JPr' ' . - ' Wr P * - - ^ i Church Ni Boyce Memorial 7 A. R. P. Church , H. N. Ilairii, Minister. U> W A. M. Bible School: J. L. " Superintendent. II.09 A . M. Morning Worship and :?wiwwi; "An inferior Prayer.' 1.20 P M Auxiliary ;I)tty, follow?* organizations' meet: Men of The " . ifki/rifc; Woman's Missionary Socle ? Y I'. C. U . Junior P. U. > 1* M This Church will bo 4?.wt '(n Ilin I'isgah, Ilesso.-ricr City tit Second (iasiouia congregations iu a Psalm Sing. ~ ... '? " Jo I' M Wednesday: Vesper Senr(< ? ? led by Iter. I I. Kcliols on " tt?. Jigvh iltl ' , " , , ' a . i m Presbyterian Church Ret P I). Patrick Pastot 0:45 A M Sunday School. Mr. C>.P. Thomtisson, supi. (1:90. A M. Mornhg Worship X 2o p M Sunday School at Plx Hchooj House Mr. J. -fi Parru- i '4 5c 1' M Voiiiik People's-\*e*p#fa. r Id, 1 II Il'? ... ft. I .. ? i??? r ? nrvniiiK ?? ummp- " i*l jm>ivU'?'? each ni^lit at quu,: rs?ULTS ? LOW COST I HIMID Classified Ads t 2c a word for flrat insertion; ~ half price for subsequent Inter- V tiona. \ > Minimum charge 25c. w V Do not ask for Information regarding "keyed" ads, at they are ( strictly confidential. M trror it made. The Herald !a c responsible for only one incorrect Insertion. The customer i* retpontitle for subsequent insertions. The advertiser should notify lm- ^ mediately of any corrections needWant ads are always cash in 11 advance except to busineaa men or concerna having accounts with this newspaper. tr. COST: insurance rale book. Kinder picas.? icturii to Tolly Shuford. " TOR SALE: One linhi Trailer. Good rendition, with connection. $12.00. Apply Sftft West (Inld street. ^ pi kAHUt iilUbK LUUAN'9 GEM VuraJMirct Polis. Kings Mountain . Furniture Co. 12-12tf j, REMEMBER ?On Saturday you get w wri? of our delicious Banana. Splits C for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug ai Company. .. . . P | FOR PROMP SENDY :: LAUNDRY and I>1 :: to u Modern Sanitai NEW-WAY Gastonia's Oldest, 1 Branch Office 292-29' J no. R. Rankin, Pres. ; "Send Your Dry Cleanin | Phones 166 and 844 > ... ; THE CLAN? r-njustsaw a l?> nouu an't/? if v/iuan fiotscown^v au up in an'exptosion IT aint that "oic r-'l^ Awpoc t) ATB ThOUCft ? <?f "* ^ i L i Hfe- .. ' ' .. ;v : -: " ????_???, 3WS-1 : 30 P. M. Monday 7:0 0 P. M. Boy Scouts. 'rooi? One, Mr. Carl Davidson, .cout master; Messrs Harry Page nd Bill Thomson, Asst. Scoytmassrs. LUTHERAN CHURCH . Herman G. Fisher, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. D. C. tauney. Superintendent Morning Worship at 11:00 A. M. Sermon: 'The Transfiguration." Junior Children of the Church at 45 P. M. Intermediate Luther League at : 00 P. M. Senior I.other League at ? p M. Evening Worship at 7:00 p. M. A Missionary Pageant presented y the Senior Luther League. We Welcome YoU. Central Methodist Church ^ " J * ? ' ?' ? - ^ - a > - ? - '(.v J JJUJllL. Jl.l" f-MSA" ' IS A. M Church School, II. 8. 'color. General Superintendent. II ::u A. ft. Morning Worship. Seunoii: "MoVe Thau Couquerocs.' ".<H) I' M. Junior Cbolr, Miss 'Miolyn Carlisle, director. 6.15- I'. M. Epwortli League. 7: nit I'. M Studio Evangelist W. iarl Armstrong and musicians, Hev. . L. Jlugites' and Uev. M. L. MechMonday -3:30 P. M. Circles of the Voman's Society of Christian Serice. No 1 with Mrs. J. It. .Davis; 'o. - with Mrs. Fred Wright; No. 3 itlr Mrs It. S.-Neill; and N't), i with Irs. Bessie Cantt. Monday 7:Ut? p. M. lipy Scouts. J. ?. Settlemyrc. jr., Scoutmaster. Monday 7:30 I'. M. Board of Edu-, at Ion. Tuesday 7:30 'P. M. .Board -of Stew rds. Wednesday 7:30 P. M. Prayer looting. Wednesday 8.15 P. M. Choir Prao. ice. First Baptist Fhurch A. G. Sargeanl. Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 11:00. Junior Worship 11:00 in the fie an room. . Sunday School 9:40 Intermediate B. T. U. 6; 30 p m. Sunday Evening Service 73;0- Therstor's sermon subject: "The Sail ul Tlte Light.' Special County. Wide Deacons lectins under the leadership of Dr. . E. Burroughs of Nashville. Tenn.. Ul he held at the First Baptist hutch. Shelby on nights of Februry 3rd. 4, and 5. from 7:30 "to 0:30 . M. Between four and five bund< i* > { > > < > > 4 4 > > * T SERVICE * * OUR | * IY CLEANING I C? t 0 * ? ?? ?? ? ry Method > ? ? LAUNDRY it Largest and Best 1 West Main Ave. J as. W. Ratakin, Seel * - <1 g With Your Laundry" ;; Gastonia, N. C. < I | CY KIDS Ohl Th< . I1 wen. I KNOW A WOR I-rVVT. / ITHAM TMATPVpm iFuc^gooTlJ ^ ?