I ' ' - * . ' ,111 Of Mention # ' ' #...'. . ' J f. tH> l.ols Reuttte) Mrs, Henry Jones had ns her. dinliiT guests Tuesday h?'r mother. Mrs And. MtiFtf rter unit Mm. Forest. I Stewart of Bethany. Mm. Maude WIImiiI spent the past reek-end wltlt telatU'es In liafTiiey? Messrs WlUn I! Inn ton and Marion r. Falls attended a 1'osliil Couven lion in Tryott Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Moss had us lV.??ti guest this past week-end. their son. Mr. ('ai'iiidiiic Moss. f Mr Aaron Hartsoo of Foi t Jack. son spent Sunila\ with his mother, Mrs. l,il!lc Hartsoc. Mr and Mrs A It. Hulfst Nler Tad as their guests Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Holland lloin of the Ouk Grove section. M.*s. ("allle liopnolds anil daughter. Martha, spoilt Sunday in Fort ..Jackson with. Mrs. Reynold's, son, Mr. John Reynolds. Messrs Warren Reynolds and Cur ;is Cash'spent Sunday.in Fort Jack son. ' , ; - : Washington, Jan. L'l.?The gavel tcii today for hluff. ifeartj John ' .N.nice Garner after nInmost two ore crowded years In the nation's < 'npitol. Ills lasf official duly, wa? to aduv|sister the oath (if ofTtce to his - accessor . ? Henry Agard Wallace? the Itlind Vice-President of the flitted States. Then it was home to f"xns and the quiet role of private i itizen. QUINTUPLETS use MUSTEROLE for CHEST COLDS Mother?Give Your CHILD This Some Expert Corel At the first sign of the Dionne Quintuplets catching cold?their chests and throats aro rubbed with Children's Mild Mustcrole ? a product made to promptly relieve the DISTRESS of children's colds and-resulting Coughs. The Quints have always had the best of'care, so mother ? y^u may be assured of using just about the BEST product made when you use Mustcrole. MORE than an ordinary "salve"? warming, soothing Musterole help? hreak up local congestion. Also made in Regular and Extra Strength for those preferring a stronger .product. FOOD Reductions Silver Cup rnpppp VWJL A JUU 3 Lb. Bag 37C Standard Pack Dessert PEACHES Large No. 2'/? Can 2 Cans 25c Pine Cone Corn or String BEANS 2 No. 2 Cans 15c COCOA 2 Pound Can 15c Argo Small SUGAR PEAS 2 No. 2 Cans 25c SPAM ; Hormels 25c Home Store * Phone 38 Phone 38 , WE DELIVER , , if in Yi "in i i ii" 'i^iirifiMiiiirWHfc k n a ' V *31 HAT "" ., - - rifi&gtgm&r I J P^ Jon Hall, as the son of a South S love with the beautiful and ravish ii ao a Singapore cafe girl In Edward ce, "South of Pago Pago,' showing a day and Tuesday. Young Apple Trees t Need To lie Pruned There an* i.4o good reasons wh"'! young apple trees should l<c pruned says. H. It. Niswonger. hortlc'ultur-j j 1st of the N. State College Kx- I ' tension Service. They are.: (1) T V j secure ;< strong frame work capable | I of support lug large crops of fruit | with, the least breakage of branches am! (2) to Influence the siae at i Which young trees hear fruit. J One year trees sot out this year.! without side branches, should have one third to one. fourth of their, height removed in order to force i out 'strong lateral branches for aj frame work. Xiswottger stated On | u one year ".or two year tree with lateral branches, it Is wise to select several larger branches arising from the trunk to se'rve as the -future frame work of the tree. , These laterals should he well dis tributed around the body of the t m,A f. irt C l??1 -- - ' I ?