweu actutuing 10 surveys maae oy recognized authorities: Department Stores 2.5 Men's Stores , - y 3.3 . Women's Wear Shops ....... 3.1 Furniture Stores 6.3 Drugstores v - 2.9 General Merchandise 1.5 f Jewelry Stores *3.1 I Grocery Stores 1.0 J Meat Markets ? 1.0 - Specialty Shops 3.8 Dry Cleaners and Dyeing 3.3 Hardware Stores ? 2.0 Other Business ; 2.0 Your Firm Mr. Business Man? and your advertising percentage can easily be figuri cannot differ much from the average in your line, ove it?or even hold it where it is today?then you y to yourself?And maybe we can help you. m that has produced the greatest results for busiired to reach homes in this trade territory with ' I * " ... *' ' ' - . . Mountain Herald . ; -S ' ' lOUNTAIN'S PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER ' Harvard Bu reau of Business Research and Northreau of Busi ness Research. 1 j ~ ; ; i \ + . " ' ' ?; . " ' .- -- \ ' ' ' -N -:. v ' ' ' ' ' ' .'.*. .; '*'. \ ,' \. - , * . ' , *\;;v r '*! ' . ...... V . ?. ' / ' ,V*M