SOCIAL AND PERSONAL 1 of INTE1 I Entertains Guests Mrs. S. A. Lowery* anil Mi. and f Mrs. Arthur Hay hud as nuvsts last 'I week. Mrs. Sain W iley, then:. kinswoman. wife ol United States t'on- I sul lietteral at Portugal, and two t cousins. Oscar llay and 'Thomas 11 ay of Rulelgh. . I hi? Cliarloltte Sunday Uifacl'vet' had u from page picture of Mrs. Wiley and an interesting account of iter experiences as a resident of ho Harve at, the time of the (ionium invasion of France. Mrs. Wiley is making her home, temporarily with ' her daughter in Salisbury. She plans to spend sometime witli iter, son in Texas and will later join iter lius- , band at hisboa. ? ; ' ' ( ... -- ' Rumford Riddles ~ - " ? ~ i Why .Joes Mrs. Thomas i use a telescope ? I LLq^\ ! ; SHE S finding out fhof PUMFn>RP contains no olunt , never It o?ft 1 tf ill f .n't. J FREE. Send for NEW booVlot. containing * >!*?>? I . of i>right ideas to improve your bokin; Aid ;?? Rumford BO'xing Powder box K Rumford PI.' ? I WHAT IS THE PREVE + No one knows as yet, but t load up on Vitamens mro I gether with good assortr and Cold Medicines. I Kings Mount! I The Rex FRIDAY ANI H MARX m&r | MONDAY aiu I M yjfw ^ I wctum * ? A KING VIOCR PRODUCTION with Oscar H< St.?PI., E, SEN HSCHT i?i CHARLES LEC s . . . . * . . . ? ' . WEDNESDAY & 10c, ir> UROL FLYNN#^B I I | mgtm W^^wk tAYMOMD MASWY^IOlfP V*Ua t?. V" V., IM -, .Co.- - ro Otmad fcf M: OHA1 t. ' fl'i * / - DI3 " ^ -nrtfr-? , : .... 4 - > _, * * - HAPPENINGS REST to 1 PHONES 10 R AND 88 M i>! it ?? ....?.< Meeting of Gleaners Clas Airs. Itav Kiniy a..?l M. - Clti Km thing wei:? Inisti sues lu llU'l .el* ol tile Oli altera Class ?it ll "list Itupt 1st Suinlap Sellout; i lilt' uiiiiug Saturday ufteriioon at''Mr -'ui tiling's apartment on Kli ;ti;?i*t. v Airs. Kintiiir Huberts l ;!? elil< uliimi'iii. featuring* etijoyuble id ,C*8tH..' * 1' ' * . ? ' AfU'l' lire business session tl luStesaes served it salad Colin villi accessories. Jkh. Has Weiner Roast /^Tlie Mounds of Dc.illi Club" in it Johnny plonk's "uouso Pridi night for a welner roust. Welne v'ere roasted. corn 'popped^nnd ;ood time was had by all. This cli as just been organized with tl following members: Walter Marine lohliny Plonk. Joe lihyne, Peggy i hur. Dorcas Carpenter, Lettoi Plonk. Hill Harmon, Hill McMuekl Dan Pressley, Jean Webb and Ml] red Mae Goforth. The Hounds r I'erate and are friends of ever liody. Sunday Guests Mr. aitd Mrs. Gilbert llprtl had I Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mt Lloyd Patterson and cntinren, isu unl Don. Mr, and Mrs. John W Ituins and Bottv Wlllhn'ns Mr. at Mrs'. Eugene Patterson. INT ATI VE FOR FLU? it is Good Insurance to r. We have them all toitent of Cough Syrups tin Drug Co. all Store \ i ' y 5 \ 4 4 .?? bAAAI. AAAAi.1 .t. .t. it. -*--* * * * rTTTTTTTTTTTTTyTTTTTTTTTT ) SATURDAY Ma i f' - h 1 TUESDAY u??* 7 nt?t GABLE LAMARR MNOLKA Felix BRESSART li? 5 )ERER PfodMctd by (3ouln?d k?inh?idl tTHURS DAY c, 20c IIVU leHAHIUAND jga III S5AGAN AL&N HALS ;f Ct-.w.j ?J Sg J*jr" *\ HUm im?. a ." *.- *4. ". ,> ..mid tiny ' ^ ? ** '- - ' ' . V * * I LIE" . v . ->vv . _ ' N-'* >. - ) w /if-!//; v - j. ? r : * i WOMEN MRS- A H. PATTERSON, is Demonstration Club Meets < .Tlit* J'Ultfi'j'oii Orovv Home I ?t moiltsialiOu (Mull-uii'i ut holm,ii| Mi v I'l iia I- alls lin TIiiiihuu), * Jiuiti.iis lii. with .Mi's. HuilU-r Ware jiiinl liVnitcsH. Miss IliasHeai-, lh<" , uuMl.y home a went, uavi 'un lit11.' ^ l?'i?MitiR ;s?lk about th?? utftmiv o? wot'k .Urt tin* til ClfvirtaiHl J I"J !?.*: \ <>1111111; . I-IIC o main project. is'Home H? nut if ha lion I III; hostesses HtH VOll a 'leliciottb 'salad aliil , swie! < 0111 si*.. The next mk 'Hiik will !)' in-Ill "* ?ii :ihv luiiue of Mrs. Howard Ware mi Kil?. I.i wiili Mrs. U. <'. (Uuitt I,,, .is Jiiinl hostess. if >llian-Hort'man Marriage ' Tin- murilaue of Miss kdna Minn ( ilsflnKiii uliii Hubert Fulton Allien ct oqk place in quiet ceremony last rj* Saturday evening at 8:0U o'clock ai rs Central Methodist Church. Al)r II. C. a Sprinkle. 