| V . u r liiwur-M UUMI'I.II j UiV two central brunches or loaders arising from near one point, one of these should be removed. AH other side branches arising from Iho titihk should be removed, tt tlio ! j t rnls and the lhnder or cent ml bran ch are long and willowy. they' should be cut bach. itnme IhPoly The leader needs less pruning than the laterals The horticulturist report* thai ! tests conducted at the Mountain Ex J n'ritnent Station showed that light, pruning developed trees with a iar I ger trunk diameter, and produced 1 larger crops of apples at uu early j age. The increases in yfol ls from ' light pruning as compared with j heavy pruning ranged from one to, 4.4 bushels per tree. A small flock of 4" white Leghorn t hens is returning Mrs. Tester Price of Marshall a net proft of slightlv more than $lf? a month, reports P. ft. Elatn, couuty agent of the State College Extension Service. THE SMOKE OF . SLOWER-BURNiNG CAMELS GIVES YOU than the average of the 4 othei largeat-aelllng cigarettes teated ? leas than any of them ? according to Independent aclentWIc teata of the imoke Itself. I I ' ' 1 ' I . *" - ' . IB ID NOB MOUNTAIN HERALD - ^ I > ^ jjSsr v.-':^4. \M ea island tribal chTeftain, falls in ig Frances Farmer. who appears Small's thrilling adventure romant the Imperial Theatre next MonI ^ /-v ' rann ijuesiions Q. -What urn. the* mail, joints in getting ili<" highest price for < jigs.' A. T T. Brow... Kvtelision polti try specialist uf State College, hui outlined a Kix-poi.it progTani foi selling qualify eggs: ?1 > Crude foi size and interior quality; (2i cnndh o remove stale eggs and ones will Mood spins, and :?. .separate accort i".r, to interior quality; tiii make i least two tirade* sizes, and use ex li'ttiely. large, very small, and dit \ egg* s?t home, tit clean slightly t'lr.y or stained < ggs with esuet; elo.ii or damp" elotlt and spda. bu never \vu:-h litem: ('>) use ariod < ; es with clean fillers and Hats, o pack. efifis ill at(rat*l ively lalielel canons; and (6) market' eggs twicl weekly. Q. What voce tallies are adaptet ;o cold frames? A. - Such vegetables are cabbage cauliflower. lettuce, tomato, pepp i and ejsi plant. started in, sballnv boxes in the house in ay br- trans terred to cold frames in ordev i< .develop sii>.'ky plants and to liari an them before setting in f'he garde! says II. It. Ntswonger. ICxtettsidi horticulturist. ('oldfraincs are als< liMil as* a seed in il ill crow ill' plants of the above vegetables' fo mie se.ison plnniing. The coidfratm should b" located in a sunny place facing the South. Negro News (liy Jessie (5. Costner) The Senior Missionary Society o the Bynuin ('huel A M. Pi. Zio Church met Mu.idap .night of las week Willi Mrs. (jerlrude Brown o rausier street. Talks wore nlvti 1\ Rfv. Long, 'pasloi' of the oil Ore I ami by Mrs. Brown, vice prosiden oi the Society. Cocoa au cake were served. H Circle Number One of the Wc man's So.clety of Christian Servic of the St. l'aul Methodist 'Churc will meet at Mrs. Caitile Cordon'* Carpenter street, on Friday nigh of this week at 7:30 "p. m. Mr. Avio Roberts has been ved; ill from an attack of iufluS^za am asthma. Ho is improving, being abb to sit up some, but is still confiuet to his room. The Rev. and Mrs. I). A. Costne motored to Newton, N. C., on Satut dap of last week where Mrs. Cost tier atteuded a district meeting o the Woman's Socijty of Chrl^tiai Service. They also visited the Rev Costner'8 aunt, Mrs. Louise Brown and Mrs. Costuer's brother, the Ret C. L. Gidney and family. The Lint bar Music and Litorarj Club met Tuesday ulght of las week at the home of Mr. and Mrs