- rrs i A Mw?eoofr?eQ( t vick * ,?j J?S^9L^1TLions ai -1 ~ oum^ O cvtatYAAt* i hsl ,cu s? thktx> .' _ /. ;'.t, :. - . * . *" '' & j'v . . >?' ' ' " ; ' ' - , . ' >:? THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, T red deacon* from the Baptist Char- 4 chea or Cleveland County are ex pected to attend this meeting. Regional Conference Meeting will be held at the First Baptist Church. Shelby, on Wednesday. February ? 6. from 9:v0 A. M. to 4:30 P. M Conferences and inspirational addresses by our State Leaders. AH c teachers and officers of the Sunday I School and Church are urged to at- a tend this meeting. ? . , * UK ACE METHODIST \ S. W. Johnson. Pastor 9:4f> Church School, Frank Green 1 Superintendent 11:00 Morning worship and eet> j * inou. I <. <8:00 p. m. Epworth League. < 7 p.. m. Worship service and sei^ . nton. . 1 7:<?Q p. m. Wednesday prayer J service. . v Park-Grace Bible. Church 1 John L. Gregory, Pastor 1 Sunday 8chool 9:46 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. 3 7:00 P.. M. Evening Service#. Ruiidav even In a Service 7:00. 8 listlc service. " . I Second Baptist Church , Rev. C. C. Parker. Paator , Sunday School 9:43 each Sunday. J Preaching 11 a. m. and t:SO p. m each Sunda;. Wesleyan Methodist 11. I* Phillips, Pastor Sunday School 9:46. Morning Service 11:00. W-. Y. P. S. or Class meeting 6:16 Prayer Service Wednesday 7:00 Evening Service 7:00. Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick. Pastor Sunday School 9:45. M. B. Caldwell. Supt. Morning Worship 11:00. Evening Worship 7:00. Prayer service Wednesday even Ing 7:00. > All are welcomed to come and worship with us, TRUSTEE'S 8ALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that cerr tain Deed of Trust evecuted by Tom Jackson and wife, Addie Jackson, dated January 2, 11934. recorded In Book 188 at page 62. Register of Deeds Oclce for Cleveland County, North Carolina, default haying been made in the payment of the ludebted ness thereby secured and pursuant to demand of the holder of the notes described therein, the undersign erl ' Trustee will' sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In front of the Courthouse door, in the Town of Shelby. North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock noon, Monrlo? 1A 1A41 tL- K * ? i i cu, iu. uii, iuv ucicuiai- m tor described lands: Beginning at a stone in Adam's line. Turner's corner, and runs with Turner's line North 58 West 4.00 chains to an iron stake: thence North 71 West 5.50 chains to a stake in old. line? thence with old lino Nortr 4East 3.00 chainB to an iron stake, new corner; thence with a new line South 80 East 9.50 chains to a stake in Adam's line; thence wjth said line South 4V4 West 5.50 chains to the beginning, containing 31-2 acres more or 'ess. A reserve of 12 feet is made aloug the line running down tlie Branch for a road. Also Lot number 4 of the Fielding Bell division in No. 4 Township near drover, N. C., and bounded as follows. Beginning at a Hickory, Bell's cor ner; thence West 36 poles to ft stake and pointers; thence 170 poles to a stake; thence East 36 poles to a stake and pointers; thence 170 poles to a stake; thence East 36 poles to a stake; thence North 170 poles to tbe beginning, containing 38Vi acres more or less, and being a part of the T. A. Adam's land and situated near drover, N. C. mh. J - it ? - ~ -? - i no buuvc uoBcnoea lanus win at sold subject to a prior lien held by the Federal Farm Land Bank. ThU 9th day of January, 1941. J. B. Bills, Trustee, adv?Jan 30?H. it's Different. r-Wtt How wotu.o ~ S/ano I L|A"? ro Be HUH6 isstttw a dc atm fof YA- 6ECL- isctcha m) ^?^0C SCARCE y gp . 