; x SOCIAL AND PERSONAL nf 1NTF 1& .. , ' ' .v *"7 . . , ?, , - ' f I \ 1. "> j V TLostess To Bridge Club / Mi K. A.' Slultli. jr., was uoslesH / to the Tuesday Afternoon . Bridge ( flub, entertaining at her home ou \?JMediuuut Avenue. The following inuW up two tallica: Mesuaiucs Charles Williams, - Hilly Mammy,- Neisler, Jjo" Noisier, Uooih Cllldspie, K. K Finger. lluyne Rlaekmer and the- hostess A sutidwich and tea course was served after the game. ,.?mith Council Entertained / Miss Ktlzabeth N'elll was hostess / to members of the Youth Council of V Central Methodist Church at her ^^hoine Saturday evening.- v ) ' Dr. "11. C. Sprinkle. Jr.. discussed the subject. "Reaching Young People' and Miss Carolyn Prlrtce talked on "Personal Kvatjgellsm.' During the; social hour tho host-'| ess served a dessert- course' with j coffee. ' I "** " ~ j UjMTlOII REUEFJ j 1 SUKZ, or est"/ I \nmmmM\ No need to suffer the tortures of acid indigestion and otfier acid stomach discomforts any longer. 'Not while you can get Bisma-Rex. Here is a four action product that is helping thousands obtain relief. Bisma-Rex is sold only at Rexall Drug Stores. Try it today. . KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG COMPANY Phones 41 and 81 THURSDAY AS^E'GOPBWD^ Artie Shaw t? d^&rtte fraaKsOytsrisMstTMlmtadbt I. t.l SATURDAY?' S I - mfoS? MONDAY anc i&FTE bv S. SYLVAN SIMON WEDNESDAY & fill - DI3 , HAPPENINGS PHONES 10-R AND 88 Legion Auxiliary Meets /j no American l?eg. >n Auxiliary held Us regular monthly meeting at, ^the home ot Mrtt, T. CJ. Hudspeth! with Mrs. Blanche poplin, jOiut lio.s' teas In Tuesday afternoon. Ferns and pot plants wePPprett.v trranged (or tlie occasion, muUiun a lovely setting (or the meeting. The meeting opened with the Salute to the Flug. Mrs. Snrgeaut read the 23rd i'sulm und Mrs. Build led in prayer Mrs. Byron Keeter played the Star Spangle Banner. The topic (or the month being .legislation. Mrs. .las. Ware had charge of the program. Mr3. Paul Mauuev read "Font' Points for "11" by Mrs.' Andrew taws, chairmen. National Legislative committee. ? Sirs. James Waie read, "it Takis More Titan Guns,' by Mllo J. Warnin," National Commander, the American Legion. ; Mrs. J. E. Mauney read I poem, "Build Well, by Mary Rock troiu Little Windows. Fifteen members, answered the roll cajl. Mrs. Giee Bridges presided jvtr tile business .session. During tin social l,our the hostess ee served delicious chicken "salad j with a sweet course and coffee. Meeting Of Vei-a Sargeant Circle Miss Annie Roberts was hostess to tuumbers of tire Vera SargeanjL Circle of the First Baptist church, at iter home on North Piedmont' Av euue on Monday evening. Mrs. J. L. Head- conducted the de votional service. Mrs. Hill Baker had charge of tha study the topic of which was "An Urgent Gospel?Where. We Live." Mrs. Bryan Herd. Miss Mitchell Wll Hants and Miss Fanny Carpenter took part in discussing the Subject". Mrs. J. K. Willis led the closing prayer. During the social hour delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. ' -j. . Ormand-Goforth Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ormanrt of Graham. N. C., announce the marriage of their daughter, Margaret Irene, to Arthur Goforth. on Jleeeinher 21, at Gaffney, S C'. Mr. Goforth is tlte son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goforth of Forest City and FRIDAY MIRACLE MUSICAL HIT I S'MCOIW; <2 CHORUS f irtTBiirgess Meredith ^ NUir. WiMi Pm H >'??* Double Feature Tbe G^yl Caballero AIM Cwtiiy t?? rt?l?n I mr TTinr* a wr I 1UUSUAI voa'M tov? Dulcyl ...(M'ith?crMd-| W ^ I I ^ MtKmrtuD ol I I I ttwwi ?ii I J Lmm Cm hi Dm mtey. Jr. . Prodaoad by IDCtAI IKLWYM . TOURS DAY TV 3 mts0vme*f - ~^T"| , [ T"AILaiAZEHS?* |IJEr *. \ ' w THE KI^GS MOUNTAIN IIERAU) TH 4 MRS. A- H. PATTERSON, ' ^ * . I Stag Supper Hosts of tln> Stay" f lub of/ i Klng^ Mountain entertained ihelr\ > ( laily friends at a spaghetti suuper ai l'iue Knot on Monday evening, j Spaghetti with accessories, codec and dessert was served. Personals * Mr. Jacob-Cooper is recuperating trtfm an atiuck of the flu. i o? \' iv .vn\ o. w. Myers is recuperatingV* | frttm nn attack of the flu. ?o? Mi*. Humes Houston is ill with influenza. , . . :y| ?o? It Miss Helta Byar. dramatic. teach it CONTIN Sale 3c Sale ?Jello Molds | ' ?Cookie Cutters ?Certified Aspirin, Box of 12 ?Graters ?funnels ?Can Openers ? . *? ?Hot Plate Pads ?Scrub Brushes -*-Pins ?Range Sets ?Dessert Dishes ?Candy Dishes ?Ruby Ash Tray ?What Not Novelties - V and numerous other Items ?? ? I BROOMS Good Quality Also MOPS 10c READY-1 WINTER COAT 1-2 1 BELK'S REMEMBER ? You Ah * . ' ' ' ' f " " ' \f . ' / \\ . ; --.s ^ vs"*-- . 7>- rv'?. 4 ' ?' . ^ ' ' ># . * . * I'RSDAY. JAM. 16, 1M1 rr, ha* returned from her home in Maye^viil#-. Ky., i|.ivrt' she Miptyu I he IioUUu\r. She was delayed on M.-00UHI ot illttt hs in her tainily. ?-o Mrs U. K J hi I lose of folumhia i-o - . t Mis* Klluoi Kpui'i of Morlina, ?> pent the week-end wiiii Miss Kliz i belli Neill. ' - \? ?O r . , s ' . 11 Mr. and Mr*. (Jvorpo llcruilou of c l?i. \V. L Mouney spent the wck-etitl wl'h their parents, Mr. iixl Mr*. It I.. Maunty * * " Mr*. Burl MlVill .?( the I'mk | iruee whw1 fneutiv \a-i n M- ' w+mmmmmmmmmmmmmm in. >1 to her itoiiio on t'CtiHler nrreii.t' or th?> piist wt'i'k. U<-\^ I' I> IMtricfc; 11 t;.'Kidi. i t N 'tuiiil nr., ^ e\|n < el In ti t tit it Ins .-vetiiny (rum M i>!Ii i'niiit uln ri' lny attviiil-if -iIn North I'itiiiliii.i 'mil.11' of i liiiMiho* ?o s .* - r Mr iiiul Mis .1 Curry have iovi-iI from tin I It Cotorth iiuum !t "West MpiutraiV si reel to the for ier liryan llord limine on Hold Ireet. recently purchased fimu li I. I.ymli. Mr. aiut .Mrs.