I). A. Costner. After the busliiesi meeting, games were played am hot cocoa and cakes were served The next meeting will he on Tues day night, Jan. 38, at 8:00 p. m., a the home of Miss Hophla Thoiulr on West Ridge street. All of th< ini'inbci'9 Iir? lirepil In hn nrnapnl The president Is Mrs. I). A. Cosiner Mrs. Loyster Thombs has beer confined to her bed (or several days from an attack of influenza. He husband, Mr. THombs, is able to b< out again. He has also had an attach of influenza. Mr. Edward Byers has been hom< for a week from Oreensboro. Sine) being here he has been ill with In fluenza. He is able to be < ut now Mr. Charlea Costlier of Oastonii was called to see his brother, Mr D. A. Costner, on Thursday \of las week. Notice: Any colored citizen de siring to subscribe to the Horak and keeping up with the fl'egrr News of Kings Mountain and com munity may do so by <?ontactinf Mrs. Jessie Q. Costner 104 N Tracy street. $1.60 a yeat- 76c foi six months. ?y.T nppp^rii) w "HI V.'v; THLRSIUY. JiMC. 23. 1M1 BOY SCOUT COURT OF HONOR Xhi regit la i January ('ontt of I lot 11 .if nt ?ln- Ut'V S< uiii.-' wis J?? 10 111] 1 hi- c.o?.' Hiiinn it'.' 'tin t'i'y Hall i?a ,l:ij.iiiii < I'itli. Tlnnmlay i viiimg iii 7 11". ('i)lnniuiu'y ('lialritiait \Y Iv Muuu y was i cliiirgl* iiAsisi??,l lr Kverlitlvr> Warllok ot Scuiiting Ileatliptarlors In (la~toil in. Tin1 follow lug s??l vain'i'inmits ,wi ti' made HimoikI I'las* HanU: .1 W. ( lad den. Jr.. S Kirs I fas;: Itank' .lames Herndon. 2. Kir- Aid Oils Kalis ,lr.. H. Kits: A ill To Animals: Jiiilmid Spivey, 2. iRintticrofti tiu$ (tofdon, 2: J. Clyde Kee. Miisim-v l'.ucU Huff si tickler. 8. I'm lifirnlii f:: Ik>li1>y Hern don. 7; Juiiick Miill'inlrt. l!old>\ HieKs si: .1:)" Cole, r.; .1 It, Cole, 5. Plumlitiii:: Puck Jiuffstickl' t-. 8. Poultry K>M>|iiue ' Cits Got<l<m. 2; Il'tylelee Wlili?'>i<|<. 2. i . Safety: llillx .lonus 1: ,1. I". S'own -| fjtsf Itniik: <;.is Gordon. 2: laiw s ery I). Wilson. 7. It It. \Yilson S r | M . 7 r Tin- 11 i?It??~* Itiiiik in Seonltiip, > tin*. Kasli Uftik was : warded to Mi i W. K "Ifillj"' Mnttiuy. .it . of Trow 1 U . 1 The liter, who, served ott. Ire four. > were: Carl Huvitlkutt Pill Sin tine v . C.- C. Parker, M II Moss II P. I)t\ . To Relieve C Misery of ^ JLa 1^ O fififi s III Nose Drops 1 1^0 \0 '^0 Cough Drops I Try "Rub-My-Tisirt" - a Wonderful j' Liniment , I'**********************-;.** : I v ? * : 1 Heme Buil c it '': of Kings Mi ^ i *5? 4* (Copy of Sworn Statemen i T * | .. The Association Owns: I > Cash on Hand and in i| State of North Carol 11 j Stock in Federal Hon 1+ Mortgage Loans :? Money loaned to >ii;ii"holiK 11 own their >iotn< s. K.:teli loan > proved real'estate. ' ' $ Share Loans * Advances made to our short s < ceedst SO porcei.t of amount Accounts Receivable ' * % Temporary Advance* for lit: 15 + Office Furniture and u % Office Building . % Real Estate Owned t Real Estate Sold Un< 1 + Other Assets ! TOTAL J t + i + The Association Owes: 1 + . t To Shareholders 1 i 4? " + Funds entrusted to our . * as follows: Installment Shares , | Full-Paid Shares t % Prepaid Shares % Running Shares \ X ' Other Shares . % Notes Payable, Feder t Notes Payable, Other 1 1^ Money borrowed lor use in i 3 * tured shares Each note s X ' Board of Directors as rerjuir f Accounts Payable X Earnings held la trust for t T thrir shares. , | Undivided Profits r .. To be used for the paytnen j ; increases the safety and sti L ; Reserve for Contingei OtheF Liabilities ; :: TOTAL ' j; State of North Carolina [ : I County of Cleveland t A. H. Patterson, Sec] ;j5 personally appeared be the foregoing statemen \ ;? Sworn to and subscri . ;; me, this 15th day of Jai f J. R. Davis, Notary ; My Com. Ex. 3-14-41. <+++++++++++++++++++ I-+++++ Ill LI IjlUJIL I .ill II. , I III upi i urn, i Antinutit*?