Washington Snapshots (Cont'd from front page) *nuty has stepped on the national *??(\? in a prominent way,, <m willlug to kco au 8 or- even a 10 hour day, if uecesaary, In order to get I die defense job cone as quick) as *0 possible. l:<ii the annual convention of the alt hud under consideration a resolution calling for a 30 hour week > A "U r. houi days. Thin In the face at cumulative oi Ldi'noe of a svrioui khortagt- of skilled-labor in various trad* oil which defense ilrpimdii aud ,r i ii in-1 > i i [>i ;i ? rraln huge numbers of workers. ?o/ The President publicly announces se will welcome the cooperation of all groups and labor shoulder to shoulder with nil who a re working for the preservation of the American way Industry has "volunteorod" for Ihe defense emergency, is doing its Jftaeat to promote the huge pro grom and has been warmly com mended by high officials from the President down for its splendid co operation. Yet many in government to date have not shown a disposition to re more legislative and administrative restrictions which have, long hampered industry and which stand in tile way of maximum productive ef ficlency, Ail this seems clearly to s'now that the wliolehearted cooperation t-oio ,tij Elements so necessary to a (raxfntum effort to protoct the nation and the American way of life u far from an accomplished fact. j The innocent bystander, who in large measure must pay the enormous cost of the defense program in the resulting confusion 'finds it Aard to escape the conviction that iisstead of the several grops lm PRESCRIPTION SERVICE We Fill any Doctors' Prescription promptly and accurately at reasonable prices; with the confidence of your physician. KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE We Call For And Deliver Phonea 41?81 THURSDAY ir,1" " - . |DrK|IJHRI (jusuy. BL'S umi fW AYRES BARRYMO umwiifU Qml far RtMfT I Screen r*j>y by Harry Rutkia aad Willi* (M i SATURDAY WEIsSfllllER 1 WW wwW?WWl^*w> Maukom OniUIYAN 1 aiaa ikm woadmr*bo9 /fl5*N TAHAM, Jr. \S MONDAY an i I V^nU|^Bl\\\\i p^jl I^P| W| ,tM | '? Gtytgm SANDERS Ian 1 <>?? i il Stay. Mario aad Lyrtea W Moal Or SiSuM *r WCIOII8ASPX1 | WEDNESDAY I t^y mI -on I 1' h'-' . . : , ' ' V , ' ' " ' EL . P' ? -.V V: w mediately concerned cooperating genuinely in the common Interest, each group ? not omitting govern^ me tit ? must put an end to jockeying tor position If It Is hoping ultl mutely to emerge at the top of the pile. We are warned that the emergen t y confronting the United States ts 1 the gravest in the history of the nation. In the face of such an emerg { ucy. logic would seem to dictate that the several groups should discuss frankly and fully the problems involved in the defense program and make an honest attempt to ar(u thtk time of pe.iU government obvlouslv has very real problems, j Industry, which must continue to supply the. day-to-day needs of our 1 (urge population, in addition to providing modern military equipment i adequate to protect the national in t teres!, naturally fuces many practt cat and complex problems. - Among other things, it must look ahead to the end of the emergency and the re-adjustments which necessarily must follow. I.ahor has made distinct. gains <1 nuiia ir /.IK.I1 I uu ??a * I ? n l I II PO Hir 1 ii ill lii^ i im nil a. u iiiuuiuii; wants to holil those gains to as large an extent as possible. So labor and the spokesmen of labor have their problems." Prom time to time some high flown spokesman tells us that labor and management should get togeth er and come to agreement so we ran get along with the defense job. It should be obvious even to a tyro that labor and industry alone can not arrive at a workable agreement on a program which involves the ex penditure of untold billion of the taxpayers' money: ?o ? Such an agreement to be satisfac tory and workable must include gov eminent. To make agreenent possi ble government tnhst take a sympathetic" view of the problems. involved. Government can be effective in this regard