8 J. ;. > . , . /- v'i kV vkwiv'W ?? -' ' " ? I HUR4DAY, JANUARY M. 1M1. ~ > ?? >? ? ? ?? of Mr. ft RAMBLING SKETCHES OF OAK GROVE NEWS I ghters. 1 (By Mr*. William Wright) were Kr ***** * family o A very large crowd attended prea M(. 0f hlng services Sunday morning. The Morganii uistor, Kev. W. L. Hawkins, brought ^.uh (h| i fdrceful message which was enjoy Mr8 pe[ id by a spell-bound congregation. .* ipecial guests ou bis program were mmmmmmm he Johnsou family of Vale, N. C. Chey are gospel singers representi\g James D. Vaughn. Mrs. Lee i! km ton is seriously ill vith flu. Mr. C. N. Porter has been lulte ill for the past few- days. Litle Miss Kern Bell Is sick with flu. dr. Marvin Wright and daughter 2 tave the-flu. Mrs. Sum Lovelace and drs. Maytne Uibbson ure a'so ill villi the flu. Mr. and Mr*. James S. Ware spent Friday at the bedside of Mrs. Bontie Kllioitc who Is a patient In a .ineoluton hospital. Mrs. Ware and drs KUiotte are sistera . ' The writer and family eutertalned i it dinner ^imduy. ^i "?d ? 111 mi 11 it. uuiu ui uiii. ir^ mil Rt'Vi , Luther Hawkins of (laaonli. Sunday dinner ituesls of - Mr. and drs. K. t\ Waie and" children were 111mm Daily Hawkins and Velina Clncatd of Uasto.ila. Ml is Bottle and md Marshall Johnson of Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Wpodrow Ware rom The Best Town In the atate | (lugs Mountain were Sunday gueil?|MHM Own Yc We Have Monei If you desire to Build, Buy or I S BB I IIMK - I | ' t*^:itW^ f\ ' ^5B ,r 1 9 toS\ wl I $5SEr ikWft v9 iL ^2sksi??5II^5SS i 'V ?| ElWfcft. >SjiSBp88SBSSl 1? " ? 7^W77lCaBBQ| 80th Series NOW IS THE TIME TO LAY 1.', ' . t V . s / N - ' y*vl The first step to home owners! If you are ready to start build project. If you want to build oi ing a little now.- Take a few sh $100.00 and costs only 25 cent Kings Mountain Member F Officers W. K. Mauney, President J. C. Keller, Vic^-Pretldent J. C. Lackey, Sec'y-Treaeurer Mr*. Maude R. Crouse, Aaalatant Sec'y-Treaeurer b /v(mm /?j co(he]( l#jp i jhomcatonce!) \WA j oh! w\ttill j ezkm , iGZTYOV J)A jmuh.-take 1 womcjj / dr| ioa^n that > -4^ ttittw r&jcageme-l ia" i h /; ,/" v" " ..'v'* -. '''mj': *' - '" . l%: - *v nd Mrs. J. O. Lovelace. d Mrs. Frank Ware and dau Jo Rflttv* Misses Pauline and Virginia tday night supper greats of .. -^k Mrs. John Hawkltns and ^ ' f Oastonla. J|1 W C ML ML ML id Mrs. Horace McSwaln of XiUafWWWwMWi 3n were week end visitors ^^^^^jousxiAauiatAiyf.MOMOsot* ) former's parents. Mr and rry McSwaln. THE FAMILY FOOD DRINK Sunrise Dairy Pasteurized ? |A Milk is enjoyed by the en- M"l( *f\ lire family. Order >our,s today and keep them well . and Happy. liLaMMfiK f' ? r ii '[ j, % ' f ' tur Home 1 To Loan Immediately lemod el, we invite you to See Us At Once . J If you have already picked out I L the home you want, approved] Tv' loans can be made and the mon l ey Rotten within a few days. We >have ample money for immediK ate use. Legal and appraisal ~ ?Mb fees are the lowest possible. No fc:;' one gets a "rake off" on your g, ^ loan. H LOANS MADE TO REPAIR YOUR HOME ? ON SHORT NOTICE! The systematic and sure Kings I Mountain Building and Loan I ??rn?r ?r? 1 tir<4 mi t may la juai an up uvuvn money for repairs, or remodeling, as it ns to buy or build a home. Smaller sums are available just as quickly on approved loans for any improvements. Opens February 1st THE FOUNDATION FOR A HOME OF YOUR, OWN ; dp is id become a member of our Association, ing at once we will be glad to finance your ' boy at some future date, you can start saVares or many .... each share matures at I per week. Building & Loan Assn. 'ederal Home Loan Bank Directors W. K. Mauney v C. W. Hullender J. C. Kallar D. S. Hamrlck R. L. Mauney W. M. Qantt J. R. Davie J. C. Jolly L. P. Baker J. t. Lackev By PP.Rry l. CRdSBY r-* PLCA se COM 6 u?rr? ym&r wicwe - don't cha see?ma L WOUtON 7 DARE SAY N6rttfN' m?W/ TO MC IF YboVjc THERE - C'MON ./ )VA WON'T DCTERT A PAL AT V^' '"' :" V'"' '-'-;L-. , ' ' ' ffifffi.jjflf|H

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