6lTi< ipied. Otrly 'inembotvs ib o: the immediate families of thecou ie pie were present. > 1 The bride, who is tjie attractive Vr and accomplished daughter of Mr. ra and Mrs. Ivan Franklin Hoffman. II. was lovolv in a costume suit '! du'stv a- rose ami off-the-faoe hat of match o- jug shade. Her other accessories ?\ Myers' Dre " 1 i V ... ? ? I ? . ?' . ' ?'\ ' . . .. . . . . , ?ji,'j* , i ? - - . . , : 17, -f, > ' . I to spend a few days between eiamO I Mrs My rou Hhyiie \lr> (J. |> Ham fob: In ami Miss Mar* Ilebm , llaiiibi iclit a if eontiiied at home w ijtli the' tlu. ?' . *. ?o? Mr. ami Mrs. JIublMnI t*antlier of Kay?\tfylilf spent the past workr-nii witr Mr t'anther's parents, Mr. I and Mrs. J (). I'antlu r. ...... . H11.1 L. I.vim .soil of Mr. and Mrs j It. S Lynn, has broil transferred from ilie Hnwailits . tne J I' S Army to.Koi'S llhli)K \yliero lie j will assist in training enrollees. i I . ! " ' . * " * j" ' Li--" ; : ? ^ Mi yyron Heeler and Miss Mat-;! Iin Kiatic < Motilll ate in N'"\y York ; i'lty on a buyii>K trip for Kretcfk ; I If pa : ' itiei ' Store Mr. Keet"r at tnnffil th?- iuuiigntatioM iti Wash. Muiiilay. ? M ii.>! Mrs. I'. It Mcimltm pro j having Huml.iv in if J t 11 ?1 a nicftiiif! | of l Ik- National Oitt nit Com m il of ' .Vitiult'ii to In Id in Augusta. Ga.. } Mr. I!> Vinton Is a iliirtMlor of the Council. ' ' . j . . - o~ Mr and Mrs. Krskine Klelnrrt and '""l-ahy and Mr. Krnest' Ssatiilp.son. all' Kings ( Mountain. Mesjters KIHnert. pltd [and Samlet-son have ii(:cc|itfd a posl Hon with the- Kings Mountain Foundry: Cotton Comforter Program Started j A cotton comforter program, as a |Mtppleineiit u> the cotton mattress j I program. has boon stalled iu North , i Carol'ita. annoulices Mi'ss Ituth . eurvent. State home demonstration i agent of N. State College, Kvery, | family who has ricri. il a notion ( mattress is eligible *o .reeeiv.?-' tour pounds of eolton atnl 10 yards of i'pen ale with which to niiike a cotnj fort. The program of distributing stirJ plus cotton to low income families ' is sponsored by the Siait College I Extension Service, lite AAA. ami the Surplus Marketing AdmhiistiaI tinit of the- U. S. Department of Agriculture. Although the mattress program did not start until mid-sunnner of 1940 in most of the counties, alt-cad: 19.069 mattresses have been made, in 83 counties, and about 46."00 more applications are on hand. Of these, some 24.000 have been approved and cotton and ticking is on hand in'the counties for making these mattresses. . j We feel that the comforter program will be a greal aid in our program of helping low income rural lamiltes. ,Miss Current declared. We expect to place 50 pound cotton mat tresses in 100.000 North Carolina (arm homes, and that means all of these families can receive a comfort thereby sleeping not only on a corner of the cotton surplus, but under a part of it.The comforts will be made in the mattress-making centers, aud coinI petent supervisors will be on hand to allow the families how to make the comforts, just as they are now * ! instructing in the making of the maftresse.s. The only charge for these materials Is a smal fee for the i cost of such materials as thread, | t needles, and fuel to heat the ctnters , This usually amounts to $1.00 per mattresB. .; 1 CANT ifrit* wl take ; your rr is ! ?. a i ) billboard * KCEMENT if Myers' Dress Shoppe ?xt week selecting new d will be glad to do perone desiring this* service. sss Shoppe * 3 81.50 A Year ? The 'lerald ?r 81.50 A Year ] 1 'Lmwi2 \ , ... .j _ ^ 9BJ9MMH.5 595 315SS? 5MJ9 7913TMPJ5. HSLT S1I55 m I exclusively gL2 print Redwood "/an. ^m'^^m. 62 F * ^^TSPIB Pvf little maid ... a tailored Vjfc H^J \ Irock ol Tropic Isle spun V'? C? 1 rayon with buttons down VL> ??; 1 Aqua. Tawny \ 1 Tan Bay Blue Hall sizes' \ \ | Jfih lo 24 ^ .... . $6.50 \ | I Myers' Dress Shoppe ?SECOND FLOOR? * " K '.-'"-fl > ' /-.'I