>ttu-tMii *pp? in# di > pn ' ri'mlng lh?- .ohM-rvaru* of ViNoimI Ju>jr Week. K- I. 7ih ?> tUb J And uim> n( tl>v po*l(Mii>tnii'nt tin ?r 111111 Oif lln ?Ui. . i?y< M?M *?i iiv mi mini tiM'ctiitK of the lOilmont Coun i ill until Tiu'-diiv, Jan- ifstli Over ".on iukiitu liyv?* li.un ?olil for 11>Im t>uli<|uut owikIoii. A laiRo eroiiii Of Sural Scout kadi'O ai'r lu attend Tlio. next Court will In' In lil on Trnrsilay evening. Keln'itarv "nth." Whatever YO * Y' we've got the at real q/#] 8 , Sic c& / ' J * ;^"SSh" (- ? \ yule*'! M* y^'sV *'* cf & \ v V'?/\ 61"? rfv" / JL ..y ??z PLONK M ?. - Phoi : ; > : > > > ; ! > > > > *; : : < :< * ; > Statement of Condition ding & Loan A: ountain, N. C. as of Deeembe t submitted to Insurance Commissione ASSETS Banks' ina and U. S. (government B ic Loan Bank -: ? ivs lor 'th?> i.iirpdsi' of enabling tlcm I s?-cured' l?y first mortgage On local holders ac.iinst their shares. No loan actually paid in. durance, Taxes, Ktc. Fixtures 0 ier Contract LIABILITIES care in the form of pay me: nm on ' 172,400.00 , ; 32,832.50 14,479.10 .... None al Home Loan Rank I m m making loans to members, or reti~injr t approved by at least two-thirds of t*nl ed by law'. listrlbution to share-holders at luatuiUy t of any louses, if sustained. This rest rcngth of the Association. ncies .. -> ss: retary-Treasurer of the abo\ fore me this day, and being ts is true to the best of his bed before (luary. 1941. A. H. r Public. fTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTVTT' lYi'iii'Mt ii'^ ;>*ii umin^ Wm I llll WgnMl Lutim- hJTmIIu limthil It? Sup |? N?>? -trnulrf J ??.! Ian 0,-ml. <f M Al>> WM Ml W.'T. ?'- >?. mum a* ft H f?? I* or wheft t -si ?rt nrttou*. hurrtM or ?H?tt |? ill- > jr ii owh U'iii |iul im fcu'h fjl4 Y.wf M ?li| **t n4 !? JU** |i? b-?r?hur?i. ha'tor* f atfi C? KM Ton fr?l ?}*r. tick ami All l*>*-?or? Mt ur*+t t*A?* a ItlaUvr fir comttk rilfL It l? di'.tfrri.u % d it ;?u? ttva* Itlr l>li I l* ><. - ? ?a?lnd It. ll an* f t toe to f ?ka itir fiirtt ?tuaa*< h fluid* harmi*,*. r/Li?? In ki tim<? and i?ut jv?i ha \ ?at f-m ??">' Hrllrf l? ao qui'k It l? uiirlnf ai l ??>* 23o N?mh ptoiaa II Am for UaU aoa for launnil^ ' i? rite I lei aid $1.50 A Year U want in tires perfect answer savings! U.S. ROYAL MASTER far fAoir who dtniortd A America'* lorctriost ]f|/fW|{] >ak*t> tire, tir jiter a^oirts; !?* >*out? .Itld sk'Js. Sf?;pV M Wear- luf)gt * ( A * M than you think vm ouh change-over plan. U.S. ROYAL DELUXE /flfagfc W,th lemon "Broke THE I'.S. TIRE 4JBK{1 fpp flvolily of bottcm pfcv1^ ii. dbXtLif hktinicgu.uuntcc." OTOR GO. le 138 *; : : : > : > *fr { < +? .f + 4 ssociation I r 31, 1940. % I* r as Reauired bv Law/ i . ' V ? " ? : . * * ' . $ 11,287.41 t onds None $ ? ? None . ' 388,1 10.68 S to ? iiu V 4,129.00 t I 100.48 | + 350.00 t 6,400.00 | 83.50 - | None t 473.51 J $406,300.58 | nts on shares | * $373,727.66 | None 1 None Z. n n T " 1.6 J None * ot X : 25,220.53 J >rvo X 7,000.00 ! v 352.39 i $406,300.58 | < <. ? ? re named Association 1: duly sworn, says that knowledge and belief, ^ PATTERSON, I Secretary-Treasurer. *.

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