only as it seeks impartialy to find a basis for real ttndestanding on which all parties lan agree. With the atmosphere cleared once and for all by such an understanding, "we could have genuine coopera lion. And what is in the best interest of the county and tho people as a whole. Is after all, in the best interest of each and every group. The use of lime, legumes, and phosphate in a systematic rotation increased the corn yield from 20 to | 60 bushels an acre In five years for L&WBon L>unsford, a Cherokeen coun ty demonstration farmer. ^I dbeek. . Diraetad by Harold & Bucqoat - Double Feature i ? UNE-STREAKEP ACTTONI d TUESDAY COWARD'S Fm&m# ZMsmssr PL TECHNICOLOR lmvtttn * f wui oiiu30ai\ jl .IXwtW W. C. ?AN DTH fli ? Double feature nam mm EIE* s ' *- * / . . x - . * . .'. . >' - - r- ' r* r .' ... : .: <* i m nn vovktain nauti). Society News . (Cont'd from Society pag?) Idee were served. Mints were passed by Louann JHerndon. Mlsss* Phyllis Patterson and Marjorle Rhea re celved In ^he hall. The register was presided over by Miss Pauline Crouch, and good-byes were said by Miss Selena Parton. : 1 Birth Announcement Mr. .and Mrs. Kred Plonk announce the birth of a son on December 30, at Charlotte Memorial Hospital. ruvwy MRy" Tl ' f ~ Miss Thclma Rollins entertained at u lovely party, at her home in Grover last week for Miss Victoria Hughes whose marriage to Mr. Wl! Ham Xlchley cook place Saturday In Knoxville, Tetin. - Those enjoying Miss Rollins' hospitality were Miss Hughes and Mrs. Charles Campbell of Kings Mountain. Mrs. Ophelia Rol lins, Tyree Keeter. Mrs. Frank Ham bright, Mrs. Hubert Rollins. Miss Mary Hainbright. Mrs. Sumpter Rol tins. Mrs. Marjorie Hyrd. A delicious salad and sweet course was served. Miss ^'"Khas presented a lovely gift of linen. Dinner Guests Miss Carlyle Ware had as dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. White Ware of Gastonia, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dale of Atlanta. Ga? Mr. S. Lee Patterson, Misses Stella and Madeline Patterson of Rock Hill. S. C,. and Miss Ruth Patterson of Lin colnton. - . 4 i s Cleveland College Club Dance Is Success ?j The Cleveland County College club's first public dance and party held Monday evening in the Woman's club house proved to be a very successful and happy affair. Approximately 100 college stu V' * .' ' ' '' ^ r7XMarC . ' ' - '. . , 6 . " . dents from all sections of the county attended the frolic to enjoy an evening of dancing, bingo and pard games. Practically every college rep tesented by students in the county and every section of the county, was represented at the party Monday evening. Punch was served during the evening. Personals Mrs. May Dover of Bethlehem community was the guest of Mr and Mrs. S. CT. Ratterree Christmas. ?o? ? Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cooper visted friends in Charlotte during the past, w.eek end. '( ?o? V Mrs. Pratt Herndon and-son. Elmer, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ratterree. ^Misses Mary Beth and Joe Hord -spent part of the Christmas holidays with their aunt in York. S. C. Miss ''Lib" Spencer of Gastonia is spending a few days with Miss Betty Patrick. < ?o? Mr. flumes Houston spent Olvriat mas with Ills parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Houston in Pageland, 8. C. ?o? Rev. and Mrs. R. !C. "Baird have returned home after spending the holidays with relatives IP Augusta, Georgia. , ?O?? Mrs. E.' W. Neal was called to Greenville. 8. C.. Christmas jDay on account of the serf6us illness of her sister. Mrs T. A. Putnam. Mr. and Mrs Martin L. Rudlslll of Cherryvjlle were dinner guests Christmas day of Mr and Mrs. L. F. Neal. Dr. E. C. Cooper and family left thla morning for Columbia, S. C? af ter spending the holidays with relatives' here. Mrs. Dane Rhyne and daughter. Helen, of Ostonia, have been visitPASTEURIZED M The Quality Food Keep a supply in ; Refrigerator Ahff * THURSDAY, JAN. 1. 1MI ' "V tng friends sod relatives In town this week. Mr. sod Mrs. J. T. Malcorab end Mr. and Mrs. 8. U. Smith of Pgptego, N C , spent the Christmas holidays with thetr father, Mr. George Allen aud family. Miss Dorothy Hoke had as her guests (or the holidays, a. college , mate. Miss Prances Clark, of Chapel Hill. Mrs. I). C. Mauney and Mrs. Geo. ^louser^ip^u^iomh^ajid^rje^jsc^ Nell Kdlson. a sister of Mrs. Mann-' ey who underwent - an ooeratton ' Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Parley hare i returned to their home In Covington \ a., after spending ten days with her mother. Mrs. Daisy Osment and Miss Muset t Jenkins and Miss Margaret Dunn. jMr_ and Mrs. Albert Davis of Ches j ter. 8. C.. and Miss Melfca Settle- ! myre. a student at Boiling Springs, j spent the holidays with relatives In Kings Mountalu and Gastoula. ' ??"? Mr, and Mrs. Ed Howser, Mrs Lee Harmon and Mrs. John Markas went (o Blackburg Sunday od being advised of the death ot Mrs. Nancy Dempsey. a friend. Mr. and Mib. U C. Parsons bad as holiday guests-, their son and daughter. Mr Jack Parsons, and Mrs. Ivan Rosenthal, of New York City. ?o? Miss Martha Prances McGlll and Miss Nina Jackson were, holiday guests of friends in Boone. I ?o? Miss Lillian Lackey leaves this week ror Manteo. after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Lackey. ?o? Messrs Paul and l>aurence Patrick return January 2nd to Davidson Col lege after spending the holidays with their parents. Rev. and Mrs. P. JD. Patrick ' ?o? Mrs. S. S. Weir, Jr.. had as her ? -J I ~ _ .k? 1 .1 U<v. S V. quests uuiiiik iuc uuuuuys mi uiutu er. Mrs. L. A. Ervln anil her brother John L/. Ervln and her Bisters, Margie, Jewel, and LtOis Ervln. ?o? Mayor and Mrs. J. B Thomasson left yesterday to spend three months at their winter home In Palm' Harbor. Fla. They were accompanied by Chsrles Thomasson. Jr., who is a student at the University of Florida. ^ ?o-,Mr. and Mrs. l^awrence lx>hr, and little son have returned to their home in Raleigh after spending the holidays with Mrs. Lohr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mauney. Correction In the Herald account of the Cen tral P. T. A. Christmas donations sponsored by the Welfare Committee, the names of three members of the committee were Inadvertently omitted. The Herald regrets the otnissions, and gladly adds the names of Mesdames M. A. Ware, A. G. Sargeant and 'Otis Falls to the com- I mlltee. Call or See EUGENE McSWAIN McCoy Service Station Phone 165 HWfp* REPRESENTATIVE in Kings Mountain Territory FEESHI BO I - ..- j? . V("<? ,* v .- .;? /.- ' . ' i *->- - ' . -.' ,i ? - 'i'A*. .*!-* ' >- ' -L"_- . " ; . ^ L, I"4_: jil * ff jfP- *\y- *?* ;J-jl! >"" MMIMMMj} Shoe Specials i; 4 Tables Women's DRESS SHOES t1 ;: Values to .$4.00 \\ MIEN'S WORK A| O 01 AO $1 & >1.481 INVENTORY SALE "IjLadies Dept. :: S9.95 DRESS COATS NOW $5.00 ;; :: $7.98 DRESS COATS NOW $4.00 ;j 1 A/1 Al? ma . ? 1$O.to UKLSS tUAlTS NOW $3.50 2 OTHERS PROPORTIONATELY REDUCED | $9.95 COSTUME Ap A/\| ;t SUITS?(only 3) ,? ' ?pd*UU :: !: $6.95 DRESSES Aa :: :: now ipo.ou | :: $5.95 DRESSES . /\/\ !; :: now - jpo.uu :: i: $3 and $4 DRESSES ~ (tkl QQ now. - jpl.s/o :: | RACK DRESSES < . \ if ^ Special Close-Outs. AU sizes? ___ II | $1.UU each I . CAROLE KING Winter Styles ? ;; 1-2 price | I HATS?$1 and $2 HATS?All One Price : j I 69c * z | Piece Goods j !: DRESS and COAT WOOLENS ; Half Price ;; ;; Fast color 15c & 19c Prints?Now 10c yd. :: ;; REMNANTS?Prints and Shirting { and Solid White?h'xe table 5c vd. SHEETING?good quality Sc yd. p Mens & Boys Store jj ]| SANFORIZED ha I OVERALLS (*/ > i I :: $12.50 and $15.00 suits *?> an :: :: now !pd??;5 i; :: 97c DRESS SHIRTS AQ jo Shop worn, all sizes?Now iOv ;; i $4.98 boys' suits a a a i i I; NOW $2.351 :: : |p Brooms & Mops . 10c With or Without Other Purchases < . > ' 1' 0 / 1 DJK>- n a. Ci? I ucm? ucpi. oiore REMEMBER ? You Ahrays Save At BE UK'S ! .f- . ' . ' ,> t ' '. V _ ",'- . ' ' . . y ' ; . -v'- .?;/.' . ' . - y. " " /' ' ; >V .^. .' / '

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